Quadruple split

Chapter 1023 Visiting the patient

[You have been disconnected urgently, please choose whether to reconnect]

"Wait a minute, let me prepare mentally..."

[Reconnection begins...]

"Wait a minute, didn't I say I wanted to be mentally prepared first!"

[Connection completed, reading character information]

"Hey! Listen to what people are saying!"

[Welcome back, the absolutely neutral Black Brahma, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]


Game time AM12:27

Academy City Central District, No. 11 Milhouse Avenue, [Double Room] No. 308, Hotel [Favorite]

Along with an imperceptible white hazy light, Mo Tan appeared with a tense expression at the round table where he was sitting when he was forced offline by the system. Except for changing from the previous sitting position to the standing position, he was almost the same as before. There is no difference when offline, and the surrounding environment is the same. Whether it is the faint aroma in the air or the two cups of fragrant black tea flowing on the table, there is no change at all...

【Wait a minute! 】

Mo Tan's eyes narrowed, and he stretched out his slightly trembling right hand and put his index finger on the side of the cup of black tea in front of him. His whole body froze at that moment.

As expected, the wall of the cup is warm...

In other words——

"Good morning~"

Nuo Nuo's greeting sounded from behind Mo Tan. When he looked back, he found that Yu Chen, dressed in a gorgeous saintly dress, was sitting on the bed and staring at him with a smile, whether it was her delicate face or her smile. And the shallow dimples exposed look extremely cute.

"Ahem, the current game time is noon, and it's night outside, so it can't be considered good morning~"

Mo Tan coughed lightly, pretending to be calm and vomited something that was not painful or itchy to cover up his increasingly violent, particularly hopeless heartbeat that could almost reach outside his chest. He took a sip of black tea to suppress his shock. , said in a relatively calm tone as much as possible: "I thought you must have been busy with Fiyali and the others."

The girl leaning on the bed stuck out her tongue playfully: "There was indeed such an arrangement, but I canceled my schedule this morning. I asked Fiyali to help lie and say that our Pastor Hei Fan was not feeling well. So I’m going to stay here and take care of him.”

【Our family? 】

【Our home! ! ! 】

[She just said 'our family'! 】

[Pastor Heifan is me! 】

【What’s the child’s name? ? The surname Mo is not easy to choose! 】

Caught off guard and shattered by the girl's words, Mo Tan suddenly fell into a hopeless, inextricable, and shameless thinking rampage. He froze in place and began to think wildly. Although he couldn't be said to be handsome, he was still pretty good at least. The delicate and energetic face now looks naive and stupid.

"Mo Tan?"

"Classmate Mo Tan?"

"Moxi Moxi~ Is anyone home~"

It wasn't until Yuchen called him for the third time that Mo Tan's almost violent eyes regained their clarity, and then——

"Or call me Mephisto."

Yes, then he said this.


Yuchen tilted his head and asked curiously: "Is it the devil who represents lies in Goethe's Faust?"

"I'm having a brain twitch."

Mo Tan raised his palm and hit his forehead hard, then shook his head expressionlessly and said: "Please don't take the nonsense you just said to your heart."

Yu Chen chuckled, stood up, walked to Mo Tan and smiled with his little hands behind his back: "Mo Tan, you are so weird~"

The latter scratched his hair in embarrassment, and quickly put out of his mind the impossible fantasy of 'What will I call the child I will give birth to in the future?', and then changed the subject and said: "By the way, what's going on with Black's child? It was so late that I didn’t even have time to visit him.”

"How do I know?"

Yuchen pouted, spread his hands and said, "I have never been to Little Blake since I went to visit him once yesterday with Fiali, Yi Zuo and the others."

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment and said in surprise: "Huh? I thought you would definitely go check on his physical condition early if you were so good at taking care of people."

"Yes, I did have this plan when I went online."

Yu Chen raised his little hand and gently poked Mo Tan's cheek, rolled his eyes at the latter angrily, and snorted: "Then do you think I didn't go in the end?"

Mo Tan, who was quite smart and astute most of the time when his sanity was still intact, laughed twice and closed his mouth with an innocent look on his face.

"Okay, okay, let's go, I'm worried about little Blake."

