Quadruple split

Chapter 1049 AI

next day

Game time AM09:45

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, lawful and kind Mo, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Academy City outer ring area, Linyin Inn, Mo Tan's room

Mo Tan, who quietly returned here just before dawn during game time, appeared in the center of the room with a burst of white light. After a short silence, with a slightly tired look, he raised his hands, patted his cheeks hard twice, and then quickly I 'patrolled' around the room, and after a few minutes I was sure that there were no more strange creatures in the room, and then I relaxed a little.

The demon warlock's [Sulfur Insect] and the unknown [Wang Insect] found out twice yesterday that people like him were being targeted by similar means. Mo Tan did not dare to take it lightly. The first thing he did when he went online was to confirm Is the surrounding environment safe?

"But having said that, if the person who uses these methods to monitor us is an NPC, then according to the rules of the game, I should be teleported to the blind spot of his vision when I go online. Wait a minute... If that's the case..."

After briefly walking around the room, Mo Tan suddenly frowned and murmured, pondering for a while before his eyes suddenly widened: "If that [Sulfur Bug] is indeed spying on me, it went online yesterday. Why did I still appear in the room instead of being teleported to the door or somewhere else?"

He sat down on the chair (this way his tail would be more comfortable), put his hands on the back of the chair and began to think carefully.

There are two points in time that you need to pay attention to -

First of all, when I was offline as 'Mo' the day before yesterday, what happened at that time was that I triggered the [premonition] and immediately returned to the room on the grounds of sleepiness. After Yaya caught up with me, I lay helplessly on the bed and said that I was going to sleep. After receiving his request for help, Ji Xiaoge ran upstairs and dragged Yaya away. He went offline without being noticed by any NPC.

Then the next day, that is, when he went online at 10 o'clock in the morning of yesterday's game time, he was refreshed in the same place, that is, on the bed in the center of the room, and soon found the one that Jadeka confirmed to be [Sulfonate] Insects are extradimensional creatures, one of the surveillance methods favored by demon warlocks.

The second time point was when I was offline yesterday. Because it was already early in the morning when Diana was coaxed to sleep by herself as 'Tan Mo', so the character of 'Mo' was probably around five o'clock in the game time. Only then did he return to the Linyin Inn. The only person awake at that time was Master Guna from Craftsman Town. As a player, Ji Xiaoge went to the public space to play with his sister after everyone had basically rested, so he was also offline.

Master Guna, who was tossing about those engineering creations in the yard, had no time to pay attention to him. Yaya, Jadeka, Wang Badan and Master Geist were all asleep. Ji Xiaoge, who was also a player, was offline. Under this premise Next, Mo Tan, who was anxious to change his account and settle for the role of 'Hei Fan', didn't think too much about it. He returned to the room and after a brief search, he immediately logged off and did not lie down on the bed to pretend.

So, here comes the question...

[The common point between the two offline times is that the character "Mo" went offline in the orthodox way of disappearing from the realm of innocence, and also reappeared in the offline position when logging in the next day, without any error. 】

Heaving a sigh of relief, Mo Tan stood up and walked to the window edge where he had discovered the [Sulfur Bug] yesterday morning during game time. He said softly: "The difference is that there was a surveillance [Sulfur Bug] in the room when I logged in yesterday. worms], and there are none today.”

There seemed to be no doubts when taken individually, but immediately after being connected together, clues emerged, or a rather important clue emerged.

[The people who monitor us...at least the owner of the [Sulfur Bug] that I took care of yesterday morning is probably not an NPC, but other players from the Innocence Realm! 】

Mo Tan, who trusted the system sauce very much, did not consider additional factors such as 'what if the NPC was monitoring but the other party didn't pay attention to it when he went online'. On the one hand, this was because as long as he started doing this assumption It would be endless, and it would be absolutely impossible to draw any nutritious conclusions. On the other hand, as I said just now, Mo Tan trusted the system of the Innocence Realm very much.

Because he frequently tests the bottom line of the system when using a certain character, battles wits with the rules of the game, and achieves outstanding results, Mo Tan has a better understanding of the system's mechanics than most players.

