Quadruple split

Chapter 1046 Tracking

Unlike the Mage Guild, which has a relatively distinctive personality, most of the Alchemist Association, which is also a mainland-level force, looks the same. To put it simply, except that the proportion of young people is slightly larger, the Alchemist Association branch in Academy City has The look and feel is not much different from the branch in the City of Light.

Well, there may be some differences in some places, but at least the reception desk is located in the middle of the hall, so that some people with a funny sense of direction will not have anywhere to ask for directions.

"Ahem, sorry to bother you."

Mo Tan, who had changed out of his previous cloak and was wearing a priest's robe as usual, smiled politely and asked the tall orc girl behind the counter who was dictating some kind of measurement spectrum: "Excuse me, Luna Lynch. Does the lady live here?”

"Huh? Luna Lynch?"

The orc girl with light green skin blinked and was stunned for a few seconds before nodding vigorously and said: "Oh, you mean the human girl who seems to be sleepwalking all day long, yes, although it is temporary, but She stayed with us during the exchange meeting, this young pastor, who are you...?"

Mo Tan smiled and said: "Hei Fan, a follower in the United Holy Church delegation and a friend of Luna, originally planned to come over to say hello two days ago, but due to some delays, he has been delayed until now."

"From the United Holy Church delegation?"

The orc girl blinked her eyes twice, and then suddenly said: "Oh, yes, Lynch was also recommended by the City of Light branch. It's not surprising that you two know each other."

Mo Tan smiled shyly, nodded and said, "Yes."

"Okay, Lynch is in the small workshop No. 6 on the basement floor. After you go downstairs, go to the third door on the left. Go and spend some time with her."

The other party grinned, pointed to the spiral staircase leading to the underground not far away, and said casually: "Although that girl's personality is not easy to get along with, she is still quite heartwarming."

Mo Tan was slightly startled: "Huh?"

"Okay, okay, don't be stupid."

The orc girl, who was at least 1.8 meters tall, stood up, patted Mo Tan's shoulder hard twice, and pursed her lips in the direction of the spiral staircase: "Hurry up and remember, go to the left after going downstairs. Three doors.”

"Ah...Okay, thank you."

Mo Tan, who was forcibly knocked off 2% of his health, nodded quickly, covered his shoulders and hurried downstairs. He felt that besides being an alchemist, this young lady should also have a mid-level violent battle or something like that. His professional title means he has really strong hands.

three minutes later

Since the young lady's guide rank was very high, even Mo Tan and his ilk were embarrassed to get lost after getting the information 'go downstairs and go to the third door on the left', so he found it very smoothly. The door with a [6] written on it was lightly knocked on.

"who is it?"

After a long delay, a familiar voice came from inside, it was Luna's iconic ethereal voice.

"I, Hei Fan, come to see you."

Mo Tan touched the tip of his nose and replied a little guiltily.


Luna responded casually, opened the door from the inside, glanced at Mo Tan briefly, then turned sideways, and said softly to the latter whose expression suddenly darkened: "Come in, do you want some coffee? I was there before I bought some good beans with the money given by the Frontale branch president, which is quite refreshing."

"Let's not talk about coffee or anything. What's going on with you!"

Mo Tan frowned deeply and walked into this small workshop, which was quite large and the environment was relatively clean for the time being (it could also be said that it had not yet been completely destroyed by Luna). He took two quick steps and stopped someone who seemed to be planning to do so. Luna went to prepare coffee and asked very seriously: "What happened to you?"

casually brushing a strand of pale golden hair beside her ear, she stopped in confusion and met Mo Tan's eyes. Luna's misty light blue eyes were filled with curiosity: "What's the matter?"

"What did you say..."

Looking at the linen bandage stained with dark red blood on the girl's forehead, Mo Tan sighed helplessly, raised his right hand and tapped a few centimeters in front of Luna's eyebrows: "Heal."

