Quadruple split

Chapter 1056 Gambling Fight

"If you don't understand it yourself, don't worry about the children."

With an understatement, Jadeka immediately choked Gavin Rad, who had some information from Liadrin's face.

It is true that Gavinrad Diesel, who is qualified to represent the Diesel family to participate in the exchange meeting, must be a delicate and exquisite person, but Jadeka who can successfully live to this age is definitely not What a fuel-efficient lamp, coupled with the intimacy in his blood, he guessed what his grandson was thinking almost as soon as Gavin Ladd opened his mouth.

To put it simply, I want to help the little girl named Liadrin Blood Maple L. Diesel fight to see if she can get Motan.

It would definitely be a great achievement if this talented young man who was also Jadeka's apprentice could be accepted into the Diesel family as a son-in-law or something.

↑This idea did not appear in Gavin Rad's consideration. In fact, this middle-aged knight who was quite optimistic about 'Little Leah' just wanted to help him, and he was very interested in that 'Little Brother Mo'. I also admire her character quite a lot, and I think it would be good if she could bring Xiao Lia, whom I like, and Brother Mo, whom I admire, together.

That's right, even though it's just a little bit of girlish sentiment, far from being likeable, Liadrin's details in all aspects are a bit too obvious. Even Yaya can see that little bit of girlish sentiment, plus Naturally, the two elves, Wenrad and Jadeka, would not be unaware of it.

As for Motan...

In this worldview where there was no cosmic will to forcibly crush his emotional intelligence and thinking ability, of course he also discovered Liadrin's attitude towards him that seamlessly changed from 'hostility' to 'favor'.

To be honest, Mo Tan didn't feel anything, let alone feel anything.

Because he can still understand this kind of heartbeat like the beginning of love. Simply put, it is similar to the handsome man who is active in major works rescuing beauties. As the beauty being rescued, Liadrin gave herself a " Stylish filter' is also a normal thing.

People are all emotional, and it is quite common to be attracted to someone of the opposite sex (maybe even the same sex) whose appearance is not lower than average because of one thing, one face, one sentence, one scene, etc. Common, such as a handsome guy suddenly shooting a beautiful hollow ball on the court, such as a beautiful girl smiling at you when your eyes meet, or it may be a "Hey, you need to go out" on the school wall. ', 'Oh, you've just come back.' This kind of tacit look when passing by.

All of the above examples may cause people to feel some kind of strange feeling between the sexes.

Although Mo Tan has never had a girlfriend, in the past (before he met Yu Chen), under his 'absolutely neutral' personality, he actually had this feeling for all kinds of (beautiful) girls, and in the past six months, he They often make great use of this emotion when they are in a 'chaotic neutral' personality.

Even though he is currently in the state of 'Lawful Good' and has a strict self-discipline, he has often been flirted with by various young ladies, both overt and covert.

Therefore, he was not surprised by Liadrin's strange attitude towards him, and on the contrary, he was not moved at all.

If the character in question is 'Tan Mo' instead of 'Mo', then this female knight who is outstanding among the younger generation of the Diesel family is likely to be deceived by him in just a few days...or even a few hours. , but he absolutely cannot do this kind of operation now.

All in all, just play dumb.

"Although I am very grateful for your invitation, I still cannot accept this kindness immediately..."

Mo Tan shook his head at Gavin Ladd apologetically, and politely declined: "During this period, we will probably have to help those two great craftsmen with their business. It's really not easy to just give up and come here, and we can be beaten by Diesel." I’m already embarrassed that my family recommended me to attend that grand event that many people dream of, so I won’t bother you any more.”

Upon hearing this, Liadrin's eyes that had been brightened immediately dimmed again.

Because Grandpa Jadekar was present, Gavin Rad couldn't be too insistent, so he could only nod slightly and said: "Okay, but if there is anyone here who can help, don't forget to say hello to us. , Apart from anything else, you can still help with manual labor. Since grandpa owes a favor to the Craftsman Town, the affairs of those two great craftsmen are naturally the business of our Diesel family."