It is true that Mo Tan has done many things in the game that other players cannot do. Even kissing an NPC of the opposite sex is not only impossible to put into action, but is even very likely to be ordered offline by the system or even stabbed to the public security system. The operation has been completed successfully more than once, but this does not mean that the system of this game is easy to exploit.

In fact, the main system of Innocence Realm can almost be said to be the smartest AI that Mo Tan has ever seen, bar none.

The most intuitive expression is that although he has accomplished many things that are theoretically impossible in the game, in Mo Tan's eyes, even when he was in the "chaotic neutral" personality, he has never been "in the true sense" Won't pass.

Most of the time, even if Mo Tan gets a seemingly ideal result after all kinds of trials, when he looks back and thinks about it carefully, it is not so much that Mo Tan has successfully exploited the loopholes of the system, but rather that the system has jumped out of a mechanical perspective. , choosing to turn a blind eye to Mo Tan's behaviors that seemed to violate the rules but actually did not touch any taboos.

As we all know, one of the easiest ways to kill a computer is to make it execute two completely contradictory commands at the same time. Of course, if you want to tell me that smashing it into pieces with a big hammer is the easiest way, then it is purely disrespectful. .

In short, excluding physical means, deliberately creating the above scene is Mo Tan's main method to test the system of the Innocence. The simplest example is to use a series of careful layouts to allow himself to receive the essence of 'protecting the blood seekers'. In the case of Lesa's mission, Mo Tan deliberately let the pursuer find out the clues, and then inserted the option of "making the other party ignore Lesa through close contact" into the "optimal solution" in the situation at that time. In this way, the two concepts of 'optimal solution' and 'sexual harassment' are smoothly in conflict with each other.

The conclusion is that the system accepted the ‘optimal solution’ given by Mo Tan and ignored his ‘sexual harassment’.

However, in other scenarios, the system will ignore Mo Tan's 'optimal solution' and prevent his behavior that obviously violates the rules.

There is a scale here, a scale that can only be grasped by humans...and only people with high enough emotional and intellectual quotients, as well as people who are quite accomplished in the field of philosophy, are things that ordinary AI cannot do anyway. Even ordinary AI in 2050.

AI, that is, Artificial Intelligence, although artificial intelligence can already surpass humans in some fields, in the eyes of most people, this thing is still just a tool. It will only make specific reactions in specific situations, and everything is based on established logic. It's just a dead thing within the plan.

This conclusion is completely correct, because so-called artificial intelligence is a dead thing. From a certain perspective, it is not much different from a Coke bottle or a screwdriver.

They are just tools for convenience.

So, does AI have to be dead?

If someone had asked this question to Mo Tan a year ago, he would probably have said some ambiguous words like 'maybe', 'maybe', 'probably', and 'none of my business'.

The reason is very simple. Ever since the second year of the battle of wits and courage with SUN, Mo Tan has suspected that the other party may have a truly 'living' artificial intelligence assisting him. Otherwise, even if he is not successful in the IT field because of multitasking, It is impossible to be inferior to the opponent, and it is impossible to still be at a disadvantage even with that incredible processing system, and even be often beaten.

There are three possibilities -

First, SUN completely crushed itself technically. This probability is the lowest. It’s not that Mo Tan is conceited. The main reason is that with a perfect score of 100, Futaba can only score 15 points more than Mo Tan who scored 85 points. There's no way it's 50 more points.

Secondly, although Futaba is only a little bit higher than herself in terms of technology, she has hardware at the same level as herself. This possibility is also very low. There are many reasons for this. For example, Brother Rice said implicitly The processor in Mo Tan's hand is a limited edition item. For example, SUN always uses multi-threading methods to operate in games. It likes to rely on its superb skills and reaction speed to fight... In layman's terms, this girl is probably in the game. At the same time, I opened a bunch of computers to challenge myself.

The last possibility is that Futaba has software with the same specifications as her own processor, so she can still operate with ease even when the hardware cannot keep up.

And that kind of software can only be a 'living' artificial intelligence that theoretically possesses consciousness.

