Quadruple split

Chapter 1076 Us

"What's the meaning?"

Looking at Mo Tan with a frown, Jadeka's expression looked a little confused.

Everyone else also unanimously turned their attention to the half-dragon knight who seemed to be fine and had a thoughtful expression on his face, not really understanding what he said suddenly.

It is true that everyone knows that there is no absolute truth, and the Diesel Cavalry has never shown its true strength in previous fighting competitions, but even so, after witnessing the almost one-sided battle just now, , even Gavin Ladd, who is full of confidence in his own cavalry team, feels that the Ordinary Paladin Academy lacks a bit of chivalry, and responds through the 'ace tactics' that can only be used when the individual's combat power has an absolute advantage. This time he went with him. The awesome boys and girls of Academy City most likely have no chance of winning.

Based on the analysis of the style of the Paladin Knight Academy, after holding the incredibly powerful ace card of Mu Xuejian, the possibility that they will not use ace tactics but instead engage in group battles is infinitely close to zero. .

Therefore, Gavin Ladd just said to Dean Marla that there is "almost no hope".

However, Brother Mo, who was surrounded by everyone and had just been 'completely defeated' by the sword of the white-haired girl, seemed to have different opinions.

"Can you talk and listen?"

Gavin Rad exchanged glances with Marla, then squatted down and stared at Mo Tan, whose eyes were slightly narrowed, as if he was thinking about something, and said in a deep voice: "I just fought with that girl. You should be the one with the most say."

Mo Tan nodded subconsciously, and then shook his head slightly after a moment of silence: "I do have some ideas, but it still needs some time to observe and improve, and even if my guess is right, I want to compete with the one who has Mu The Knights of the Snow Sword is by no means an easy task, so please don’t have high expectations for the solution I have in mind.”

"You speak first!"

Gavin Ladd, Marla and Jadeka all nodded vigorously, without any feeling of not having high expectations at all. They were obviously ready to kill the horse and become a live doctor.

five minutes later

"That's about all I can say at the moment."

Mo Tan breathed a sigh of relief, took two sips of the glass of water handed over by Liadrin, and said with a wry smile: "Although it may not have much effect, if possible, you should pay more attention to it. As for the rest, , we may need to observe further.”

Marla laughed, rubbed Mo Tan's hair hard, and said with a grin: "Boy Mo is so awesome. Old man, I didn't even blink my eyes during the whole process, and I didn't even notice what you just said."

"This... it should be because it feels more obvious during the actual fight."

Mo Tan smiled and explained very humbly: "Actually, I mainly rely on the 'sense of crisis' to make judgments. No matter how powerful that girl Mu Xuejian is, she will not bring trouble to you and Mr. Gavin Ladd." There’s a sense of crisis.”

Marla smacked her lips, and then glared at Jadeka angrily: "Where on earth did you pick up such an outstanding knight apprentice as Mo? Why can't I touch him?"

"Knight's apprentice is just a rhetoric that is used occasionally."

Jadeka waved his hand, stroking his beard and said cheerfully: "Mo and I are friends, and if we talk about picking up, Yaya and I are actually picked up by Mo."

Ya Ya, who was squatting next to Mo Tan, twitched his ears, and the thick and shiny silver-gray tail behind his back waggled at an extremely fast frequency.

"I'll go back and take a rest first. Let's continue watching the game. Ah, I can just be by myself. No need to accompany me."

Mo Tan gently held down Yaya who jumped up, winked at the latter, Jadeka and Ji Xiaoge secretly, and chuckled: "Don't worry about me, I just want to find a place where no one is around." Just digesting the battle just now, uh, if we also bump into the Paladin Knight Academy in the team competition in the afternoon..."

Marla waved her hand: "Don't worry, my side will start to mess around based on 'questioning the fairness of the grouping' and delay the game for twenty minutes and half an hour, which is enough for you, Mo, to take that little dragon from the outer ring." District is back in a hurry."

【Xiaolong? 】

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Marla was talking about the big tortoise of his own. He nodded immediately and said: "Well, don't worry, there is also...Mr. Gavin Ladd."

