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In fact, just when Nanami and the others entered the Hueco Mundo, the people in the real world began to act.

First, Urahara Kisuke notified the Masked Corps to leave Karakura Town.

Because next he had to transfer Karakura Town to Soul Society with the people from the Technology Development Bureau and the 12th Division sent by Mayuri Kurotsuchi, and then make a fake Karakura Town as a battlefield.

If the Masked Corps did not leave, they would definitely be thrown into Soul Society together, and it would be impossible to act quietly, as others would discover their whereabouts.

Aizen might know about the actions of the real world, or he might not know, because his eyes were all on Ichigo and the others at that time.

Aizen never took Soul Society seriously, even if he knew that Hirako Mako and the other captains were hiding in the dark.

In fact, Aizen only cared about Ichigo, and later he had to add Nanami.

Now that the two have come to Hueco Mundo, he naturally doesn't need to pay attention to the situation in the real world or Soul Society.

In this way, everything that needs to be prepared was prepared smoothly in the real world.

After arranging the placement of his daughters, Isshin Kurosaki secretly met with the captain-general and had a small gathering with his former friends.

He didn't dare to see the Shiba Kukaku siblings, but just glanced at the Shiba family's house from a distance, or should it be Shiba Kukaku's house?

In short, the moment when Nanami and the others set off for Hueco Mundo, Soul Society quickly prepared for the decisive battle.

When Ichigo defeated Dordoni, Aizen issued a series of orders after seeing his current growth, asking the fifth Espada Nnoitra and the sixth Espada Grimmjow to assist the fourth Espada Ulquiorra to delay Nanami's progress.

Then, when he sensed that the captains had finally come to Hueco Mundo for support, he left Yami, who could transform from the Tenth Espada to the Zero Espada as his anger surged, to deal with Kenpachi Zaraki.

Logically speaking, Yami and Zaraki's attributes were very contradictory.

Zaraki was the type who would show mercy in order to fight longer. But

Yami was the type who would continuously improve his combat power as the battle time became longer and the damage he received increased.

In the end, it was very likely that Yami would grow into a terrifying enemy that even Zaraki could not face.

Of course, it might also be that Yami helped Zaraki to end his fate.

This is a story for later.

Well, Zaraki was not the only captain who came to Hueco Mundo, there were others as well.

So Aizen left the Seventh Espada to deal with Byakuya.

Logically speaking, these people were enough. Although the Ninth Espada was dead, Rukia was also seriously injured.

And the Eighth Espada had always had the upper hand and occupied the home court. Even if Mayuri Kurotsuchi had already found him, I believe he would be able to deal with it smoothly.

In fact, it doesn't matter even if Hueco Mundo is lost. At least Aizen never regarded Hueco Mundo as his ultimate goal. It is just a starting point. His destination is in the sky.

Next, after arranging the follow-up of Hueco Mundo, Aizen took the first, second, third and other ten Espadas and their subordinates, as well as another special Arrancar, Marugin and Tosen Kaname, and they finally set off for the human world. Let's not talk about the decisive battle in the human world, which is still in the stage of handsome appearance. As for those captains, let's not talk about them for now.

Just look at Nanami here.

"Are you done arguing?"

Then she casually held Nnoitra's machete with her delicate hands, tilted her head, and said,"Then go to hell."

After saying go to hell, she casually threw it forward.


A huge sonic boom was heard at the spot, and Nnoitra disappeared.

"What a terrifying power."

Even Ichigo raised his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, thinking that if he was accidentally touched by her, he would be dead or seriously injured.

"That idiot."

Ulquiorra rarely showed an unhappy expression, and his eyes were fixed on Nanami, not daring to be careless in the slightest.

"Ichigo, go and save Inoue."

Before actually taking action, Nanami said to Ichigo without even turning his head:"The Kyonya Palace is almost empty, don't worry about those useless things, go and save the people first."

Ichigo wanted to say that he also wanted to fight, but then he thought, indeed, the purpose of their coming here is to save Inoue.

"I understand."

He nodded and rushed forward. When he passed by Ulquiorra and Grimmjow, he didn't worry at all that they would suddenly attack him, because Nanami was already standing in front of them one step ahead of him.


There was a loud noise behind him. Ichigo glanced behind him and saw that Grimmjow and Ulquiorra had already flown out, but they were not flying towards Ichigo. Instead, they were being thrown into the room by Nanami, who grabbed them by the collar without any hesitation.

"That's right."

Nanami suddenly remembered that he was holding a small object in his hand, so he called Ichigo again and threw Nel over.

"Take her along, maybe she can help you."

Because Nnoitra didn't come back, Tan Nanami deliberately threw Nel over.

Although Nnoitra is a sexist, he is not a fool. He has already suffered at the hands of Tan Nanami, so in order not to be"insulted" by her again, he will not rush back on purpose.

Or it can be said that because he is a sexist, Nnoitra is even more unwilling to be defeated by Tan Nanami.

Of course, if he can win, that's another matter.

Tan Nanami didn't deliberately chase Nnoitra, anyway, he is not Schwartold. Even if he finds Ichigo, it won't be a big deal, even if Ichigo is still a little injured and his spiritual pressure is also reduced.

"It's just right for him to go berserk again."

Kanji Shimizu thought to himself that it would be better for Nnoitra to find Ichigo, so that he could have a strong outburst. Otherwise, it would not be good for the power of the Hollow to be blocked for too long.

Later, it really went according to the script that Kanji Shimizu had thought of.

After being thrown out by Kanji Shimizu, Nnoitra was actually injured, and it seemed that he was seriously injured.

He was really angry at the time, and felt that he had been greatly insulted. He wanted to return to the sword immediately and kill back.

As a result, just when Nnoitra was about to start, Kanji Shimizu attacked from inside. When he felt that even Ulquiorra and Grimmjow could not get any good, he stopped.

Just at this moment, Ichigo rushed out of the passage after catching Nel in a hurry, and rushed out in the direction of Inoue's spiritual pressure.

"Nelliel Du Odshvank, I didn't expect you to return to the Palace of the Night."Nnoitra gritted his teeth. Since he was not a match for Nanami, he would go find his former enemy.

Just like that, Nnoitra turned around and chased Ichigo again.

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