【Lü Ling·Yu】Come out with the words——

A dim light like sunset flashed across Luna's forehead, and then turned into a little warm starlight and blended into her body, making the girl feel warm all over in this slightly low-temperature underground workshop. warm.

"What are you doing?"

Luna looked at Mo Tan with some confusion and asked the latter questions without any emotion.

"I'm using healing magic on you."

Mo Tangan smiled and tugged at the corner of his mouth, pointed at the bandage wrapped around Luna's head and asked, "Where did you get this injury?"


Luna frowned and reacted for a while before pointing to the bandage on her head and asked: "You mean this?"

Mo Tan nodded angrily: "What else?"

"I accidentally fell down and hit my head."

Luna walked slowly past Mo Tan, untying the bandage on her head as she walked: "This was used to bandage at that time, but the wound has healed long ago, it's just that I forgot to take it off, um, Thanks for the reminder, Hei Fan.”

Stopping in front of the spacious wooden experimental table, Luna turned her back to the bottles and jars on it. She turned around and showed Mo Tan the bandage in her hand that she had forgotten to take off. The forehead that was originally wrapped was smooth and white, and her hairline was The thread was as healthy as ever. Although there were some dark red blood stains on it, there were no wounds at all.

"Has it been done already?"

Mo Tan was stunned.

"Well, it seems that there were many people around to help when I fell."

Luna nodded and said calmly: "I heard that a Druid aunt helped me heal the wound soon after being bandaged."

Although she spoke very casually and her tone was full of nonchalance, Mo Tan was still keenly aware of the key information Luna inadvertently revealed.

"Seems like? I heard?"

He crossed his arms and asked solemnly: "So you not only fell, but you were also unconscious for a period of time afterwards?"

Luna casually threw the bandage into the waste basket under the experimental table, and then slowly took out a bag of coffee beans from the large amount of debris piled in a corner, while using God knows how to sterilize the test tubes and beakers to cook. While sipping the coffee, he said calmly: "I'm not sure if I'm in a coma, or maybe I'm asleep. I seem to have forgotten to sleep a few days ago."

"You should have a good sleep..."

Mo Tan covered his forehead very weakly, then walked to one of the wooden chairs next to the experimental table and sat down, and said dryly: "I and Wangyu have told you before, you are always like this all the time. It's easy to get into trouble if you work around at night, and if you have a serious health problem, you may not be able to recover quickly even with magic."

Luna shook her head indifferently: "It doesn't matter, there is still alchemy."

"Alchemy is not omnipotent!"

Mo Tan patted the back of the chair angrily and said sternly: "That's all when I was fighting those monsters in Misha County. After all, it was a matter of life and death. There was nothing I could do to squeeze my potential, but don't do it normally. I got myself to the point where I would fall down and crack my head every time I walked.”

"Here, coffee."

After a short silence, Luna thrust a fragrant beaker into Mo Tan's hand.


When he was a 'Hei Fan', he usually drank black tea brewed by Yu Chen. Mo Tan, who had not had a chance to drink serious coffee for a long time, thanked him and took a very happy sip, as if he had finally finished his coffee after a long absence. He shivered like a drug addict after taking a sip of dry food, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"You're welcome."

Luna shook her head, poured herself half a test tube of coffee, sat across from Mo Tan and took a sip, then frowned with a subtle expression, put the test tube aside without leaving a trace, and said softly: "So, Black Fan, why did you suddenly come to me?"

"So the topic of sleeping well has been brought to light..."

Mo Tan sighed, then smiled bitterly and said: "Although I really want to say that I came here to visit you specially, that's not the case. I came here this time...actually..."

"for what?"

Luna took out an ice-like crystal that exuded a burst of cold air and threw it into the warm water left when making coffee. She took a sip and then tilted her head.

"I want you to see this."

Mo Tan took out the small box he got from Qiao from his luggage and handed it to Luna with a slightly serious expression.


Luna opened the box curiously, looked down at the two [Wang Insect] remains inside, frowned slightly, and asked, "What is this?"

"You don't know either..."

