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Stern Cross Corps was mocked as a ragtag army that could be refreshed without limit. Isn't that too contemptuous?

Moreover, if they were also ragtag soldiers, what would the Soul Society, which had already suffered heavy losses, say?

Especially some captains who had suffered a lot, such as Byakuya.

However, Byakuya didn't seem to be dissatisfied. He silently watched Nanami, who was constantly throwing something in his hand, go away. Finally, he sighed and said,"This guy is indeed an existence that 'should not be born'."

Until this moment, Byakuya had a deep understanding of Aizen's feelings at that time.

No matter what kind of enemy, Nanami can easily kill even when facing himself.

Even that Gremi couldn't hold on for a moment in front of her.

No, when he dreamed that he had a stronger power than Nanami, because the sudden surge of power was too strong, he directly destroyed himself, leaving only a brain-dead brain falling to the ground.

Well, much better than the two brothers before, at least they can still have a"complete body".

Look at Nanami, she was throwing the brain up and down in her hands. It was rare that she didn't get lost. In a blink of an eye, she arrived at the first team.

The reason why she didn't get lost again was not because she was super bad at finding her way, but because she not only encountered many enemies along the way, but also many of her own people cleared the way for her.

The so-called clearing the way means standing a row of people on both sides to prevent Nanami from running around....

Many Stern Cross soldiers died at her hands. Just because of her, the entire Seireitei fell silent again.

"It's really exaggerated that the whole situation collapsed because of one person."Just when Nanami saw Yhwach, the last barrier came to him.

"Are you guys done yet?"

Faced with Haschwalth's sigh, Nanami felt bored.

If it was a battle where they devoted themselves to it, Nanami would be willing to play with them.

However, those Quincy were too arrogant, so she couldn't help but kill them in seconds. It was obvious that there was no fun at all.

"Get out of the way."

Nanami waved his hand kindly and said,"After I kill Yhwach, as long as you don't do anything evil, I think the captain will be willing to spare your lives."

"I’m sorry."

Haschwalth’s answer was:"My duty is to stop you for His Majesty. At least, you can’t meet him before His Majesty goes to the Soul King Palace."

Nanami wanted to complain. In fact, she had already met with Youhabach. Wasn’t that him over there?

But she knew that Haschwalth didn’t want to be an obstacle to Youhabach.

"That's impossible."

Nanami shook her head and said seriously,"As long as I'm here, he can't succeed."

This was the truth.

But Haschwalth would not give way because of her truth.

Not only did he not give way, but he called another person over to block Nanami's way.

Yhwach had four guards in total, and now Nanami had killed three of them. The last one left was also looking for death....

"His name is Penida, and he was the left arm of the Spirit King.

Hasward was kind enough to introduce Penida to Nanami.

"I know."

Nanami said she had known Penida for a long time:"Besides, he represents 'progress', or should I call it 'evolution'.’?"

Hasward looked at Nanami deeply. He didn't expect that she knew Penida very well.

He didn't know how she got such rich intelligence information.

"Let's fight."

No more nonsense, because there is nothing to say.

Haschwald wanted to delay time, but it was a pity.

Penida was actually very difficult to deal with, especially the ability of the holy text he mastered. Once he touched the body, he could even change the shape and movement of the solid at will.

But again, it was a pity that he met Tanaka Nanami.

There was no need to waste too much time and energy. Tanaka Nanami just"borrowed" the ability of Hyoshubu Ichibei's Zanpakutō, and then used"Futen Taisha Ryo" to completely disintegrate Penida's flesh and blood into nothingness.

"As expected, 'Unknown’"

Haschwalth sighed. No wonder even the all-knowing Yhwach had to give Nanami the name"unknown".

"Are you still going to block me?" asked Hasward.

"No need."

Before Haschwalth could answer, Yhwach came over in person.

Behind him, the captain was coming down.

It seemed that they had already decided the winner.

"The old man is finally kneeling."

Nanami said with a sly smile, then looked at Yhwach and expressed his inner thoughts:"Do you think you can face me just because you 'become more powerful with the destruction of the Stern Cross'?"

The Quincy group can be said to have been created by Yhwach, and the power of the Quincy was also divided from him.

From this point of view, Yhwach can completely take back the divided power.

So he has a special ability called Sanctification, which is used to deprive the divided power back, and even the life of the deprived Quincy will be transformed into one of the powers.

Although he has not used Sanctification at this time, because Nanami killed too hard and almost killed all the Stern Cross, it can be regarded as a passive activation of Sanctification for him, and the effect is similar to Sanctification.

That's why the captain-in-chief was defeated so easily all of a sudden, and it actually has a lot to do with Nanami....

The old man was defeated and felt very frustrated. He happened to meet a stupid teammate. He knew that the saint was not good, but he deliberately pitted��

"You even know about Sainthood?"

Yhwach didn't seem surprised:"It seems that it is true that you can learn everything you see. So you learned a lot from one of my guards using Tsukishima Hidekuro, right?" I didn't expect Yhwach to know about the Fullbringers, and even more about the existence of Tsukishima Hidekuro and the power he possessed.


But Qishi shook his head:"Although what you said is not completely wrong, there is one thing wrong. The reason why I guessed your thoughts is because I saw the future.’"

What Yhwach said was correct, but what Nanami meant was that the reason why she could see through his thoughts and said the word"holiness" was because if she hadn't spoken first, he would have said it himself.

But that happened in the"future".

Yhwach fell silent.

Nanami's words surprised him. Could it be that even his power was copied?

