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In fact, even if White Zetsu did not appear, the Allied Ninja Forces would have been formed, but it would not have been so fast, and the Five Kage would have been arguing for a long time.

Because of the existence of Nanami, even if Obito did not dare to appear, the existence of the"Moon Eye Project" and the Ten-Tails were still announced.

Once it is known that Akatsuki actually intends to use the Infinite Tsukuyomi to control the entire world, and even the spirits of all people, and deprive humans of their freedom of thought, this is something that no one will compromise.

As the saying goes, life is precious, but freedom is more precious. For the sake of freedom, humans can do terrible things.

"Then, who will be the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces?"

Finally, the moment has come.

The Raikage stood up and said without hesitation:"I think no one is suitable except me."

His reasons were very sufficient. The Hokage, Kazekage, Tsuchikage and Mizukage present were all more or less related to Akatsuki. The leader of Akatsuki escaped from Konoha Village (it is still believed to be Uchiha Madara).

The Red Sand Scorpion of the Sand Village and the Iwagakure Village had used the power of Akatsuki to achieve certain goals. The Mist Village was even found to be the birthplace of Akatsuki.

It is true that the Cloud Village is the only one that has nothing to do with Akatsuki.

"Isn't it too early to say this?"

Tsunade reminded,"I know you are a decisive person, Raikage, but there is one thing, do we still have to report to the daimyos of our own country?"

The ninja world implements the one country one village system, which can also be seen as an alliance between the ninja village and the country.

If we suddenly want to form a ninja coalition without notifying the daimyos of the five major countries, it is really unreasonable. In serious cases, it may even cause a rift between the village and the daimyos, which is something no one wants to see.

"Let's wait until the next Five Kage Conference."

The Raikage finally compromised.

Even a strong man like him couldn't underestimate the name of the Land of Lightning.

"That's right."

Before the meeting ended, the Raikage said,"After Yukito, the two-tailed Jinchuriki of our village, was captured, another guy named Kisame came to attack the eight-tailed Jinchuriki of our village.

The little girl said it before, Akatsuki has gathered all seven tailed beasts, and now only the eight-tailed and nine-tailed are in our hands. In order to make it easier to protect, I think it would be better to send the nine-tailed from your village to our village to stay with the eight-tailed."


After finally calming down, Nanami laughed, with a vein on his forehead throbbing:"Little girl? Are you talking about me? I'm so sorry, I'm already in my fifties, almost sixty years old, much older than Tsunade, please be careful with your words.""


Except for the people of Konoha, everyone else exclaimed in the same way.

Although Nanami looks very young, she is no different from a child because of her height. Even

Naruto and Sasuke are taller than her, and that's when they are dressed.

If Nanami doesn't wear clogs, Sakura, who is not particularly tall, will be taller than her.

So it is easy for people to mistake her for being very young, a girl.

But in fact, Nanami is really an old woman, at least she is no longer young. She has been in the world of death for forty or fifty years alone, and before she crossed over, she was also a young man of nearly twenty years old. Now she has been in the world of Naruto for a few more years. It's not an exaggeration.

Maybe even the Raikage is not as old as her.

"One more."

Without waiting for everyone to calm down, Nanami continued,"Why do you want to restrict the actions of the Eight-Tails and the Nine-Tails? You say you want to protect them, but in fact you are just hiding them.

What a narrow-minded idea! The power of the Eight-Tails and the Nine-Tails may be much stronger than the five Kage present here, and you dare to say you want to protect them?"


The Raikage argued unconvincedly:"Don't you know the danger of sending them to the battlefield?..."

"Won't they be found by the enemy if they hide?"

Tan Nanami interrupted the Raikage bluntly and said,"If you ask me, it's okay to let them go to the battlefield, and they are protected by the Allied Ninja Forces. But, if they are found by the enemy after they are hidden, have you thought about the consequences?

When all forces are invested in the main battlefield, will the people sent to protect the Eight-Tails and the Nine-Tails really be the opponents of Akatsuki?"

Tan Nanami's words left the Raikage speechless.

And her worry was reasonable. If she brought Naruto and Killer Bee to the battlefield, she could protect them under her eyes. If Akatsuki attacked them without their knowledge, that would be dangerous.

""Thank you, Nanami-sister."

Naruto whispered to Nanami to thank her.

He really wanted to go to the battlefield, not because he wanted to make achievements, but he didn't want to be the only one hiding in the back when all his companions went to fight, that would make him seem useless.

"Don't worry."

Nanami smiled and promised Naruto:"I am by your side, I promise that I will not let you be captured by them."

"Oh? Could he be the Nine-Tails?"

The Tsuchikage, Mizukage, and Raikage all looked at Naruto, because they had guessed Naruto's identity from Nanami's words.

They really didn't know who the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki was. Only the Konoha group and Gaara from the Sand Village knew.

"That's right, he is my younger brother Uzumaki Naruto, and he is also the Jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails Kurama."

Nanami decisively acknowledged Naruto's identity.

"They are companions."

Naruto commented somewhat unhappily. He had already felt dissatisfied when he heard them calling the Jinchūriki by the number of their tails.

"How daring!

Even the Raikage had to admire the courage of Konoha Village. They brought out the Nine-Tails even though they knew what Akatsuki's purpose was. How confident they were!

"It's nothing."

Tsunade smiled nonchalantly, but in her heart she thought that it was much safer to have Nanami's protection than to stay in the village.

""Well, then."

Finally, the Raikage finally agreed and said,"Since this is the attitude of your Konoha Village, I agree with your plan to let the Nine-Tails participate in the war. At the same time, the Eight-Tails from our village will also become a major force of the coalition."

"If possible, I hope to let the Eight-Tailed Fox meet our Nine-Tailed Fox in advance."

Nanami made another request and said,"I once knew a prophecy that I heard from the Nine-Tailed Fox Kurama and that was also left by the Six-Path Sage."

"Six Paths Sage?"

Everyone was startled, and then they all looked at Nanashi with a serious expression, waiting for the next words.

"According to Kurama, the Sage of Six Paths once said that 'the blue-eyed boy who laughs and calls out the name of the nine-headed beast' will bring changes to the world."

Nana finally said the prophecy, but it was just one sentence, and she didn't dare to say more.

Because the prophecy was shattered by her appearance, it seemed that only this sentence was consistent with Naruto, and saying more would be wrong.

"By the way, don't you think my brother is very similar to the blue-eyed boy in the prophecy? So I plan to let him meet each of the nine tailed beasts. Now that the eight-tailed beast is easier, let's get to know the eight-tailed beast."_

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