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"Um, two beauties, could you please stay for a while?"

On the way from the 9th squad to the 10th squad, Yaskin came out from a corner next to the wall.

"There are so many enemies."

Nanami shook the knife that she had been holding in her hand speechlessly.

Just now, near the entrance of the 9th Division, she killed Bambietta, the pseudo-girl Giselle, the glutton Litoto, the super-strong girl Minina, and the irritable girl Katis.

But in the blink of an eye, she was found again.

Moreover, the guy in front of her was not simple.

"One of Yhwach's guards?"

Nanami recognized the identity of the man who stopped him, but for a moment he forgot his name, so he asked directly:"Well, what's your name?...?"


A loud noise interrupted Nanashi's words.


This was the first time that a wound appeared on Nanami's body.

Turning her head, she looked at her right shoulder in confusion, only to see that a small piece of clothing was torn at the shoulder, and then a piece of skin was missing.

There was no need for any treatment at all, the skin was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in a blink of an eye it was intact, as if nothing had changed.

""Can you aim?"

Zhu Qishi pointed his finger at his smooth forehead and turned his head to one direction.

On the top of a building far away, Li Jie wiped his forehead with his hand, and when he looked down, he found that his palms were full of cold sweat.

Of course, he would not show mercy. He really aimed at Zhu Qishi's head and pulled the trigger. But for some reason, at the moment when the bullet was fired, he moved his hand as if possessed by a ghost, and it hit Zhu Qishi's shoulder.

Li Jie was still wondering what was wrong with him. At that moment, he seemed to see the image of a ghost from Zhu Qishi, as if if this shot was really aimed at the opponent's vital point, not only would it not hurt the opponent, but it would also bring disaster to his life.


Li Jie laughed, thinking that he was really a nervous person. Was it because he was too nervous?

But when he looked at Nanami through the scope of the sniper rifle in his hand, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.


Li Jie found out in disbelief, he just looked away for a while, how come the battle over there was over, and Yaskin was not dead in the ordinary sense, but he even took out the holy body 'God's Poison Vision' and the poison field 'Supreme Poison Ball'.

There was one thing Li Jie said wrong, that is, Yaskin was not completely dead, he still had a breath left and looked up at Nanami who was right in front of him, and asked in great distress:"It shouldn't be, why aren't you affected at all?"

"Are you talking about your lethal dose?"

Jian Qishi looked around nonchalantly, nodded and said in approval:"Very good ability, even the air is filled with countless lethal doses of toxic substances.

It's a pity that you met me.

I was once infected with 100 million lethal viruses because of the curse of"God", and later, after carrying it for a long time, the 100 million lethal viruses had developed and mixed into who knows how many types.

But even that couldn't do anything to me, let alone your poison. Unless your lethal dose of toxins can exceed 100 million in an instant, it will be ineffective against me."

Just as Jian Qishi said, it was really unlucky for Yakins to meet her.

If it were someone else, they would be affected to some extent, and they would be helpless against Yakins' ability of"being able to heal wounds directly under non-lethal injuries".

But in front of Jian Qishi, not only were the lethal doses of viruses useless, even the so-called"being able to heal wounds directly under non-lethal injuries" had no effect at all.

"I'll take you on your way."

Arriving in front of Arkins, Qishi decisively stepped forward and crushed Arkins' head with a light step. This time, there was no chance of his recovery.

""Rukia, are you okay?"

Turning back, Nakajima asked Rukia from inside the extremely poisonous ball that was gradually dissipating.

"I'm fine."

Outside the poison ball, Rukia quickly shook her head, indicating that she had not touched the poison ball, so she was fine.

"Then wait for me."

Nanami asked Rukia to wait there, and then she didn't know what footwork she was doing, whether it was instant step, ring turn, or flying kick, she disappeared from the spot in a flash, and appeared in front of Li Jie in a flash.

"You shot me just now?"

