""It's Nanami-chan, I forgot about you." Yachiru was embarrassed when he saw Nanami. Rangiku also turned his head away awkwardly. She was the vice-captain of the 10th Division, but she forgot to bring her third seat with her when she sneaked out. Fortunately, Nanami came, otherwise, they might never remember to go back to pick her up.

"You guys are awesome."

Nanami pointed at Yachiru and Rangiku, not mentioning that if she hadn't been too embarrassed to stay at Toushirou's place, she would never have come because she couldn't find the Kuchiki family....

"Let's stop talking nonsense."

At this time, the captain of the second team, Soi-Fong, said coldly:"Don't forget today's theme, and I have team affairs to deal with later."

"Me too."

Unohana Retsu, the captain of the fourth squad, also said, meaning that they should focus on the business.


Nanami once again became extremely obedient and sat down.

For some reason, she was always restrained by Unohana Retsu. Maybe it was because she was just a little bit treacherous, while Unohana Retsu was really treacherous. She couldn't compare to him....

Then the girls stopped chatting and fooling around, and started talking about the topic.

Only one big thing happened recently, and it happened to a member of the Female Death God Association, so it is conceivable that today's topic must be related to Rukia.

Of course, they are definitely not going to talk about how to rescue Rukia.

Not to mention whether it will succeed in the end, if someone really dares to say that, I'm afraid Soi-Fong will take her own people down at the first opportunity, because in addition to being the captain of the Second Division, she is also the commander-in-chief of the Secret Mobile Force and the leader of the First Division's"Punishment Army."

You said that she herself is the leader of the Xing Army, will she lead others to rob the prisoner from her own hands?

Then again, since they can't talk about how to rescue Rukia violently, what will these female death gods talk about when they get together?


The embarrassing thing is that they just talked about why Rukia was sentenced to such a severe sentence, and complained about how Byakuya Kuchiki could be so cruel, and at most they talked about whether they could find a way to plead for her.

To be honest, a group of women together rarely accomplish anything, and they each have their own ideas and reasons for not leaving and betraying the Pure Spirit Court.

So in the end, they still wasted a day in vain, that's all....

The party didn't end until the evening.

"I won't come next time, not until the Rukia incident is over."

On the way back, Nanami suddenly said this, which surprised the two guardians, Yachiryu and Rangiku.

It was impossible not to be disappointed.

Nanami thought that their relationship was as close as sisters.

Uh..., as if there is nothing wrong with it.

But in the end, no one said a real way to save Rukia.

In fact, there are many ways, but each one will violate the laws of the Joureitei, so they cannot be done.

And you can't blame them for not helping. For example, the person that Yachiryu cares about the most is Kenpachi Zaraki. She can't commit such a heinous crime for Rukia.

The same goes for Rangiku. The reason she became a god of death is to chase after Gin Ichimaru.

Even Nanami Kagami herself is like this. She cares more about her brother Toushirou, and doesn't want to implicate Toushirou because of Rukia.

So, it is still unknown whether she is disappointed in the rationality and coldness of others, or ashamed of her own inaction.

There is only one thing she knows, she doesn't want to attend those boring parties anymore. If she has that time, maybe she should really help her brother share some of the work....

In the following few gatherings, Nanami kept her word and refused to go even when Yachiru and Rangiku came to see her.

But she had said before that she would help Toushirou share some of the work, but she never did any work. She just lay on the roof of Toushirou's house to bask in the sun every day. It was just that her life trajectory returned to the way it was at the beginning....

Speaking of this, Dong Shilang still felt helpless.

That day, Nanami really showed mercy and helped him, but he still had to go through the documents she had read again, so it would be better for him to do it himself....

Time passed slowly as the Female Death God Association did nothing, until one day, another extraordinary event happened in the Pure Spirit Court.

"Did you hear that a traveler has entered Soul Society?"

"Is this true? Can a travel disaster really happen? I only read about this in the history class at the Shinō Academy of Spiritual Arts."

"It's true, and they happened to be encountered by Captain Gin Ichimaru of the Third Division. They are really unlucky."

"Indeed, we actually encountered a captain-level enemy. I guess they are already dead, hahaha."

On this day, the 10th Squad was suddenly talking about the issue of the travel disaster.

"Dongshiro, I heard that a traveler broke into Soul Society?"

Nanami hurried to find Dongshiro to verify. She naturally knew who the traveler everyone was talking about was.

"Yes, the captain-general also convened a captain's meeting again because of this matter, and criticized Captain Ichimaru Gin at the captain's meeting."

Toushirou said so.

In front of Nanami, there is nothing he can't say, and these are all small things, so he is not afraid of Nanami knowing.

"How about the travel disaster?" asked Qishi nonchalantly.

"Of course, it was Ichimaru Gin that let him go, so the captain was so angry.

Dong Shilang simply told the captain's meeting what happened.

"So that's how it is."

Nanami breathed a sigh of relief. She was afraid that her intrusion would cause a drastic change in the plot. If Ichigo Kurosaki and the others died here, it would lose a lot of fun and make Soul Society continue to be so rigid and corrupt.

"You seem to be very close to those travelers who you have never met?"

Dongshiro frowned with some concern, and warned as if he was his brother:"Don't let outsiders know about this attitude, especially people from other squads."

Kagami Nanami shrugged, and also had great trust in Dongshiro, so she listened to her directly without any scruples:"You don't have to guess, this group of travelers who suddenly appeared must have come because of Rukia. Instead of watching her being inexplicably executed, it is better to hope that those travelers can rescue her."

"Another thing is that the current Soul Society really needs to change."

Toushirou looked at Nanami deeply, and he knew that this sister must be extraordinary. Although she usually behaved very naturally, she was actually very dark-hearted and saw through everything.

Otherwise, she would not have made herself the captain, and then she secretly spent several years in the academy.

"Don't say such things anymore, especially in front of outsiders.

Dong Shilang kindly reminded Nanami that it was okay to say it in front of him, but if others heard it, he would probably be punished with capital punishment.

"I'm not stupid."

Tan Nanami laughed happily and rubbed Toushirou's head with her hands. Before Toushirou could get angry about her messed up hair, she suddenly said,"Besides, who else in Soul Society can do anything to me except you?" Toushirou was silent. Of course, he was not a match for Tan Nanami, but Tan Nanami didn't mean that he could do anything to her, but that his existence would make her hesitate.

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