Gavin Ladd, whose expression had been quite stiff since just now, blinked: "Huh?"

"I can guarantee that even if I did play with the courage to play today's game, the result will still not change."

Mo Tan spread his hands towards Gavin Ladd and smiled: "Perhaps I can persist for a few more minutes or even ten minutes, but the final result will be that I will be eliminated on the spot by that girl Mu Xuejian, so even if I perform well, Even if you have 100% or even 120% of your strength, you will still lose this game."

Only then did Gavin Ladd realize that Mo Tan was trying to comfort himself, who had failed to play in the first round because of his suggestion to 'hide his strength first'. He immediately put away the gloom on his face and grinned. The mouth wants to say something.

But Mo Tan was the first to say: "Wang Ba Dan, no matter whether he plays or not, as long as I collide with Miss Mu Xuejian, we will be inevitably eliminated. Therefore, rather than being exposed early, I think it is better to let it go like this now." It’s much more cost-effective to hide until the team competition starts, because unlike me and Mu Xuejian in a one-on-one fight, we do have a chance to win in the group competition.”

Gavin Rad laughed dumbly: "Haha, Brother Mo, you are really..."

"I just told the truth."

Mo Tan smiled and said bluntly: "Although there is a reason why I don't want you to blame yourself, Mr. Gavinrad, those thoughts just now are definitely from the bottom of my heart."

Immediately, Gavin Ladd, who had been regretting and blaming himself ever since he realized that Mu Xuejian was the 'killer weapon' of the Paladin Knight Academy, immediately felt much better.

"Then, I'll go back and realize what I gained from the battle just now."

Although he was not seriously injured but was still covered in bandages, Mo Tan stood up, put on his new suit whose durability was in jeopardy, and disappeared to the nearest exit as everyone watched.

the other side

"I should have told you that it's best to conserve your strength ahead, right?"

Dean Hopkins turned around helplessly and looked at the person sitting next to her, holding a huge round dessert and eating it at a high speed like a hamster. What was amazing was that even though she was eating very fast, But it does not affect the clarity of his speech at all.

"There is no way to preserve strength."

Mu Xuejian shook his head and said while concentrating on eating: "That dragon knight is very strong. If he is too aggressive, even I will not be able to win this battle easily."

Hopkins, who witnessed the whole process of the game, nodded slightly and raised his eyebrows: "The half-dragon from the Diesel family is indeed not weak, but just because he can't win it easily doesn't mean it's impossible. Can I?" I understand that you were actually able to win the game just now without showing too much strength?"

"Yeah, okay."

Mu Xuejian did not deny it, and after a simple reply, he completely destroyed the remaining one-third of the dessert at an incredible speed, then turned to look at Hopkins: "Not full."

The latter twitched the corner of his mouth and said dryly: "You...don't have enough to eat at all!"

"Yeah, but I want to eat."

"Want to eat..."

"Well, if you want to eat, go buy it for me."

"So why do you eat so much when you clearly don't need to eat?"

"Because I want to eat."


"Go buy it for me."

"You are a girl..."

"I heard that big eater is also a cute thing for girls. You want to buy it for me to make me cute."

"What a mess..."

Hopkins sighed feebly and said helplessly: "Well, it's not impossible to buy it for you again, but you have to explain clearly why you made the scene so big just now. Didn't you agree to hide your strength?"

Under the temptation of food, Mu Xuejian immediately gave a more serious answer without hesitation: "Because I want to sell the book to that person, so I have to let him see what he can learn after buying it. "

"Selling books?"

Hopkins blinked and asked with a stiff expression: "Are they the ones you bought at the stall when you first came to Academy City? The kind that retail for 80 copper coins?"

Mu Xuejian nodded seriously.

Hopkins sighed, covered his forehead and groaned: "Miss Mu, my eldest Miss Mu! Isn't the money you have extorted from me one after another during this period still small?"

"It's not about the money."

In the end, Mu Xuejian shook his head slightly and said softly: "I just want him to go further on the path of swordsmanship."

Hopkins twitched his lips: "Then who do you sell to? There are so many students in our college."

"They don't have enough talent. Even if they learn, it will only waste time."

