Qingyuan Immortal Palace

Chapter 977: The Palace of Merit

At this time, Lord Qilin was wearing a gorgeous black robe, with shoulder-length black hair and a face like a crown of jade.

However, there was a cold look on his face, as if he was thinking of some evil idea.

He was leaning on a stone bed in the center of a cave, holding an ancient wine glass in his hand.

There was scarlet liquid inside the wine glass, exuding bursts of powerful demonic power.

A high-level demon cultivator would be able to recognize that this is demon blood wine refined from the blood of demon cultivators in the Mahayana period. It was made using extremely cruel methods.

The strange scene made people feel colder and colder, and made Lord Qilin even more weird.

This is completely different from the image he displayed in front of many demon monks.

In front of ordinary demon monks, he is a worldly master who is indifferent to fame and wealth, but possesses ancient inheritance.

However, at this time, his eyes were full of greed and viciousness.

"A monster has entered the land of inheritance? Just go in. I hope they get more treasures! But no matter who gets these treasures, they will ultimately be my treasures!"

Lord Qilin smiled coldly.

Such a smile made Venerable Wangyue and Venerable Qicai feel a chill in their hearts.

However, they did not dare to show any abnormality and just waited respectfully.

At this moment, Fang Yang, the others, and King Dali Xiong had arrived at a secret void hall.

This palace is extremely vast, and is inlaid with many precious stones, making it splendid.

When it makes people feel even more mysterious, the place is actually filled with a kind of colorful light.

"This is the power of merit!" Fang Yang and He Dong were very familiar with this light.

Back then, they were trapped on earth and had to continue to accumulate merit.

It was precisely because they were blessed by the power of merit that they finally gained the power to restrain the earth's seal.

It is precisely because of this that they are very clear about the wonderful use of the power of merit.

"The restriction here is actually activated by the power of merit, and after countless thousands of years, the restriction here is still very powerful, and it seems that it has not weakened!"

He Dong is a master of formations, and he quickly saw the mystery here.

"It seems that only those with the power of merit can enter here!" King Strong Bear also said with a smile.

Fang Yang has been cultivating in the human world for hundreds of years, accumulating virtue and doing good deeds along the way. He has also defeated the powerful demons who brought harm to the people several times, subdued the Red Blood Demon Lord, the Drought Demon Body, and defeated the Great Mora King who wanted to encroach on the Spiritual Star Territory. , and the Black Hell Demon Lord of the Demon Realm who wants to plunder the relics of the Four Elephants Immortal Lord.

Fang Yang's behavior was also recognized by Heaven and he gained a lot of merit.

Therefore, he has always had great luck and great merit.

"It seems that I have taken advantage of fellow Taoist Fang!" Xiong Tianwang felt a little emotional.

"Seniors in ancient times had these restrictions. I'm afraid only people with great merit can enter this place. This is also to ensure that their inheritance will not fall into the hands of young people, thus causing harm to the common people!" Fang Yang thought in his heart! The enlightenment.

Fang Yang and the others entered this mysterious palace. The dome of the palace shone like stars, but beneath their feet was a void scene like the starry sky of the universe.

A rainbow bridge with the power of merit spread under Fang Yang's feet.

They then slowly stepped onto the Rainbow Bridge and entered this small world like a fairyland.

Fang Yang and the others were walking on the merit bridge formed by the seven-color precious light. The surrounding precious light was brilliant and surrounded by the spirit of the immortal spirit, as if they were entering the fairyland.

Suddenly, in this space, a green light appeared in front of everyone.

This green light wanders among the stars above the dome, seeming to have consciousness.

Fang Yang wanted to use the power of stealing the sky to detect this green light, but instantly felt as if his soul was being pricked by a needle.

You must know that Fang Yang's secret technique of stealing the sky can steal the secret of heaven. It is an extremely mysterious technique, but this time he still suffered a small loss.

"Hey, you little guy is a bit mysterious, you actually got such an inheritance!" At this moment, a female voice like a silver bell suddenly came from the green light.

"Greetings, senior!" Fang Yang and the others did not dare to neglect, and immediately said with their hands in hand.

"Little guy, don't you know? The purpose of practicing such a secret technique is to steal the way of heaven. If it becomes too big, it will replace the way of heaven. Aren't you afraid that the Taoist ancestors will fight you desperately?" The female voice emanating from the green light laughed.

"If the way of heaven is lacking, the rules are broken, the public is harmed and private interests are harmed, the law is bent on favoritism, and everything is treated like a cud dog, then why not replace it?" Fang Yang asked himself.

As soon as he said this, the green light stayed in the air. After a while, he slowly smiled and said: "You little guy is quite interesting!"

"But this road is extremely dangerous, so you have to take care of yourself. I'm afraid you have so many clones now just to make things easier. If you have such a big ambition, you must be cautious and move forward without hesitation." The woman in the green light encouraged.

"Remember the teachings of our predecessors!" Fang Yang said seriously.

He knew that this green light seemed to have seen through the secret method of stealing the sky that he had practiced, but it probably had not yet seen through his Qingyuan Immortal Mansion.

"You are all able to come here, you should all be people with great merits. I won't make it difficult for you. You must answer a question and you will get the ancient inheritance!" The green light smiled softly.

"Is it that simple?" Fang Yang and the others felt nervous.

It would be too weird if it was too simple to be able to obtain ancient inheritance.

Fang Yang suddenly wondered whether the anti-fraud APP he had downloaded had been filled with fake wine, or whether he had been ambushed by the ice cream assassin...

Just as Fang Yang and He Dong were still thinking about it, Green Light spoke again.

"Big guy, you go first!" Green Light looked at the Great Bear King and asked, "What do you hate the most?"

"What do I hate?" The Great Bear King was a little confused by this question. He thought about it, scratched his huge head and said, "I hate treacherous people the most!"

You know, he worked hard to build the Ten Thousand Monsters Valley in the small spirit world, and made friends with the Lingluan Mountain built by Fang Yang. The two sides developed together and supported each other and achieved remarkable results.

However, after he ascended to the fairy world, his deputy Qingfeng Jun turned his face and killed his brother Bishan Jun first, and then wanted to rob Fang Yang of the resources left in Lingluan Mountain.

In order to break the formation of Lingluan Mountain, he even came up with a bloody and brutal method.

In an instant, the small spirit world was wailing all over the field, and the blood was stained with spiritual veins.

The Ten Thousand Monsters Valley built by the Great Bear King with great effort fell apart.

If Fang Yang had not returned to the small spiritual world in time, I'm afraid the entire small spiritual world would have been bloodbathed. Hearing this news, the powerful Bear Heavenly King was trembling with anger. Therefore, he now hates those who betray their faith.

"Loyalty and loyalty, good!" Green Light said approvingly. "You can go and inherit the Taoism of one of my senior brothers."

Then the green light flashed, and the Bear Heavenly King disappeared on the spot and was teleported to another place.

Then the green light asked He Dong: "What do you hate the most?"

He Dong's eyes rolled and he said: "I hate mosquitoes the most!"

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