Quadruple split

Chapter 1032 I can tell at a glance that you are not human

What the hell?

Mo Tan nodded first, then reacted, and then widened his eyes with slightly longer eyelashes than average, and froze in place.

District 39? The fourth floor of the forbidden book area? The fourth floor of the Forbidden Book Zone!

[MMP, does the special teleportation circle inside this library also support the operation of 'getting lost'? ! 】

Mo Tan subconsciously complained in his heart, then he held his chin and thought about his experience before arriving at this place, trying to find some clues from it...

Twenty-five minutes ago, with Mo Tan, Yu Chen, and Fei Yali at the center, a group of students who were reading were divided into three groups. Among them, the smaller number of girls were in the same group as Yu Chen, and the larger number of boys were in the same group. Following Mo Tan and Fiyali respectively, we agreed to go shopping for two hours and then gather at the dining area in District 7 (I heard from several students that there was a good one there today), and then we went separate ways.

After they dispersed, Mo Tan became a teleporter under the careful guidance of the classmate who worked in the library all year round. While teleporting in the deep area according to everyone's needs, he picked up some books that he was interested in and read them. For a while, although it can't be said to be very fulfilling, it's not boring either.

Then, just two minutes ago, Mo Tan continued to play the role of a tool man. Through the temporary authority issued by the Academy City Elders Council, he planned to take his friends around him to the next destination, which is the third place in the deep zone. District 11, the result...

When the confusion caused by the teleportation array disappeared, Mo Tan found that his friends around him had also disappeared inexplicably, except for the white-haired man in front of him who had his back to him and was holding a thin black booklet and flipping through it. Apart from the old man, there was no one around.

"Um, sorry."

After searching his memory and finding that there was nothing too noteworthy about the process, Mo Tan immediately bowed to the slightly stooped old man not far away and asked very politely: " Do you know how to leave this level? My friends and I were supposed to teleport to Area 31 together..."

Since Mo Tan often asked for directions in real life, he was quite skilled in this operation, with polite body language, a decent yet flattering smile, clear enunciation, moderate volume, and concise questions, as well as a certain amount of confusion. An expression of six points of guilt and a little bit of grievance is a surefire success in the field of asking for directions.


"No need to be embarrassed."

The old man turned his head and smiled at Mo Tan, and said with a smile: "Turn back and pass through the [Monster Subspecies Manual Area] and look to the left. You will find a teleportation array. Use that to leave here. ”


Mo Tan nodded respectfully. He didn't think it was unusual to meet an old man with a white beard in this forbidden book area where few people could enter. After all, there were a lot of hidden secrets in the forbidden scripture pavilion of Shaolin Temple. As for the sweeping monk, he didn't find it strange to bump into an old man who looked like an outsider in the Academy City Library.

Although... the appearance of this old man is not very consistent with the setting of "Extraordinary Master". The book in his hand that seems to be filled with a large number of succubus illustrations does not seem to be a serious book, and it does not look like half a year ago. It looks a bit like the old priest who forcibly sold him a free scripture in Dieyan City, but...

【Wait a minute! ! 】

Mo Tan, who was about to turn around and leave, froze, then suddenly turned back to look at the old man who was foolishly flipping through the succubus illustration book, almost drooling on the page, and exclaimed: "Why are you here?" here!?"

"Waiting for you, let's find some good books to read."

The old man wearing a dusty priest robe and a handsome goatee smacked his lips and said this casually while licking his index finger and continuing to turn the page.

Mo Tan was shocked at that time: "Wait for me?! How did you know I would appear here?"

The old man remained calm and said casually: "The little girl named Graham told me that the delegation from the United Holy Church will probably come to the library today to read books."

"Why would she tell you this?!"

"Because I want to find someone to ask about your itinerary, and among all the options, the people from the Fortune Church are always the best to deal with."

"You bribed Fiyali and asked her to sell me?"

Mo Tan exclaimed in an almost deafening decibel tone.

"That's not true. That girl didn't want to sell you out."

The old man shook his head and shrugged: "But she seemed to recognize my identity later, and told me the situation happily. Well, she is a good child who knows how to respect the elderly. Although the [Prayer Bead] she Still haven’t given it back to me.”

