Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 861: Chain Strategies

"What's your proposal? Tell me now!"

"If you keep me in suspense, I will bring my whole clan to challenge you!"

After hearing what Lingbi Tiger Demon said, many cultivators wanted to know what his proposal was.

Lingbi Tiger Demon smiled and said, "Everyone, let me ask you first, who has slaughtered the most cultivators of our demon clan?"

"It's humans!" Lingbi Tiger Demon answered himself.

Of course, many cultivators here have rolled their eyes at Lingbi Tiger Demon. After all, he is a tiger demon. He has swallowed countless demon beasts since his spiritual intelligence was born, not to mention the terrifying ghosts in the black fog around him.

If he is second in slaughtering demons, I guess the refining demon cultivators of Xingyuan Mountain would not dare to claim to be the first.

Of course, this is a gathering of demons, so naturally everyone looks at things from the perspective of the demon clan. Therefore, no demon cultivator dared to expose it, otherwise he would probably be accused of being a spy within the demon clan and swallowed by this group of guys who eat demons without spitting out bones.

Lingbi Tiger Monster seemed to have been brewing emotions for a long time and said: "Everyone, my demon race has been bullied by human cultivators. They have been invading our territory. They occupied Yuanchen Mountain Range tens of thousands of years ago and swallowed up Lingfeng Mountain Range thousands of years ago..."

"The loss of Yuanchen Mountain has left my people without a home. The loss of Lingfeng Mountain has left me without immortal jade..." Lingbi Tiger Monster was excited, with a tiger's low whimper in his voice, and a wave of sad atmosphere infected many demon cultivators.

Lingbi Tiger Monster had received professional guidance from Qian Duoduo some time ago, and his acting skills had been greatly improved. At this time, he was used to deal with a group of rough cultivators of the demon race, and he was naturally successful in an instant.

"Are you saying that we should go 'hunting' for human cultivators?" Xiao Tianbao said.

"Yes, we can't fight among ourselves. Let's use the hunted human cultivators as a bet. Whoever wins will become the boss of Wan Yao Valley. How about this proposal?" Lingbi Tiger Monster finally made his proposal after a lot of preparations.

"Yes, this is a good proposal. It will not only not hurt the relationship, but also help us demons to vent our anger!" Snake Bing of the giant snake clan nodded. His son was killed by Cang Xuanxin of Yuanchen Sect, so he hated the human cultivators.

As for the fox clan leader Hu Qi and the rhino clan elder Xi La, they were unwilling to participate.

They have already surrendered to the Lingbi Tiger Demon, and they have received the promise of the Lingbi Tiger Demon that they will be given the position of deputy valley master. Naturally, they are no longer willing to fight with human cultivators.

As for the Night Owl Clan led by Xiao Tianbao, the Crazy Wolf Clan led by Kuang Ya, and the Giant Snake Clan led by Snake Bing, they are eager to fight.

Then, under the instigation of the Lingbi Tiger Demon, these demons followed the greedy clan leader and embarked on the journey of "sneak attack" on the human race of Lingfeng Mountain in the east without sufficient preparation.

In fact, Fang Yang and his team had already calculated that if Lingbi Tiger Demon wanted to establish Wan Yao Valley, there would be many powerful demon tribes who would want to intervene and gain power.

Therefore, Fang Yang and his team asked Lingbi Tiger Demon to arrange this strategy to eliminate dissidents. Obviously, these demon tribes who were not fully prepared would be like a meat bun hitting a dog, facing the well-prepared army of monks of Yuanchen Sect, and they would never return.

Soon, these demon tribe monks left the depths of Xingyuan Mountain Range from several roads according to their ethnicity.

However, as soon as they left Xingyuan Mountain, they were immediately ambushed by human monks.

After Snake Bing rushed out of Xingyuan Mountain Range with a bunch of giant snakes, he encountered Yuanchen Sect monks head-on. At this time, the demon tribe monks found that the Yuanchen Sect monks who were ambushing here seemed to have been preparing for a long time. One by one, the formations were activated, and flying swords fell from the sky.

"They... They actually ambushed us here..." Snake Bing's face changed drastically, and he immediately ordered all the giant snake tribe monks to flee back.

However, the Yuanchen Sect cultivators would never miss this good opportunity. Led by Sheng Yuanshan, seven or eight cultivators of the Refining Void Stage began to besiege She Bing. Although She Bing was very powerful, he could not compete with seven or eight cultivators of the same level.

Soon he was slashed by a sword light from Sheng Yuanshan and fell from the air.

Like She Bing, Xiao Tianbao and Kuang Ya also faced almost the same attack.

This battle lasted less than a day, and many of the demon cultivators who opposed the Lingbi Tiger Monster were wiped out. She Bing and Kuang Ya even had their demon cores dug away.

Only Xiao Tianbao, the patriarch of the Night Owl Clan, relied on the natural magical power of birds to escape.

Xiao Tianbao also wanted to accuse the Lingbi Tiger Monster, because if it weren't for the Lingbi Tiger Monster's instigation, their clans would not have acted impulsively and been ambushed by the Yuanchen Sect cultivators.

Of course, the Lingbi Tiger Demon began to complain, saying that this was Xiao Tianbao's own decision, and he did not ask them to die.

Facing the Lingbi Tiger Demon, who was as thick-skinned as a mountain, the seriously injured Xiao Tianbao had no way to deal with it. In addition, the Night Owl Clan suffered heavy losses, so he did not dare to shout in front of the Lingbi Tiger Demon.

In this way, the Lingbi Tiger Demon used the hands of the Yuanchen Sect cultivators to achieve the purpose of eliminating dissidents.

At the same time, the human cultivators led by Sheng Yuanshan were very successful, killing more than a dozen demons in the Refining Void Stage, and countless demon cultivators in the God Transformation Stage.

This made Sheng Yuanshan's reputation soar in the sect, and the Cang family couldn't help but look up to him. After all, Sheng Yuanshan was under the slogan of revenge for the Cang family cultivators this time.

This battle was actually the result of Fang Yang's careful planning.

From then on, the Lingbi Tiger Monster had no powerful opponents among the monsters in the Xingyuan Mountains. It can be said that after this battle, Fang Yang and his team gained military merits, the Lingbi Tiger Monster eliminated dissidents, and the Yuanchen Sect and the Cang family gained face, which can be said to be killing two birds with one stone.

After that, Fang Yang and his team began to prepare to impact the Refining Void stage.

There are two ways to impact the Refining Void stage. One is to take the Refining Void Pill and cooperate with the advanced exercises to advance with the grinding skills.

This method has no hidden dangers. The only problem is that the Refining Void Pill is too rare.

If you use the demon pill to advance, although the demon pill is easier to find, there are many hidden dangers after the advancement. Because the demon cultivators have complicated exercises, the power in their demon pills has too many impurities.

Although the inner pill of the demon beast in the Refining Void stage is very helpful for advancing to the Refining Void, there are great hidden dangers after advancing in this way.

Most cultivators who advance in this way will find it difficult to make further progress. Therefore, if there are conditions to get the Refining Void Pill, most cultivators will not use this method to advance.

Then, surprisingly, Sheng Yuanshan soon announced that the cultivators on his side, including Fang Yang, would use the looted demon pills as raw materials and directly absorb the essence in the demon pills to reach the Void Refining Stage.

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