Quadruple split

Chapter 1010 Lover (III)

[Is it quick to kill him... Hehe, although it is not unexpected, it is still a bit sad. 】

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, then scratched his hair with an embarrassed look on his face, and laughed twice without saying anything. The originally warm and bright expression became a little dim unnoticeably. Although the smile at the corner of his mouth was still decent, if you look closely, But you can still see some stiffness.

Of course, leaving aside the small details on this man's expression, a comprehensive investigation of the Achizolti family had been conducted a long time ago, especially the Fog Moon who had a place in the Council of Truth in the City of Miracles. Mo Tan, who was particularly interested in Sage Kenneth A. Azizolti, was not surprised by this fact and did not feel that Futaba was lying at all.

Although there is very little public information about the Sage of the Fog Moon after joining the Parliament of Truth, his early experiences have been collected by Mo Tan through various channels. Under this premise, this person has a slight tendency to control girls. Naturally, Mo Tan's characteristics have not been ignored. Coupled with the insinuations during the days when he and Diana were together day and night, Mo Tan can almost be sure that, not to mention the unknown bard like 'Frank Hughes', Even if there are countless young talents whose conditions are countless times better, if they want to take action against Diana, they must move away from Kenneth.

As for Frank, there is no need to move mountains after he is informed of his existence, because according to Kenneth's character, he will probably immediately preconception that 'Frank Hughes' is not a good person, and being close to his sister is not covetous. Vanity means plotting something evil and then using one's subjective initiative to kill her without explanation.

Mo Tan was not dissatisfied with this possibility at all. On the one hand, it was because there were so many people who wanted to kill him, both in the game and in reality, and many of them were powerful people, so that he I'm used to this kind of thing; on the other hand, people's guess is correct. The reason why Frank Hughes fell in love with Diana was because of impure motives.

Under this premise, it would be a bit too pretentious to show an aggrieved attitude.

While thinking this, Mo Tan sighed imperceptibly, making the slight grievance on his face more obvious, barely breaking through the threshold that would be noticed by Diana.


Diana's face froze, she grabbed Mo Tan's hand that had made her feel extremely warm just now, but now became a little cold, gently squeezed the other person's palm, and then glared at the girl sitting across the table with some displeasure. He glanced at her and said angrily: "Futaba, don't talk nonsense."

Futaba lazily played with his hair, shook his head and said casually: "My dear mentor Diana, you shouldn't have no idea whether what you said just now is nonsense, right? If you can temporarily Raise your head from the quagmire of love and take a breath, think carefully with your little brain that is by no means stupid, you should know that it is absolutely impossible for Mr. Kenneth to have even the slightest affection or expectation for Mr. Frank. "


Mo Tan, who had been silent since just now, breathed a sigh of relief, held Diana's trembling little hand with his backhand, and asked softly: "Have you told Brother Kenneth about us?"

"He didn't admit that he was your brother."

Futaba rolled his eyes and complained.

Diana ignored her, just pursed her lips and nodded slightly: "Well, because the City of Miracles I took Futaba to first, I didn't rush directly from Crystal Town to Academy City, so I'm bothering my brother. After a while, I just...mentioned your matter to him a little bit."

Futaba grinned: "So, although it is human nature to want to announce the good news to your family after you have a loved one, Diana, you just pushed Mr. Frank into the fire pit, tsk tsk, you were flushed What a crazy woman."

"Yes...I'm sorry..."

Diana lowered her head with a troubled face and murmured in a low voice: "I shouldn't be so anxious to tell my brother, I..."

"I told you a long time ago~"

Mo Tan raised his index finger and tapped Diana's lips, and smiled: "As the greatest blessing in my life, my dear, you never need to apologize to me, and I can't say yes to this kind of thing. I didn’t expect it. After all, I already guessed it two months ago. I’m afraid I’ve used up all my luck to meet you, so even if there are some small bumps, it’s normal.”

Diana raised her head suddenly and said anxiously: "But if I hadn't told my brother..."

"Sooner or later, it's just a matter of time."

Mo Tanfeng Qingyun smiled lightly, shook his head and said: "Unless we carefully hide this relationship in a corner that no one knows about, and let it never be seen in the light, sooner or later we will have to face your family and brother, and From the beginning, I didn’t want you and me to dodge for a lifetime. I hope your love can be blessed by everyone. If that person is me, then I will be the happiest person in the world. If that person is not me, ...I will also do my best to sing for you and wish you the best..."

"No nonsense!"

Diana interrupted Mo Tan's words arrogantly, raised her slender index finger and poked the latter's forehead hard, and said angrily: "Do you think I...I will choose someone other than you! Do you think Would I be with anyone but Frank Hughes!?"

[What kind of evil did my special meow do? Is this the weekend eight o'clock slot of which TV station...]

Futaba slammed her head on the table, gritting her teeth and roaring in her heart.

"There are so many people in this world who are better than me."

Mo Tan shrugged and smiled bitterly: "I actually understand Sir Kenneth's thoughts very well, and I won't be unhappy because he is hostile to me, because even I often feel that you are being attacked. I lost my mind and made the wrong choice.”

Diana was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes began to turn red visibly: "So Frank, you don't actually want to be with me..."

"Believe me, there is no one in this world who wants to be with you more than me."

Mo Tan shook his head firmly and smiled: "But at the same time, I am also confident that I want you to be happy more than anyone else. Even if this happiness requires the elimination of Frank Hughes, I will not hesitate to do so." .”


Diana's voice was choked up.

"It may sound a bit pretentious, but personally, I feel that selfless dedication can better interpret the word 'love' than selfish possession."

The man who not long ago ridiculed arguments such as 'love is longing', 'love is devotion', and 'love is hope' in front of Cole and Liz, and finally concluded with 'love is possession', revealed to Diana The smile was not noble, but extremely sincere.

