"Hey, have you heard that there are two super geniuses among the freshmen this year?"

"Ah, of course I heard about it. It seems that his grades are the same as those of Shiba Kaien-sama when he entered school. They are both of the sixth-class spiritual pressure level."

"That's great, a genius of this level must have been reserved in advance by each squad like a treasure, right?"

Before Nanami and Toushirou entered school, the names of the two had already spread among the students of the Maou Academy of Spiritual Arts.

Although no one knew who the two were, it did not stop everyone from admiring and envying them.

Then when the new students began to enroll, many people spontaneously ran to the gate to greet them.

This is the reality, outstanding people are easily surrounded, especially in this world where power is supreme.

It's not that everyone wants to flatter now, and now they are just acting with the attitude of chasing stars.

Wait until they really enter the squad in the future, then it will be serious, either they will be suppressed by their superiors, or they will be praised by their subordinates. In short, it will be very troublesome.

"Here they come, those two are the legendary super geniuses."

Finally, Nanami and Toushirou were recognized.

Soon, the two siblings were surrounded by a crowd of people, and some people tried to get close to them.

Unfortunately, the extras are just extras. Nanami said that she couldn't remember who was who, anyway, they were all the same.


Just then, a little girl squeezed in from the crowd, and she asked Dong Shilang in surprise:"Are you the genius everyone is talking about recently?"

"It seems so."

Dong Shilang smiled bitterly and scratched the back of his head. With his personality, he really didn't want to attract attention in this regard.

"By the way, why are you here?"

Dong Shilang asked the girl curiously again.

"I just happened to pass by here."

The girl spit her head and was embarrassed to say that she followed here because she was curious about who the genius was.

"Speaking of which."

At this time, Nanami suddenly frowned in displeasure, tapped the back of Dong Shilang's head with her hand, and said:"Have you forgotten me, you guy? And, Xiaobai? Whose dog is that?"

She was not jealous, it was purely a feeling of 'this kid is my brother, who do you think you can just cheat him away?' At the same time, she really couldn't stand the name of Xiaobai. Did he treat her brother like a puppy?

Well, it was also because the girl was Hinamori Momo.

Nanami, who knew the plot, knew that this girl was not an easy person to deal with. It was not an exaggeration to say that she was a green tea bitch. She actually treated her brother like that, which was really hateful.

The most important thing was that Dong Shilang was really disappointing, so she was so angry.

"Who is this?"

Hinamori Momo was shocked by Nanami's low mood. She couldn't understand why he was so unfriendly when they first met.

"That one."

Dong Shilang smiled awkwardly, but had to bite the bullet and introduce it:"This is mine, uh...My sister's name is Nanami"

"It's 'Seven Real Sister’"

Later, Nanami unhappily reminded him how to introduce himself. Toushirou pretended not to hear and introduced Hinamori Momo to Nanami:"She is my childhood sweetheart, her name is Hinamori Momo."


Although Hinamori Momo was curious about why Toushirou was the younger brother, she had never seen Tanaka Nanami before coming to the Maou Spiritual Arts Academy, so Tanaka Nanami must have come later and should be the younger sister.

But she was smart enough not to say the doubt in her heart, and she didn't dare to stay for long, so she quickly said,"Well, I have something to deal with here, you guys chat first, Xiao...Dong Shilang, let's meet again when we have a chance."

After saying that, she ran away.

And Dong Shilang's whole mind was taken away by Hinamori Momo.

"Don't look at it anymore."

With a look of dismay, Nakashi hit Dong Shilang on the back of the head with her hand. As expected of a sister, she dared to bully her brother. It was no different from when Nakashi bullied her brother Nakashika. She just beat him up without mercy.

Dong Shilang had no idea what to do. He really couldn't beat him. He couldn't help but sigh and wondered, when will it end? When will he be free from the suffering?

"Speaking of which."

After Nanami finished dealing with Dong Shilang, he turned around and looked around. He picked two boys and girls who looked good in the crowd and shouted,"Hey so-and-so, and so-and-so, could you please take us to the dormitory?"

"Then who?"

""That so-and-so?"

The two people who were called couldn't help but frown. They had clearly signed up just now, how could they be forgotten so quickly?

But forget it, who calls him a genius, it's normal for him to be a little arrogant.

Discouraged and secretly comforting themselves, the two still walked over obediently, and while taking the two siblings to find the dormitory, they spontaneously told them some rules of the Maou Academy of Spiritual Arts.

Because Maou Academy of Spiritual Arts is a co-educational school, separate dormitory buildings are prepared for boys and girls, and the cafeteria is in the teaching building, so everyone can still get together when eating.

Following the girl called"that so-and-so" by Tan Nanami, Tan Nanami found a small room assigned to him.

Unlike the large number of boys, the number of girls is more than half less, and there may not even be one-tenth.

In fact, it is the same in the 13th Division. There are very few female shinigami.

After all, this is a world that is good at fighting with knives, so the male side The female side is more advantageous.

Of course, there are still strong ones, such as Hana-san from the first generation Kenpachi, the two strong women from the Zero Division, Soi-Fong, the captain of the Second Division, and Yoruichi, the former captain of the Second Division. Aren’t they all women?

The reason I mentioned this is mainly to say that because there are very few girls, the dormitory resources are sufficient, and basically one person per room can be maintained.

Especially in the class of Nanami Kagami, there are only four girls in total, which allows them to be assigned to several dormitories each, which is more than enough to change rooms every day.

The boys’ side is not so good. There are actually four people in one room, especially in the last class, there are eight people in one room, which is so crowded.

After the room was assigned, Nanami Kagami didn’t have anything to pack. Everything was assigned by the Shinō Academy of Spiritual Arts. She even had several sets of clothes to change and the bedding was ready. As long as people moved in, it would be OK.

"Let's go to the cafeteria."

Anyway, there was nothing to do now, so Nanami patted the dust-free hem of her skirt, walked out of the dormitory building, and turned to the teaching building.

She had asked"that guy" for specific information before, so she was not afraid of getting lost even if she looked for it by herself.

But when she arrived at the teaching building, she met an extraordinary person at the gate.

"Lan Da? Why is he here? Isn't he here to recruit talents as well?"

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