Yu Chen was also considerate and did not get entangled in this topic. He just gently tugged on Mo Tan's sleeve: "He lives on the second floor. Mr. Sprada of the Justice Sect did not come back after drinking with friends last night. This morning After a quick appearance, he left with Master Tom and Fiyali, so little Black should be in the room by himself."

Mo Tan nodded, and then suggested: "By the way, should we bring something delicious to the child?"

"We have already asked the people in the store to deliver three meals to little Blake, but...well, here is this for you."

Yu Chen made a cute face at Mo Tan, took out a wooden basket filled with various fruits from his luggage and stuffed it at Mo Tan. In addition to apples, the ultimate existence that can be found in countless multiverses, there are also There are many varieties of black sandalwood that I can’t name, but they have perfect colors and look like they should taste good.

"Ah! Thank you!"

Mo Tan was immediately flattered.

"Thank you for nothing! It's not for you!"

Yuchen flicked Mo Tan's forehead, covered his mouth and said with a smile: "I bought these when I went for a walk in the morning. I heard that they are fruits that are better for the stomach."

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, then realized that this basket of fruit was for Blake, who was suffering from seasickness. He quickly smiled sheepishly and said, "Sorry, sorry, I'm still a little confused when I just got online. Come on, let me carry it for you." .”

"It wasn't you who helped me carry it..."

Yuchen sighed and patted Mo Tan's arm: "You bought these fruits. You bought them specially for little Blake. Do you remember?"

Mo Tan immediately understood what Yu Chen meant, shook his head and said with a smile, "That's not the case. Is it possible that the child can still hold my grudge? This is obviously all your effort."

"It's not a matter of not holding grudges, it's a matter of human nature. Well, if you feel embarrassed..."

Yuchen frowned and thought for a moment, then suddenly stretched out her little snow-white hand in front of Mo Tan: "Then reimburse me, a total of five gold coins."

"Oh, okay."

Without even looking at the little girl's hand stretched out in front of him, Mo Tan turned around and walked upstairs. He said in a particularly sassy manner: "I'll treat you to dinner later, for a low price of five gold coins."

Then the girl grabbed the hem of his robe, and said with a narrow smile: "It's okay to be cool, and it's not impossible to have a date, but Blake's room is on the second floor, and! This! is! ! Third! Floor!"

Mo Tan: "..."

five minutes later

[Favorite] The second floor of the hotel, in front of the double room 205

"This is the room of Little Black and Lady Sprada."

Yu Chen turned his body slightly and handed Mo Tan a room card: "This is a spare room card. Because it may be inconvenient for little Blake to get out of bed, so Feiyali, Yi Zuo and I each asked for one. Tom The master didn’t want it, and his words about coming to see little Black could easily be misunderstood as intentional murder.”

Mo Tan took the room card and smiled helplessly: "You don't need to explain it in such detail."

Then he opened the door casually.


Yu Chen subconsciously let out a soft cry and tugged on Mo Tan's sleeve: "Why didn't you knock on the door first!"

"Hey, it's okay. There's a sick little devil inside. Even if he changes clothes, he will definitely change in bed or in the bathroom. Besides, we have a good relationship, so there's no problem~"

Mo Tan smiled, then pushed open the door and said with a clear and refreshing smile: "We are here to see you, Little Bully..."

A somewhat incomprehensible picture suddenly interrupted Mo Tan's greeting and caused the two people at the door to fall into a petrified state at the same time.

"Open your mouth and say to me, 'Ah——'"

Beside the bed on the left side of the room, a beautiful and elegant woman in a black dress with waist-length silver-grey hair and sapphire-like eyes was poking a piece of fruit and leaning against the bedside with a smile. Send it from the mouth of the Son of the Sun.

The boy with a reddish complexion opened his mouth obediently: "Ah——"

Mo Tan stood dumbly at the door: "Huh?"

Yu Chen stood dumbly next to Mo Tan: "Ah!"

The next second, the air inside and outside the room stagnated at the same moment, and then...

"Hi, how are you guys?"

The eldest sister beside the bed showed a charming smile and waved to Mo Tan and Yu Chen at the door.

"Ah! This... is not! That, Brother Heifan, Sister Wangyu! It's not what you think!"

Blake's face turned red, his eyes widened, he danced and explained in a loud voice: "Don't make a mistake...eh?"