Mo Tan smiled slightly, nodded and said, "I'll trouble you then."

"Hey, we're all family members. If you have any trouble, don't worry."

Gavin Rad waved his hand vigorously, then looked solemn and said seriously: "Now that the competition is over, let's get down to business. I have recommended this comprehensive knight fighting competition in the name of the Diesel family. Brother Mo, you are participating. Thanks to Dean Marla, the procedures have been completed. There should be no problem on your side, right?"

[The problem is huge...]

Mo Tan sighed deeply in his heart, and then squeezed out a smile that didn't seem forced at all: "Thank you, it's really hard for you."

"no big deal."

Although Mo Tan's words were a bit wrong, Gavin Rad didn't think there was anything wrong. After all, a young man like Mo Tan, whether he wanted to make a name for himself or to hone himself, would always attend the Academy City exchange meeting. The [Comprehensive Knight Fighting Competition] held during the period is a very attractive platform. Just like free money, it is almost impossible for anyone to refuse a place.

Not only that, because the recommending party is the Diesel family, which is very famous in the knight world, Mo Tan can even enjoy the treatment of no certification, no assessment, no audition, no qualifications and skipping the preliminaries directly. This kind of treatment is what others ask for. No one would think there would be any 'problem' with him if he didn't come.

Therefore, Mo Tan's reply of 'Thank you, thank you for your hard work' because he couldn't lie was directly defined by Gavin Rudd as 'no problem' in his heart.

You must know that although Mo Tan is a gifted and talented young knight, he is not a student of Academy City after all. If there is no corresponding channel, it will be extremely difficult to get such a spot. After all, this world lacks always They are not talented people, but a platform and an environment for growth for these talented people.

Too many people who are capable but have no platform, no environment, and no opportunities will find it difficult to show their ambitions throughout their lives. Those who, although they lived a poor life, are lucky enough to be famous for their works that were not appreciated at the time. Most of them are the kind of poor people who fail to make any waves in the world when it's hot, and who don't make half a splash when it's cold.

Therefore, in Gavin Ladd's view, Brother Mo has no reason to refuse to participate in the fighting competition. Even if he doesn't care about the false fame, there are very few opportunities to improve himself by competing with various opponents on the same stage.

As a result, Gavin Ladd directly started the next topic and said in a deep voice: "Brother Mo, I have seen your strength just now. It is no exaggeration to say that at least in the 'high-level' rank, you are definitely the best." The most top-notch player, so I think you must sign up for the [individual competition]."

"OK, all right."

Mo Tan, who was already aware, nodded and answered in the affirmative happily.

"Well, on our side, besides you, there are also Leah and Kevin participating in the individual competition."

Gavin Rad smiled and shrugged: "The individual competition of the Comprehensive Knight Fighting Competition is a elimination system, and the registration threshold is relatively low. As long as the strength is above the intermediate level and the age is no more than thirty years old... uh, pure blood The elf is 250 years old, and can get a place to participate in the main competition after passing three auditions and one round of preliminaries. The competition area is divided into three levels: mid-level, high-level and epic level, but because you are all recommended by our Diesel family Yes, so you can skip the auditions and start playing directly from the main competition in the high-level division."

"Start directly from the main game..."

Liadrin frowned and hesitated: "Is this really fair?"

"There's nothing fair or unfair about it."

Kevin, who was called over to listen together, smacked his lips, spread his hands and said: "We are also human beings, my mentor is the famous [Dawn Conviction], and Miss Leah, you are from the Diesel family, the largest family." Is being one of the knight family fair to others?"

Liadrin paused slightly and found that she was speechless.

"Think about it from another perspective, if we, who have good resources and mentors, go to participate in the audition, is it fair to those who originally had a chance to get a ranking, but in the end they couldn't even enter the main competition because they met us?"

Seeing that Liadrin was tangled in thought, Kevin glanced at Mo Tan and added: "Look at this person again. They are all of the same age. They have neither a legendary mentor nor family support. , the result is inexplicably awesome, I don’t know what you think, Miss Leah, anyway, if I meet him in the audition, I will definitely complain about the competition system after being eliminated."

