Quadruple split

Chapter 1008 Lover (I)

【Frank Hughes≠Tanmo/BLACK】

Subconsciously, Futaba, who has a high enough understanding of both the basic theory of spiritual virtual games and the various states of players in the Innocence Realm, immediately came to this conclusion.

And the moment she completed the inference, she became alert almost in the next millisecond. She was alert without any basis or basis. If she had to give a reason, it would be...

[It’s too logical. 】

Futaba glanced at Frank on the bed, slender fingers lightly scratching the pages of the book, trying to come up with an explanation for her unreasonable doubts.

It will definitely not be difficult for BLACK...or Tan Mo in this game to completely interpret oneself as another person. After all, as a player of the same level, Futaba can easily transform his own style into a different person. He has changed into a different person, so his personality is not enough to prove that the man on the bed is not Tan Mo.

In terms of appearance, in this game whose world view is swords and magic, there are too many ways to change a person's appearance, although the girl is almost certain that Mr. Frank Hughes did not change his appearance through magic. , but it only eliminated the option of 'magic'. She had already seen people who could also change their appearance and body shape freely without leaving any trace in the Violet Empire before.

As for the identity of the player, because Diana stayed with Frank until he placed him on the bed and set up the barrier, Futaba was unable to conduct any tests in the process, and after being broken by Frank himself by breaking the barrier Judging from various performances, this guy who calls himself Frank Hughes is indeed an NPC...

[But all this happened so smoothly. As soon as I regained consciousness, I was handed an ironclad proof that I was not a player. This situation itself is very questionable. 】

Futaba rubbed his forehead, narrowed his eyes slightly, and was a little undecided for a moment.

Obviously, Futaba is more concerned about whether the man on the bed is his 'old enemy' than confirming whether Diana's boyfriend is a scumbag or whether he should listen to Kenneth and kill Frank Hughes depending on the situation. If not, then it doesn't matter what this person's character is, and whether it's worth killing him under the premise that it will definitely make Diana sad. It just depends on his mood.

But on the other hand, if this Frank Hughes is ‘Tan Mo’…

Tan Mo knew about his relationship with Diana early on, contacted the latter months in advance and tricked her into falling in love, and even calculated that he would visit Academy City during the exchange meeting. He has definitely laid out a series of extremely complete traps full of murderous intent waiting for him!

Under this premise, not to mention that Futaba couldn't guess what those traps were. Even if she could see some clues, she would probably fall into the trap of someone who, like herself, always likes to keep countless backup plans. In a man's hand.

Assuming that Academy City has been turned into a home ground by Tan Mo, then as long as he is willing, let alone Futaba, a high-ranking player who has been on the first page of the player's personal combat power list for a long time, even if he is always ranked second on the list Cordoba may not be able to escape death either.

After all, Futaba has seen before how Tan Mo made the big boss so frustrated that he blew himself up. Not to mention that Tan Mo probably completed the killing on a temporary basis. Even if it was a deliberate murder, it was enough. It proves a lot of things.

Therefore, from Futaba's point of view, if the hypothesis of [Frank Hughes = Tan Mo] is true, then he, who has an absolute advantage in paper strength, has fallen into some kind of extreme danger at this moment and may be finished at any time. In such a situation, if you are not careful, you will be doomed!

In that gambling game that was definitely not a joke, the so-called "eternal disaster" did not only refer to "Futaba" in the game. In reality, the genius otaku whose real name was Muyu was also very likely to have an accident!

If it fails, unless that bitch BLACK suddenly has a mental breakdown and his conscience breaks out, he will probably be imprisoned for dozens of serious violations of the Internet Security Law within five minutes of his real name being exposed, and It's the kind that can't even be washed.

Should we start making arrangements based on the situation of ‘identity exposure’ from now on...

This idea flashed through Futaba's mind for half a second, and then she was thrown out of her mind arrogantly. It was not that there was any problem with feasibility. In fact, if Futaba really made arrangements in advance, then even in the end She lost the bet, and with the assistance of artificial intelligence NAVI, she was more than 70% sure that she would not be caught out. Even if she was caught out, the probability of successfully escaping was definitely not low.


Although the lower limit is definitely comparable to that of Mo Tan under the 'chaotic neutral' personality, Futaba is very similar to the latter in some places. For example, the 'bet' between the two of them was a very special one for them. It is an exciting and enjoyable game, but if you unilaterally lower the difficulty, the fun will be greatly reduced. Not only that, if you cannot enjoy the excitement, even if you reveal some flaws that would not have appeared. It's not impossible, this kind of thing is absolutely unacceptable to Futaba.

And she believes that the other party will not accept it, so whether it is out of fun, rationality or inexplicable comparison mentality, Futaba will not allow herself to 'think about defeat' before the result is known!

In this case, there are not many options left...

Futaba closed the book in her hand and looked at Frank with a gloomy expression, a clear murderous intent flashing in her eyes.

The safest option is to kill the man on the bed without any explanation. If the other person is really Tan Mo, then he can win the game at this moment and also complete the task given to him by the 'Misty Moon Sage' , In this way, even if he offends Diana, he will still have a huge backer. After all, Kenneth, who can occupy a place in the Parliament of Truth, is not as strong, wealthy or status as Diana or Ana Ta Rasha. Comparable.

All in all, regardless of whether the guess is correct or not, Futaba himself has not lost anything, and can even be said to have gained blood.


Ms. Diana A. Achizolti will be very sad after losing her lover. Futaba, who knows the former's character very well, is almost certain that this kind of blow is very likely to make the sincere, inarticulate, naive, and silly woman The cute, late-maturing woman never recovered.

