Watching Shihouin Yoruichi and Kurosaki Ichigo leave, Nanami was reluctant to look back for a long time.

This might be because she was worried that if she looked back, she would not be able to find the direction where Yoruichi left....

In fact, Yoruichi had disappeared long ago, but Nanami couldn't get rid of that image. She just felt that she was beautiful, powerful, and great.

But she didn't think about it. Even if she was beautiful, powerful, and great, what did it have to do with her?

Now the matter with Rukia was still a matter of no consequence. Moreover, Rukia had been with her for such a long time, and she was good at taking advantage of opportunities, but she still couldn't take Rukia down, let alone the more experienced Yoruichi.


Maybe finally, Qishi finally figured it out, he lowered his head and sighed, his face full of disappointment.

"If I were still Baiyu, I would definitely chase after Yoruichi without any scruples. This elder sister will definitely make me happy."

Kan Nanami couldn't help but say to herself.

It's a pity that she is Kan Nanami instead of Baiyu. Even her soul looks like Kan Nanami. What else can she say?

The god of death is in the state of soul. When he goes to the real world, he has to rely on artificial bodies to live like humans.

And after Baiyu was put into Kan Nanami's body by the elder sister Tianshen, Kan Nanami, who was already determined to die, selflessly dedicated everything he had to Baiyu in order to fulfill his desire to live.

It was just because Kan Nanami's power was too strong that, in the end, although Baiyu's personality survived, he was transformed into Kan Nanami's appearance as a whole.

And Baiyu was also grateful for Kan Nanami's kindness, and had secretly promised to live in Kan Nanami's appearance and name, which could be regarded as another way of living for her.

So don't say that Kan Nanami has no way. Even if there is a way, she will not turn back into Baiyu....

Let's talk about the issue of getting lost later.

After a while, Nanami wiped the blood from his nose, turned around and looked around. The nostalgic expression on his face was gone, replaced by a confused expression.

"I remember I came from that side."

I saw Qishi pointing to a white tower not far away. It was obviously the Palace of Confession. It was not like she had never been there before. But she was a person with poor sense of direction. She couldn't even remember the buildings. She thought every building looked the same. Otherwise, she wouldn't have gotten lost. She would have walked a few more times and would have gotten familiar with the place.

"Let's give it a try."

In the end, with no other options, Qi Shi could only walk towards the Palace of Confession with a try-it attitude.

"Why are you here?"

Then halfway through, Nanami Kakui happened to meet Byakuya Kuchiki who was coming down from the direction of the Palace of Confession.

Frowning, Byakuya looked at Nanami Kakui and asked,"Are you here to see Rukia?"

Nanami Kakui was stunned. She actually wanted to go home, but she couldn't tell the truth in front of the other person's brother. She could only nod her head as a sign of agreement.

"Go back."

Bai Ya scolded rudely:"She is a prisoner who is about to be sentenced to death, and you are only the third seat of the 10th squad. You don't even have the qualifications to approach the Palace of Confession."

This is the truth. Even the vice captain has to report to the Palace of Confession, let alone the third seat. Only the captain level can be more casual.


Nanami didn't refute, and turned around and stood by the roadside in a very talkative manner. However, when Byakuya passed by, she hurriedly followed him.

Byakuya naturally knew Nanami's little tricks, but he didn't mind being followed by her at all, and held an indifferent attitude.

In this way, Nanami finally followed Byakuya from the vicinity of the Palace of Confession back to the central area of Soulite, and finally followed him to the First Division's barracks. Byakuya pretended that Nanami didn't exist, and walked through the door of the First Division's barracks towards the direction of the captain's meeting room.

He was called back by the Hell Butterfly. It was said that the captain of the Fifth Division, Aizen, had been killed, so the general team The captain is going to call a captain's meeting.

The news of Aizen's death had already reached the captain-general, but the captain-general had not had time to convene a captain's meeting until now, and the delay in between was actually not very long.

Nanami Kagami continued to follow Byakuya, secretly relieved, thinking that Byakuya must have come to attend the captain's meeting, and then she could go home with Toushirou.

But she was entangled again, not knowing how to face Toushirou's questions. Should she say that after Toushirou left, she got lost on the way back to the dormitory which was only a few steps away?

How embarrassing.

Nanami Kagami wanted to cover her face with her hands.


Just then, a person rushed out from the room where the vice-captain was waiting. It was Rangiku.

"Where did you go?"

Rangiku ran to Nanami, her face full of anxiety.

When Toushirou left the 10th Squad barracks, Rangiku hadn't gotten up yet. When Rangiku got up, Nanami had already disappeared, which made her very anxious. At first, she thought Nanami had followed Toushirou out, but after chasing here, she didn't see Nanami's shadow.

Rangiku has been worried about how to explain to Toushirou, fortunately she appeared with Byakuya.

But Rangiku couldn't help but have some wild thoughts again, thinking, why did Nanami walk with Byakuya? Could it be that......?

It's no wonder that Rangiku thinks so. Byakuya is indeed very wealthy. Whether it's his status as the head of the Kuchiki family, one of the four great noble families, or his captain-level strength, as well as his outstanding appearance and perfect aristocratic style, Byakuya is very popular in the Gotei 13.

But isn't Kaname Nanami a yuri?

Rangiku was a little confused. She thought that maybe they had misunderstood Kaname Nanami?

Kaname Nanami didn't know what Rangiku was thinking, so she just put the blame on Yachiryu and said,"Yachiryu insisted on taking me around, saying that there were good shows to watch. But she forgot about me in the end. Fortunately, she met Byakuya on the way.���Captain, otherwise I won’t be able to find it back."

Not far away, Byakuya, who was about to push the door to enter the captain's meeting room, paused. Even he couldn't help but frown.

It turned out that Tanaka Nanami was lost. Is this guy also a person with poor direction?

He finally knew this attribute of Tanaka Nanami, and finally understood what the strange feeling he had sensed from her in the past was.

Shaking his head speechlessly, Byakuya returned to his cold appearance, pushed open the door of the captain's meeting room and walked in.

Inside the captain's meeting room, except for the captain of the 11th Division, Kenpachi Zaraki, and the captain of the 5th Division, Sosuke Aizen who had been killed, all the captains were present, even the sickly Ukitake Jushiro was here.

"Speaking of which."

Not wanting to even glance at the captain's meeting room, Nanami looked in another direction and murmured,"Is Ichigo-chan okay?"

"If I remember correctly, before Byakuya came down, he had exploded his spiritual pressure on the top of the Confession Palace. I hope Ichigo is okay."

"Well..., was I distracted for so long because of seeing Yoruichi's body? Damn, I feel a little sorry for Rukia."

It's rare that she still remembers Rukia.

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