"This... is quite correct..."

Liadrin glanced at Mo Tan's gentle and humble profile in a daze, murmured something in a low voice, and said nothing more.

"Well, once we finish chatting, I'll continue."

Not paying attention to the interruption between the two, Gavin Ladd just paused and continued: "Although there are only three competition areas in the [Individual Competition], the Epic Competition Area is basically a decoration, with only twenty or thirty people participating every year. , and most of them are familiar faces, everyone is familiar with them, and they are also familiar with each other, so it is more of a performance than a competition, but it is still worth watching."

Kevin nodded and said thoughtfully: "In other words, the real highlight is our [High-Level Division]?"

"To be precise, they are the top 32 in the high-level and mid-level divisions, but you don't need to worry about the mid-level division."

Gavin Ladd corrected him, and then said nonchalantly: "Dean Marla will send you the specific competition schedule and rules later. As for me, I will make a few digressions here."

【Digression? 】

Mo Tan raised his eyebrows alertly, feeling that Gavin Ladd would really start to 'get down to business' next.

"You should all know that since a long time ago, the comprehensive knight fighting competition held at every exchange meeting has been hosted by the Academy City Branch of the Knights Guild, the Paladin Knight Academy, and the White Oath Knight Academy where we are now. , and in the nearly thirty years of exchange meetings, the most important [Team Competition] championship has been won by the White Oath Knight Academy and the Diesel Family delegation, while the [Individual Competition] is a similar situation. Of course, there are also There have been several examples of private dark horses winning the championship, but that is not the point..."

Having said this, Gavin Rad took a deep breath and said seriously: "The point is, the Paladin Knight Academy has always been overwhelmed. Because of this, the number of students in any academy recently is not as good as in previous years."

"What do you mean?"

Kevin blinked in confusion, not thinking that the topic Gavin Rudd suddenly mentioned had anything to do with him. He just asked casually: "Is it because they are weaker?"

"No, that college is very powerful, but we have been working together to stumble them in the past years."

Gavin Ladd shook his head and gave the answer with a serious face.

Kevin was shocked.

Liadrin was not surprised, but the corners of her mouth twitched twice.

Only Mo Tan breathed a sigh of relief inexplicably, feeling that the familiar, outrageous, and deceptive style of painting that followed him like a shadow was finally back.

"There's a reason for that."

He seemed to know that what he just said was not very honorable, so Gavin Rad immediately coughed lightly and explained quickly: "Because there is a big problem with the education method of that college. It's just that it doesn't pay attention to the honor of knights. The attitude towards students is even more brutal and extreme. Although there are many strong people inside, at least 30% of the freshmen are dismissed every year due to 'physical reasons', and almost all of them have their future ruined."

Kevin's eyes widened: "Oh, Spartan devil education?"

"All in all, those of us who can't be said to be decent, but still have chivalry ethics, don't like that academy very much. So starting from fifty years ago, the Diesel family has been consciously working with the White Oath Knight Academy. To suppress the Holy Lance Knight Academy, and the Knights Guild, although they don’t help each other on the surface, secretly also provided us with a lot of help."

Gavin Ladd bluntly explained the whole story and said seriously: "The effect is still very significant. Although the foundation is still there, the scale of the Paladin Knight Academy is no longer what it was in previous years, and the annual recruitment scale is also much smaller, so We contacted the dean there during this exchange meeting and made a suggestion."

"What advice?"

Liadrin's curiosity was also piqued.

"Actually, it's very simple. I just want them to self-examine and reform their education model."

Gavin Ladd shrugged and said solemnly: "The result..."

"what's the result?"

"As a result, not only were we rejected, but the Paladin Academy also proposed a bet."

"Bet? Is it about this fighting competition?"

"That's right."

"What are they betting on?"

"I bet they can win both the [individual competition] and the [team competition] championship in the high-level area in this fighting competition!"

"Where's the bet?"

"The stakes are high."

"How big is it?"

"quite big!"

Chapter 1049: End

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