Qishi didn't even look at Li Jie, he just stared at his sniper rifle and couldn't take his eyes off it.

"How did she get here?"

Li Jie subconsciously took a step back, but he was horrified in his heart, and had no idea how Qi Shi came to him.

"Boom boom boom."

Until then, a series of loud noises were heard behind Qishi. Li Jie looked over there and found that countless buildings were collapsing.


Qishi coughed dryly in embarrassment. She had just forgotten that she had walked from the sky, and in order not to get lost, she had crashed into many buildings that blocked the road.

"Well, what?"

Qishi changed the subject awkwardly, pointed at the gun in Lijie's hand, and said,"Fire another shot for me to see."

Lijie was stunned, thinking what was this? Was he making fun of him?

Lijie misunderstood. Qishi really wanted to see it, and then use the Eye of the Ancients to"learn" it, at least it would improve her accuracy directly, otherwise she would have to practice on her own.

"Don't be so proud."

Li Jie shouted:"I am not as passive as Yakins. Complete Holy Body. God's Judgment."

In an instant, Li Jie completed his own complete holy body. He was originally a human, but he turned into a monster with four pairs of steel wings. He could only barely see some characteristics of birds and animals, otherwise he was an unknown creature.


Without warning, Nanami attacked, instantly appearing beside Lijie, raising her knife and slashing.

However, her knife did not cause any harm to Lijie, but used Tsukishima's ability to intervene in his past.

Before, when Nanami faced those Quincies, she always killed them one by one.

But now it seems that the Quincies may also have good abilities.

So she used Tsukishima's ability for the first time.

"It's a great harvest."

A moment later, before Li Jie could react to being attacked by Nanami, she had already gotten what she wanted.

"What did you do?"

Li Jie retreated hundreds of meters and glared at Nanami, wondering what she had just done.

"Nothing happened."

Qi Shi lowered his head and ignored Li Jie, fiddling with something in his hands.

Li Jie was secretly annoyed and subconsciously wanted to attack.

"You'd better not do anything."

However, Nanami seemed to have seen his next move, and said without raising his head:"In that case, I can let you live a little longer."

Lijie was one of Youhabach's guards, and he intervened in his past. Not only did Nanami gain all of Lijie's abilities, but he also took a look at the abilities of all other Stern Cross Legions, and even Youhabach had close contact with them.

Therefore, Nanami now has the abilities of everyone including Youhabach, and naturally can use Youhabach's ability to see the future.

And now, what Nanami is doing is to use the ability of 'Dreamer' Gremmy to build himself a set of firearms.


Quickly, she opened her hands and took out a modified Barrett.

Barrett is not an ordinary sniper rifle, but an anti-material rifle, so you can imagine it is very big, even taller than Nanami.

"Li Jie, take my shot."

With a slight shake of his hand, Jian Qishi easily held the Barrett and fired at Li Jie.

Barrett is also known as a cannon, so you can imagine that its power must be extraordinary.

Now this is a modified version, not to mention a tank, in Jian Qishi's hand, it can even shoot through the earth


Looking at Li Jie again, he didn't react at all. He was subconsciously shocked by Nanami's action, wondering how the god of death could have similar abilities to him?

Then the next second, or less than a second, he was shot in the head.


Li Jie murmured unwillingly. He didn't expect that he would die so miserably. It was not until now that he understood that the shadow of death he felt before was not an illusion. He also finally understood why Yaskin died so happily.

""Your Majesty, she is too strong."

With the last thought that he could no longer shout out, Li Jie made a sound of"嘤" and turned into a rain of spirit particles, disappearing without a trace. Well, it was the power of the Quincy that killed him, so of course he would die without a burial place.

���In comparison, the others are better off. At least they are not dead, and they should still have a chance to start over.

"Lijie is dead? Yakins is dead too? Damn arrogant man, you will pay the price." At this time, someone else came to find Nanami, and it was one of Youhabach's guards. His name was Gerard, known as the Miracle Star.

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