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Nanami chased after Ichigo's spiritual pressure, he saw Ichigo, who had turned into a bull-headed hollow, destroying the corpse of Nnoitra's subordinate.

As for where Nnoitra was.

Uh..., that pool of flesh over there seems to have some of Nnoitra's spiritual pressure.

Fortunately, the rescued Inoue and the injured Nel stayed far away, otherwise they might have been affected too.


When Inoue saw Nanami, a complex expression appeared on his face.

She felt guilty and blamed herself, but also a little grateful and happy.

Nilu didn't care so much. Although she had recovered her memory, she still rushed over like a child.

""Nana, please go and save Ichigo."

Nel cried and asked Nanami for help:"If he doesn't wake up, he will be in danger of becoming a real Hollow."

Nel was worried that if Ichigo continued like this, he would not be able to turn back into a Shinigami, and would eventually become a real Hollow, and might even lose his rationality.

As for Nanami, since she could appear here, it meant that Ulquiorra and Grimmjow must have been defeated by her, and she definitely had the strength to stop Ichigo now.

"Leave it to me."

Qishi smiled and patted the broken mask on Nilu's head, then walked forward.

"Ichigo, little brother."

As he approached Ichigo, Nanami greeted him.


Ichigo was disgusted by the interruption of his"fun" and turned around with a roar. However, when he saw Nanami, he was obviously stiff for a moment.

Then in the next second, Ichigo angrily swung his long sword and slashed out a black crescent moon. At this time, he lost his mind and didn't even recognize Nanami.


Nakamiya didn't dodge or avoid, but rushed straight forward.

Then, before Inoue and Nel showed their worried expressions, a breeze blew away the smoke, and Nanami was revealed, which surprised them. A huge change took place on Nanami's body. Needless to say, the Death Hagi must have disappeared again....

Originally, Nanami was just like a little girl, so Jinta Hanakari called her"old Lolita".

But now, Nanami has become an adult. In addition to her cute and beautiful appearance, her figure has become taller and hotter.

Not only that, she is now wearing a pair of knee-high white bone boots with high heels....She wore a short skirt, a sleeveless white shirt, and two elbow-high white gloves.

In addition, the most surprising thing was that there was an evil ghost mask with two long horns on her head, and it was also made of bone.

However, unlike Ichigo who wore the mask on his face, the mask of Nanami was worn diagonally on his head, and it looked like an ornament.

All signs indicate that

"She also became a Hollow?"

Inoue covered his mouth and exclaimed.

Nel was dumbfounded, thinking how come she met almost all the Death Gods? Who is the Hollow?

"I'm here, Ichigo."

Tilting her head, Nanami glanced at her figure a little too naturally, especially the big breasts that made her eyes twitch.

But after all, she had lived as a woman for so many years, so she didn't mind too much. After greeting Ichigo, she took out a long sword from somewhere and rushed forward with a"whoosh".

Ichigo didn't dodge either, and while roaring like a beast, he swung his sword and chopped at him.


The two men each held a long sword and slashed at each other fiercely at the moment of collision.

The final result was that Ichigo took several steps back in the first place.

And before he could stand firm, Nanami had caught up with him and slashed at him again.


Ichigo subconsciously raised his sword to block, and then began to retreat.

Seeing that Nanami continued to chase him without stopping, she swung her sword again.

Ichigo was annoyed. It was not fun to be chased by her like this.


Ichigo opened his bloody mouth again and roared angrily, and also condensed a virtual flash and released it.

""Hollow Flash?"

Nanami was amused. With a thought, she also released a black-golden Hollow Flash. Moreover, she was the first to arrive. Before Ichigo's Hollow Flash could fly far, her Hollow Flash had already hit him.


Ichigo's screams were heard in the smoke rising from the huge shock wave.

"Don't be scared, keep going."

Tan Nanami laughed heartily. The fighting spirit provoked by Ulquiorra and Grimmjow was finally released. What he didn't want to see the most at this moment was that Ichigo suddenly regained his consciousness, because then he wouldn't have such a refreshing opponent to fight with. As expected

, Ichigo didn't disappoint Tan Nanami. Before the smoke cleared, a figure rushed out and rushed towards Tan Nanami fiercely. The knife in his hand was also aimed at Tan Nanami's vital points.

Tan Nanami didn't care and lightly swept Ichigo's knife aside with his left hand. Then he raised the long sword leisurely and chopped forward.


Takashi Nanami's knife hit Ichigo accurately, causing him to kneel on the ground.

Fortunately, Takashi Nanami didn't really want to kill Ichigo. After all, he was not a real enemy, so she attacked with the back of the knife.

"Get up quickly."

Nanami said this, but he didn't give Ichigo any chance to get up, and kicked him away.


In the back, Inoue and Nero were wiping their sweat, thinking,"We asked you to wake up Ichigo, but we didn't expect you to fight with him. And this is...���Excited.

Then I saw Kagami Shimizu chasing Ichigo everywhere.

It wasn't that Ichigo wanted to escape, but he couldn't stand for even a moment. He would be beaten by Kagami Shimizu again the next moment.

I don't know how long it took, and Ichigo was beaten into a state of disarray. Finally, with a crisp sound of"crack", Kagami Shimizu accidentally chopped the bull-head mask into pieces.

That's right, it was accidentally broken.

""Huh? You're Nanami-sister? How did you become like this?"

Ichigo must have seen Nanami like this for the first time, but because Nanami's appearance had not changed much, he recognized her with half-belief.


Nanami held the knife in his hand, and watched Ichigo staring at him. He couldn't fall any further.

"How did you wake up?"

Qishi was very upset. He had been having a good fight just now.

"What happened to me?"

Ichigo had just regained his sanity, but he was still not very sober. Slowly he remembered what had happened just now, and his face changed color. Why did he suddenly go berserk?

"Fortunately, Inoue is fine."

Looking at Inoue and Nel who were running here, Ichigo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This sigh of relief was not a big deal. Ichigo took a breath of cold air and felt as if his whole body was falling apart. What happened?

Nanami knew what happened, of course. Before Ichigo could ask, she had already walked away with a dry laugh. Naturally, no one could stop her from leaving.

It was just that she originally wanted to find Rukia, but later, she ran to the battlefield of Kenpachi Zaraki and Yami in a daze._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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