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""Where's Captain Unohana?"

The captain found that only Nanami was back, so he couldn't help but ask.

"She is resting, she was exhausted just now." As

Qi Shi said this, his delicate face showed a look of aftertaste, which made the other captains turn their heads away.


The captain-general had already heard that Unohana Retsu was going to have a big fight with Tanaka Nanami, but the expression she deliberately made really made people have to think wildly. He coughed lightly with some anger and said,"Since Captain Unohana can't come due to something, and Captain Zaraki is also fighting with his Zanpakutō, let's get started first."

It turned out that Zaraki had already started a war with Yachiryu, but no one knew what the outcome would be.

Tanaka Nanami frowned a little worriedly, thinking that with Zaraki's character, he would not know how to show mercy, and Yachiryu must not be cut off. Although Tanaka Nanami knew that there were people in the Soul King Palace who could repair the sword, she was afraid that after the repair, Nosawa would not be Yachiryu, but someone else, and that would be bad.

"Now let me make the announcement."

I don't know what the captain just said, as Nanami was distracted, but I heard him start to announce:"Next, a four-man team consisting of Captain Nanami, Captain Kuchiki, and the two vice-captains will go to the present-world Karakura Town to stop Muramasa from unsealing Kuchiki Hibiki.

The others will stay behind to take care of the rebellious Zanpakutō."

The captain arranged the work concisely, then waved his hand and let the captains leave on their own.

"What do you mean? What was said?"

After the meeting was dismissed, Tanaka Nanami ran to find Toshiro with a confused look on her face, wanting to find out what the captain-general said that she didn't hear during the short time when she was distracted. Toshiro looked at Tanaka Nanami with a strange look on his face, and finally shook his head and sighed:"As expected, the more skilled you are, the more courageous you are. Don't worry, there is no opponent you can't solve."

After that, he turned around and left.

Toshiro was in a hurry to practice Bankai, but he didn't expect that his Zanpakutō actually rebelled. It was really ridiculous.

So he didn't have time to chat with Tanaka Nanami, and wanted to hurry up to subdue Hyorinmaru.

Besides, it wasn't like Tanaka Nanami was going on a mission alone, and Byakuya was following her, so he wasn't particularly worried.

"This brat."

Qishi jumped up and down and cursed. This kid is getting more and more disobedient.

""Captain Nanami, follow me."

At this time, Byakuya said coldly as he walked by.

Behind Byakuya, his adjutant Renji and Nanami's adjutant Rukia were called over.

It seems that when Nanami was delayed, Byakuya had already been to the vice-captain's meeting room.

"All right."

Nanami had no other choice but to follow.

But she wasn't worried about anything. Even if a thousand-year bloody war broke out, what would it matter? Do you believe she would kill the Soul King and Yhwach together for you to see?

Uh..., King Ling said, is it related to him? Why kill him too?

Slip of the tongue slip of the tongue, let it slip...

At present, except for Tanaka Nanami's Zanpakutō, almost all the Shinigami who have awakened their Zanpakutō have been betrayed by their respective Zanpakutō.

This has also caused the entire Soul Society to fall into chaos.

Logically speaking, the combat effectiveness of a Shinigami who has lost his Zanpakutō will be reduced by at least half. In some exaggerated cases, even the combat effectiveness will be lost.

But for Byakuya, it just made him frown slightly, and then he didn't care at all.

Tanaka Nanami didn't need to care even more.

So, no matter how worried the two adjutants were, the four of them still crossed the Dangai and came to the human world as soon as possible, and it was Karakura Town.

I don't know how unlucky Karakura Town is. Other cities don't have so many problems. Only this city always has problems, and they are all big things.

There is no way, who calls it a heavy spiritual land?

"Follow me."

After arriving at Karakura Town, Byakuya didn't need to identify the three people behind him, and turned around and walked in a certain direction, as if he already knew the destination.

"Nanami, you're going the wrong way."

Rukia's voice came from behind him. Byakuya glanced behind him and couldn't help but frown. He found that Nanami seemed to be deliberately going in the opposite direction.

"More than five meters."

Nanami accused Byakuya of walking too fast and exceeding the distance of five meters, which made her lost.

To say that it was intentional, it was not really, because there were reference targets, such as the swordsman named Zoro who was not much better than her, both of them were at the same level of directionally challenged.

Fortunately, although they were a little directionally challenged at ordinary times, at critical moments, neither of them failed to catch up, but they often made a little fun.


With a sigh, Byakuya didn't dare to walk too fast anymore, and deliberately waited for a while before walking slowly forward again.

As a result, their speed was much slower than before. When they finally arrived at the seal of Kuchiki Hibiki River, Muramasa had already unsealed it. All of a sudden, all three of them turned their heads and looked at Nanami without saying anything, but their expressions all said 'it's all your fault'.

Nanami smacked her lips, knowing that she was in the wrong, she didn't refute anything, but just stared at Muramasa and looked him up and down.

"Did you lead all these Shinigami here to kill me?"

At this time, Kuchiki Hibiki said this right away, and it sounded like he was questioning his Zanpakutō.

It was strange, why would Kuchiki Hibiki doubt Muramasa who was so loyal to him?

""Hey, who's Kuchiki?"

On this side, Kagami was not interested in studying Kuchiki's thoughts and ideas, and shouted,"Can you please let me have it? That knife is pretty good, I want to see it more."

There were three people named Kuchiki at the scene, and except for Renci, they all turned to look at Kagami.��

The Kuchiki family is a noble family, and the leader of the four noble families. Such rude behavior will definitely not make them happy. Even Rukia rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"I really don't know his name, I forgot."

Nashi pointed in the direction of Kuchiki Hibiki and explained to Rukia that she was not disrespecting her.

"Then leave him to me."

Bai Ya suddenly said:"Since you even forgot his name, it means you don't want to fight him, right? It's just right for me, the rotten wood boss, to clean up the mess."

"The head of the Kuchiki family?"

Kuchiki Hibiki sneered:"Oh, when will it be your turn as a little brat to have the final say in the Kuchiki family? Huh?"

Kuchiki Hibiki is not Byakuya's father, but his uncle, a son-in-law who married into the Kuchiki family.

Originally, Kuchiki Hibiki felt a little inferior because of his background, and later he saw that someone as outstanding as him could only get a third seat in the sixth squad, while Byakuya's sickly father easily got the position of vice-captain. It was impossible for him not to feel resentment and jealousy.

Therefore, at this time, Kuchiki Hibiki was not polite to Byakuya at all:"Boy, if you don't want to die, get out of here. For the sake of you being a member of the Kuchiki family,"


Bai Zai snorted coldly:"But, I want to kill you."

"Very good. Then I can kill you without any scruples."

Kuchiki Hibiki shouted arrogantly, and really attacked Baiya, and came with murderous intent._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection

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