More than a year passed in the blink of an eye, and finally, Toshiro awakened his Zanpakutō during this year.

I remember that Toshiro went to Hinamori Momo and Tanaka Nanami to show off, but little did he know that Tanaka Nanami got Hyorinmaru the first time he saw it.

Fortunately, Tanaka Nanami didn't try to take away the Hyorinmaru that belonged to Toshiro, but got his own Hyorinmaru.

By the way, at this time last year, the kid named Kusanagi Sojiro said goodbye to Tanaka Nanami and Toshiro because he was going to graduate early.

This year, it was Toshiro's turn to come and say goodbye to Tanaka Nanami.

"Have you decided to graduate with that little bitch?"

Nanami pouted. He was not optimistic about the CP combination of Toushirou and Momo Hinamori from the beginning.

And who knows if that guy will be killed by Aizen first? What if her brother becomes the scapegoat?

This guy thinks too much. Aizen is an ambitious hero. He is not inferior to the final boss. Why would he care about a woman? It would be fine if this woman could provide him with great help, but Momo Hinamori's qualifications are too poor. This means that Momo Hinamori is destined to become a person who is trying to catch the moon in the well....

"I can graduate now."

Dong Shilang said with a smile, but he felt warm in his heart for the concern expressed by this sister who insisted on being a sister. After coming to the academy, except for his childhood sweetheart Hinamori Momo, only the two sisters depended on each other, which made Dong Shilang closer to Tan Nanami, and he really began to treat her as a sister.

But sometimes Tan Nanami seemed very unreliable, which made him quite helpless.

For example, Dong Shilang had secretly challenged Tan Nanami countless times, but even if he awakened his Zanpakutō, he was not the opponent of Tan Nanami, who only had an ordinary shallow strike, and he never won once.

But except for Dong Shilang, no one in the entire academy knew how terrible Tan Nanami was. She showed people a harmless smile every day, which made Dong Shilang feel sick and thought that she must be extremely black-bellied.

Is this deliberately letting others misunderstand, and then waiting to slap others in the face when they are pretending to be cool?

""Okay, okay."

Qishi suddenly became a little irritated. Was he worried that he would feel lonely when he was alone?

"How could it be possible?"

She shook her head gently, and felt amused by the thought in her mind. She was not a child anymore.

""Take good care in the exam and don't embarrass me."

While sending Dong Shilang to the exam room, Nanami kept reminding his brother

"Don't worry too much."

Dong Shilang smiled bitterly. He was a super genius as others said. He had learned all the courses in the school in the past two years. It was just a graduation exam, which was not easy.

"Come on."

But Qishi still gave Dong Shilang a fist to cheer him up, and said:"By the way, if you graduate successfully, you must make a name for yourself, otherwise how can I rely on you?"

Dong Shilang's face suddenly darkened. So you kept cheering me on in order to find a better backer?


Dong Shilang got angry and turned around and went into the examination room.

"This poor kid."

Takashi Nanami smiled and turned around to go back to the dormitory.

In fact, Takashi Nanami was not worried about Toushirou at all, because she knew that Toushirou had indeed mastered all the courses of the Maou Spiritual Academy.

And she also knew that soon after Toushirou graduated, he might be able to take over the position of captain of the 10th Division.

"Although I don't know the exact years, but if my calculation is correct, Shiba Isshin should have changed his name to Kurosaki Isshin, right?"

"It will be two years at most, and then our Toushirou will become the youngest captain."

Thinking of this, Nanami felt happy for her brother as if she was going to be the captain herself.

And what made her even happier was that as long as Toushirou became the captain, wouldn't she be able to just slack off again?

She was too lazy to deal with the busy team affairs, so she agreed so readily to Rangiku to go to the Tenth Division after graduation. This was because she knew Toushirou would become the captain, and working under her brother, couldn't she do whatever she wanted?

Don't forget that when she was at home, Toushirou always worked by himself, but she did nothing but hide on the roof to bask in the sun.

So, she was going to bully this brother forever?

On this day, something big and small happened in the Joureitei. The super genius Toushirou, who has been rumored recently, successfully skipped a grade and graduated after only two years of enrollment. Although it has nothing to do with other squads, Toushirou was pulled into the Tenth Squad as soon as he graduated. However

, other squads will inevitably discuss this genius, because this is indeed worthy of praise.

Then, a few months later, another day, something that only high-level personnel could know about quietly happened, that is, because two identical Zanpakutō appeared in the Joureitei, according to the rules, only two Shinigami could fight a life-and-death duel.

One of the two parties involved was the genius boy Toushirou, and the Kusanagi Sojiro.

It was also in this duel that Toushirou completed his Bankai, which shocked everyone who knew the news.

He had only awakened his Zanpakutō for about a year, and now he completed his Bankai in a short time. Isn't it a bit too much for a genius?

Later, the duel ended with the death of Kusanagi Sojiro.

This is foreseeable. Not to mention that Toushirou completed his Bankai in the duel, he is also a super genius. If Kusanagi Sojiro had not enrolled a few years earlier, he might not have been able to last a few rounds. However,

Toushirou was not happy after winning the battle. Instead, he returned to the academy to find Tanaka Nanami and burst into tears for the first time.

Perhaps because his body has not grown up, Toushirou's mentality is really like that of a child, but his overly mature personality makes it difficult for people to discover the immaturity in his heart.

Fortunately, Tanaka Nanami was by his side, which allowed him to quickly get out of the sadness of personally destroying his friend.

After that, more than two years passed. On this day, because the captain of the 10th Division, Isshin Shiba, suddenly disappeared, and no trace could be found after more than a month of searching, the captain-in-chief had no choice but to hold a captain's meeting. At this meeting, Toushirou was elected as the new captain of the 10th Division.

Thus, the youngest captain was born.

And it has only been three or two years since he entered the Maou Spiritual Academy.

"Finally I can graduate."

In the academy, Qishi received the news at the first time, which made her feel relieved.

In the past few years, she had already mastered everything taught in the academy. Even before Dong Shilang, she could have graduated around the third day of coming to the academy.

It was just because of laziness that she had been refusing to leave.

Now that Dong Shilang has finally become the captain, Qishi can finally be said to be willing to graduate.

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