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"I didn't expect that the Xuye Palace didn't even have a guard."

After entering the Xuye Palace gate, Qi Shi couldn't help but complain.

It turned out that they didn't encounter any obstacles at the Xuye Palace gate, and they just walked through the huge open gate and came in.

"Don't ignore Master Lunugang."

Nilu reminded Nanami indignantly that it was not that there were no guards in Xuye Palace, but that they had been killed by them, and they were killed by a sneak attack, so despicable.


"Besides, this is the Hunye Palace, there is no need for too many guards. The name of the Ten Espada alone is enough to make people afraid to approach, not to mention that there is also Lord Aizen in charge."

Nel continued


I see."

"Oh no, there is a fork in the road ahead."

Just then, the group came to a fork in the road with five passages. It was unknown where the five gates led to.

"It seems that we can only try them one by one."

Ichigo said subconsciously.

"Idiot, we don't have that much time.

Rukia reminded Ichigo that they were very short on time and didn't have time to try them one by one.

"Let's split up and act separately."

Qishi suggested:"We have exactly ten people here, so we can work in groups of two."

"Ten people?"

Everyone else was stunned, and then they understood.

"Are you serious?"

Rukia looked at Nanami with a frown on her face.

"You won't count us in, will you?"

Nel looked at Nanami in disbelief.

Nanami's group only had six people, namely her, Rukia, Renji, Ichigo, Ishida and Chad.

So only if Nel and the others were counted, there would be ten people.


"Even Bawabawa was counted in."

Tang Duochaka wiped his big forehead with his hand in shame, thinking that this person was really hard to understand.

Although Bawabawa was huge, it was really just a pet. It was good as a means of transportation, but it had no combat power that people could rely on.

Speaking of which, many weak virtuals used it as food.

"It's decided."

Rukia suddenly agreed with Nanami's proposal, turned to look at Ichigo, and said seriously:"Ichigo, I know you are worried about my strength, but you have to understand that I didn't come here specifically to ask you to protect me."


Being afraid of death on the battlefield is an insult to the soldiers.


Nanami came close to Rukia and said to everyone,"We are working together with Rukia, so she is the one we don't need to worry about the most."


Everyone, including Lucy, looked at Nanami with surprise again.

"Don't forget that I have a terrible sense of direction."

Nanami looked at everyone confidently and reminded them,"I said that if you don't let me follow Rukia, I might get lost in Soul Society."

This is very possible....

"What kind of way is that to get lost?"

Everyone started to complain quietly.

But then they thought about what she had done before, and it seemed that she was not exaggerating.

"It's decided then."

Finally, Ichigo nodded, and made arrangements:"Nanami-sister and Rukia will act together, and I'll take Nel, Ishida and Peche, Renji and Dondochakka, and Chad, and you and Bawabawa can you act together?"

Ichigo didn't know that Bawabawa only looked intimidating in appearance, but actually had no fighting power, so he deliberately left the intimidating-looking Bawabawa to Chad....

"That's it."

Chadu nodded and agreed without saying anything more.

The others looked at each other and had no objection.

"Let's go."

Ichigo called Nel and they were about to choose a gate and set off.


Renji suddenly called Ichigo and said,"Before we set off, there is a ritual that has not been performed in Soul Society for a long time. I want to try it."

"Don't do it."

Nanami seemed to be very resistant:"That's very embarrassing"

"I think it fits the current situation very well."

Rukia was the first to agree, and she stretched out her hand in front of Renji.


Nanami had no choice but to put her hand on top of Rukia, then raised her head and looked at Renji provocatively.

Renji ignored her, and Rukia just shook her head.

Although Ichigo and the others were confused, they couldn't resist Renji's urging, so they had to gather around and form a circle, with the nine of them putting their hands together.

Uh..., even Neelu and the others were called over

"We are now heading to the place of the final battle."

Then Renci loudly declared:"Believe in yourself, our swords will not break.

Believe in yourself, our hearts will not retreat.

Even if we are scattered, our iron will will still be together.

We swear that even if the sky collapses and the earth breaks, we will still...Come back here alive."

As Renci's voice sounded, the atmosphere around him seemed to become solemn and heavy, but everyone's hearts were beating fast.

Then, when the last word fell, everyone pressed their hands down hard, and when their hands separated, everyone turned around without hesitation and rushed in the direction they had chosen at the beginning.

Uh...In theory, this should be the case.


"Nanami-sister? Why are you following me?"

Suddenly, Ichigo discovered that not only Nel was chasing after him, but also Nanami, who looked troubled.

"Why is that?"

Nanami tilted her head in confusion, and finally blamed Ichigo:"Ichigo, isn't this the door Rukia and I chose? Why are you chasing me? Where's Rukia?"

"Don't be the first to complain."

Ichigo yelled like he was furious:"And I was the first one to come in, Nanami-sister was behind me, wasn't she?"

Nanami turned her head away awkwardly, pouted her lips and whistled, pretending that she couldn't hear what Ichigo said.


Ichigo sighed helplessly and thought that it was because Tan Nanami said that he wanted to act together with Rukia that he agreed to the plan of everyone acting separately.

But now, Tan Nanami actually ran to his side, what about Rukia? Will she be okay?

"We can't let Nanami-sister go back to find Rukia by herself, that would only make things worse."

Ichigo complained, and finally had no choice but to let Nanami-sister continue to follow him.

"Don't worry."

Nanami saw through Ichigo's worries and comforted him,"I definitely care about Rukia's safety more than you do, so don't worry, I will always pay attention to her spiritual pressure. Once Rukia is in danger, even if it is the Kyonyaku, I will find a way to rush over."

"As for now, I don't need to do that. Maybe my existence is an obstacle to Rukia, so I'll let her get some experience."_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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