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"Finally, I can take a break."

After walking out of the Ninja School with her back stretched, Nanami finally breathed a sigh of relief. As long as she hosted the third exam in a month, her work would be over.

"Tsunade that guy."

When he thought about the fact that he had to help preside over the Chunin Exam, Nanami felt a little resentful. That girl was definitely taking the opportunity to take revenge.


But suddenly, an Anbu came to Nanami and said to her,"Tsunade-sama needs your help."


Jian Qishi was stunned. He was still looking for her so late. Something must have happened, right?

"I understand."

Nanami nodded and turned to the direction of the Hokage building.

When he arrived at the Hokage's office, he found that more than a dozen jonin had gathered in the room.

"What's wrong?"

Qi Shi asked:"Is there any problem?"

"That's right."

Tsunade explained to Nanami Kagami briefly,"Traces of Akatsuki were found in the Land of Fire. There were two of them. They attacked the Fire Temple during the day today. Even the head of the Fire Temple, Jiriku, who was also one of the Twelve Guardian Ninjas, was killed.

The village is now holding the Chunin Exam, and their target should be Naruto, so I called you here to get rid of them as soon as possible."

No matter from which aspect, Tsunade has reason to kill the Akatsuki people as soon as possible.

And they were the first to attack the Land of Fire.

"I see."

Qishi nodded:"He must be killed as soon as possible."

He dared to set his sights on her brother, he should be killed.

"My arrangement is this."

Tsunade continued to explain her plan to Tanaka Nanami:"Tanaka Nanami, don't rush out, let others search for Akatsuki's whereabouts, once someone finds out where they are, you can rush over to support them, this is more convenient."

If Tanaka Nanami were to follow in the search, in case they found the enemy's traces in the opposite direction, it would be more than a beat late to rush over to support them.

So it's better to let her stay in the village, and then send others out to search with the village as the center.

In this way, no matter which direction the distress signal is sent from, Tanaka Nanami will be able to arrive in time


No problem."

"Then, let's set off tonight."

Tsunade issued orders to the other jonin in the room.

Although there are only a dozen jonin gathered here, each jonin represents a team, which means that the total number of people must be multiplied by four, which is still considerable.


The jonin took the order and left.


Suddenly, when there were only two people left in the room, Nanami looked at Tsunade thoughtfully, as if he wanted to say something but hesitated.

""What's wrong?"

Tsunade asked Nanami, why did you stop talking halfway?


Shaking her head again, Nanami didn't continue talking. She turned and walked to the window and stood there, looking at the gradually darkening sky, wondering what she was thinking.

Or maybe she, who was 'all-knowing and all-powerful', saw something?...

Late night


The night sky outside the village suddenly lit up with fire. It was a firework specially made by the village to be used as a communication signal.

"I should leave now."

Nana had been waiting in the Hokage's office. When she saw the sparks, she jumped out of the window and ran away quickly. Nanana was very fast and left the village from the Hokage building in the middle of the village in a blink of an eye.

Not long after she left the village, several figures broke in at night.

"While the immortal duo of Hidan and Kakuzu were holding back the 'Konoha Death God', the operation to capture the Nine-Tails began."

One of them said so.

He was a guy with a pair of Samsara eyes, and the other people following him also had Samsara eyes. That's right, it was Pain's Six Paths that were coming.

Nanami Kaku seemed to be completely unaware of this. Perhaps she didn't expect the plot to suddenly change so much, or perhaps she had some other ideas.

In short, Nanami Kaku was still rushing towards the direction of the signal.

In less than ten minutes, Nanami Kaku arrived at the location of the signal.

If it were someone else, this journey would take at least an hour. After all, Nanami Kaku had been waiting for half the night, which showed how long those people had been searching and had long left the village.

But Nanami Kaku's speed was so fast that even the 10th team that sent the signal was surprised.

"Teacher Nanami is here."

Shikamaru couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise when he saw Nanami.

Looking at the situation on the field, the 10th team was really injured and killed.

Uh..., the dead one was not dead yet, and Shikamaru asked for help from Nanami:"Teacher Nanami, Asuma is dying, you are the fastest, can you..."

Shikamaru wanted to ask Nanami to send Asuma back to Tsunade for treatment as quickly as possible.

"Tsunade can't save Asuma."

Nanami shook his head. He had seen through that Asuma's injuries were too serious. Several of his internal organs were pierced. This was the result of Feidan's curse. Even if Tsunade came, there was no way to save him.

"So, let's use my method."

Before Shikamaru could despair, Nanami changed the subject and threw out a light shield to wrap Asuma up:"Shuangtian Guidance Shield"

"What is that?"

On the other side, Kakuzu looked at the Double Heaven Return Shield curiously, and even Hidan, who was lying on the ground performing the ceremony, raised his head and glanced at Nanami.

"She is the one we want to hold back, right?"

Feiduan looked at the angle and asked

""Stupid, don't just say it out loud."

Kakuzu cursed angrily. Hidan was such an idiot that he actually said their real purpose.

That's right, their main purpose was to hold back Nanami, a powerful enemy that even Zetsu and Uchiha Madara couldn't see through. As for the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, someone else would capture him.

"Are you all right?"

Nanami didn't pay any attention to Hidan and Kakuzu, but was concerned about the other members of Team 10, namely Shikamaru, Ino and Choji.

"We are fine."

The three little guys who were also slightly injured shook their heads. Seeing that Asma's condition was gradually getting better, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"That 's good."

Nanami turned to look at Hidan and Kakuzu and said,"Wait a minute, I'll take care of the enemy."

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