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It shouldn't have taken so long. It seems that the other ninja villages were very suspicious of Konoha Village's sudden proposal for the Five Kage Talks, so they hesitated.

Not all ninja villages were suspicious. The Sand Village responded quickly and gave a reply in the afternoon of the same day. Gaara said that he would fully cooperate with Konoha Village's decision.

This is the responsibility of being an ally of Konoha Village and a friend of Naruto and Sasuke.

Then on this day, the 7th team led by Nanami Kagami, as well as Jiraiya, Kakashi and others who acted as Tsunade's guards, left Konoha Village and headed towards the Iron Country. The

Iron Country, like the Hot Spring Country, is also a neutral country. A long time ago, the ninjas agreed not to attack this country, so several ninja wars were avoided.

As for why the Five Kage Summit was held in the Iron Country, it was because the first Five Kage Summit was held here, and the Hot Spring Country remained neutral only later.

Another reason is that the Iron Country has a more favorable geographical location. It borders the Fire Country, the Water Trap Country, and the Sound Country, and is also relatively close to the Earth Country and the Lightning Country. It doesn't take too much time to visit the Wind Country and the Water Country.

In short, it's very convenient.

In addition, the Iron Country had experience once before, so there was no need to change the venue.

"There shouldn't be so many guards, right?"

I heard Nanami complaining while walking on the road.

After all, this is the Five Kage Conference jointly held by the five major ninja villages, and many things must be taken into consideration, otherwise a war involving the entire ninja world will be caused.

In order to be more cautious, the best way is to bring fewer guards, which can reduce a lot of unnecessary trouble.

For example, at the first Five Kage Conference, each first-generation Kage only brought one or two people.

But this time, Tsunade ignored Jiraiya's obstruction and Nanami's refusal, and insisted on bringing such a large group of people to the meeting. Don't you think it will make people doubt her sincerity?

"Who told you that each of you is qualified to become the sixth generation? Let you gain some experience and reputation.

Tsunade told the truth without any care.

The guards who accompanied the first generation of Kages of various ninja villages to attend the conference later all inherited the status of Kage. If this is a tradition, then Tsunade's idea is understandable.

She brought all the candidates who she recognized as the successor to the sixth generation with her.

"Am I included in this?"

Kakashi was somewhat surprised. He did not expect that he would be valued so highly by Tsunade. With the help of Kagamichi, he was considered qualified to inherit the Sixth Generation.

"What about me?"

Naruto asked Tsunade anxiously, whether he was also recognized by Tsunade.


Sasuke snorted lightly, but the expression on his face became more relaxed.

Although he just snorted lightly on the surface, he couldn't help feeling warm in his heart. It seemed that the Uchiha clan had been recognized by the village again. At least Tsunade, as the Hokage, did not have any prejudice against him. It was also understandable that since Itachi's identity had been revealed and the night of the clan's extermination was no secret, it was not unacceptable for him and Sasuke to be recognized by the village.

"But what does this have to do with me?"

Nana grumbled.

She won't be a Hokage, otherwise she would be the fifth Hokage. Why is she a candidate for the sixth Hokage now?

So Tsunade is just wasting her precious time, which is really abominable.

She wants to rest at home during this time, or even take Sakura to see a movie.

"Don't say that."

Tsunade turned to Nanami and said,"Don't think that the Five Kage Conference will be held smoothly. If I'm right, Akatsuki will definitely come to make trouble.

And even the other Kages are not easy to talk to."

Therefore, it is wise to bring Nanami with her. Whether she encounters an attack from Akatsuki or shows her powerful strength to other Kages, she is the best choice.

"So, politicians are annoying."

Nana sighed. Even Tsunade, who is so outspoken, has to consider so much. It seems that her decision to refuse to succeed the Fifth Hokage was a wise one.

""We are almost there."

The group rushed for a while and gradually arrived at the capital of the Iron Country.

Of course, they did not arrive on the same day they set out. They had been traveling for several days and it was time to arrive.

When they arrived at the capital of the Iron Country, outside the city gate, the high-ranking officials of the Iron Country who had received the news had already prepared to welcome them.

"Welcome the fifth Hokage to our Iron Country."

Under the white snow, a man who seemed to be quite prestigious greeted the people from Konoha Village:"Nice to meet you, I am Mifune, the admiral of the Iron Country."

The Iron Country is different from other countries. They don't have ninja villages or ninjas. Instead, they rely on samurai to defend the country.

So they only have admirals but no kages.

It is precisely because there are no ninjas here that other ninja villages are at ease.

In the world of Naruto, unlike other worlds, ninjas are generally set to be characters that are not presentable and are inferior to samurai in all aspects. On the contrary, the era of samurai has long since declined, and only ninjas are king.

"It's so cold."

Sakura rubbed her hands and moved closer to Nanami, muttering softly:"Fortunately, I went to the Snow Country with Nanami before and got some training, otherwise I would not be able to bear it." Nanami smiled dotingly, and inadvertently tapped the ground with her clogs. It seemed that her clothes were very refreshing.

However, Nanami's level is naturally not afraid of this temperature. After all, she is the owner of Hyorinmaru, and she can also perform Shikai and Bankai Sode Shirayuki. If she can't even bear this temperature, even her Zanpakutō will cry.

On the contrary, she faintly transferred a lot of heat to Sakura, and then Sakura stuck to her even more....

The group of people from Konoha Village arrived very early. According to Mifune, they were the first to arrive.

Next, Mifune led everyone to the venue specially prepared for the Five Kage Conference.

""Hokage, don't you have too many guards? Or are you not confident about the guards of our Iron Country?"

After arranging a seat for Tsunade and serving her a cup of hot tea, Mifune glanced at the people standing not far behind Tsunade and couldn't help but complain.

After all, it is a country of samurai, so it is inevitable that there will be some comparisons between them and ninjas. In addition, it is indeed difficult for samurai to survive in the ninja world, which is understandable.

"It's not those boring reasons."

Tsunade waved her hand, and in the gap between words, she couldn't wait to drink a sip of hot tea to warm herself up, and then continued:"My original guards were only Jiraiya and Kakashi, but Nanami and her Team 7 knew a lot about Akatsuki, and even had more than one battle, so I specially brought them along."

"So that's how it is."

Mifune nodded pretentiously, but he didn't agree in his heart, thinking that the information must be said by himself? Can't he bring the relevant information together?

However, although Mifune didn't want to believe Tsunade's nonsense, he remained calm on the surface. After all, this was the Five Kage Conference. They, the Iron Country, just offered a position, and the rest had nothing to do with them.

Then, after the Kazekage, Mizukage, Tsuchikage and Raikage of the other four major ninja villages arrived one by one, the Five Kage Conference began.

(PS: The computer files have finally been migrated, as well as the things that should be downloaded and deleted on the new host, and...Etc., etcBy the way, tomorrow is the Lantern Festival.)_Please download the ununderlined version of the novel

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