Quadruple split

Chapter 1025 It doesn’t matter

Black looked at Mo Tan blankly, his mouth slightly open but he didn't say a word. It's not that this Sun Son, who is too mature and in short is very smart, couldn't hear the overtones in the other person's words, it's just that He really has no experience talking about this topic with others...

In fact, as a highly respected Son of the Sun, Black had almost never met anyone who could chat with him as openly as the 'Black Brahma Priest' next to him, without being accommodating at all.

It's not that Day Black has no friends. In fact, if we look at it from an objective point of view, his friends are not many in terms of quality or quantity, and none of them can be as good as him in a regular way. In the sense of being a 'heart-to-heart' person, there was still no such person as Mo Tan... a guy who seemed very casual but not annoying to him.

"Hey, are you listening to me?"

Mo Tan waved his hand in front of Blake's eyes with some dissatisfaction, raised his eyebrows and said, "I think you don't want to be treated like a little brat, so I'm willing to talk to you about such inner thoughts. If you can't stand it, then I But then I started to coax the children, for example, little Blake, you have a good rest, and when you grow up, you can marry big sister Eliza ← this kind of thing!”

The next second, Blake, who had just been thinking about some profound questions, suddenly widened his eyes and asked subconsciously: "Really?"

"Hehe, hehe..."

Mo Tan's expression immediately fell, and he twitched the corners of his mouth with a smile on his face and asked, "What do you think?"

Blake shook his head dejectedly, unconsciously clasping his knees and murmuring: "How is it possible? Even if Sister Eliza doesn't have that plan, as a member of the Griffin dynasty royal family, even if If she doesn't want to, she will most likely be ordered to marry an influential old family within a few years. That country has long been rotten to the core. Under the surface prosperity, the intricate and complex people under the table cannot be dealt with. The decadent forces that are still in chaos are absorbing the nutrients of Griffin every second. Although the royal family is not as powerful as the Bresne family of the Violet Empire, and has done a pretty good job in the field of centralization, most of them still rely on the table. The deal was reluctantly reached with all parties, and if the royal family wants to continue to maintain its right to speak, be it Sister Eliza, Her Highness Gaweier, or even the Blood Lion Emperor who is said to have a bad mind. There shouldn’t be much freedom in this regard.”

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, then for a moment, and after a while, he blinked twice with a confused look on his face: "What are you talking about..."

"The royal family is the largest force in the Griffin Dynasty. But if the old nobles and chambers of commerce join forces, as long as more than one-third of the forces have this intention, overthrowing the Logan family is actually not a problem. It is a very difficult thing, and what contributed to this result is a large number of historical issues, which cannot be solved by one generation or several generations."

Blake sighed softly, with a somewhat melancholy expression: "No one wants to die, but those who are shrouded in darkness in that country are more afraid of change. Those with short-sightedness are eager for immediate benefits and are complacent about the false prosperity of the dynasty. Those with long-term vision are afraid of suffering." When it comes to reckoning, there is no intention to cut off the shackles and blood leeches that bind the royal family. This is the current situation of the Griffin Dynasty, strong and decadent, prosperous and empty, solid and fragile, like an old beast, even if his teeth No matter how sharp it is, as long as it is left alone, one day it will die when the disease breaks out."

Mo Tan scratched his hair and looked at Holy Son Zhengtai with his eyes gradually becoming more serious: "What...are you talking about?"

"It's not that there are no ways to change. In fact, a subtle opportunity happened just a while ago, so if the Logan family is willing, at least at this point in time, they can indeed make a dangerous gamble."

Blake did not react to Mo Tan's words, but just said to himself: "The crown prince of the Chauvin Empire died in Brorid, the capital of the Griffin Kingdom. If the Blood Lion Emperor is brave enough, then he can definitely Launching a war that is large enough to sweep through most of the Southwest Continent, and is destined to be impossible to win, as long as Griffin is not completely collapsed after everything is over, then no matter how miserable the loss is, it will still be a profit for the Logan family. .”

