"What's wrong with this guy?"

Grimmjow was shocked by Ichigo's appearance.

This is because he only knew that Hollows could transform into Arrancar, but he didn't know that Shinigami could also transform into Masks.

It can only be said that the Masked Corps hid too deeply, and even Aizen didn't know where they were hiding.

Or Aizen knew, but was too lazy to bother them.

Anyway, the experiment was completed, so why bother with"garbage"?

And this was the first time Grimmjow saw the mask of the Shinigami, so he doubted his life. Could it be that they were all the same?


In response to Grimmjow's question, Ichigo raised his head and roared.

After the power of the Hollow went out of control, he had lost his mind, not to mention the ability to speak.


Without any warning, Ichigo swung his sword and slashed, easily creating a black sword pressure that instantly appeared in front of Grimmjow.


Grimmjow raised his sword to block, but although he blocked Ichigo's attack, he was still pushed back several meters by the huge force.

"What a great strength."

Grimmjow raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect Ichigo to have this skill, and the increased strength was huge.

"It's not an increase, it's a release."

On the roof, Nanami saw it clearly and started to explain it to Rukia, and also helped Grimmjow to clear up his confusion:"Before, in order to suppress the power of the Hollow in his body, Ichigo could only use a small amount of Reishi, about one-fifth of it.

But as the power of the Hollow ran wild, he naturally didn't suppress it deliberately, and the power was finally released."

That is to say

"Is this Ichigo's true strength now?"

Rukia couldn't help but exclaimed.

Although she didn't have the strength of a captain, she could tell that Grimmjow definitely had the strength of a captain because she had been in close contact with captains for many years.

If not, she wouldn't have been almost killed in an instant, because Rukia at least had the strength of a captain.

However, Ichigo almost killed Grimmjow with one sword, which was a bit scary. It was a bit exaggerated to say that he killed Grimmjow with one sword, but at least Ichigo showed more power than Grimmjow, which was beyond doubt.


Grimmjow snorted coldly. He could see that Ichigo was a little stronger than him now, which made him look gloomy.

Since coming to the human world, Grimmjow looked at everyone as if they were trash.

But the trash he considered was actually a little stronger than him. Anyone would be angry and embarrassed, and Grimmjow was no exception.

"I don't believe it."

Grimmjow fearlessly rushed forward again.


Ichigo roared again, as if he was the Hollow, which made people feel that Ichigo and Grimmjow had swapped roles.

While roaring, Ichigo did not just stand there, but followed Grimmjow's movements and rushed forward. Ichigo had no skills at all at this time, and he swung his sword directly.


Grimmjow felt that he was being underestimated. Did this guy really think that he was stronger than him?

Grimmjow did not dodge, but also swung his sword in the face.


The collision between the two created a powerful storm. Fortunately, Nanami used her delicate hands to hold Rukia's slender waist in time, otherwise Rukia would be in danger of being blown away.

"Damn it, I don't believe it."

Grimmjow roared in the center of the storm. He found that when he was fighting with Ichigo, his palms were trembling and numb. This was a sign that he was at a disadvantage.

This annoyed Grimmjow.

""Squeak, Leopard King."

While they were still fighting, Grimmjow suddenly returned to his original form.

Instantly, a huge column of spiritual pressure erupted from Grimmjow's body, and even Ichigo, who was running wild due to his hollowification, had to temporarily retreat.

But Ichigo didn't just watch Grimmjow return to his original form like a fool. He just uttered a low and hoarse voice:"Bankai!""


As if he was competing with Grimmjow, a huge spiritual pressure beam emerged from Ichigo's body, and Ichigo's spiritual pressure seemed to be even stronger. The chaotic and violent pressure temporarily paused the battlefields around him.

"Are you okay, Rukia?"

On the rooftop nearby, Nanami Tanaka not only protected the house below from being affected at all, but also half-hugged Rukia's body tightly, and asked with concern.

Rukia rolled her eyes. In fact, as long as she sat next to Nanami Tanaka, it would be fine. After all, even the house below was fine, she should be fine too.

But Rukia struggled secretly but couldn't get rid of Nanami Tanaka's hand, which made her helpless. He said that she couldn't do this before she allowed it, and this guy really knew how to take advantage of every opportunity.

But forget it, seeing that Nanami Tanaka had come to protect her in time before, Rukia was too lazy to care about it anymore, and would settle the score when she got back.

Look below


A breeze blew by, and the two spiritual pressure beams gradually dissipated. When Ichigo and Grimmjow reappeared, they had undergone great changes.

Ichigo, needless to say, after his Bankai Zanpakutō, his death suit would become a handsome cloak, and his Zanpakutō would change from a half-man-high machete to a slender katana.

And now because he was in a hollow state, the mask on his face also changed. The original two or three red marks became more, and it seemed that even the style of the mask had changed.

Look at the opposite side.

Grimmjow has undergone a big change as a whole, and directly transformed into���A human-shaped leopard, his Zanpakuto disappeared, and instead, his nails on both hands grew longer to replace his Zanpakuto, and there were also sharp blade-like things at his elbows.

That was not a decoration, but a weapon for killing people.

"Let's fight again, Kurosaki Ichigo."

Grimmjow roared wildly, and from his address, it can be seen that Grimmjow has recognized Ichigo's strength, because he no longer regards Ichigo as trash.


Ichigo's answer was only a roar, as if he had really turned into a monster.


But at this moment, a black cavity appeared and interrupted the fight between the two.

The person who disturbed the situation was the former captain of the 9th Division, Tosen Kaname.

"Why don't you stop?"

As soon as Tosen Kaname appeared, he scolded Grimmjow, just like a boss treating a subordinate. Grimmjow paused, and although there was an unwilling expression on his face, he did not resist. He lowered his hands and came to Tosen Kaname obediently.

Of course, he was not afraid of Tosen Kaname, but he couldn't help but care about Aizen behind Tosen Kaname.

"Hey, isn't this Captain Tosen?"

Nanashi finally let go of Rukia, who had been feeling uncomfortable for a long time, and stood up. He smiled politely and greeted Tosen:"Want to have a shot? It's free."

Before Tosen could understand what Nanashi said, a thick dark golden beam of light had already hit him head-on.

"Damn it, is it the flash of the King of Hollows?"

Tousen Kaname almost jumped up and cursed, this is too insidious, right?

Fortunately, Grimmjow was in the state of returning to the blade, with the strength of a captain.

And Tousen Kaname was not a pushover, so the two of them escaped into the Hueco Mundo in time....

That's right, they escaped into the Hueco Mundo, instead of blocking the Hollow Flash of Tan Nanami.

What a joke, even they wouldn't choose to block the Hollow Flash of King Hue in a hurry.

And that was Tan Nanami's Hollow Flash, the huge pressure contained in it made them unable to think of blocking it.

""Tsk, did he escape? How slippery."

Then, she heard Nanami snort in disappointment, but not too disappointed, which made Rukia wonder if she really wanted to destroy Tosen.

Then, Nanami looked down again and saw Ichigo looking up at her after losing his opponent.

"hou? Ichigo, are you trying to challenge your sister's authority? Great, I finally found an excuse to discipline you."

As he spoke, before Rukia could react, Kagami jumped forward lightly.

What faced Kagami was Ichigo's powerful upward slash and a black sword pressure.

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