"Stretch out, Kizumaru."

After fighting with Ichigo for a while, Ikkaku gradually recognized his strength.

According to Ikkaku, he looked like a rookie, but his reaction and skills were incredibly sharp.

Finally, he finally released his Zanpakutō and turned the Asado in his hand into a spear.

"Ichigo, don't make the mistake."

Ikkaku kindly reminded Ichigo, and attacked again quickly.


Ichigo quickly blocked the attack of Kakui again and again, and even had time to retort: "The spear attack takes a long time, how could I be wrong?"

"You are wrong."

Ikkaku sneered, and as he swept out with all his strength, he shouted,"Split, Kizumaru."

Ichigo's sword subconsciously blocked Ikkaku's sweep, but suddenly, Kizumaru broke into three sections, especially the section with the spear tip at the front, which bypassed his sword and chopped over because of the force.

Although the spear tip seems to be short, the sharp blade cannot be ignored.


Finally, the tip of Kizumaru's gun left a long wound on Ichigo's arm, and blood kept pouring out. It looked painful.

"Tsk tsk."

On the roof nearby, Nanami and Rangiku had not left yet. Nanami smacked her lips when she saw Ichigo injured, and she almost laughed out loud in gloating.

This was because of Rukia, who told them to be too ambiguous.

But thinking about the plot that Ichigo might turn defeat into victory later, and Ikkaku's reluctance to reveal the knot in his heart, Nanami held back.

"This is what I meant when I said don't make the mistake."

On the other side, Ikkaku did not continue to attack after taking back the Kizumaru, but stood there to give Ichigo a chance to adjust, and explained:"The Kizumaru is not a gun, but a nunchaku."

However, facing Ikkaku's kind explanation, Ichigo was not interested at all. After all, he had suffered a loss on this, and it was impossible for him not to know what the Kizumaru was.

Moreover, Ichigo had fought with Asai Renji before, so he naturally knew that the Zanpakutō would have some special abilities after the Shikai, so he was not surprised.

So what was Ichigo doing at this time?

"It's done."

After a while, Ichigo finally finished what he was doing, and he used the long ribbon under his Zanpakutō as a bandage to wrap around the wound on his arm, which was considered a simple treatment of the wound.

"You still plan to fight?"

Ikkaku showed an expression of disbelief.

This traveler named Kurosaki Ichigo is just a rookie, and he should have no reason to fight to the death, right?


"So you are also a warrior."

Ikkaku smiled happily again. What he liked most was to fight with others, but the premise was that the enemy was also a warrior like himself. It would be bad if he made the little brat cry.

"I don't know what you are talking about."

Ichigo looked at Ikkaku expressionlessly, holding the hilt of the knife with both hands, and said:"It's just that you haven't experienced the power of my knife yet."


As soon as the words fell, it was Ichigo's turn to attack first.

Ikkaku dodged in time and was about to chase him from behind.


Suddenly, a loud bang came from behind, which startled Ikkaku. He turned around and saw that a big hole had been easily broken by Ichigo in the wall behind him.

"This guy."

Ikkaku grinned. What a terrible attack power. It would definitely be uncomfortable to be hit by him.


On the roof, Nanami Yama quietly moved closer to the edge of the roof. If Ichigo showed any intention of coming this way again, she would definitely jump down at the first opportunity.

It's not that she was afraid of being dragged in, but she was afraid of becoming embarrassed because of it.

She didn't want to appear too dazzling now, and she didn't want to participate in this battle, and naturally she didn't want to be passively beaten.

So it's better to stay away.

Rangiku glanced at Nanami Yama and said nothing. She just continued to stand in her original position and looked down, thinking to herself, if these two people really dared to provoke her, she would go down and deal with them together, she didn't care about those things.

Fortunately, neither Ichigo nor Ikkaku came close to this side. It seemed that they also knew what was right and wrong. This was just their own fight, and there was no reason to affect the audience....

"Ikkaku, take my sword."

After another round of fighting, Ichigo found a gap and jumped into the air, holding the sword with both hands and slashing at Ikkaku.


Ikkaku secretly cried out. Ichigo's attack came too fast. It was an opportunity he had been waiting for for a long time. He had no time to dodge. He had no choice but to hold the middle part of Kizunamaru with both hands and raise it high, making a blocking posture.


Two light sounds were heard at the same time. The first one was the sound of Kizumaru being cut into two pieces, and the second one was the sound of Ikkaku being cut by Ichigo and a huge wound was made on his body.


When Ichigo put away his sword and stepped back a few steps, a large amount of bright red blood suddenly spurted out from the wound on Ikkaku's body, which was scary to look at.

"The bald guy lost."

From the roof came the nonchalant muttering of Nanami, who almost made Ikkaku spit out more blood out of excitement.

"Is that the end?"

Ikkaku didn't dare to look up at Nanami, fearing that she would be angry to death. Instead, he stared at Ichigo opposite him.

"Put away your sword."

Ichigo no longer had the will to fight. He felt that the battle had been fought till now enough.

"Stop talking nonsense."

Ikkaku sneered:"The battle is not over yet. The result is that only one of us can survive."

This made Ichigo very touched.

For him, who lives in peacetime, fighting is just fighting, and winning or losing is almost the same. It will never develop to the point of life and death.

But now, Ikkaku is obviously willing to die here.

"I am the third seat of the Zaraki team, Madarame Ikkaku, and I am not a coward who will bow down here."

Ikkaku shouted, not afraid of the pain on his body, and once again rushed towards Ichigo holding the half-broken Kizumaru.

Ichigo stood there and looked at Ikkaku like this, and suddenly the scene of his training with Urahara Kisuke appeared in his mind. What he saw in Urahara Kisuke at that time, he also saw in Ikkaku now, that is called enlightenment.

"Too slow."

Ichigo no longer hesitated and attacked Ikkaku with his sword.


Blood spurted out of Ikkaku's body again.

But Ichigo still showed mercy. He did not take Ikkaku's life. Instead, he chopped off half of Ikkaku's Zanpakutō and cut a long and narrow wound on his right arm.

"Tsk, you are really strong."

After he couldn't even hold his Zanpakutō anymore, Ikkaku finally fell down even though his arm was only scratched.

In fact, the previous wound was too deep.

"It turns out that I am the unlucky one."

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