As mentioned before, the Soul Society didn't know much about the Arrancar. Even if there were Arrancar in the past, they were different from now.

So, until Nanami sent the information about Urahara Kisuke back to the Soul Society, they knew a little bit.

Then the Soul Society sent the relevant information to the support team in the real world as soon as possible.

By the time Ichigo Kurosaki got out of school in the afternoon, everyone already knew what the current situation of the Arrancar was.

"Why are you here?"

When Ichigo returned home and opened his room, he suddenly found that his room was full of people. Everyone except Tanaka Nanami and Toushirou was there.

So, where did Tanaka Nanami and Toushirou go?

Apart from the mission to find Urahara Kisuke, they had no other missions.

But after they arrived at Kurosaki's house, they suddenly found something.

"Captain Isshin?"

Toushirou looked at Kurosaki Isshin in disbelief.

I don't know what it was like in the original novel, but at least here, Toushirou had worked under Isshin Shiba for two years, so when he saw Isshin Kurosaki for the first time, he recognized the old captain.

"It's Toushirou."

Kurosaki Isshin was startled. It had been a long time since anyone called him captain, so he was a little uncomfortable.

He looked around and luckily his two daughters were not around. He quickly pulled Toushirou out of the store.

Nanami Kaku followed them out, and after Kurosaki Isshin stopped, he politely bowed his head and thanked them,"Thank you for taking care of my brother in the past."

"You are Toushirou's sister. He used to admire you very much. It's a pity that I have never met you."

Kurosaki Isshin smiled and greeted Nanami.

"By the way, why are you here?"

Then, he pretended to know nothing and asked tentatively.

"It's just a small matter."

Nanashi smiled and dealt with it. She didn't say what it was. Anyway, the meaning of her words had already revealed that she didn't want to say it.

Dong Shilang opened his mouth, but he didn't expect Nanashi to suddenly become cold. In the end, he could only change the subject and asked:"Captain Isshin, why did you suddenly disappear that year? Where have you been all these years?"

Dong Shilang's first captain was Isshin, so he still respected Isshin very much.

Moreover, Dong Shilang always felt that he had taken Isshin's position, and he couldn't help but feel a little guilty in his heart.

"That's a long story."

Yi Xin imitated what Qi Shi had just done and responded casually. It was impossible for him to tell them all his experiences over the years. Wouldn't that make him a fool?

Then the three of them suddenly realized that if you didn't say anything, I wouldn't say anything either. Each of us would only make the atmosphere awkward.

"Are we almost done talking up there?"

Nanashi looked up at the upstairs in a pretentious manner, and then pretended to listen for a while, then said to Dong Shilang,"We are indeed done talking, it's time for us to make our debut."

"Well, Captain Yixin, we'll leave first, uh...I went to see your son. We have something to discuss.

Although Isshin didn't say anything, he still revealed that he and Ichigo were father and son.

This was to prevent Toushirou and the others from calling him by his Shiba family name. At least for now, he didn't want to reveal his identity as a god of death.

So, Isshin could only tell them that his name was Kurosaki Isshin.

In this way, since Ichigo, who also had the same surname Kurosaki, also lived here, it meant that the two of them could only be father and son.

"No wonder Ichigo is so strong, it turns out he has good genes too."

Kanami said, nodded to Isshin, and was about to leave. If they continued chatting like this, she would get goose bumps.

And this was an awkward situation caused by her, so she didn't want to stay here.

In fact, it's not that Kaanami doesn't trust Isshin, but she knows that Isshin knows everything but pretends to be stupid, which makes her very uncomfortable.

If everyone was more honest from the beginning, Kaanami wouldn't have killed the topic at the beginning.

"This way."

Later, Dong Shilang wanted to talk to the old captain about many things, but he found that Nanami was walking in the opposite direction. It was not just a matter of going in the wrong direction, but where was she going?

"Come with me."

With a weak sigh, Toushirou could not ignore Nanami, so he had to follow her closely and lead her. The two of them successfully came to the other side of the Kurosaki house and jumped in through the window that Ichigo had just opened.

"Have you told him the information about the Arrancar?"

Toushirou asked


Rukia and the others nodded.

When Toushirou and Nanami were communicating with Isshin, they were not idle either, and quickly shared the information about the Arrancar that Seireitei had just obtained with Ichigo.

"In fact, even if the Hollows took off their masks, it would not matter. If they really wanted to go to war with Soul Society, the targets of their Arrancar transformation would have to be at least at the Great Hollow level, and the number could not be less than ten."

At this time, Toushirou started reasoning.

In fact, the reason was very simple. Even if the Hollows took off their masks, their level would not suddenly increase. It would just increase their combat power to some extent.

In other words, the level they had before would remain the same after they became Arrancar. The only difference was that there was one more state than before, namely the Arrancar state and the original Reincarnation state. Moreover, when in the Arrancar state, Hollows could also possess Zanpakutō, which was previously only mastered by Shinigami, and they had one more way to attack.

However, Hollows' Zanpakutō could not be Bankai, so they could only use Zanpakutō to Reincarnate, which was equivalent to releasing all their own power.

Next, Toushirou explained to Ichigo, who did not understand anything, what Great Hollows were.

The so-called Great Hollows were divided into three levels, namely Gillian, who had the largest number and poor IQ, and was equivalent to the status of miscellaneous soldiers.

Then there are the higher level Adjuchas. At this time, the Hollows will gradually change into another appearance, and they will no longer look the same as in the Gillian period.

The last one is Vastrode, which is the highest level that a Hollow can reach so far.

In fact, Arrancar is just a state, not a level.

Let's put it this way, all Hollows can become Arrancar, but the level will not change, and then it will be reflected in the actual combat power according to the original level of the Hollow.

In other words, even if Adjuchas becomes an Arrancar, when he encounters Vastrode who has not yet become an Arrancar, he will still be killed instantly, without any surprises.

At this time, Toushirou is only worried about one thing:"If Aizen has more than ten Vastrode-level Arrancar under his command, Soul Society may really be lost, unless..."

At the end of his speech, Dong Shilang silently looked at Nanami. Nanami nodded imperceptibly.


Dong Shilang couldn't help but gasp.

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