[Is this person just making up nonsense or is he serious? 】

Although Futaba can be regarded as a veritable genius, this girl also has a certain blind spot after all. For example, when it comes to love, which has long been classified as three vulgar and bad civilizations, she is not very accurate, so although He is not inferior to Mo Tan in terms of intelligence, scheming, and wealth, but this girl still really doesn't know whether what Frank said is human talk or lies.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now."

Mo Tan didn't say any more, he just gently wiped the sparkle from the corners of Diana's eyes and said with a smile: "Sir Kenneth doesn't seem to be traveling with you, so don't worry about those things anymore. From now on, We’ll talk about it later, and I’ll find time to sort out my thoughts.”

Shuangyeliu raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you sure this will happen in the future? If I were Lord Kenneth, it would not be impossible to send someone to kill you as soon as I get the news."

"I want to stay with you all the time!"

Diana immediately grabbed Mo Tan's hand, bit her silver teeth and said, "Even if my brother wants to do harm to you, as long as I am by your side, I will never let others hurt you. After this exchange meeting is over, I will take you back to the City of Miracles and tell my brother clearly. If he doesn’t agree, I...I...I have a way to convince him! He won’t disagree."

[Ah, do you want to force me to death? 】

Futaba laughed dryly and judged Diana's thoughts almost instantly.

[Well, I’m going to force him to die. 】

Mo Tan also came to the same conclusion at the same time, then patted the back of Diana's hand and said with a smile: "If I can always be with you, I will naturally be very happy, but Diana, you come to the academy this time Are you able to move around freely in the city like last time? If so, should we go to the Central District later... huh? "

Sensing that the other person's face suddenly stiffened, the considerate Frank immediately stopped talking and cast a searching look at Diana.

"I...I just remembered that this time can't be like last time."

Diana's face darkened, and she lowered her head like a child who had done something wrong and whispered: "I mentioned something in my letter before, this time I am acting as the heir to the 'Stars' line of the Achizolti family. I came here, and in the eyes of others, I may still represent the City of Miracles to a certain extent, well... My identity as a great astrologer is also very troublesome. Yesterday [The Tuning Sage] Mr. Mel checked with me The schedule for this time has passed. Except for the last week of the exchange meeting, the schedule is very tight."

Mo Tan nodded silently, carefully hiding the disappointment in his eyes that was not missed by Futaba, cheering up and smiling: "I think so, after all, it is a continent-wide event that takes place every few years, like My dear, how can a person of your status be too leisurely?"

"Speaking of which, Sir Kenneth also labeled me as a scholar of the 'City of Miracles' this time."

Futaba shook her head, smacked her lips, and spread her hands: "Although the schedule is not as tight as Diana's, it doesn't have much leisure time. It is completely different from some people."

Facing the girl's obvious ridicule, Mo Tan showed no negative emotions at all, and just smiled warmly: "Miss Shuangye is really young and promising."

"That goes without saying~"

Futaba put her hands on her hips and smiled, but she couldn't do it.

"Otherwise, Frank, just follow me as an apprentice."

Diana grabbed Mo Tan's sleeves very worriedly and asked with burning eyes: "Okay? This way I can protect you at any time."

[Hey, sisters, you have always emphasized protecting him so much. Under normal circumstances, even if this guy is willing, he will become unwilling, unless he has no self-esteem at all. 】

Shuangye looked at Mo Tan's suddenly stiff expression and raised his eyebrows with a smile.

"Need not."

As expected, Mo Tan shook his head as Futaba expected, and refused softly: "I can still take care of myself, and after all, it's still during the exchange meeting, so even if someone wants to do something bad to me, they won't be there. If you do this at such a sensitive time, don’t let me cause you any trouble, okay?”

Diana still looked a little worried: "But..."

"And even if there is danger, I have a way."

Mo Tan interrupted Diana. Seeing that the latter seemed to want to say something more, he immediately added with a smile: "If you think about it carefully, it should have been some time since you mentioned my matter to Brother Kenneth. If he really If you want to do something to me like Miss Futaba said, wouldn't it be better to do it before you get here? So I don't think you need to think so much."

"Well, then just listen to you Frank."

After her lover's attitude suddenly became extremely determined, Diana finally gave up her previous idea, and after reorganizing her mood, she smiled sweetly at Mo Tan and said, "Fangye and I are going to the Mages Guild here in a while. , and then there are a few more people we can’t push back to meet, and they may come back late, so I’ll go make breakfast for you first!”

"I'll help you."

Mo Tan stood up immediately, and then was pushed back to the chair by Diana.

"Just wait and eat~"

The latter smiled, leaned over and pecked Mo Tan gently on the cheek with a reddish complexion.

But Futaba didn't react until now, and immediately exclaimed: "Breakfast? Diana, can you cook!?"

"When Ana wrote to me before, she said that if you want to conquer a man's heart, you must first conquer his stomach~"

Diana put on a straight face, clasped her little hands and rushed into the kitchen of the suite with great momentum. She said without looking back: "Just wait! I'll make it soon!"

Then he hummed a light tune and disappeared behind the door.

five seconds later

"Mr. Frank."

Futaba yawned, held her chin and asked Mo Tan leisurely: "Diana happens to be away, I have something to ask you."

The latter immediately nodded and said: "I would like to hear the details."

"very good."

The girl nodded slightly, then leaned forward and whispered: "You just said that even if there is danger, you can still find a way. Is this true?"

"Of course, it's fake."


"Actually, I just have something to ask you, Miss Futaba."


"You said before that Brother Kenneth might send people to go against me, right?"

"Well, that's what I said."

"So, is that person you?"

"Of course, that's me."

Chapter 1003: End

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