"The first day that Rukia left, I missed her, missed her, missed her.

I don't know if she gained weight or lost weight. Would it affect the feeling of her legs if she gained weight? Would she look too skinny if she lost weight?"

"On the tenth day after Rukia left, I missed her, missed her, and only realized after we separated that she was a soft girl."

"The second month after Rukia left, I miss her, miss her, miss her..."

"Do you still have the energy to write a diary?"

In the 10th Squadron barracks, when Nanami was busy writing something, Toushirou suddenly appeared behind her and froze her.

"I was shocked."

Laughing dryly, Qishi slowly put away the diary and asked casually,"Didn't you go to the meeting? When did you come back?""

"Just arrived."

Dong Shilang did not doubt him and told her the time when he entered the room, which made Nanami feel relieved.

Her diary was too much of a man's perspective, just like a grown man missing his beloved girl.

But she is a girl now, and a soft girl, at least on the surface.

She was already very uncomfortable, and she must not let anyone know her deep secrets.

"Okay, I'll go first."

With a dry cough, Nanami was about to run away holding the diary.

"That's right."

Toushirou called Nanami and thought for a moment and said,"Don't you want to know what this captain's meeting was about?"

Nanami was startled and her face changed after thinking about it.

Captain's meetings are not held lightly. Thinking about the day when Rukia left, she had already guessed something.

"It can't be related to Rukia, right?"

Nanami shook the diary in his hand, pretending to be joking, but in fact he was trying to get a question out of her, afraid that Toushirou would refuse to tell her if she asked him directly.

"It's related to her."

Unexpectedly, Dong Shilang nodded and admitted it directly.

"What happened?"

Qi Shi asked, pretending to be ignorant.

"She made a mistake. She gave her power of the god of death to ordinary people, so the captain planned to send someone to bring her back. Because this matter even alarmed the 46th room, a captain meeting was specially convened."

Dong Shilang told everything he knew.

When facing this sister, although he knew that she was unreliable, Dong Shilang still trusted her very much.

"I see."

Nana pretended to be indifferent, but she was actually a little concerned.

After all, they had been together for so many years, and he had rested his head on Rukia's legs many times. It would be a lie to say that he had no feelings for her.

But Nanana's reaction was a little too calm. Except for the initial fear that Toushirou would see the secrets in her diary, she didn't show any unusual behavior.

"I hope you can be more rational.

Dong Shilang said with concern:"This matter has even alarmed Room 46, so don't do anything impulsive."

"Don't worry."

Tanaka Nanami waved her hand, and in order to reassure her brother, she said carelessly:"This is only a diary about Rukia, I also have other people's diaries, everyone in the association has one, I treat them equally, so don't worry about me."

Dong Shiro covered his face with his hands, thinking to himself, sister, who asked you this, I don't care about your orientation.

With the development of the times, the Soul Society has begun to dabble in the term yuri, but no one has doubted Tanaka Nanami yet.

But Dong Shiro is different, he can be said to be the one who knows Tanaka Nanami best in the entire Soul Society.

Therefore, he has some guesses about Tanaka Nanami's orientation, but there has been no solid evidence, and he doesn't want to dig too much.

"That's all."

Nanami hurriedly said goodbye to Toushirou, hugged the diary tightly and ran back to her room.

It was rare that Nanami didn't go to the roof to bask in the sun today.

Maybe it was because she had to write a diary, or maybe it was because Toushirou was not in the room, so she was too lazy to go up.

Sitting on the tatami in her room, Nanami folded her arms and closed her eyes, trying to recall the general course of this plot.

She could say that she didn't care too much about Rukia, because there were too many female shinigami in the association....

But she remembered that Dong Shilang would still be in danger, so she had to be careful.

"Aizen, I hope you don't commit suicide."

That night, the captain of the Sixth Division, Byakuya Kuchiki, and the deputy captain, Renji Asai, went out in person and quickly arrested Rukia Kuchiki who had made a mistake.

In the second half of the night, Nanami Kagami quietly came to the squad cell of the Sixth Division, which was also the prison within the squad, wanting to visit Rukia and see what the Hogyoku was.

Unfortunately, Nanami Kagami failed because the guards refused to let her in without Byakuya's order. In addition, she was only the third seat of the Tenth Division, not the captain of the Tenth Division, and others did not give her face at all.

"It's really annoying."

In the end, Qishi could only go back indignantly....

"Why is it so noisy outside?"

In the Sixth Division's cell, Rukia heard some noises, but she couldn't make out what was going on.

"It seems that someone named Nanami wants to visit you, but the guards didn't let her in because there was no order from the captain.

Someone reported the incident to Rukia.

Rukia's face was moved. She didn't expect Nanami to come to visit her as soon as she knew she had become a criminal. She was very touched.

"It seems that all these years of sacrifice have not been in vain."

Rukia couldn't help laughing as she thought to herself.

The so-called sacrifice naturally refers to providing a knee pillow for Tanaka Nanami.

She remembered that when they first met, she was shocked by Tanaka Nanami. He actually proposed such an excessive request that he wanted to rest his head on Captain Unohana Retsu's legs. This person is too bold and too outrageous, right?

Later, not only others, but even she took the initiative to provide Tanaka Nanami with a knee pillow because of the guilt in her heart.

In order to figure out what a knee pillow is, they even studied it for a long time and practiced how to make people feel more comfortable.

Looking back now, it was really a bit stupid at the time.

Especially Tanaka Nanami's later requests were even more excessive, and he almost tricked her and Rangiku into taking a bath with her.

It was because Tanaka Nanami had a nosebleed that they discovered the abnormality and finally became a little wary of her.

""Nana, thank you."

Rukia murmured softly, because she recalled all the interesting things that happened since she met Nanami, her heavy heart relaxed a lot.

Or maybe it was because she didn't know how heavy the sentence would be. Now Rukia thought she would be fine after being locked up for a while. But she never thought that the order from the 46th room was issued overnight.

"Sentenced to death Rukia Kuchiki."

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