【Chauvinist Empire...】

Although there was something in the young man's words that made Mo Tan a little concerned, he did not inquire into the details. He just asked Blake with an inexplicable look on his face: "So, what do you want to express, little brat? Why do you know this? Do you think it’s something awesome?”

"What I want to express is that my thoughts actually coincide with the incitement you just made, Brother Hei Fan."

Blake raised his head and smiled at Mo Tan, and then gently clenched his small fists: "Whether I like someone, or whether I want to take action for this love, this kind of thing should be my own decision. That's right, and the words I just said...are exactly part of my actions."

Mo Tan smacked his lips, and suddenly noticed a few books on the bookshelf between the two beds, on the Black side. The titles above were all, without exception, directly related to the history of the Southwest Continent or the Griffin Dynasty. , Dang even chuckled and said: "What, don't you know this very well? Who were you acting for with that desolate behavior just now?"

"I'm not lost, and I'm not acting in anything. Although I have chosen a vague general direction, I actually don't have any confidence in my heart. After all, no matter from which point of view, sister Eliza and I are not suitable. In the end, we In fact, we have only known each other for less than two days."

Blake lay heavily on the bed, covered his head with a pillow, and said dullly: "So I am very grateful to you, Brother Hei Fan. With what you just said, I should be able to avoid a lot of entanglements in the future. I am more motivated to work hard, so anyway, thank you for your support.”


Mo Tan shook his head and said with a smile: "When did I say that I support you? To be honest, dear His Royal Highness Black, I feel that you and Princess Elisa are really not suitable at all. If I am...well, if I were your godfather, I would definitely rather lock you up than allow you to do any 'action' after knowing this."

Because it suddenly occurred to him that Blake's parents had already passed away when he was a child, Mo Tan immediately changed the words 'if I were your father' in the original line to 'if I were your godfather', and made assumptions for himself Became the Pope of the Sun Sect.

Blake was shocked at that time. He pulled away the pillow and looked at Mo Tan with a confused face: "Why?!"

"Why? Why do you think you two are not suitable?"

Mo Tan shrugged slightly, spread his hands and said, "It's just because of the cliché reasons mentioned just now, such as a different place, environment, age, etc. Otherwise, what else could there be?"

Blake's little face was full of confusion: "But you just said..."

"I just don't want you to regret it."

Mo Tan carelessly ruffled Blake's hair and shrugged: "Even if others think it's inappropriate, even you think it's inappropriate, but if you just give up like this, if you really like that Elisa... Your Highness Logan, then you will absolutely, absolutely, absolutely regret it in the future, regretting why you gave up when there was clearly a glimmer of possibility."

Blake blinked and repeated with some confusion: "A trace of possibility?"

"It's just a description, of course it can't be just 'a trace'."

Mo Tan waved his hand, with a hint of imperceptible helplessness in his eyes. He secretly replaced the example in his mouth that was not appropriate for anyone, and changed his words: "You are a man, right?"

Blake nodded: "Yes."

"Your Highness Eliza is a woman, right?"

"Uh, yeah..."

"Are you alive?"


"Is she not dead?"


"That's fine then."

Mo Tan clapped his hands and said with a smile: "You have met so many basic conditions, isn't the hope not great?"

Blake was silent for a while, and then said with a helpless smile: "Brother Hei Fan, are you really not kidding me? All men can satisfy this condition, right?"

"Yes, I'm teasing you."

Mo Tan curled his lips indifferently, then yawned and stretched: "If nothing happens, I will leave first. You can have a good rest."

"Ah! Wait a minute!"

Blake immediately stopped Mo Tan, who was about to get up, and whispered: "But... that something... I don't think Sister Elisa has any feelings towards me... at all."

Mo Tan laughed dumbly: "Nonsense, it would only be a problem if she had 'those feelings' for you, a little kid who just turned thirteen this year. Young man, you have to recognize your position. Since you have already lost Now that we are on the starting line, don’t expect to be able to catch up with others as smoothly as in those... bard stories."

Blake said 'hmm' and nodded silently.