Mo Tan sighed, rubbed his forehead and whispered softly: "This should be an alchemical creation called [Wang Chong]. I...two friends who are doing small business got this thing accidentally and thought the structure was very... It's interesting, so I really want to know its origin...or where it is circulated, so I plan to investigate it carefully."

"Alchemical creation?"

Luna murmured, then looked down at the remains in the box again. After a long silence, she shook her head and said, "This is my first time seeing this thing, so I don't know its origins very well, but it shouldn't be mainstream. Alchemy creatures, at least there is no relevant record in the notes left by my father."

Although he had been mentally prepared, Mo Tan was still a little depressed when the only clue was cut off like this, but he still managed to cheer up and said with a smile: "It's okay, I just asked you casually. Since you don't know, come back." I just let them find another way."

"Well, I'm sorry, I can't help you."

Luna closed the lid again, but did not immediately return the two pieces of worms to Mo Tan. Instead, while playing with her necklace made of cork, she whispered: "But this thing..."

"What's wrong with this thing? Have you thought of anything?"

Mo Tan's eyes immediately lit up.

"No, but maybe I can try to analyze it for you. After all, I know a little bit about alchemy. Although I'm not completely sure, I might be able to reverse engineer it and find something useful."

Luna knocked on the small iron box in her hand and said calmly: "And I can also ask other people who came to the exchange meeting. Unlike country alchemists like me, they know much more. Maybe there are Who knows the origin of this [Wang Chong] maybe. If not, I can go to the library to help you look up any relevant records. I just happened to have permission to access the first two floors of the forbidden book area, and I originally planned to check it out. Look at it.”

"Have you obtained access to the restricted book area?"

Mo Tan was immediately shocked.

"Yeah, although it's only the first two floors."

Luna nodded casually and suggested casually: "So if you don't mind, you can leave this sample with me first. If there are any results from the investigation, I will notify you as soon as possible."

"Thank you very much."

Mo Tan immediately laughed. He originally planned to try his luck through the large number of underground channels in 'Tan Mo' if it didn't work out. But since Luna was willing to help to such an extent, let this person who knew everything about him It's better for a simple girl to help than to risk extra 'Frank Hughes'. It's perfect.

"Well, then just put this thing here with me first."

Luna yawned, then suddenly stood up and took off her purple robe. Without any consciousness, she only wore a snow-white suspender vest with very little fabric and shorts and stockings of the same color and walked to Mo Tan. , said to the friend in front of him who was flushed and suddenly turned his head to look away: "Heifan, if you are okay, go back. I am going to follow your suggestion to take a bath and take a rest. Or do you want to stay?" Wash with me?"

"Are you crazy or am I crazy!?"

"I feel like I'm mentally stable."

“Although I don’t feel like I’m mentally stable, I’m not crazy either!”

Mo Tan gritted his teeth and tried not to look at the girl in front of him who was wearing only a few pieces of underwear without realizing it. He stood up suddenly and walked to the door. Without looking back, he said: "I'm leaving first! You must never do it again in the future." She strips down to her underwear casually in front of other members of the opposite sex like this, after all she is a girl!"

"Other members of the opposite sex?"

Luna tilted her head and said curiously: "So Hei Fan can do it for you."

"Neither can I!!!"

After saying these words angrily, Mo Tan slammed the door from the outside with a bang and left in a hurry.


Luna shook her head indifferently, casually picked up the robe she had just taken off and put it on, and whispered: "It's okay, it's not the first time I've been seen anyway, ugh..."

The figure swayed slightly, and a wisp of bright red blood slowly flowed from the corner of her mouth, which was particularly dazzling when the girl's face no longer suppressed the strong discomfort in her body and suddenly turned pale.

"I always feel that things are getting more and more troublesome, and..."

Gently wiping the blood from the corners of her lips, Luna turned her attention to the test tube filled with coffee on the table. She only took a sip and then left it untouched...

"This stuff tastes terrible."

Chapter 1039: End

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