Quadruple split

Chapter 1079 Battle Example

"Hey, that pastor guy~"

After being briefly confused, Lamorlock adjusted his collar, stood up and waved to a young priest who was looking left and right away from the judges' seat. When the latter looked back blankly, he smiled heartily and pointed. Pointing to the ground in front of him: "If you are looking for the judges' seat, it is over here."

It took a long time to reach the right place, but Mo Tanrumeng, who was worried because it was difficult to find the jury area among the same VIP seats, hurriedly walked towards the tall figure wearing a silver windbreaker not far away. The tall man ran.

"I suggest you shut down your senses for a while, Tom."

Lamorlock murmured in a low voice that only the little snake in his arms could hear, and said calmly: "I don't think you have the mental quality to be calm in front of that little Black Van brother, so if you are willing If so, maybe you can hibernate for a little while. Believe me, this will only be good for the 'resurrection ceremony' we planned."

Tom Lestrange, who had already been stripped of his outer shell by Lamorlock, would follow the former's advice in most cases except for the occasional subconscious quarrel. Tom Lestrange, who no longer even cared about the other party saying "Tom", let out a burst of dissatisfaction. He made an imperceptible 'hissing' sound, then got into the inner pocket of Lamorlock's windbreaker, and fell into a deep sleep on his own initiative.

As Lamorlock said, it was difficult for Tom, who had been completely defeated by the 'Black Van Priest' in Sumir and lost part of his soul forever, to suppress his anger. In fact, just seeing the figure that once frightened him to the point of suffocation , this pet snake that served as his temporary support was almost bursting with the overflowing anger and resentment.

In addition, there is another reason that Lamorlock did not mention but exists, that is, in addition to anger, resentment and other emotions, Tom, who had been crushed in all directions while talking and laughing, also had a crush on the 'Black Van Priest'. Being in awe.

It's not awe in the conventional sense, but awe in the same field where the gap is so big that you can't even "sympathize with each other" and can only look up.

This seemingly gentle and friendly word will not make Tom give up his hostility towards Mo Tan. In fact, after vaguely realizing his own mentality, Tom can be said to hate Mo Tan even more.

[One day I will kill him with my own hands. 】

Tom emphasized this point in his heart countless times, but both he and Lamorlock, as his temporary collaborator, knew very well that this was far from the so-called 'one day'.

Hibernate, just hibernate, out of sight is out of mind.

Perhaps it was because it was rare to have someone to chat with on an equal footing during this period, but Tom's thinking pattern had quietly become much more normal than before.

Of course, this is not because Lamorlock has a conscience and wants to play a role as a psychiatrist to correct the delinquent young man. He simply wants to reduce the probability that Tom will directly send himself to rebuild his character after his "resurrection" without saying a word.

For him, this addictive game is just starting to get better.

Leaving the show before the curtain has even been fully opened is something that should be avoided as much as possible~

"Thank you, sir."

Mo Tan, who finally trotted up to Lamorlock, touched the tip of his nose and told a big lie with some embarrassment: "I'm really sorry, my sense of direction is actually not particularly good."

Yes, a person who can almost be understood as antonyms to the words 'sense of direction' actually said without any blush that his sense of direction is not particularly good.

"It's understandable. After all, most intelligent creatures tend to lose something after being given something, and the proportion determines the quality of people."

Lamorlock slightly raised the corners of his mouth, sat back in his seat, and then winked at Mo Tan: "Would you like to sit here? If you don't like the excitement, this corner we are in is definitely a special place. Seat."

Mo Tan subconsciously turned his head and glanced at the packed rows of seats outside the judging area. After a little hesitation, he accepted the other party's invitation, walked slowly to the empty chair next to Lamorlock, sat down, and politely He nodded to the latter: "Thank you...but how did you know that I am also a member of the jury?"

"It's not hard to guess, because I have one of the things you're holding."

Lamorlock tapped the outer edge of his monocle, pointed at the voucher in Mo Tan's hand and said with a smile: "I am quite confident in my observation skills. Of course, the young people from the law enforcement team around me People are just as good at it, or you would have been stopped, man.”

