In fact, Qishi was not making excuses, but she really had something else to do and had to go to Shuangjitai to attend the event.

"Aizen, Ichimaru Gin, and Tosen are all going to the Double Killing Platform, and Rukia's spiritual pressure is also there."

After coming out of the 46th room, standing at the door, Nanami looked towards the Double Killing Platform with an expressionless face.

"Don't make me have to kill you here, Aizen."

Muttering to himself, Nanami kicked the ground hard and rushed out quickly.


Seeing the outer wall of Room 46 right in front of her, Qishi ran straight into it without any evasion.

Now was an emergency, and Qishi didn't dare to deviate from her path at all. She planned to just run straight ahead.

Otherwise, once she took the surrounding buildings into consideration, she would definitely get lost and that would be terrible.

Besides, she had come all the way this way before....

While Nanami Kaku quickly rushed to the Double Killing Platform.

In the 46th room, Unohana Retsu made a simple confirmation and chose to believe Toushirou.

It was not that Unohana Retsu was too easy to fool, but she felt Aizen's spiritual pressure just now, so she believed that they were not talking, and Aizen was faking his death before.

And in the 46th room, only 'Mirror Flower and Water Moon can completely hypnotize' can make all this reasonable.

Otherwise, how to explain that the 46th room has been dead for such a long time but no one has discovered it?

As the captain of the 4th Division, Unohana Retsu is naturally an expert in this area. He does not need to check it carefully. He can recognize with just a glance that the corpses did not die in the last three days.

Everything makes sense. These must be Aizen's conspiracy. Even the order of the 46th room was issued by him, and Rukia's crime was also sentenced by him.

""Yuune, inform all the captains, vice-captains, and the travellers of the situation here."

Unohana Retsu ordered his vice-captain without turning his head, then came to Hinamori Momo's side and said to Toushirou,"Do you mind if I help her check again?" Toushirou quickly stepped aside, as he was more confident in Unohana Retsu than in Tanaka Nanami. He naturally trusted Tanaka Nanami the most, but he could not trust Tanaka Nanami when it came to Hinamori Momo's matter, fearing that she would deliberately leave some hidden dangers.

"Of course."

Dong Shilang also made a gesture of invitation. In fact, if he waited a little longer, he would have taken the initiative to ask Unohana Retsu for this. Unohana Retsu nodded, squatted down and pressed his hand on Hinamori Momo's ball.


Dong Shilang was stunned, then turned his head away, thinking that he didn't expect that even the usually gentle and dignified Unohana Retsu could be treacherous at times.

"Don't get me wrong."

Unohana Retsu chuckled and kindly explained,"This is because Momo Hinamori's wound is right here, I have to take a look at her wound."

Toushirou then recalled that he had forgotten about it because Nanami Kaku deliberately pinched her. That's right, Momo Hinamori was injured in the heart by Aizen. Let's not talk about how Unohana Retsu re-examined Momo Hinamori, let's look at Kotetsu Yuune.

Since Unohana Retsu can give her this task, it means that she can definitely complete it successfully.


In order to find the spiritual pressure of the captains, vice-captains and the travelers, Yuin used the fifty-eighth method of binding.

"Found it."

Soon, Yongyin found the location of all the targets, and then she chanted the text again, using:"The Seventy-seventh Binding Path, Tianting Kongluo"


A light curtain like a formation appeared in front of Yongyin. It was the 77th Binding Dao, Tianting Kongluo’

"Dear captains, vice-captains, and fellow travelers, I am the vice-captain of the 4th Division, Yuune Kotetsu. What I am about to say has been approved by me, the captain of the 4th Division, Unohana Retsu, the captain of the 10th Division, Hitsugaya, and the third seat of the 10th Division, Nanami."

"The 46th room has been completely destroyed, and the criminal is none other than the former captain of the 5th division, Aizen. And after investigation, we found that the three former captains, Aizen Sosuke, Ichimaru Gin, and Tosen Kaname, have collectively defected."

As Yuin told them what they had discovered in the 46th room, all the captains and vice-captains stopped what they were doing.

""Old man Yamamoto, it's time for us to stop, right?"

Near the double killing platform, the captain of the 8th Division, Kyoraku Shunsui, was breathing rapidly, and Ukitake Jushiro was not in good condition either.

They had fought a big battle here before, with the captain alone against Shunsui and Ukitake Jushiro.

After hearing Yuin's voice, the two of them couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

They had acted without any evidence before, so they couldn't explain to the captain, otherwise it wouldn't have developed into the current situation.

"He actually betrayed?"

Ukitake Jushiro looked up at the sky, as if he wanted to see Yuune and Forty-Sixth Room in the opposite direction of Tenbokuro. His face was very confused. He couldn't understand why Aizen and the others betrayed.

Besides, that was Aizen. He always gave people the impression of being gentle and polite. He wished he was the most popular captain in the Soul Society.

"Nothing is impossible."

The captain's face was gloomy, and he was completely enraged by the rebellion of Aizen and the other two. What made him furious was that even the extremely noble Forty-Six Chambers were completely destroyed. This was simply treason.

"Boom boom boom..."

At this moment, there was a sudden movement in the distance, and the three captains saw that the buildings leading to this direction were collapsing rapidly from a distance. Could it be that an earthquake would also occur in Soul Society?

"Get out of the way."

After a while, a crisp and anxious voice came, but before the three of them could see clearly, the unlucky Chunshui had been knocked away.


The voice apologized and quickly rushed to the double killing platform.

""Who is that?" the captain asked, secretly shocked in his heart. She was too fast, even he might not be able to catch up with her.

"If I'm not mistaken, the one in her arms seems to be our little Nanao?"

Chun Shui rubbed his ribs in extreme pain and limped back here to tell his discovery.

At the moment he was knocked away, he saw something and found that his deputy captain Ise Nanao was actually held in the other party's arms. It was really bold. He had never held her before.

"Cough cough."

Ukitake Jushiro was almost vomiting blood because of Shunsui. He coughed for a while before he caught his breath. He glared at his long-time friend who was not serious and said,"The teacher is not asking about Nanao."

Then Ukitake turned around and told the captain-general what he knew,"If I remember correctly, that person should be Captain Hitsugaya's sister Nanami. When she and Captain Hitsugaya entered the Shinō Spiritual Academy together, they were both identified as super geniuses with sixth-level spiritual pressure."

"But she gradually fell into decline. Today I realized that she hid it too deeply."

Because everyone, like Aizen, could not feel the strong spiritual pressure from Nanami, people had secretly discussed the topic of the decline of genius.

But now it seems that everyone was wrong. She must have used unknown means to hide her spiritual pressure until today.

"I see."

The captain nodded, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes:"Go up there and see what she is going to do."

Chunshui and Fuzhu looked at each other.

"She might be going to be successful."

Shunsui shrugged. Suddenly three captains wanted to rebel, and then such a super genius appeared. He guessed that the captain-general must have been thinking about talent.

Moreover, the sudden loss of three captain-level combat forces will definitely cause chaos in Soul Society for a while. The best way is to fill the captain's vacancy as soon as possible.

In other words, no matter from which aspect, the captain-general wants to examine whether Tan Nanami is qualified to be the captain.

As for the issue of strength.

Not to mention other things, the speed that even the captain-general was moved by is enough to make Tan Nanami the captain.

The only thing to consider now is Tan Nanami's position.

They have all noticed that the spiritual pressure of Aizen and the other two appeared on the double killing platform, so they want to catch up to see what Tan Nanami will do when facing Aizen and the others.

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