Since Rukia was captured by Kuchiki Byakuya and Asai Renji from the human world, she was not only sentenced to the most severe death penalty, but the execution date was also changed one after another, and the time was constantly shortened.

Until finally, her execution date was set for this afternoon, and because of her noble status, they planned to unseal the double execution on the double execution platform, which was also a honor for her.

Then, this grand execution drama was not opened by the group of travelers, although it was related to them.

"Report, Captain Zaraki Kenpachi of the 11th Division has broken into the prison and has taken away all the captured robbers."

Suddenly, this piece of news came out and stunned all the captains.

No one would have thought that Zaraki would do this, nor did they understand what his purpose was.

"That guy actually dared to betray Master Genryusai. His crime is unforgivable."

After hearing what Zaraki had done, the captain of the 7th Division, Komamura Sajin, was the most angry.

Because he had received the kindness of the captain-in-chief, what he could not tolerate the most was someone betraying the captain-in-chief.

"What do you think? Tosen."

Komamura Sajin turned his head and looked at Tosen Kaname, the captain of the 9th Division.

He and Tosen Kaname were close friends. They had already formed a deep friendship when they were not captains but ordinary Shinigami.

So at this critical moment, they came together spontaneously, hoping that they could take care of each other in case of emergencies.

In other words, the other captains also felt the dark torrent surging, but no one knew what it was, who was the mastermind behind it, and what purpose and plan they had for Soul Society and Seireitei.

"My blind eyes always see the path with the least sacrifices. I believe that I am on the same path as you, Komamura."

Tosen Kaname's answer was very profound and contained deep meaning, but Komamura Sajin couldn't hear it yet.

"I want you to help me capture that guy Zaraki Kenpachi."

Komamura Sajin didn't think much about it, but invited his best friend, hoping that he could help him capture the rebellious Zaraki.

"No problem.

Dong Xian agreed readily....

Except for Komamura Sajin and Tosen Kaname, the captains of other squads also had to take action and rushed to Shuangjitai. However, some of them came with ulterior motives, and some were secretly on guard against something. Even the captain-general had a murderous look on his face when he went to Shuangjitai, which made some of the shinigami who met him from a distance unable to bear the pressure.


A group of people stood at the entrance of a huge martial arts arena, looking at the dead end, and all of them showed awkward expressions.

In fact, they had taken action very early, wanting to get to the Double Killing Platform first. Nanami wanted to save Rukia as soon as possible, and Zaraki also wanted to fight Ichigo again as soon as possible.

However, among this group of people, basically no one knew the way to the Double Killing Platform. Zaraki had no choice but to follow his intuition. As a result, this situation happened. He encountered a dead end, and he had wasted a lot of time on the road before.

"See, I told you long ago that the vice-captain is a road idiot. It's no good letting her lead the way."

Suddenly, Ikkaku, who followed the captain closely, complained.

It turned out that when everyone was on the road, Yachiru also interfered and gave blind orders. It can't be blamed entirely on Zaraki.


Led by Nanami Kaku, Inoue Orihime, Ishida Uryu, Shiba Ganju, Chataro Yasutora and others who were part of the travel group turned to look at Ikkaku.

They were just about to say something comforting, but they didn't expect this guy to be so direct.

Of course, there are people who are more direct than Ikkaku. Yachiru turned her head and spit at Ikkaku, which landed accurately on the top of Ikkaku's bald head. She also cursed indignantly:"Shut up, you little steel ball head."

If Yumichika hadn't been pulling him all the time, Ikkaku would definitely have a big fight with her. She actually gave herself a nickname again, and in front of Nanami Kaku. And that was disgusting.

"You sneaky guys are really shameful."

Suddenly, Zaraki taunted the training ground inside:"Hiding your spiritual pressure and hiding, this is not the behavior of a captain."


Except for Nanami, everyone else behind him was shocked. They didn't have any sense, but they were still convinced by Zaraki's judgment. Since he said that there was a captain hiding here, it meant that there must be someone. They just didn't know which captain it was.


Several figures came out in response. The four people standing on the wall opposite the entrance were the captain of the 7th Division, Komamura Sajin, the captain of the 9th Division, Tosen Kaname, and their respective vice-captains.

"Where are you going to run to with this bunch of troublemakers? Have you lost your dignity after being defeated? Zaraki?"

As soon as he appeared, Tōsen began to accuse Zaraki, and his words were full of sarcasm. Was he taking revenge for his previous taunting?

"Four to one?"

Suddenly, I heard Zeraki excitedly say,"It's a good opportunity for me to try out the sword."


Everyone at the scene was stunned. Only Nanami looked at Tosen Kaname with amusement, wondering what expression this guy who always talked about justice would show if he knew his own ending.

"Wait, Captain, you're talking..."

Ikkaku was the first to exclaim, worried that Zaraki would suffer when facing two captains and two vice-captains alone.

"Stop talking nonsense."

Zaraki interrupted Ikkaku directly and said without turning his head:"You can take Nanami and the others to the Shuangjitai first, aren't they very anxious? By the way, don't forget to tell Ichigo Kurosaki that I will find him for another fight."

"Let's go, little steel ball���

Qi Shi immediately spoke up and said to Yi Jiao bluntly:"This is your captain's order, and you staying here will only hinder his"

"Xiaojian, let's continue to find the way, you have to catch up quickly." Yachiru was relieved to leave Zaraki alone, and dragged Nanami and the two of them to run in another direction.

"Who told you to leave?"

Komamura Sajin suddenly burst out with spiritual pressure, trying to use the huge pressure to keep the few people behind Zaraki.

"Don't overestimate your abilities."

A huge amount of spiritual pressure also burst out from Zaraki's body, and the huge might collided with the spiritual pressure of Komamura Sajin, neither of them gave in.

It was just that the two of them were happy, but Ikkaku and his group suffered.

Nanami Kaku and Yachiryu could still ignore the spiritual pressure of Zaraki and Komamura Sajin, so the two of them had already run away, and no one knew where they went.

But Ikkaku and his group could not ignore the spiritual pressure of the captain-level, and it was a confrontation between the two captains. At this time, they felt that their legs were filled with lead, especially Inoue and his group. It was very difficult to finally leave this Shura field.

Then when they hid far away and finally breathed a sigh of relief, they suddenly discovered something.

"Where are the vice-captain and Nanami?"

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