Mo Tan twitched the corner of his mouth and said dryly: "So... you are waiting for me here?"

The old man stroked his beard and said with a smile, "Yes."

"Then why did you tell me how to get out just now?"

Mo Tan was greatly confused and asked curiously: "What if I didn't recognize you and went directly to the magic circle to teleport away?"

"It doesn't matter."

The old man waved his hand grandly and said casually: "That thing has been sealed by me. You can't pass it on no matter how you pass it on."

Mo Tan:......

After a long silence——

"So, now I should angrily ask you for the 20 copper coins that I was cheated of..."

Mo Tan sighed deeply, and sat helplessly on the ground leaning against the bookshelf beside him. He said with a smile: "I am still excited to express my gratitude to you, the 573rd Pope of Dawn Sect. May your Majesty, the most gifted genius of the millennium, St. Luke Tephiro, say hello?"

The ancestor of Dawn Sect who led the existence of "Black Brahman" into Dawn Sect and who has been missing since a long time ago shrugged, closed the succubus album in his hand, and put the thing Erzhao carefully hid it in his arms and then turned to Mo Tan and said sternly: "My child, do you still remember the first time we met? I could tell at a glance that you were not a human being."

Mo Tan: "???"

"Well, to be precise, I could tell at a glance that you were not a native of our world. Although it was just a 'feeling' that was almost conjectural at first, after you were baptized, I, who is also a believer of the Goddess of Dawn, That’s almost certain.”

Luke Tefero raised an index finger and shook it slightly: "What is this?"

Mo Tan, who was almost expelled by the Pope just now, curled his lips angrily and replied: "A finger that is not too young."

"Yes, this is a damn handsome finger."

Tiphilo nodded slightly, and then his finger emitted a light that was not dazzling but directly illuminated the entire fourth floor of the forbidden book area: "What is this?"

Mo Tan frowned and hesitated for a while before guessing with some uncertainty: "Is this [Light Condensation Technique]?"

"Yes, this is [Light Condensation Technique], you can be more confident."

Tiphilo nodded approvingly, and then asked: "What about this?"

A hazy light suddenly appeared from Mo Tan's body, and some soft and warm power instantly flowed through his limbs and bones.

"[Holy Healing Technique]?"

After accepting the other party's suggestion, Mo Tan, who was more confident in himself, quickly gave the answer. Although he was not like Yu Chen, who had an understanding in the field of divine arts that was not inferior to that of ordinary indigenous NPCs, Mo Tan was not the kind of person who could only Ordinary players use their thoughts to release skills and have no concern for their principles, so they are still very sensitive to these magical arts that they have mastered.

"Of course, it can only be [Holy Healing]."

The smile on Tifilo's face grew stronger, and then he flicked his finger: "Of course you don't know this, right?"

The next second, accompanied by a piercing scream, a thick brown leather book crept up to Mo Tan's hand without knowing when, and was about to open its pages full of sharp teeth and saliva to bite off the latter's wrist. It trembled violently. He stood up, struggled for a few seconds and then suddenly stopped moving.

On its spine, a small light arrow less than ten centimeters was emitting a faint light.

"I go!"

Mo Tan jumped up after realizing it, looking at the thick leather book that had been lying flat and the light arrow on the spine with lingering fear, and said dryly: "Don't tell me this thing is [Condensing Light] Ya] Ah.”

"It is indeed [Condensing Light Arrow], don't worry, I have already controlled its power."

Tifilo put away his index finger and said softly: "So, do you understand now?"

Mo Tan was stunned: "What do you understand?"

Tifilo smiled and pointed at Mo Tan: "Understand why I can tell at a glance that you are not a human being... Well, or should I say that I can tell at a glance that you are an 'otherworlder'?"

Mo Tan shook his head very honestly and said bluntly: "I don't understand at all!"

"[Light Condensation Technique] is the only divine technique you mastered before you walked into that church to be baptized."

The previous pope did not show off too much, but explained in a brisk tone: "The moment you were officially baptized, you suddenly mastered [Condensing Light Arrow], [Prayer of Perseverance] and [Holy Healing Technique]."