This is not a fantasy, at least according to Mo Tan, with the current technological level, if complex reasons such as ethics and crisis theory are put aside, things like artificial life may really be researched. Of course, even if it is true, it will probably only be in a secret laboratory opened by the military or the state. If a civilian comes up with such a thing, if it is discovered, most of the time it will only go to jail or be recruited. option.

[Perhaps that guy from SUN had the confidence to bet against me because he had artificial intelligence as a trump card. Even if she was arrested after her identity was exposed, her identity as an artificial intelligence developer could directly make that guy superior. civil servants...]

This idea has circulated in Mo Tan's heart countless times.

So, let's get back to the point. If Mo Tan was still ambiguous about the existence of 'living artificial intelligence' a year ago because of SUN, then after coming into contact with the Innocence Realm, he is now fully capable of taking action. This stuff is real.

In other words, Mo Tan feels that as many NPCs as there are in the Realm of Innocence, there are 100% true artificial intelligences, and among them, the 'system', which stands at the pinnacle of the Realm of Innocence, is naturally There will be no exception.

That's why he would repeatedly 'tease' System-chan when he was in a 'chaotic neutral' personality. Although there were also factors that he found fun, more often than not he wanted to try to elicit additional reactions from the 'other party'.

Therefore, at this moment, he decided that the system would not make mistakes and be exploited just because "it is the summoned creature that monitors him instead of the NPC or the player itself".

[It is the player, the owner of that [Sulfur Bug] can only be the player...]

After making a firm judgment in his mind, Mo Tan shook his head, drove away unnecessary thoughts from his mind, and strode out of the room.

Although it is still very worthy of vigilance, and I am not sure whether the [Sulfur Insect] and [Wang Insect] were created by one person, but I have to say that the pressure an unknown player can bring to Mo Tan is still much less than that of an NPC. .

At least that's the case for Mo Tan, who knows almost one-third of the top ten players in the player rankings, and even chats and laughs with the ten thousand-year-old second-in-command every day.

Of course, no matter whether the opponent is a player or an NPC, until Luna finds out the specific information about the [Wang Insect], the only thing Mo Tan can do is to remain unchanged in response to all changes.

Instead of wasting time trying to get into trouble, it is better to deal with the matter at hand first, such as meeting with the grandchildren of the Diesel family... er, the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the Jadeka family, and study the situation. [Comprehensive Knight Fighting Competition] What should we do?



The moment Mo Tan stepped out of his room, with a cry of joy, Ya Ya's exquisite body hit Mo Tan's arms like a cannonball.


Mo Tan, who took several steps back before barely regaining his balance, let out a groan. He skillfully lifted the girl in his arms by her collar and brought her to him. He gently scratched the couple who had been licking their backs. The pointed ear: "Are you feeling better?"

"Wang is fine! Wang ate a lot of food this morning!"

Ya Ya happily jumped on the spot and said with a silly and happy smile: "Are you hungry, Mo Wang? You can have another meal with Mo Wang!"

Mo Tan smiled, shook his head and said, "I'm fine, where are Jadeka and Ye Ge?"

"Sister Wang Ge came out early in the morning. She said she wanted a dog for business, so she didn't bring her dog."

Ya Ya pursed his lips, then pointed downstairs and said, "Wang Deka is practicing in the yard."

"Well, I understand, let's go find Jadeka~"

As early as when it went online, I received a message from Ji Xiaoge saying, "I'm going to discuss business!" Wish me luck! Mo Tan smiled at the news, and then walked through the corridor to the courtyard with Ya Ya. Soon he saw the old man who had nearly a hundred eyesight performing the extremely impactful push-up move at an incredible speed. picture.

"Haha, Mo, are you up?"

The old mage happily greeted Mo Tan while continuing his 'exercise'.

"Well, get up."

Mo Tan also smiled at this man with a very different painting style.

"Are you busy today?"

"Well, it shouldn't be very busy now."

"If you're not busy, come with me to meet the grandsons. Everyone is very curious about you. It's just a good time to discuss things about the fighting competition."


"Wang is going too!"

"Haha, okay, okay, go all the way."

Chapter 1042: End

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