Quadruple split

Chapter 1066 Fatal Game (IV)

Time flows quietly...

After these three words, 'Shut up', 'Fuck', and 'It's a bit difficult', Futaba didn't say another word for two hours, just flipping through the pages in front of her at an almost unbelievable speed. Although this thick and simple occult book is far less popular than the 'True Quantum Speed ​​Reading' that was once popular outside the game a few decades ago and which a fool dared to compile and which a big fool dared to believe, it can also be said to be quite ridiculous.

Especially in the second half of the game, this girl whose eyes were a little straightened and who was mumbling and gesticulating even started to conduct experiments directly in the reading area, a public place. She saw that she used the invisible [Mage's Hand] to simultaneously control three people. Epic-level reference books that have reference meanings for each other are lined up in front of him. While turning the pages with the magic thread connected to the five fingertips of his left hand, he uses his free right hand to examine the groups of invisible 'models'. Adjustment and fine-tuning, even though it was only the smallest scale simulation, Mo Tan could still faintly feel that the restless elemental power around the girl was continuing to be highly active.

I don't know when she started kicking off her shoes. Futaba, who was sitting cross-legged on a high-backed chair, didn't care about her image at all. She let her long hair be blown into a mess by the wind element that failed to compress countless times, and her delicate and cute baby face was blown away. Most of the fire element that failed to fuse was blackened, and he had no intention of taking a break to dress up again. Instead, his eyes were filled with excitement as he struggled with the precious 'knowledge' in front of him.

Mo Tan, who was sitting diagonally across from her and holding a copy of "Michelle Takes You to Count the Hazards of Natural Disaster Magic", made up a scene in his mind while the girl gritted her teeth and tried her best...

In the gloomy room, five or six monitors formed a semicircle on the messy desktop. Rows of data streams were refreshed at high speed, which would make a layperson dizzy just by looking at them. Under these monitors, a pair of The little hands, which have not seen the sun all year round and are filled with sickly paleness, are dancing at high speed, as if playing a piano, drawing out afterimages on the keyboards that are also connected together.

The owner of the hands was sitting cross-legged on a large chair. She was wearing a pair of glasses as thick as the bottom of a beer bottle. Her hair was as messy as a poodle, and she smelled bad because she hadn't taken a shower for a long time. With a sickly smile on his face, a large number of garbage bags were piled at his feet, filled with the remains of various fast food, puffed food, and carbonated drinks, and surrounded by many hungry flies.

Although the face of the woman sitting in the big chair in the mind was blurry, her obvious belly due to long-term lack of exercise and excessive intake of sugar calories was very eye-catching.

[Well, there are also poor breasts that have no sense of existence because they have no curvature at all. Tsk tsk, it’s too bad, it’s really too bad. Why are there such people in this world? 】

While complaining in his heart full of disgust, Mo Tan leaned over to pick up the two books that Futaba had roughly thrown to the ground, and put them back on the table as quietly as possible.

Because he had no knowledge of magic, it was difficult for Frank Hughes to help the girl in front of him when she was in trouble, but in fact, he did do something within his ability.

For example, carefully organize the books that are piled up in a big pile on the table and put them together neatly in categories.

For example, put the book that was roughly thrown to the ground by the girl, but she might pick it up again after a few minutes, and place it on the table where it can be easily reached by the hands of the elements.

Frank Hughes, rather than providing convenience to the girl in front of him in his spare time after reading, it is better to say that he took the time to read stories that might inspire his own creation while taking care of the increasingly anxious girl.

Finally, after a long period of time, with a series of sounds that were not harsh but abrupt enough, all the books floating around Futaba fell to the ground with a clatter. This was too crazy a 'study meeting'. An imperfect pause was drawn.

"It looks like it's been quite fruitful."

After a brief silence, after confirming that Futaba would not fall into the almost hysterical state again for a while, Mo Tan stood up to pick up the reference books scattered on the ground, while joking in a rather relaxed tone. said.

Obviously, he had guessed that the other party was probably stuck in some kind of predicament that he didn't understand, and there was currently no significant breakthrough, so he started the conversation in an almost conciliatory tone.

