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The Shinigami all breathed a sigh of relief and secretly rejoiced that this happened after the final battle. If it had suddenly erupted during the final battle with Aizen, it would have been terrible.

After that, no one cared how others dealt with their Zanpakuto, and it all depended on Tanaka Nanami.

When they came back to report to the captain-in-chief, Tanaka Nanami called Rukia, and the two of them rushed straight to the direction of the 11th Division.

Then in the 11th Division's barracks, Tanaka Nanami kicked down Zaraki, who had just fought countless rounds not long ago and had not yet recovered, with just three punches and two kicks, and then picked up his Zanpakuto and ran away...., what happened?

All the members of the 11th Division were dumbfounded, thinking, what is going on? Could it be Captain Tanaka Nanami's turn to rebel this time? Can it be peaceful?

Tanaka Nanami certainly did not want to rebel. After"taking" Rukia back to the huge hole under the double killing platform, she wanted to test whether she could help Yachiryu to materialize as she thought.

Since Nosai appeared in the form of a Zanpakutō, it means that Zaraki must have subdued Yachiryu.

I just don't know how the child is, and whether he was injured by Zaraki.

Worried in his heart, Tanaka Nanami took out the dagger from his long sleeves.

"Oh, right."

Suddenly, she turned to Rukia and Unohana Retsu who were also staring at this place and said,"Please keep it a secret for me."

She didn't want people to know that she also mastered the power of Muramasa.

By the way, no one knows that she can copy other people's Zanpakutō, but they have some guesses. Most people mistakenly think that her Zanpakutō is Hyorinmaru and Ryujin Jakka.

And Muramasa's ability is really amazing, he can even turn other people's Zanpakutō against their own masters.

In order to avoid trouble, it is better to keep a low profile.

"What are you going to do?"

Rukia didn't have time to ask until now. She was also confused by Tan Nanami just now. She didn't understand what she was doing. She actually ran to the 11th Division to attack Captain Zaraki.

And why did Tan Nanami take Captain Zaraki's knife away?

Unohana Retsu over there was very calm. At this time, she had finished soaking in the hot spring. She simply put on two pieces of clothes and sat there, smiling and nodding to Tan Nanami.

"Just watch it."

No hurry to explain, but took action directly.

"Bankai, no hook to kill Muramasa."

Under Nanami's deliberate suppression, only the dagger in her hand changed, and no spiritual pressure fluctuations were transmitted.


Rukia gasped. Although she had heard many rumors, this was a scene she saw with her own eyes. She couldn't help but be shocked by Nanami. Did n't she fight with Muramasa before? How did Muramasa become her Zanpakutō in the blink of an eye?

Rukia was puzzled again. Unohana Retsu nodded slightly, with a look of as expected on his face.

"Materialize, Yesha."

As Nanami put the tip of the 'Hookless Muramasa' against Yesha's axe, a 'whoosh' sounded and a ball of spiritual pressure enveloped Yesha. After a while, the voice that Nanami was familiar with was heard.


Yachiryu looked around with a look of surprise and bewilderment, and finally smiled at Nanami:"Did you ask me to come out? Where's Xiaojian? Did you defeat him again?"

Why did he say"again"? Because Zaraki had been defeated before, and it was a terrible defeat.


Nanami sighed with relief.

The kid was pretty good to her, and they had a good relationship after running in together, so she didn't want to see Yachiryu disappear from this world.

Of course, Nanami didn't want Zaraki to lose his Zanpakutō. She wasn't like Muramasa who instigated Yachiryu to rebel, she just made her materialize.

And once Zaraki wanted to use his Zanpakutō, Yachiryu could go back at any time.

But there was no important battle right now, so he should just continue to play around with the jagged 'broken sword'.

After this, Soul Society finally returned to peace.

Only Tanaka Nanami could not get any peace. Every few days, he would be dragged out by Toushirou to help him practice his Zanpakutō's Bankai. After all, this was promised to him, and Toushirou was her younger brother, so she couldn't refuse. In addition to Toushirou, Hana-jie was also entangled with Tanaka Nanami. What made Tanaka Nanami even more unable to refuse was that whenever the two of them had a fight, they would definitely go to the hot spring together afterwards.

And every time Hana-jie would become powerless, it was not easy to fight with her.

In this way, Tanaka Nanami could get more benefits, so how could he bear to refuse.

Zaraki also came to Tanaka Nanami to"renew the relationship" with him, but unfortunately, except for the time when he went to grab the Zanpakutō, Tanaka Nanami"fought" with him once (was that really considered a fight?), he never agreed again.

In the words of Nanami Takagi, Zaraki is too weak and looks so ugly. It would be great if Zaraki was a Zanpakutō and Yachiryu was his true body, but unfortunately that's not the case, so she really has no interest in him.

By the way, Zaraki really didn't rush to let Yachiryu follow him as a Zanpakutō again. Instead, he let Yachiryu return as a Shinigami and as the vice-captain of the 11th Division. It's okay, he has some conscience.

Speaking of which, during this period, something big happened. The Zero Division suddenly came and said that they wanted to invite Nanami Takagi to be promoted to the Zero Division.

Logically speaking, it is not easy to be promoted to the Zero Division. In addition to serving as a corpse���To make great contributions to the Soul Society, one must be absolutely loyal to the Soul King and have special qualifications.

For example, the current captains of the Zero Division all have their own unique"talents". For example, Nimaiya Ouetsu can forge Zanpakuto. It seems that all Zanpakuto in the Soul Society are made by him. There is also the great monk Hyoshubu Ichibei, whose achievement is to create everything in the Soul Society (such as"Zanpakuto").’、‘The beginning’、‘The moment the god of death got his Zanpakutō, he knew the real names of all Zanpakutō.

So it's not that easy to become a member of the Zero Division.

And the reason why Nanami received the invitation seems to be because the people in the Zero Division have already known that she can copy other people's Zanpakutō.


"Urahara Kisuke that guy."

Nanami Kaku instantly knew who had betrayed her, she laughed so hard that you could see the cross veins jumping on her delicate face, and then she said to the captain:"Captain, I'm going to Karakura Town for a mission."

Without any hesitation, she was about to kill him.

From beginning to end, Nanami Kaku had only confirmed to Urahara Kisuke that she could copy her Zanpakutō, because she said she also had Benihime, which was Kisuke's Zanpakutō.

And she also knew that the hot spring under the double killing platform was created by Kisuke and Yoruichi in imitation of the hot spring of Kirinji Tenshiro, a member of the Zero Squad, which means that these two guys actually have some special connection with the Zero Squad.

In this way, there is no one else to suspect except Kisuke.

"We are still waiting for your opinion." The one who came to greet Nanashi was Hyoshubu Ichibei, the big monk, who smiled and reminded Nanashi:"This is a rare opportunity, it's hard to come by again."


Nanami clearly rejected their good intentions:"My ties are all in Soul Society, why would I go to the Soul King Palace? It's so boring, there are only a bunch of old men and women, you guys should go and have fun by yourselves."

"Well..."_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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