Only then did Mo Tan realize that he had asked a stupid question. He coughed lightly and changed the subject nonchalantly: "Well, I don't know your name yet, sir."

"Lamorlock, one of the thousands of followers of the God of Dreams, can be regarded as a minor priest."

Lamorlock caressed the divine emblem on the collar of his windbreaker, frankly confessed his identity, and said with a smile: "You don't need to use honorifics. We are all human beings. If you don't look particularly anxious, you should be fine." He’s four or five years younger than me.”

Mo Tan nodded and said with a formulaic smile: "Nice to meet you, Mr. Lamorlock... uh!"

Just as he was mid-sentence, the smile on his face suddenly froze.


The God of Dreams...The Theocracy of Dreams...

[Is this person the Consultant Ramolok of the Dreamland Theocracy? ! 】

After a brief trance, Mo Tan, who had a fair memory, quickly dug out the information about the name 'Lamorlock' from his mind.

If he remembered correctly, the first time he heard this name was when he was chatting with the city lord named Rafen Furhoof in Sprout City in Misha County.

Although he lives in a place where wars rarely occur, Refn is an out-and-out military madman. In his words, even though we are not up to the mark and are not even worthy of carrying your shoes for the Black Van Priest, we still He is well aware of the famous generals on the mainland who are good at fighting, and can even count in detail a large number of classic battle examples of those shining generals.

Dureny of the Principality of Scaran, Harrington of the Sun Sect, Archduke Adolf of the Adolf Free Territory, Archduke Simon of the Violet Empire, Marshal Galahad of the Chauvin Empire, General Reinhardt of the Silver Wing Alliance...

Most of these names that Mo Tan had never heard of were mentioned by Lei Fen with great interest at that time. Among them, there was also a star that had just risen not long ago. After only one battle, he was already famous all over the world. A famous one among military command enthusiasts——

The Theocracy of Dreamland, Staff Officer Ramolok.

Although there is only one shot record and almost no battles for analysis, Refn still regards him as a presence that can keep pace with those veterans.

A few months ago, there was a huge 'friction' on the border between the Dreamland Theocracy and the largest behemoth in the Southwest Continent, the Griffin Dynasty.

The cause of the 'friction' cannot be determined. After all, the two countries hold different opinions, and the core reason is nothing more than 'the other party made the first move', which is a common reason all over the world.

After that, in less than two weeks, the 'friction' between the two countries escalated to a dangerous level that was very close to the edge of war. The Protectorate Knights of the Dreamland Theocracy and the three main priest groups quickly set out to In the southern border, the commanders of the three major war factions in the northern border of the Griffin Dynasty also issued first-level combat readiness.

After both sides thought they were ready, a melee with a wide gap suddenly started one evening.

Starting with the Griffin Dynasty's Northern Second Legion brazenly launching a surprise attack and taking over a total of twelve outposts of the Dream Kingdom in lightning speed, the giant beast named War revealed its ferocious fangs. As expected, The outside has arrived in a reasonable way.

Not using legendary level combat power was the last resort for both sides.

However, in terms of military strength, the Griffin Northern Second Army, which had an absolute advantage in both quality and quantity, was unstoppable. In just three days, under the baton of General Rontas, they broke into the hinterland of the southern territory of the Dream Kingdom and even successfully completed the mission. A miraculous beheading plan poisoned the Archbishop of the Southern District of the Dream Kingdom, Ganni Sidon.

If nothing unexpected happens, as long as General Longtas is given half a month, he can even move his troops towards the core center of the empire - the Emerald Fantasy City where the Dreamland Cathedral is located.

However, the day after Ganni Sidon was killed, an ordinary priest named Lamoroch, who was less than thirty years old, unexpectedly appeared.

He did not start out as a big soldier or a field doctor as described in many bard stories. When the army was defeated, he gradually gathered his troops, enriched his strength bit by bit, and finally relied on the man who was defeated. His talent, which had been buried for XX years, was repelled by the invaders, and he successfully proved himself. Instead, he was appointed by a clear and unambiguous oracle as the supreme commander of the remnants of the southern territory of the Theocratic Kingdom. He was at his peak when he debuted.

