Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 890 The Mystery of Exploding Sky

Just like that, Fang Yang and the others swept through sects one by one as if they were purchasing goods.

Because they are extremely sneaky and well-prepared, and there are spies from the demon world in each sect in the book of inner demons, they can easily sneak into the mountain-protecting formations of these sects.

Fang Yang and the others looted the most precious treasures from the five sects' treasure houses and returned immediately.

At the same time, in order to muddy the waters, Fang Yang and the others also left information about the Zhatian Gang to spread suspicion.

The Dongxuan Grand Arena is considered a grand event in Dongxuan Immortal City. This arena was held for a total of seven days and seven nights.

In the end, there were not many things that troubled the Yuanchen Sect in this arena competition. Instead, a disciple of the Yuanchen Sect named Nuopo shined with a long halberd.

You must know that Nuopo is practicing the secret method of the ancient witch clan. The more he fights, the stronger he becomes.

Therefore, he is very happy with things like the arena competition.

He even set a record of thirty-five consecutive victories directly in the arena. From the early stage of Xuzhou Refinement, to the middle stage of Xudu Refinement, and then to the late stage of Xudu Refinement, he dared to challenge one another and kept winning.

He was as unmoving as a nail in the ring.

Although he was only in the early stage of Void Refining, his powerful style made Yuanchen Sect famous and gained a lot of mineral resources for the sect.

Cang Xuanxin was overjoyed to learn about Nuopo's achievements and directly gave him the position of chief administrator.

After that, Fang Yang and the others settled down in Dongxuan Immortal City and started practicing.

Of course, Fang Yang also has many clones. He can use the clones to do many things for himself, while his true body is always hiding in the cave, secretly absorbing the power from the heavenly spirit stone.

All the major sects have shared a lot of benefits through this competition. Because Yuan Chen Sect performed extremely well this time, the major sects were even more wary of it and did not dare to embarrass it. Instead, they began to attack some small and medium-sized sects, constantly eroding the interests of small and medium-sized sects.

It was a year after the closing of this arena that each sect gradually discovered that the most important treasures in the sect were missing.

Because these treasures are under the protection of layers of restrictions, it is too troublesome to access them, so they are often used only once in a hundred years.

After discovering that the treasures were missing, all the major sects were dumbfounded. They had no idea when the treasures were lost.

Leaving behind the sect's treasure is a big deal.

None of the leaders of these famous sects dared to admit that the sect's inherited treasure was left in their hands.

If they continue to publicize that their most important treasure has been stolen, it means that the sect's strength begins to decline rapidly, which will inevitably attract the attention of their enemies and lead to greater disasters.

Therefore, without exception, these major sects tried their best to cover up this secret and began to investigate secretly. The only clue they had was about the ancient secret sect "Exploding Heaven Gang".

These five major sects began to inquire about news about the Zhatian Gang.

Even these old guys will change their demeanor when they meet.

"You Jiuling Sect are in such a hurry and panic to find out the news about the Zhatian Gang. Could it be that the Nine Spirits Immortal Mirror in your sect's treasure house has been stolen by the Zhatian Gang?"

"Bah! How is it possible? The Nine Spirits Immortal Mirror of our Jiuling Sect is an ancient fairy treasure. It was left by our founding ancestor. It is protected by layers of restrictions. It is absolutely impossible to lose it easily. I'm afraid your Feixian Sect records the secret method of ascension. The "Flying Immortal Book" could have been stolen!"

"Hey, hey, hey, you can eat whatever you want, but you can't say anything! Our Feixian Sect has been inherited for tens of thousands of years, and even the Mahayana monks can resist the sect's restrictions. The Zhaotian Gang must also know that we have a long inheritance, and their goal How could it be our Feixian Sect! Our Feixian Sect has more than 10,000 levels of restrictions. Even if the Red Moon Treasure Barrier of the Red Moon Sect is stolen, we will be safe!"

"You old fool! What are you talking about? Our Red Moon Sect is extremely powerful in terms of the protective formation, and we also have the means given by our sect's saint. No matter how powerful the Bombing Sky Gang is, they will not dare to enmity with us. ! Now I’m worried that the few sword arrays of the Xuankong Sword Sect may have been stolen!”

"You old pious woman! What are you talking about? The treasure house of our Hanging Sword Sect is built in the sword tomb. There are thousands of sword intentions in it, embodying the power of our ancestors in the past generations. Even if the Mahayana monks rashly enter the sword tomb , will also be destroyed by Wanjian Guizong! Even if tens of thousands of monks attack, they may not be able to enter it! It should be very dangerous for Tianlong Zen Sect. Although they have nothing to do with the world, they have accumulated so much wealth over the past ten thousand years that it is difficult to protect them. Those crazy monks from the Zhatian Gang will not attack them!"

Having said this, many monks all looked at the old guys from Tianlong Zen Sect.

"The Tianlong Zen Sect is the leader of the right path, and monks don't lie. Just ask them directly and you should have the answer!" Then many monks looked expectantly at the combined monks of the Tianlong Zen Sect.

At this time, several old monks from the Tianlong Zen Sect were asked if they knew about the Zhaotian Gang. They simply gestured to express that they were practicing "shut-mouth Zen" and could not speak. This made the bosses of each sect express a sense of disappointment.

These monks of the Tianlong Zen Sect are all eminent monks, and it is a precept not to lie. Of course, none of these old monks dare to say anything about the loss of the sect's "Secret Method of the Golden Body of the Heavenly Dragon".

As a result, several old guys gathered together and started to practice closed-mouth meditation in unison. "Shut-up Zen" is a Buddhist Zen practice method, which means prohibiting oneself from speaking.

Buddhism believes that the reincarnation of all living beings is caused by the three karmas of body, speech and mind. If these three karmas are eliminated, they can be liberated quickly. After several old monks practiced silent meditation, the monks from various sects could not ask them anything.

Although the monks did not say a word, they made many sects understand a lot of information.

So all the major sects were secretly looking for all the news about the mysterious sect "Zhatian Gang".

The five major sects suffered a loss, so they naturally put their suspicion on Yuanchen Sect.

They also began to speculate whether it happened during the ring competition. Of course, they had no evidence at all.

Such a monk who could invade the restrictions of the five major sects in a short time must be extremely terrifying.

If Yuanchen Sect had such a strong strength, then there would be no need to give them face and participate in the ring battle. Wouldn't it be more refreshing to directly wipe out the five sects?

Moreover, when the battle took place in the ring that day, all the elite warriors of Yuanchen Sect were present, and almost every cultivator was present at the ring, so there was no chance for the crime to be committed.

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