"Also, I suggest that you don't take it too seriously when Your Highness Elisa said, 'I still have a date.'"

Mo Tan patted Blake's little head and smiled: "You should have heard my test. I think it is most likely a joke."

"I know."

Blake nodded, grinned and said, "Brother Hei Fan, don't worry, I won't have random thoughts."

"Well, I'll withdraw first."

After saying that, Mo Tan stood up and walked towards the door, but when he was halfway there, he suddenly turned back and asked: "By the way, kid, why did you just tell me so many long talks about Griffin? Although I heard The story is indeed very exciting, but wouldn’t it be more convenient to just talk about the conclusion?”

Blake suddenly laughed: "Because Brother Hei Fan, you just told me your true feelings openly and honestly, right?"


Mo Tan nodded and said helplessly: "After all, you looked too sad just now."

"But I have nothing to say, so I can only show you my true strength to Brother Hei Fan."

Blake rarely laughed like a child, blinked and said: "You can easily grasp the current situation of the Griffin Dynasty by just flipping through the book. Most people don't know that I am actually so smart!"

Mo Tan rolled his eyes: "Just blow it~"

Blake put on a small face and said seriously: "I'm not bragging, I'm serious. Don't think I'm a humble good boy, but I'm actually pretty awesome."

"Yes, yes, you are the best. Get a good night's sleep, you narcissistic brat."

"Bye bye, Brother Hei Fan~"

"Well, bye~"

two minutes later

"Huh, what's wrong with me~"

Shota Seiko, who had been dazed on the bed for a total of one hundred and twenty seconds, sighed softly, casually pulled away the quilt and got out of bed, and then walked slowly wearing his high-level priest's robe that Elisa had taken and washed. He walked to the window and stared at the bustling Milhouse Avenue with his little hands behind his back, his warm eyes full of calm and indifference.

"The delegation from the Dreamland Theocracy should arrive in Academy City today."

Blake stretched out his little hand and gently touched the collar of the priest's robe, and murmured in a low voice: "It is said that the Lamorlock staff who once bloodbathed a county north of the Griffin Dynasty is also inside, and will release that person." It must be a certain tendency. The Dreamland Theocracy... is indeed not as aloof from the world as they pretend. In that case, the person Eliza is dating is probably Mr. Lamorlock. ?”

Squinting his eyes slightly, Blake's fingers flashed with golden phantom flames.

After a while...

"Well, it is indeed a normal meeting. After all, Sister Eliza represents the Griffin Dynasty. If the Blood Lion Emperor really intends to promote a war as I thought, then the Dreamland Theocracy and Adolf's Free Territory She is one of the people he should win over most.”

"The Silver Alliance was originally established to fight against the Griffin Dynasty. There was no room for maneuver, and the Chauvin Empire was the flashpoint of this conflict. As a result..."

"Although no matter how we negotiate, the final result will most likely be one Griffin against many, but if sister Eliza does not use the identity of 'Griffin Princess', but 'Eliza, the second daughter of the Logan family' 'Use this identity to negotiate with the Dream Kingdom..."

"Since that guy named Lamorlock can massacre an entire county of Griffin, then with the secret cooperation of the Logan family, it is not impossible to abolish the core weapons of those outdated forces. Not only that, if it can If we can achieve further cooperation and cooperate internally and externally..."

"But now that most of the country is in a state of excitement and rage, will the chauvinist empire sit idly by and ignore it? Will the merchant king really tolerate his neighbors conducting such transactions behind the scenes?"

"Sure enough, just cramming is still not enough. Even if I refreshed my knowledge on the southwest a little bit last night, this step is already the limit."

Blake shook his head in distress, walked slowly to the bed and lay down on it again, murmuring helplessly: "And what do these things have to do with me..."

He sighed, loosened the collar of his priest robe, and fell into a light sleep in exhaustion.

The next second——

The priceless [Listening Stone] that was secretly sewn into the inner collar of the priest's robe immediately resumed its work.

Chapter 1018: End

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