[And this kind of risky behavior is by no means the optimal solution. 】

Futaba sighed softly and found a reason in a voice that only she could hear: "We must consider the possibility that Diana went crazy after realizing that I killed Frank and killed me without saying a word. Even if I was able to escape for a while, but I didn't have the confidence to escape the pursuit of a great astrologer. And assuming that he was really that bitch, if I couldn't kill that guy with one move, things would have become very troublesome. I was already close. The balance will tip even further on his side.”

Unclamping her subconsciously clenched fists, Futaba slowly closed her eyes, giving up the tempting idea of ​​killing Frank immediately.

She planned to adopt another plan that was relatively passive but with a relatively high safety factor. She would temporarily observe Frank for a period of time. As long as he showed the slightest clue, it would not be too late for her to take action.

On the other hand, if he didn't reveal any flaws, then the suspicion of that guy being 'Tan Mo' can basically be cleared.

[Should we show off our acting skills...or should I just act stupidly and perform a one-man show...heh, let's leave it like this for now. 】

When she opened her eyes again, all the murderous intent in the girl's eyes had disappeared, and her whole temperament had also changed to a certain extent. To put it simply, she changed from an 'unscrupulous mad woman' to an 'eccentric and beautiful girl' ', although the nature is similar, the connotation is completely different.

five minutes later

With a roar, the door of the room was pushed open from the outside. Diana, who was wearing a black robe that looked like a windbreaker and a pretty face with a slightly pale face, almost rushed in with a 'bump' and trotted straight to the sleeping room. After returning to sleep beside Frank, she held the latter's cheek with her slender hands, gently placed her forehead on Frank's forehead, and murmured in a low voice: "Sorry, Frank, I'm late. Are you okay... I clearly feel that the barrier has disappeared, but why haven't you recovered yet..."

"It's good to see you again, darling."

Frank, who was still in a light sleep just now, opened his eyes, and did not let Diana finish her words. He just raised his hand affectionately and rubbed the latter's beautiful long flaxen hair, and then put the face of his beloved on the verge of tears. The pretty face gently pressed her chest and whispered: "I'm sorry to make you worry. Actually, I wanted to appear in a more handsome way, but I accidentally encountered some accidents..."

"You...you scared me!"

Listening to the other party's strong heartbeat, Diana breathed a sigh of relief and her face began to turn red quickly. However, she did not choose to leave Frank's chest after all. Instead, she turned her face and stared at the other person's eyes. You can never get tired of watching it, always full of knowledge and enthusiasm, only when you look at yourself, your sweet amber eyes will appear, and you will whisper: "I originally just wanted to divine your situation, but in the end I came to the conclusion that I received some fragmented and completely uninterpretable information. If it weren’t for your earrings, your bracelets...well, and your rings, they all have the positioning set by me...ah!"


Frank turned slightly to the side so that Diana could lie on him more comfortably, then he raised his index finger and gently scratched the latter's red cheek, and asked with a smile: "Then what?"


Diana pursed her lips, and after a while she whispered with a flushed face: "I set up some little magic on those things that were forced on you... If the distance is not too far, just use astrology The assistant will be able to find your approximate location...that...Frank, I don't mean anything else, I just..."

"You're just worried about me, right?"

Frank held Diana in his arms forcefully, then leaned over slightly, resting his chin on the latter's thin shoulders, and whispered softly in her ear: "Although I don't know much about magic, I think I should." It must have been a waste of effort...Thank you for caring about me so much, my dear."

Diana lowered her slightly red eyes: "Don't you blame me? Ana said it's not good for me to do this, because it will make the person she likes feel awkward..."

"Rather than blaming you, I would rather blame myself for not being stronger so that you can feel at ease at all times."

Frank let go of Diana, rubbed the tip of his nose with some embarrassment, and said coquettishly: "I still remember that I wanted to help you out, but I was knocked down as soon as I met you. Don't you worry? normal."


"Well, I'm here~"


Futaba, who had been watching for a long time, coughed angrily, and finally said unbearably: "I mean you two, if I make some more noise, are you ready to start chewing? Can you please stop?" It’s so natural to treat me as a background! Can’t you clear the place first before Ni Ni Wai Wai Wai and do things inappropriate for children? Is my presence so low? Huh?!”


Diana let out a soft cry, and then subconsciously wanted to struggle out of Frank's arms, but for some reason that even she didn't know why, after the exclamation, instead of jumping away, she even subconsciously hugged him. He got closer. After a few seconds, he turned around and glanced at his half-apprentice with some embarrassment: "So Futaba, you are here."

Frank hugged Diana with a normal expression, and while gently combing the latter's slightly messy hair, he apologized sincerely to Futaba with a slight embarrassment: "I'm sorry, Miss Futaba. , I was so excited after seeing Diana..."

"Oh, let's not talk about this Frank yet."

Futaba smiled dryly and tugged at the corner of his mouth, glaring at Diana angrily: "Obviously you asked me to watch him here! Let me try not to leave this room before this guy wakes up, preferably not even to the toilet. The person above is Instructor Diana, you are right! As a result, after you came in, you were like a baby bird returning to its nest, so you simply forgot about me as a servant, right?"

"I was wrong……"

Diana blushed and buried her head in Frank's arms, muttering softly.

"Forget it, it's not that I can't understand it."

Futaba rolled his eyes and shrugged: "What do you say now? It's Teacher Diana. You should introduce each of us first, let everyone get to know each other, and then have a meal and chat together to enhance our relationship or something. I, an outsider, should get out of here first." , let you two be 'gentle and gentle'?"

When it came to the last four words, Futaba emphasized her pronunciation very hard.


"Well, then you should go out first."

Diana didn't hesitate.

Futaba: "???"

Chapter 1001: End

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