"It's been quite rewarding... In a sense, it may be."

It took Futaba a few seconds to answer with a smile, and then he and Mo Tan leaned over to sort out the books scattered on the floor. Thanks to the carpet in the reading area, the years have changed, and the texture has changed. The paper knowledge, whether solid or loose, was not damaged at all, and there were no traces of folding.

“It’s good if you gain something.”

Mo Tan smiled and said helplessly: "I originally wanted to make up a few new stories by reading about the knowledge about natural disaster magic, but in the end I had no idea at all."

Futaba piled the books he held in his arms on the table and snorted angrily: "I'm really sorry, I've been making a lot of noise here, interrupting this great poet like you. Got an idea~"

"Is there any?"

Mo Tan shook his head, quickly sorted out the books that Futaba had piled up randomly, and chuckled: "Personally, the reading environment just now was actually very good, so I can't think of a story at all. My personal issues.”

Futaba curled her lips, and then slumped down on the chair as if she had collapsed: "Ah... whatever you want to say, it's really annoying."

"Didn't you just say you had something to gain?"

Mo Tan casually dimmed the magic crystal lamp at the corner of the table a little, and said with a smile: "Even if you don't really gain a lot, but only a little bit, I think it is a good thing. After all, you have Diana and As a mentor, that excellent Ms. Ana, even if you encounter any bottlenecks, they should be able to help you answer your questions, right?"

Futaba rolled his eyes, pushed up his glasses with his middle finger, patted the "Half-Step Epic - A Complete Collection of Regular Element Magic in the Early Stage of the Epic①" in his hand and said angrily: "It's a pity, my so-called 'harvest', I have finally determined that I am completely unable to understand the content written in these things, or that although I can barely understand it, I am completely unable to reproduce or imitate it at all, let alone analyze it. In short, in words that a layman like you can understand, it’s zero progress that is gratifying!”

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, and after a while he said awkwardly: "In that case, why don't you try asking Diana..."

"It's useless. Both Diana and Ana have always believed that I shouldn't be exposed to these things."

Futaba interrupted Mo Tan rudely, and said through gritted teeth: "Uncle Kenneth had the same attitude, so when I was in the City of Miracles, I was not allowed to enter the library of the Spirit Advent Tower, and even the one assigned to me was All the information related to the epic level in the laboratory has been collected, but Diana is rather careless, so she ignores that the certificate she gave me will allow me to have access to this knowledge."

"Uh, that is to say..."

"That means I probably won't be able to ask anything from Diana."

"I think she did it for you too..."

"Unfortunately, I feel the same way, that's why I'm annoyed."

"Well, what now?"

Mo Tan stretched slightly and asked nonchalantly.

"Although I really want to continue to attack difficulties and give it a try..."

Futaba sighed, holding her cheeks and said lazily: "It's a pity that judging from the progress just now, even if I continue to study for a day and a night, there will probably be no breakthrough, and my magic power has been completely used up. I can no longer do the work like you did just now at a speed that is difficult for a mortal like you to understand, so...well, forget it."

"Run out of magic power?"

Mo Tan immediately looked at Futaba nervously and asked repeatedly: "Is your body okay? I heard Diana say before that you spell casters generally feel very uncomfortable when your magic power is overdrawn. Well, Do you want to eat something or rest for a while first? Ah, let’s rest for a while first. You are not feeling well now. If you use that teleportation array, you will definitely..."

"Stop, stop, stop."

Futaba, who was almost fooled by Mo Tan's list of nonsense, interrupted him angrily and funny, shook his head and said: "Who told you that I have overdrawn my magic power? I just said that I have used up all my magic power. To put it simply, It means that the MP gauge is at the bottom and I can’t even use a fireball spell, but it’s not overdrawn yet, okay?”

"Suffering from... suffering from Mupitao?"

Mo Tan repeated Futaba's words awkwardly and asked curiously: "What is that?"

"It's a blue stripe."

"What's the blue stripe?"

"It's just magic power. You can just understand that my magic power is empty, but there is no overdraft, and there is no need to rest or eat. Do you understand?"


