"Something happened."

Just as Grimmjow and his group of Arrancars stopped hiding and unleashed their spiritual pressure, Nanami and Toushirou were the first to stand up from a bench in a park.

For them, it was not shameful to be stranded in a park, because they were not rich before and often went hungry, but they got through it. Moreover, the siblings had sensed Grimmjow's hidden spiritual pressure from the beginning, so they knew that tonight would not be peaceful and had no intention of sleeping.

"Follow me."

Dong Shilang called out to Nanami, and he took the lead and rushed forward.

Nanami knew that this was not the time to joke, so she followed closely without saying a word.

She knew even more how incredible her directionlessness was. Once Dong Shilang fell behind her by five meters, she would be lost without knowing where to go. That was an exaggeration.

Sometimes even Nanami herself secretly complained, wondering if she did it on purpose, not to mention what others would think....

Not only Toushirou and Tanaka Nanami felt the spiritual pressure of Grimmjow and his group, but others also noticed it.

However, among them, none of Chad Yasutora, Inoue Orihime, and Ishida Uryuu acted rashly.

Needless to say, Ishida Uryuu has not yet recovered the power of the Quincy, so naturally he can't take any action.

As for Chad Yasutora and Inoue Orihime, they had been beaten and crippled before, and almost became a burden to Kurosaki Ichigo. This time they dared not attack casually, and they also had a little psychological guilt.

In other words, the only ones who were taking action at this time were Tanaka Nanami and the team members brought by Toushirou.

Especially on Rukia and Ichigo's side, the two were in crisis, because the ones who came to them were actually Grimmjow himself and another Arrancar.

"I found you, trash."

Grimmjow laughed arrogantly, ignoring Rukia who was fighting with another Arrancar not far away, and just stared at Ichigo.

It seems that Grimmjow knows Ichigo.

"Are you in the same group as those two people?"

Ichigo looked at Grimmjow and had already made some guesses.

"You mean Ulquiorra and Yammy? Isn't that natural?"

Grimmjow lazily scratched his ears, looking into Ichigo's eyes, the murderous intent did not slow down at all, but was gradually boiling.

His main purpose of coming to the human world was Ichigo, he wanted to kill Ichigo.

No one knew why, maybe he couldn't stand Ulquiorra's behavior, or he had sensed a sense of crisis in Ichigo, so he secretly came to the human world after Ulquiorra had reported the mission to Aizen.

""Ichigo, run away."

At this time, Rukia subconsciously turned around and shouted at Ichigo.

She had already felt that Grimmjow's spiritual pressure was definitely not simple. In fact, the Arrancar who was fighting with her was nothing in front of Grimmjow.

And Ichigo's condition was very bad. It was incomparable to when he was in the Soul Society before. Because of the dishonesty of the power of the Hollow in his body, it was not an exaggeration to say that he had no fighting power now.

With one side gaining and the other losing, Rukia chose to let Ichigo retreat.

""Don't interrupt me, you rubbish."

Grimmjow cursed impatiently, and stepped on the unique footwork of Hollow,"Sound Turn", and instantly came in front of Rukia.

Rukia's eyes widened. She didn't see how Grimmjow did it at all, as if he was standing in front of her.

"What are you going to do?"

Just as Grimmjow was about to pierce Rukia's stomach with his hand, suddenly, another person who didn't exist here appeared out of thin air, gently but firmly holding Grimmjow's hand, and Nanami threatened with a gloomy face:"Don't touch my people with your dirty hands, you rubbish!""


This time it was Grimmjow's turn to be frightened. Just like Rukia just now, he didn't notice when Nanami appeared.

But how could this be possible?

"Are you that Tanaka Nanami?"

The next moment, Grimmjow guessed Tanaka Nanami's identity and quickly retreated.

Fortunately, Tanaka Nanami did not embarrass him and let go of his hand in time, otherwise Grimmjow would not have been able to retreat.


At this moment, the Arrancar who had been fighting with Rukia before didn't see the situation clearly at all, and dared to rush here


A black-gold beam of light shot out from behind Nanashi's head.

""Hollow Flash?"

Rukia cried out in disbelief, feeling that her brain could no longer keep up with the changes happening here, and she was almost confused about what was happening.

Nanami shrugged. The power of Hollows was also Reizo, and she mastered it with just one look.

As for Hollow Flash, it was also very simple. Think about it, as long as a great Hollow can do it, how difficult can it be?

But the Hollow Flash, which was not difficult in her eyes, was a disaster for the Arrancar.

Without any resistance, the Arrancar was directly annihilated by Nanami's black and gold Hollow Flash, without even a trace of debris left.

"Rukia, I'm lost."

Before Rukia could sort out her confused thoughts, she heard Nanami Kagami complaining a little aggrievedly:"That guy Toushirou suddenly dumped me, and I got lost all the way here. Fortunately, I met you." Before

, Toushirou was able to lead Nanami Kagami to the direction of the Arrancar at first, but later due to an emergency, Toushirou ran away without greeting Nanami Kagami.

In other words, Nanami Kagami did not lie, but really came here by chance, which was also Rukia's luck.


Rukia patted her head, still thinking about what happened just now.

If she remembered correctly, first Grimmjow wanted to attack her, then Nanami suddenly appeared to protect her, and then Nanami suddenly released a hollow flash, killing the Arrancar who had been fighting with her before.

The process should be like this.


""Captain, how did you become a Hollow?"

Rukia asked the most important question first, thinking that this was a very important matter. Once Soul Society knew that the captain of the 9th Division actually possessed the power of a Hollow, the 46th Division would not let her go so easily.

"Well, all the people in Room 46 are dead, it's nothing."

Nanami didn't care, he pulled Rukia to the roof and sat down, then he lowered his head and said to Grimmjow who was standing there with a look of doubt on his face:"Hey, that trash, if you want to fight with Ichigo, let me watch a good show, otherwise, I will kill you."

Since Grimmjow called Rukia trash, Nanami would naturally not be polite, and he had already planned to call Grimmjow trash in the future.

""Thank you for your care, Nanami-sister."

Below, Ichigo smiled bitterly and nodded to Nanami-sister, then turned to look at Grimmjow seriously, feeling nervous and expectant.

He needed this battle to regain his confidence, but at the same time, he was worried that the power of the Hollow would run wild again, which would be a bigger blow.

But no matter what, he wanted to fight Grimmjow alone in this battle.

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