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After a while, Kenpachi Zaraki also came out.


He hummed in boredom, and Zaraki looked unhappy. He was really unhappy. He thought there would be a big battle. After all, even the captain-general valued these Fullbringers so much.

But he didn't expect that guy couldn't even block his sword. He was just a trash. It was a waste of Zaraki's time.

Nanami rolled his eyes, thinking that Zaraki had two misunderstandings. First, his opponent was not a trash, but he just didn't play the ability he should have.

Second, when did the captain-general value the Fullbringers?

He had just experienced the decisive battle with the Arrancar and Aizen. A few Fullbringers were not a problem at all.

In fact, the captain-general only cared about Ginjo Kūgo and the choice of Kurosaki Ichigo.

These two guys are very strong. If they are left alone, they may really cause trouble to the Soul Society.

But it's just a trouble.

"How about it? Tanaka Nanami, do you want to come and kill some time with me? I believe you are bored over there too, right?"

Zaraki walked around and came to Tanaka Nanami and Yachiru, wanting to challenge Tanaka Nanami again.

"You really are not giving up." Nanami sat up helplessly.

In fact, it was Yachiru who pushed her up.

"Hurry up and agree, Nana-chan, otherwise Xiaojian will be very bored."

Yachiryu also helped Zaraki to persuade Nanami

"What does it have to do with me whether he is bored or not?"

Nana wanted to ask this, but Yachiru's cute attack made her lose.

""Okay, okay."

With a sigh, Nanami could only accept Zaraki's challenge again.

"Just not here.

Seeing the excited Zaraki about to swing his sword, Nanami quickly reminded him that if two captains fought here, it would definitely have a great impact on Karakura Town. Although they all sealed 80% of their spiritual pressure, they should not be underestimated.

After all, he was Zaraki, and who knows what he would do when he got excited.

"What should we do then?"

Zeng Mu frowned in distress and suggested,"Why don't we go back first? Then find a place to fight to our heart's content."

"Stupid Xiaojian."

Before Nanami Tanaka could speak, Yachiru jumped over and patted Zaraki's forehead with his hand, reminding him:"Didn't we agree to come together and go back together before we came? If you go back first, you will definitely be scolded by the old man later."

Nanami Tanaka nodded, she meant the same thing.

And they actually had the task of"confirming the choice of the Shinigami proxy Kurosaki Ichigo"

"Don't worry, I can create a solid space."

Then she raised her hand and snapped her fingers.


A black coffin that looked very much like the broken coffin No. 90 suddenly appeared around the three people, but when the black curtain was fully formed, there was a different world inside.

"What's going on?"

Zaraki looked around and found that they were originally in Zamachi, but now they came to a strange city.

"This is my hometown."

Nanami stood there, looking at the familiar scenery around her, and explained:"This is a space I created with the same ability as that child named Yukio."

Although Nanami only fought with Tsukishima, she had gone to see the Fullbringers before, and when fighting with Tsukishima, she also used Tsukishima's ability to intervene in Tsukishima's past.

Therefore, whether it was Yukio's ability or other people's Fullbring, Nanami had mastered them one by one.

It's just that she didn't need the power of some people, and now she just happened to use Yukio's ability.

"We can fight without any worries here."

Nanami said, slowly pulling out her super short dagger, and when she pointed the dagger at Zaraki, the dagger turned into a thunder gun in an instant.

"Then I feel relieved."

Zaraki smiled with satisfaction, and was not in a hurry to awaken his Zanpakutō. Instead, he held the half-released serrated long sword and fought with Nanami again.

"Ah, they are out."

In the forest outside the villa, suddenly, the black curtains that separated everyone and locked them up in other spaces quickly disbanded one by one.

"It's finally out"

"What's going on?"

Rukia, Renji and Ikkaku, who were released, were all talking to themselves in confusion.

"You finally came out."

Yachiru greeted them happily, and pointed at the disheveled Zang Mu who was lying on the side and said unceremoniously:"Xiaojian and Nana-chan not only defeated their opponents long ago, but also fought for several rounds."


Several people subconsciously turned their heads to look at Tanaka Nanami not far away, and saw her sitting there calmly, with no trace of fighting on her body.

But then they thought again, yes, she had once completely defeated Aizen who defeated most of the Soul Society.

Although it was a bit rude, at least Captain Zaraki should not be Tanaka Nanami's opponent at the moment, and he is still far from it.

"You all came out as expected."

At this time, Dong Shilang came over from the other side, holding a child in his hand with ice. It was Yukio from the Fullbringer.

"Kuchiki, isn't Captain Kuchiki out yet?"

Toushirou looked around and found no sign of Byakuya nearby, so he couldn't help but ask Rukia.

But his address made people feel very strange, and it was almost impossible to tell who was who.

"I'm here."

Byakuya's voice came from the nearby woods. It turned out that he had come out too.

Not only Byakuya came out, but Yumichika had also come out a long time ago. As for the reason why they didn't show up, it was because they were taking care of Chad Yasutora and Inoue Orihime.

"Are they okay?"

Looking at Byakuya and Yumichika who walked out of the woods and reunited with the others, Nanami asked,"Tsukishima has been killed by me, so logically, they should have recovered."

"I don't know about that."

Bai Ya shook his head, then came to the front of the crowd and looked up at the last black curtain in the sky.

Why couldn't Bai Ya explain it clearly? Because Chad had been knocked unconscious by him, and Inoue was also knocked unconscious by Yumichika, so naturally he didn't know whether they had recovered.

"Why hasn't this black curtain been removed yet?"

Standing under the black curtain, Toushirou asked Yukio

"Because I can't open it."

Xuexu explained with a wry smile.

When they became companions, in order to express their sincerity, each Fullbringer had exchanged conditions with Ginjo.

And Xuexu's condition was that only when Ginjo was in his space, he could not decide to release that space, and he had to get Ginjo's approval before he could release it.

In other words ,

"We can only wait for them to decide the winner."

The Death Gods knew that they could do nothing now and could only wait quietly.

""Speaking of which, have we forgotten someone?"

Suddenly, Qishi muttered in some confusion, as if he had forgotten the existence of someone.

"It's Ishida."

Rukia had to remind Nanami:"You were the first one to be locked up, so you don't know that Ishida was locked up with Ichigo and in the same space as Ginjo."

"So that's it."

Qishi was relieved and quietly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his hand. He almost missed a person...._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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