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"Don't say something that will cause misunderstanding."

Nanami also became angry and embarrassed. What do you mean by being above her? Is this bastard really Aizen? Could it be someone pretending to be him?

Nanami still recognized Aizen and thought he was a hero.

But she didn't expect that this hero was also a scoundrel.


On the ground, Dong Shilang turned his head away with an expression of dismay, thinking to himself, Big sister, you really think too much. What he said"above you" is really just a literal meaning, that is, he wants to surpass you in strength, there is no other hidden meaning.


Look at Aizen again.

His body began to evolve, and was enveloped by a huge spiritual pressure beam. Even the captains felt a tremor due to the huge pressure.

"Is he really going to exceed his limit?"

Even the captain couldn't help but exclaimed secretly.

Now he felt the pressure, which shows how terrifying Aizen's spiritual pressure is at this time.


At this time, Kagami Nanami not only didn't care about the changes in Aizen, but also turned around and lectured Toushirou:"I told you to practice Bankai well, but you always disobeyed me."

When Toushirou heard this, his first reaction was to get so angry that veins appeared on his forehead. Who was it that didn't help him practice Bankai before and kept interrupting him?

"If you continue like this, even Hyorinmaru will be troubled."

Nanami continued to speak, but her next action shocked Toushirou.

"Bankai, Dahonglian Hyorinwan"


In Toushirou's exclamation, Kagami Nanami once again took out Hyorinmaru's Bankai.

Her death suit disappeared again, and she turned into a white dress for women. There was a thin layer of ice on her limbs and shoulders as armor.

In addition, the style of Hyorinmaru was different again. In Kagami Nanami's hand, it became a long, thin, transparent and beautiful long sword emitting blue light.

In short, it was exactly the same as before.

"That's Captain Hitsugaya's Hyorinmaru? How can I find Captain Nanami?...?"

Someone shut up in the middle of a sentence because what he said next was extremely treasonous.

In Soul Society, it has always been strictly forbidden to have two identical Zanpakutō, just like the life-and-death duel between Toushirou and Sojiro Kusanagi.

And now Tanaka Nanami also has Hyourinmaru. Could it be that the duel from that year will happen again? And this time it happened between this pair of siblings.

However, Tanaka Nanami is so powerful, and her brother Toushirou is also the captain. Does Soul Society really want to offend the two captains because of that rule?

Fortunately, before everyone could struggle to come up with countermeasures for the two siblings, Tanaka Nanami made the next move.

"Bankai, Zanka no Tachi"


This time it was the captain's turn to be stunned.

The Zanka-dachi was his Zanpakutō's Bankai, how come Nanami also had it?

Moreover, one of these two swords was the strongest in the snow type, and the other was said to be the strongest in the fire type. It could be said that these two Zanpakutō had the most mutually exclusive attributes. How could they appear in the hands of the same person at the same time?

"Dongshiro, watch carefully."

Takashi Nanami waved his two Zanpakutōs, one hot and one cold, called him brother, and then rushed over.

Aizen hadn't actually completed his evolution, but Takashi Nanami didn't care. He didn't care about those unimportant things at all, and rushed to the front and slashed

"Ice and fire."

After one slash, Nanami shouted out his own crappy name and slashed at Aizen's location twice.


First, the spiritual pressure light column was violently shattered by Nanami, and then


The exposed blue dye looked like a big white ball, and the outer skin was easily cut open.


And inside the big white ball, a white shadow rushed out just as the two knives approached him.


Standing there, Aizen turned into a strange man wrapped in white entity spiritual pressure.

He let out a dull roar, without any nonsense, and stepped hard in the void, and rushed to the front of the front of the head of the scorpion.


Nanami's reaction was very quick. She was a little off balance just now, but she regained her balance instantly, and lightly blocked Aizen's sword, and swung out another sword.


The white skin on Aizen's body was cut open instantly, and large handfuls of blood spurted out like water.

Not only that, because the two swords have attributes, and the one that just cut Aizen's body was Hyorinmaru, Aizen's wound was frostbitten the next moment.

Tanaka Nanami didn't let him freeze, otherwise, he wouldn't have lost even this little blood.

Then again, Tanaka Nanami hadn't planned to Bankai these two swords. Didn't she say that she didn't want to be feared by the Soul Society?

However, this time because of a miscalculation, she almost missed the battle in the real world, so she changed her mind temporarily.

No one knows what will happen next. What will happen in the future, especially since she knows there are Quincies hiding in the dark. In order to prevent unwanted scenes from happening, she plans to take this opportunity to teach Toshiro.

And in this way, unless Soul Society really wants to turn against her, she can legitimately help Toshiro practice after she returns. It was with these ideas in mind that she suddenly decided to use the Bankai Dai Gurren Hyorinmaru.

As for the Zanka-dachi, it was to make things more complicated.

It's not like anyone would dare to let the captain-general fight her to the death, right?

Once it involves the captain-general, even the newly appointed Forty-Six Chambers will have to be cautious.

Looking back at Aizen

"It's useless."

He looked down at the wound on his body, but he didn't seem to care, because it was visible to the naked eye that his wound healed in the blink of an eye.

"My self-healing ability now is incomparable to even the Hollow's super-speed regeneration."

Aizen seemed very pleased with himself.


Nanami chuckled:"In other words, can I chop you a few more times?"

Aizen's face darkened again, but luckily he covered his face now, so that no one could see his psychological changes.

""Stop bragging."

Aizen yelled,"I don't believe you can continue to be so relaxed."

While shouting, Aizen was about to attack Nanami again.

"I'm sorry."

But suddenly, Nanami disappeared from Aizen's sight, and stood behind him, muttering as if she was very disappointed:"It must have taken a lot of time, a lot of effort and hard work to reach this point, right?

I'm really envious, because I don't even have the opportunity to work hard, and I can't experience the joy after hard work."

After saying that, in the face of Aizen's puzzled, confused, bewildered, frightened, unwilling and other complex expressions, Nanami swung the Zanka no Katana from behind and cut him in half.

It's just that Nanami didn't know whether she did it on purpose or didn't notice that her sword didn't touch the Hougyoku.

It was because of this that Aizen didn't perish._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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