Mo Tan nodded heavily, and then——

[Oh, the magic value has bottomed out, but it’s still okay. This is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity~]

Mo Tan sighed in his heart, and then slowly raised his right hand.

He knew very well that as long as he made a certain gesture now, within three seconds, the other 'readers' around him, who were several fewer than before, would throw at least nine points at the woman in front of him who had bottomed out her magic power. A hidden and deadly attack, and as we all know, a spellcaster who has lost his magic power, even if he is a magic god, will never be much more powerful than a large dog.

Especially a mage of Futaba's size who couldn't even defeat a medium-sized dog without being able to cast spells.

Of course, external level mages like Jadeka are not included. For that old ghost whose physical fitness can almost crush high-level violent battles head-on, it is difficult to say whether being unable to use magic is a weakening or a BUFF.

All in all, as long as Mo Tan is willing, he can easily use the previous arrangement to send Futaba, who is slumped on the chair like a salted fish, to rebuild the character.

After that, as long as he sells the unlucky people around him who are convinced that as long as everything comes true, everything he promised will immediately turn into a blank check, and then rely on the ability of [Hundred States] to change into anyone who is qualified to enter the inner city, This tense and deadly 'game' will be settled directly.

Although this way of ending seems to lack a sense of ceremony...

Even though I have a lot of trump cards that I haven’t uncovered, I feel somewhat regretful...

Although ending this game so quickly seems a bit anticlimactic...

Although the 'Frank Hughes' vest must be completely abandoned afterwards, and the benefits obtained from Diana were not enough...

But at least at this moment, these reasons are not enough to prevent Mo Tan from killing the killer.

The murderous intention did not spread at all.

His eyes were still gentle and soft.

"In that case, we might as well go back early."

Mo Tan, who didn't give a secret signal until the end, just pushed up his glasses slightly, smiled, and gave up this 'opportunity' as if he had farted.

Yes, even though the reasons listed just now are not enough for Mo Tan to give up killing a flat female mage with no magic power at this moment, the premise of all this is that the other party indeed has no magic power at all. !

[I can’t believe what came out of this woman’s mouth. 】

This was the reason why Mo Tan gave up taking action.

Even if the timing, tone, topic, foreshadowing and other elements were extremely natural and just right, considering the other party's extremely bad... at least when it comes to his own extremely bad character and character, Mo Tan still couldn't face the listless person in front of him. The girl responded with complete trust.

At best, it's only 60%. In this case, Futaba is willing to tell the truth to his name, Frank Hughes, and his identity is Diana A. Azizolti's boyfriend, and declare it directly without much thought. As a mage, he has lost all his magic power, and the probability of his MP completely returning to zero is only 60% at best.

In other words, this 60% is the probability that Mo Tan can successfully kill Futaba after choosing to execute the plan.

And the remaining 40%...

It is a fatal trap!

The victims he can temporarily find in a short period of time will naturally not be very strong. Although being able to enter this library is a proof of strength, greenhouse flowers of this level will not be taken seriously by Futaba. .

As long as she has the slightest reservation, even if she does not have much remaining magic power, she will definitely be able to take effective measures after deliberately channeling her murderous intention. Successful escape is inevitable and even possible. Complete the counterattack against yourself in an instant.

[60% success rate, 40% failure rate. 】

[The other party is SON, who is as bad as me in terms of bad-heartedness... Ah, no, SUN. 】

[Oh, you’re a fool to gamble~]

"Even if you're not overdrawn, it's better to recover your magic power, right?"

Mo Tan stood up and showed a harmless smile to the girl in front of him.

"Well, it seems that's all I can do. By the way, if you have any books you want to read, I can take you to borrow one before I leave."

Futaba also stood up and stretched his body lazily. It seemed that he had somewhat improved his liking for the guy who had been with him for a long time.

"Let's talk about it next time. I really don't want to teleport one more time."

Mo Tan raised his hands in surrender, secretly sending a signal that the plan was cancelled.

"You are really useless."

Futaba looked contemptuous, and the remaining magic value in the character panel was 87.5%.

Chapter 1059: End

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