"It's really scary, no wonder even Aizen was ruined because of you."

Yhwach couldn't help but sigh.

Originally, he wanted to meet Aizen, but he had already seen that Aizen's confidence was completely shattered by Nanami, so there was no value in meeting him again.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, you've already said enough."

Nanami was too lazy to continue talking nonsense, and with a thought, he changed his Zanpakutō back to its normal form, and challenged Yhwach to a fight,"Come over and fight, I'm in a hurry to save people"

How to describe the battle between Nanami and Yhwach, very boring?

Yes, it is very boring, at least it is very dull to outsiders, and they can't even understand what they are doing.

These two guys, one is known to be omniscient and the other is in control of the"past" and the"future".

So you can see that the two of them always retreat inexplicably, or dodging without warning.

But it seems that nothing happened.

Only they themselves know that they are avoiding the traps and attacks set by the other party in the"past" or"future".

The only difference is that Nanami just doesn't want to become embarrassed, while Yhwach doesn't dare to be hit by Nanami's attack.

So from here we can see that there is still a big gap in the strength of the two. Nanami is too strong. Even if Yhwach later took the initiative to launch the Holy Separation and killed all the Quincies except him, and even Haschwalth was not left, he was still not his opponent.

Well, the current Yhwach has not yet obtained the power of the Soul King, so it is understandable that he is not a match for Tane Nanami.

In the end, Tane Nanami was able to see further than Yhwach, not only avoiding his countless traps, but also stabbing Yhwach's head with one knife.

Later, in order to completely get rid of Yhwach, Tane Nanami also used the power of the Hollow, and the flash of the One-shot King Hollow almost destroyed the Soul Society....

The war did not end with the death of Yhwach. When Nagisa deployed the Sotenki Shield, which was large enough to cover the entire Seireitei, to treat all the injured Shinigami, he quietly ran to find Ukitake and talked to him about something.

"You want me to be the new Soul King?"

Ukitake looked at Nanami with an expression of disbelief, stunned by what she said.

"What do you think the identity of Yhwach is?"

Nanami sneered:"He is actually the child born by the Soul King on purpose. I don't need to tell you what the purpose is, right? Then, why did the Soul King lose both hands? Why did he lose both feet? Why was he sealed in the Soul King Palace like a human stick? Why did he save himself?"

Nanami knew that the Soul King was in a terrible situation, which was inconsistent with the respect shown by Soul Society.

So she guessed that the Soul King was originally going to let Yhwach save himself, but he didn't expect that child to be so ambitious.

"So you want to get rid of the Spirit King as well?"

Ukitake guessed what Nanami was really planning. He wanted to get rid of him once and for all.

"What else?"

Nanami reminded Ukitake,"Yhuhabach can use Divination on Quincy. Who knows if the Soul King will gain the power to resist because of his death? And I even destroyed the Soul King's left arm.

I am worried that the Soul King will go berserk. When that happens, the three worlds will be in crisis again, and I will not be able to leave with peace of mind."

"Are you leaving?"

Ukitake heard the deep meaning in Nanami's words. She seemed to be leaving, but she didn't know where she wanted to go.


Nanami nodded and said,"When the time comes, I'll have to trouble the Spirit King to convey this to Rukia and the others for me."

"Lord Ling Wang?"

Fuzhu smiled bitterly, but he did not refuse.

"If you insist on doing this, as long as it does not endanger the three worlds, I am willing to bear this heinous crime with you."...

Then, something shocking happened. The captain of the 9th Division, Nanami Tanaka, and the captain of the 13th Division, Jushiro Ukitake, rebelled. The two of them had secretly broken into the Soul King Palace and not only defeated the captains of the Zero Division, but also killed the Soul King.

Such news stunned everyone in the entire Soul Society.

Is it true? Captain Nanami Tanaka is a great contributor to the entire Soul Society. He turned the entire war around with his own strength and brought back to life all the people who died in the war.

So when the news spread, everyone's first reaction was disbelief.

Then not long after, Ukitake, who had become the new Soul King, conveyed the truth of the matter.

People only then knew that the cause of the war was actually the previous Soul King, and in order to prevent the emergence of the second generation of Yhwach, Nanami Tanaka risked becoming an eternal sinner in the Soul Society, and paved a way for Ukitake and sent him to the throne of the Soul King.

"That guy."

The captain was very angry. The purpose of the existence of Soul Society was to protect the Soul King, but one of the captains not only took the throne of the Soul King, but the other even killed the Soul King himself. How treasonous!

"Wait till she comes back.���I'm going to scold her."

The old man was so angry that he blew his beard and glared.

Unfortunately, he couldn't wait for Qi Shi to come back. Not only could he not scold her, but he couldn't even express his gratitude to her in person....

"She's gone."

In Seireitei, several women looked up at the sky, each holding a letter signed by 'Nanako'.

In this case, she didn't leave without saying goodbye, did she?

"It's good to go."

In the present world, in the underground cave of Urahara's store, Yoruichi was hiding behind a big rock, humming with her lips curled, but her eyes were inexplicably red, and her expression was very sad.

(PS: My idea is that the perspective of this book is only based on Nanami Kaku, and only the storyline related to her is written, so many things that can be written are glossed over.

And in the final decisive battle, we did not deliberately suppress Nanami Kaku's power, and the Quincy was indeed very arrogant. I think everyone has experienced that face, right? They think that the Invisible Empire is invincible, so the best counterattack is to kill instantly....

Then the new volume is going to be about Naruto, let’s continue Nanami-sister’s journey...)_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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