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Nanami Kagami also followed Rukia back to the Soul Society that evening.

There was no other way, the old man had given the order directly, and two little ones came to replace her that evening, it would be a bit bad if she didn't come back.

Speaking of which, Ginjo Kūgo's body was also brought back by Renji, apparently at the request of the captain-general.

It was because of this that Ichigo came to Soul Society again that day, and walked on the streets outside the various divisions of the Soul Society like nothing had happened.

He acted as if nothing had happened, but others didn't think so.

Quickly, the captains of each division automatically came to the first division to assemble, only Kurotsuchi Mayuri and Ukitake did not come for other reasons.

"Wow, are you guys lining up to welcome me?"

At the gate, Ichigo looked at the huge scene and couldn't help but laugh and joked.

"Are you here to chat?"

Ichimaru Gin, who was waiting at the door, asked Ichigo with a smile.

"Gin Ichimaru? You are the captain again?"

Ichigo looked at Gin Ichimaru in surprise.

After the battle with Aizen, he lost his Shinigami power for seventeen months and only recovered it recently, so he didn't know a lot of things.

"Of course."

Ichimaru Gin shrugged, not intending to explain to him.

"Well, do you really think you're here to chat about family matters?"

Behind him, the belated Nanami tapped Ichigo on the back with his hand.

Uh..., originally, Nanashi wanted to knock him on the head, but unfortunately he couldn't reach it, and he didn't want to stand on tiptoe, so he could only push Ichigo, and everyone followed him into the First Squadron.

Inside the First Squadron's dormitory, the captain-general received Ichigo in the captain's meeting room.

"Kurosaki Ichigo, you've worked hard in this battle."

The old man started to speak in an official tone right away, otherwise he didn't know what to say, mainly because he didn't know what Ichigo's purpose was, otherwise everyone wouldn't be so nervous.

The reason for the nervousness is that Soul Society recognizes Kurosaki Ichigo, so they don't want to see a dispute between the two sides.

And now Ichigo is not simple, not only does he have a good relationship with the Masked Corps, but he also has a good relationship with the few remaining Arrancars in Hueco Mundo.

So if they really become enemies, Soul Society will also have a headache.

"Let's not talk about that. I'm not here to take credit today."

Ichigo is not used to speaking in official language, and he stated his purpose straight to the point:"Renji was ordered to bring back Ginjo's body. I want to bring him back to the human world for burial."

"You idiot, do you know what you are talking about?"

‘The new captain of the 5th Division, Makoto Hirako, started to curse and thought Ichigo was a fool:"That guy messed up your family and friends. Can you forgive him? Or is it okay to forgive him?"

Makoto Hirako really had a feeling. Wasn't their relationship with Aizen like this before? Their original life was messed up, and they almost died. Later, they were accused of being a fugitive from the Soul Society.

Since they were unwilling to forgive Aizen, they thought Ichigo should be the same as them.

"What forgiveness or not."

Ichigo said generously:"My family and friends have recovered, I am still alive, and he is just a substitute Shinigami."

This was his decision in front of the captain-general. The reason why he wanted to help Ginjo get the body back was because he was a substitute Shinigami.

The captain-general looked at Ichigo deeply, and finally nodded and agreed to Ichigo's request.

Then before Ichigo was about to leave, Shunsui tried it out, and the result was that Ichigo was still willing to carry the Shinigami proxy certificate, which made him very relieved.

This was to express to them that he was willing to believe in Soul Society and Ukitake and the others.

"It's finally over."

Qishi yawned in boredom, not even bothering to say goodbye to the captain and other captains, and turned around to go back.

"Nanami-chan, don't forget the appointment tonight."

Unohana Retsu suddenly reminded me from behind.

"Of course."

Nanami will definitely not forget it.

That was no longer a fight, but it was about to become a...What's wrong?

It's a pity that someone doesn't have a small steel cannon, cough cough

In the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed, or maybe less?

Anyway, on this day, something happened in Soul Society.

It wasn't really big, just some wandering souls suddenly disappeared.

But it's not really small.

Don't forget that Aizen used the fact that the Shinigami didn't care about the life and death of wandering souls to research and develop the Hogyoku.

And this time, it is said that those wandering souls completely disappeared, without even a trace left.

Such a method of completely eliminating souls, perhaps only the Quincy can do it?

It has been mentioned before that the relationship between the Shinigami and the Hollows is very complicated. They are both hostile, but at the same time, they are not particularly"one kills the other".

Because no matter whether the Shinigami kills the Hollow or the Hollow kills the Shinigami, it is just"transmigrating" the other party to their own world, so it cannot cause complete death.

But now, those wandering souls have disappeared not only in Soul Society, but also in Hueco Mundo or the real world, and there is no trace of them.

This has to make the captain-general alert.

Moreover, even the Hollows in Hueco Mundo and the real world have been attacked, and they have all disappeared completely.

Maybe there's going to be a storm....

"The above is the report of the 9th Division."

In the 1st Division's dormitory, Nanami stood there bored, while Rukia held a report paper and reported the results of the 9th Division's work to the captain in a serious and earnest manner. With such an incident suddenly breaking out, almost the entire 13th Division was busy investigating.

The 9th Division was no exception, and even Nanami had to go to a city in the real world to investigate.

"In this case..."

The captain was about to give the captain of the 9th squad the next task after completing the task.


Suddenly, a noise from behind interrupted the captain's words. His eyes, which were usually slightly narrowed, opened slightly and he glanced behind him. As a result, he saw a group of people in white clothes appear out of thin air.

""Who are you?"

The captain turned halfway and asked the group of people in white.

"Nice to meet you."

The group of white-clothed men were quite polite, one of them said in a literary tone,"You are the captain of the 13th Gotei Division, Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni, right? We are here to deliver a declaration of war."

He called him"sir"?

Nanami no longer looked bored and could yawn at any time. He turned his head and looked at the group of white-clothed men with interest, and asked jokingly,"Hey, is it really okay for you to call us the captain? Aren't you afraid that your boss will find out and kill you? I remember that Yhwach was not an easy person to get along with."

Silently, the Thousand Year Blood War arrived._Feilu reminds you: Three Things to Do When Reading - Collection

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