A fork with the Griffin royal crest and some kind of green fruit exuding a faint fragrance on it was brought to the young man, forcibly interrupting the latter's words.

"This is the last piece, open your mouth first~"

The eldest sister said without any doubt, the curve of her mouth was soft and doting.

"No, I think it's better to talk about it first..."

"Open your mouth~"



After feeding the last piece of fruit to Blake, whose face was so red that he was almost bleeding, the silver-haired elder sister smiled with satisfaction, gently rubbed the boy's slightly curly black hair, and praised: "Good boy, good boy~"


Mo Tan, who was standing blankly at the door, also reacted at this moment, immediately put the fruit basket in his hand on the ground, then showed a refreshing and bright smile to the two people in the room, and said at an absurdly fast speed: "Ah I'm really sorry for disturbing us. I just came to take a quick look at little Blake. Now that I know he's fine, I'm ready to go. These fruits were bought by me and Wangyu when we were walking. You two can eat them together. Then we won't bother you. Goodbye, hahahahaha."

Then there was a bang and the door was slammed from the outside.


Mo Tan, who was short of oxygen because he had spoken too much in one go, leaned against the door, breathed for a while, and then asked Yu Chen, who seemed to have not yet recovered, "That person inside is Is that the big sister you mentioned before who met the kid halfway and kindly sent him back?"

Yuchen shook his head blankly and whispered: "I...I don't know, everyone had left when I came back. No...but it must be that lady, she is so beautiful!"

"Well, indeed..."

Mo Tan nodded, and then suddenly the conversation changed sharply, and he said seriously: "But there is still a long way to go compared to you."

Yu Chen gave Mo Tan an angry look and hummed: "Nonsense, she is much prettier than me."

This is neither wrong nor right, because even from an objective point of view, Yuchen and the elder sister in the house are definitely beauties of the same level, but the former is considered a 'beautiful girl', while the slightly more mature one is The latter is a 'big beauty'. The two of them took different routes, so there is no comparison.

However, because Yuchen has always been bare-faced, while the eldest sister in the house wears beautiful light makeup, coupled with her luxurious temperament with a high sense of presence, the latter's "beauty" may be relatively flamboyant. At first glance Looking at it, the lethality is indeed more amazing than that of a reserved and good girl like Yu Chen.

Of course, the above remarks are only objective analysis from an objective perspective. Not to mention others, Mo Tan was not surprised at all anyway, and he did feel from the bottom of his heart that Yu Chen was more beautiful. There were many reasons. Simple--

"I am serious."

Mo Tan stared at Yu Chen seriously and said very honestly: "I see you have a filter."

"Are you complimenting me..."

A smile flashed across the girl's eyes, then she flattened her mouth and lightly touched Mo Tan's shoulder: "Okay, okay, let's go quickly. I think little Blake is in good spirits, and his physical condition should be much better than before. "

Mo Tan nodded slightly and smiled narrowly: "This is not the important point, but I think that boy is definitely enjoying it now, tsk tsk, no matter what his physical condition is, he definitely wants us to stay away from each other."

The two quickly reached a consensus with some subtle deviations, and then prepared to run away. However, just as Mo Tan and Yu Chen took half a step, the door behind them suddenly clicked and someone came from inside. Reopened…..


The eldest sister, who seemed to have just finished feeding the Son of the Sun, appeared at the door and showed a gentle and elegant smile to the two of them: "Would you like to come in with the child? He seems to think that you have misunderstood the scene just now. ~"

Mo Tan shrank his neck and whispered: "Isn't it appropriate?"

"Stop making fun of others!"

Yuchen pinched Mo Tan's arm, murmured in a low voice, then took the latter's hand and responded with a blush on his face: "Then...then don't bother me."

The silver-haired elder sister in a gorgeous black dress burst into laughter, covered her mouth and said with a smile: "I'm not the owner of the room. Little sister, are you disturbing the wrong person, or are you actually laughing at me~?"


Yu Chen, who had just said that Mo Tan was teasing others, immediately blushed.

five minutes later

"So, this is Sister Eliza Logan who kindly saved me after Brother Heifan abandoned me that day. Her Royal Highness the Princess of the Griffin Dynasty."

Blake, who covered half of his face with a quilt and his face was red, said in a dull voice, and then coughed lightly——

"I...the relationship between us is very simple!"

Chapter 1016: End

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