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Dordoni's Zanpakutō is called Storm Baron, it is conceivable that his ability must be related to wind.

After completing his transformation to the Blade, there was not much change on his body, unlike other Arrancars who would even lose their human form after completing their transformation to the Blade.

Compared with before, Dordoni in the Blade state only had two more bony horns on his shoulders, and two more things like car exhaust pipes on both sides of his feet.

And the two snake-like hurricanes came out from those two exhaust pipes.


A muffled sound came from the front, and Ichigo Kurosaki was seen holding a knife in front of him, and was hit against the wall by one of Dorodoni's giant snakes. Spider-like cracks appeared on the wall behind him, which showed how powerful it was.

""You still haven't reached Bankai?"

Dordoni stood on the ground not far away and looked at Ichigo.

His attack method was the two hurricane-force snakes under his feet, so he didn't need to fight in close combat.

"" Getsuga Tensho."

Ichigo responded by slashing the snake in front of him.

Then, as he rushed down from above, he raised his sword and chopped it down again:"Getsuga Tensho."..."

"I think I've said that."

Dordoni's face was gloomy, and he jumped up instead of retreating. When he came in front of Ichigo, he just raised his arm to block Ichigo's knife.

Then, he continued:"There should be a limit to underestimating people."

"Damn it."

Ichigo cursed inwardly. His sword was blocked. He could only watch as Dordoni used his other hand to hit him hard on the chest and was knocked away again.

And this time Dordoni did not stop there. He made a strange gesture with his hands and said,"Disobedient children should be taught a lesson."


A huge beam of light rushed over after Ichigo who was flying backwards.


Ichigo could no longer control his balance and could only watch as Dordoni's flash got closer and closer.

"Don't bully Ichigo."

But at this moment, a small figure suddenly opened his arms and blocked Ichigo's way. It was Nelu.

"Nel? Get out of the way."

Ichigo exclaimed, and subconsciously turned to look at Nanami, only to find that Nanami was standing there with a calm face, with no intention of coming over.


The scene that Ichigo was most worried about did not appear. Nel was not injured by Dordoni's Hollow Flash. Instead, she opened her small mouth and swallowed the Hollow Flash? Is this true? Is he hallucinating?

"What's wrong with this little girl?"

Dorudoni was also shocked, thinking that this was the first time he had seen someone eat a Void.

And Nilu not only ate the Void, but also vomited it out with a"Puwa".


Seeing his fake dodge coming back, Dordoni didn't look happy at all. Before he could dodge, he was hit.

"This stinky girl."

The smoke cleared, revealing Dorudoni, who looked very embarrassed. He cursed in a low voice, and just as he was about to raise his foot to control the hurricane to attack Nilu,


Nana Nanami finally spoke, and no one saw how she did it, but in a flash she was in front of Ichigo, and asked Ichigo who was lying on the ground in a serious face:"What are you thinking? A lion uses all its strength to catch a rabbit, not to mention that you are not facing a rabbit, but it is not an exaggeration to say that you are a lion. How long will you be so arrogant? To be honest, I'm a little tired of it."

Ichigo froze, and was about to refute that he wanted to conserve his strength in order to go further. If he wasted too much spiritual energy here, what would he do if he encountered other enemies later?

"Don't you still have me?"

Nanami seemed to see through Ichigo's thoughts, and before he could open his mouth, she stopped him and continued to lecture him:"Besides, if we get rid of the enemy as soon as possible, we can also rescue Inoue as soon as possible, right?"

Ichigo suddenly woke up. Yes, they didn't have much time to delay any further.

"What I want to see is a wonderful battle, not a timid farce."

Naka Nanami warned unhappily:"If you continue to be so cowardly, I will not care about your dignity. By then, you may all become a burden, because I am the only one who can rescue Inoue."

Ichigo really disappointed Nanami.

She originally thought that she would see a wonderful battle scene, but who would have thought that she was about to yawn just now.

Whether a battle is exciting or not does not depend on the level of the two sides in the battle. If that were the case, Nanami would hardly encounter a drama worth watching. What interests her most is whether the two sides in the battle are firm enough. Only by devoting themselves wholeheartedly can people feel excited, and can make people excited even if they are just a spectator.

And Ichigo's battle just now made her feel indifferent. The way he was timid because he wanted to preserve his strength and was always at a disadvantage was really cowardly.

"I'll give you one more chance."

Nanami raised a slender jade finger to warn Ichigo:"Next time, I will knock you out and let Nel drag you to save Inoue."

Ichigo rolled his eyes helplessly, thinking that if it really came to that, then why did he come to Hueco Mundo?

"I won't let you down again."

Taking a deep breath, Ichigo jumped up from the ground with his hands.

"Oh? Are they finally getting serious?"

In the back, Dorudoni, who had not pursued because of Nanami's appearance, showed an expectant look.


Ichigo nodded, and glanced at Nanami out of the corner of his eye, thinking that he dared not delay any longer, because he could see that Nanami was indeed dead.


Ichigo finally released his Bankai with a light shout:"Heavenly Chainsaw." Standing sideways, Ichigo, wearing a black windbreaker, held a long black sword in his hand. Compared to his previous cowardly appearance, he was now very handsome.

"As you wish, this is the Bankai you have been waiting for."

Ichigo said to Dordoni coolly

"Are you still trying to be cool?"

Nana's forehead was crisscrossed with blue veins for the first time, and she wanted to kick Ichigo from behind.

She had always made others feel helpless, especially Toushirou, who was often made angry and powerless by her.

But today, Ichigo had put her in such a state.

""Fake flash."

The angry Qishi was very scary. She was holding something in her hand and throwing it forward.


A black-gold light flashed out from her palm, and after instantly piercing through the countless thick walls of the Xuye Palace, it flew a long distance in the sky outside the Xue Mundo, and finally disappeared into the sky.


Ichigo froze, and Dordoni took two steps back in a cold sweat.

"I've already said I'm very angry. Do you two want to die?"

Qian Qishi was mad. Are they going to fight or not? Why not just kill them all together?

Sister Qishi was very angry. The consequences were serious._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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