Mo Tan's eyes suddenly widened and he said in surprise: "You can feel this!?"

"Yes, there are not many people who can do this. I am one of them."

Tiphilo nodded lightly and said with a smile: "You know, kid, even the most talented person in my impression cannot fully master the use of three magical arts in an instant, even the lowest level , the most superficial form of magic."

Mo Tan rolled his eyes. Although he knew in his heart that the other party's guess was completely correct, he still retorted: "What if I have an extraordinary talent? What if the goddess likes me especially?"

【shameless. 】

Ruoyouruowu's curses sounded from the bottom of Mo Tan's heart.

"Look, the goddess has spoken about you."

Tifilo smiled slyly, then spread his hands and said: "And... well, let's put it this way, even if you are talented, you probably won't be more talented than me. When I was four years old, I was in Faao I was baptized under the guidance of the godfather. On the same day, I became a favored one and mastered all the low-level divine arts of the Dawn Sect before dinner, a total of sixty-nine types. Among them, I learned the [Holy Healing Technique]. Twenty-seven seconds, I learned [Condensing Light Technique] for three seconds, [Condensing Light Arrow] for eleven seconds, and [Prayer of Perseverance] for one minute."

Mo Tan, whose eyes were twitching, took a deep breath and stared at the old man in front of him with empty eyes: "You have the nerve to say that I am not a human being? You are the monster yourself!"

"No, that's what I call a gift."

Tifilo shook his head and said calmly: "But what happened to you is completely unexplainable. Mastering three divine arts in an instant is something that even the original saint Angel can't do."

[Well, in fact, it took that kid Angel half a year to master [Light Condensation Technique]...]

A somewhat embarrassed female voice sounded in Mo Tan's ears, and it could be seen from Tifilo's expression that he heard it too.

"So, I am actually much more powerful than His Highness Angel?"

Tifilo showed a smile that was both shy and shy.

[You can fight better than her, and she is cuter than you. Do you think I prefer those who can fight or those who are cute? 】

"I guess you like guys."

【roll! 】

"Okay, please obey the oracle!"

Tiphilo said nothing, just rolling around like a lazy donkey.

This high-energy interaction between one person and one god immediately confused Mo Tan.

"Then what..."

Swallowing with difficulty, Mo Tan looked at Tiffero who seemed to be unhappy and then rolled back on the spot: "Are you doing a cross talk?"

"What is cross talk?"

Tifilo blinked curiously, then waved his hands carelessly and said: "Don't worry, in fact, it is difficult for the goddess to establish contact with us under normal circumstances. She can come to chat now mainly because I am here."

Mo Tan scratched his chin in confusion: "What do you mean?"

[To put it simply, Tiphilo is so powerful... he can basically be regarded as the existence of my 'earthly kingdom'. Well, in the words of you people from other worlds, his ability as a signal base station is no less than In the Dawn Chapel in the City of Light, well, that's it, you can talk about yourselves, and I won't get involved. 】

After leaving such a sentence, Pakosi, the goddess of dawn, whose signal was very strong, stopped talking.

half a second later

"Well, I feel God's eyes have moved away~"

Typhiro shrugged his shoulders, smacked his lips and said, "Although I don't mind my lord listening."

Mo Tan: "..."

He was really speechless. Although he was considered an agnostic for the time being, in a world where "gods" clearly existed, there were believers who could communicate with God in such a strange style. He was really surprised. Eye-opener.

"Well, let's continue the topic~"

Tiphilo blinked and said kindly: "After that, I made two more tests for you. First, I asked you to use 20 copper coins to buy a scripture that most people know is free. And you have no objection to this..."

Mo Tan's expression suddenly fell, and he said angrily: "How dare you say that! Do you know what 20 copper coins meant to me at that time!"

"The second temptation is to give you the manuscript of the Godfather. I want to see if you, an outsider, can develop talents that are different from most people and make achievements in the law."


"The result is not ideal. The laws and regulations seem to be quite difficult for you people from other worlds to learn, so if nothing else, you are probably tricked by me. I'm sorry."

"Depend on!"

Chapter 1025: End

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