Mu Xuejian shrugged and said bluntly: "But that dragon man brother is different. If he can accept the correct teaching and work hard to temper himself, one day in the future he may become my opponent in the way of swordsmanship. It allows me to give my best, puts me in tough fights, and even beats my opponents.”

Hopkins said angrily: "Why would you want to help that unrelated person grow to the point where he can defeat you?"

"Because I feel like I'm reaching a plateau."

Mu Xuejian raised an index finger and said seriously: "I am now a level 40 swordsman and a level 21 sword madman. I can foresee now that when my profession of [sword madman] reaches level 40, I want to be a level 40 swordsman." If I go further, I will definitely encounter a bottleneck. At that time, there must be an opponent like the one I just mentioned to fight with me, so that I can go further...?"

"Not to mention those messy levels and so on..."

Hopkins' eyes widened: "Are you serious about what you just said?"

Mu Xuejian nodded vigorously: "It's serious."

Hopkins looked unbelieving: "You clearly had no confidence at all when you said that last sentence!"

Mu Xuejian pursed his lips and muttered in a low voice: "Because that's what the novels and animations say."


"It's okay, my hunch is not wrong anyway."

"Uh... Then look at the students in our college who have fought against you before. Do any of them have the potential to be a stepping stone for you to advance?"

"That's a very unpleasant thing to say, Hopkins, but unfortunately, no."

"No... Hehe, it seems that the half-dragon named Mo is Diesel's trump card. People really can't be careless at all."

"So are you done asking?"

"Well, I'm done asking."

"Then go buy me something to eat."


"Buy ten!"

"How much do you want to buy!?"

"Ten, I want to eat ten!"

Game time AM10:53

[Your spiritual connection has been detected and personal information is being synchronized...]

[Connection completed, reading character information]

[Welcome back, the absolutely neutral Black Brahma, will soon enter the realm of innocence, wish you a good night]

Academy City Central District, No. 11 Milhouse Avenue [Chuiqing Hotel], Double Room 205

"At this time, Yuchen should already be in the arena with Feiyali and the others."

After making sure that there was no one else in the room, Mo Tan gently rubbed his forehead, took out the [Comprehensive Knight Fighting Competition Jury Panel Certificate] that Fiyali had given to him before from his bag, and left in a hurry. room.

Because 'Mo' was unexpectedly eliminated in the first round of the main competition, the time for the individual competition in the morning starting today is basically free. Coupled with the phenomenon of 'fragments' that disappeared inexplicably, Mo Tan was able to freely There is suddenly a lot more time to control, which is good news, at least because the probability of being exposed in front of various acquaintances due to various accidents has been greatly reduced, and the character 'Tan Mo' with a chaotic neutral personality does not have to worry about it. When Diana got up she could see a lively and troubled Frank.

However, from another perspective, the Diesel family's chances of winning against the White Oath Knight Academy were directly cut by 50%. To put it bluntly, even though only one round of competition had passed, [Mu Xuejian] Basically, I have been able to secure the individual championship.

Although Mo Tan, who has already learned the information of most of the outstanding contestants, is not completely sure, at least in his opinion, those who are only slightly stronger than Liadrin at best, and may not be able to defeat the female knight in actual combat. It was impossible for the player to defeat himself as 'Mo', and as 'Mo' himself, when facing Mu Xuejian, he only felt full of powerlessness in his heart.

In other words, if you want to ensure victory in that three-way bet, there is absolutely no room for any mistakes in the team competition.


[Although I don’t have much motivation, I can only do it. 】

Mo Tan sighed deeply and slowly left the room. He carefully locked the room where he and Yu Chen were staying temporarily, and hurriedly left the [Chuiqing Hotel] and headed straight to the arena, which was not far from here.

"Do you want to try your best to win the team competition... There is really no way..."

Holding the jury certificate in his hand tightly, Mo Tan showed a proud wry smile——

"I hope I... no, I hope we can do it."

Amid a severe headache, the hurried young priest stumbled and fell to the ground, then quickly got up and continued to stride towards his destination, his face flushed because of the surprised eyes around him.

Chapter 1069: End

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