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Zaraki mastered Nosai's Bankai, all the injuries on his body healed automatically.

Nosai's Bankai is different from ordinary Zanpakutō. Nosai has not changed at all, and still looks like a rough axe.

On the contrary, Nosai's master, Zaraki, has changed a lot.

His whole body has turned blood red, and his eyes have lost their reason, as if he is a violent beast at this moment.

It is precisely because the changes in Bankai act on Zaraki that his injuries are also healed by the way. Isn't it a pleasant surprise?

Nanami doesn't care about these. If Zaraki's injuries have not healed, she even wants to help him heal them.

And since he has healed himself, let's continue fighting.


In the empty desert, on a rugged battlefield, two people collided violently.

"Is this all you have left?"

Holding a knife in his hand, Nanami looked at Zaraki who was right in front of him and sneered,"You are nothing."

Without much effort, Nanami pushed the handle of the knife lightly.


Zeraki instantly turned into a cannonball and flew out.


Finally, he even knocked a sand dune not far away into a new huge sand pit.

It turned out that the countless potholes and bumps nearby were made by Nanami using the wood....


At this moment, Zaraki was very similar to Ichigo the Gyuto Hollow before, both of them had lost their minds, and even their ability to speak. They roared and jumped out from under the sand pit, and without thinking, they once again rushed towards Nanami.


Nanami stood there holding up her knife to block Zaraki's heavy blows, and then she didn't rush to fight back, but calmly let Zaraki launch fierce attacks around her, and she blocked them one by one with just the knife.

"I told you, if it's just this level, you're nothing special."

Nanami soon got annoyed, and when Zaraki swung the axe at him again, he moved sideways and quickly kicked him.


Once again, one of Geng Mu's legs was broken at the knee, with the bones sticking out of the skin. It looked horrible.


Zeraki did not stop attacking, and roared as if he felt no pain, subconsciously raised his other hand and punched forward.


Nanami was even more decisive, as if he had already seen the next move, and had already turned his long sword and waited there. At this moment, he gently chopped down and actually cut off Zaraki's left hand. Zaraki

's spiritual pressure is a big problem for many people. Even how to break his skin is a headache. It is even comparable to the unique skill of Hollow, Copper Skin.

But in front of Nanami, this little hardness is too weak.

"Don't worry, we'll pick you up later."

While comforting Zaraki, Nanami kicked him out again without any hesitation.


I don't know where Nanami's kick hit Zaraki, because it was too fast to see clearly, I can only see Zaraki flying backwards with a big mouthful of blood spurting out of his mouth.

"It's not over yet."

Nanami knew that Zaraki would not stop there, so she raised the short sword in her hand from behind, and with a thought, the small sword quickly turned into a large sword several dozen meters long.

It was said to be an ordinary shallow strike, but since Nanami said it was her Zanpakutō, it was conceivable that it must be very powerful.

Unlike other Shinigami, Nanami did not need her Zanpakutō to have any special abilities, so it only awakened a special ability, which was that it could become longer or shorter, thicker or thinner at any time according to Nanami's thoughts.

(PS: Please put away your bold ideas...)

It is really similar to the Ruyi Jingu Bang. When it is small, it can be used as a pin to hang on clothes. When it is large, it can smash the earth or even the universe.

However, there is no need for Nanami to attack a world at every turn. At this time, Nanami suddenly turned the knife into a long sword of dozens of meters. There is no need to chase after it. He just swung it down with force and caught up with Zang Mu who had not yet flown far.


This time, even the remaining right arm and the other leg of Zaraki were cut off.

If one must describe Zaraki's current state, then the word"human stick" may be the most appropriate.

"That's it."

Yachiryu suddenly appeared in the outside world again, looked down at Zaraki who was still unconscious even with his Bankai, and laughed:"Xiaojian, are you happy this time? It's a pity that you still lost."


Nanami had come up to him without him noticing. She raised her hand to touch Yachiryu's little head, but she stopped there and didn't dare to take another step. She was afraid that her hand would go through Yachiryu's body.


Yachiryu turned around with a smile, stood there with her head tilted cutely, and said goodbye:"I'm very happy to be with you, but I can't leave Xiaojian alone, so, goodbye Qichan, I'll come to play with you again when I have the chance."

Nanami understood what Yachiryu meant. He could still come to play with her in the future, but the form would be different from before, just like today, with Zaraki waving her to fight with him.

"Let’s not do it."

Before Yachiryu disappeared again, Tanaka Nanami smiled bitterly and waved his hands:"He is too weak, it is hard for me to get interested, so forget it."

Yachiryu showed a distressed expression, and wanted to say something but didn’t have time to say it.

As she returned to Zaraki’s spiritual world as Nosai, it was not so easy to get out again.

This time, she came out when Zaraki lost consciousness because she really wanted to say goodbye to Tanaka Nanami in person, and her existence was so short.

"Is this a farewell forever?"

Nanami frowned in disappointment. It was impossible for her not to be sad. After all, she got along well with this girl.

But she couldn't snatch Yesha away. Even if she had copied Yesha, she couldn't copy Yachiryu.

For example, although she had copied most of the Zanpakutō in Soul Society, if a Zanpakutō materialized, her sword would not change at all. At most, it could only appear as Asauchi.


Nanami suddenly had an idea. When it comes to the Zanpakuto materialization incident,

"Maybe I can learn Muramasa's ability, then I can make Yachiryu materialize again, right?"

Thinking of this, she finally let go and smiled, and it was only then that she put away the knife.

Why would she hurt Zaraki so recklessly? Do you think she didn't want to kill Zaraki? In fact, she had already wanted to kill him, but she didn't do it because she didn't want Yachiryu to disappear completely.

And now, since she has thought of a solution, she has let Zaraki go._Read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fei

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