What happens after that is difficult to explain in summary form...

Just starting from Jun Wu, there are two large piles of simple and one-sided battle cases.

From a small-scale conflict with less than a hundred people to a legion-level battle with dozens of numbers on both sides, the priest named Lamorlock, the de facto general person in charge of the remnants of the Southern Territory of the Dream Kingdom, can be called The crazy gesture launched dozens of large and small battles within a month.

No failure!

Total victory!

Among them, the information that Jun Wu can collect shows that in these battles commanded directly or indirectly by Lamorlock, the proportion of victories that defeated and defeated the enemy in the conventional sense was 20%, and the proportion of great victories and complete victories increased. The proportion was 10%, and the remaining 70% were all misfortunes in which the strategic goal was achieved, but the cards in the hand were almost lost.

The general of the Griffin Dynasty, Lontas, was defeated and died in the largest tragic victory that Lamorlock had facilitated.

If he could have persisted for ten more minutes, if Griffin's Second Northern Legion could have brought out even one more fully-equipped brigade, the result of that battle would have been that Lamorlock was overwhelmed by Griffin. The Finnish soldiers ended up suffocating themselves in the small town that served as a temporary command headquarters.

But 'if' is just 'if' after all. The Second Army of the Northern Territory, which was just one move away, was finally able to contain its offensive, and was pinned to the southern border of the Dream Kingdom under a quietly woven network. , forced to fight in a trapped beast without any supplies.

A week later, as the last batch of more than 8,000 Griffin warriors who refused to surrender were starved to death, the southern territory of the Dream Kingdom was declared fully recovered.

On the same day, Lamorlock, who had been officially named the temporary chief of staff, sent his troops south. Under circumstances that no one had imagined, he led the remaining troops of the Dreamland Sect's southern border that had been almost emptied to break through the severely empty Griffin. The northern defense line of the empire.

After that, in order to obtain the theoretical maximum result, that is, to directly push back the Griffin Dynasty's northern border line by 700 miles, Lamorlock completed a massive campaign in just nine days. , which left countless critics dumbfounded and sweating like rain - bloodbath.

It was not a massacre for no reason, nor was it a venting revenge killing. No matter how harsh the critic was, as long as he really knew a little bit of military knowledge, he could find that every step Lamorlock made was extremely Strategically speaking, the goal is simply to win.

In the end, he did emerge victorious.

A victory built on the mountains of corpses and blood in the northern border of Griffin, at the cost of the lives of an entire county.

"I must admit Staff Officer Lamorlock's commanding attainments, and I also admit that those battle examples always fascinate me and I admire them beyond words, but..."

A few months ago, when Mo Tan had not yet obtained specific information from Jun Wu as 'Tan Mo' and was just chatting one-sidedly with Lei Fen Mao Hoo, the latter said solemnly: "I still can't agree with it. That man, even if the war is cold, what he did is enough to chill anyone like me who is not repelled and even yearns for war to the bone. He is not a butcher, but he is better than those notorious people. The obvious mass murderer is even more terrifying."

After swallowing hard, Rafen made the final conclusion——

"That is a person who can calmly justify any evil behavior and never tire of it."

"Haha, it's true that your bad reputation spreads thousands of miles."

Lamorlock smiled appropriately, gently shook Mo Tan's hand, and shrugged: "It seems that my name did not leave a good impression on you, Pastor Black Van."

"No...that...how should I say..."

Mo Tan first subconsciously wanted to smooth things over, but then after reacting, he suddenly said in shock: "How do you know I am Hei Fan?"

"In fact, I have heard the name of Priest Hei Fan a long time ago. Although your Holy Church is united in the northeastern continent, and our Dream Kingdom is located in the southwest, we are both priests after all. What happened over there in Misha County I have also heard about the tragedy, so naturally I want to know more about you."

Lamorlock tilted his head and raised his hand for the second time to point to the voucher in Mo Tan's hand——

"As for knowing that you are the 'Black Van Priest', it's because your name is written on it~"

Chapter 1072: End

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