Quadruple split

Chapter 1081 Calculation

【Hei Fan! You little brat plotted against me! 】

Luke Tefero, who almost instantly realized why the man behind him appeared here at this moment, roared at the top of his lungs in his heart, but on the surface he trembled as if he had been frightened.

"Not only did I quietly return to the city you abandoned, I didn't even say hello to my old friends, I even changed into the clothes of the Sun Sect, tsk tsk."

The first saint of Dawn Sect, Xia Lian Zhuye, folded her arms and leaned at the entrance of the third underground floor of the Small Inquisition. She looked at the trembling back with a half-smile. The complex emotions in her eyes changed again and again, and finally Focusing on the concept of 'anger', he said leisurely: "You are really worthy of the word 'holy' in front of your name, Your Majesty Tiphilo."

A hazy light flashed in the blind corner of Xia Lian's field of vision. Luke Tefero, who had quietly changed his appearance, coughed slightly and said curiously in a severely distorted voice: "This... have you mistakenly recognized the person?" ?”

"Turn around..."

Xia Lian suddenly raised her voice, and the star-gold cross in her hand, which had left countless shadows on Tifilo's childhood, childhood, young adulthood, and even middle age, hit the ground heavily: "Face me! Bastard!"

Tiphilo quickly turned around to face Xia Lian calmly, staring at him blankly with his face that had completely changed under the silent command, and after a brief hesitation, he focused on Xia Lian's piece of clothing. On the sacred emblem on the collar of the high-level priest's robe, he asked with a confused expression: "Uh, who are you from the Dawn Sect?"

"Oh, you're still pretending, right? When did you think I started seeing you, a bastard, lying?"

Xia Lian smiled like a flower, walked quickly to the other party, and in the process exchanged the star-gold cross to her left hand, then raised her fair and slender right hand high, and slapped the picture of herself in front of her There was no impression, and there was no need for an impression on the face. At the same time, he shouted angrily: "Xiao - Ti - Fei - Luo -!!"

It has to be said that Her Majesty the Saint is very confident in her own judgment. After all, with her strength, if this slap is strong, if the other party is really a low-level sun priest, the strength will definitely kill the latter directly. His head was shot out, and he died without a complete body.

Even though she majored in divine arts and was just interested in physical arts, the slaps Xia Lian threw out in anger still had an epic level of lethality, killing 'Mo', Mu Xuejian and Wang Badan. A stack of human health bars is not enough to deduct it.

However, the lethality of this blow was too overwhelming from any angle. Even Green and other great knight captains did not dare to slap Qi Feng lightly. They just brushed away the dust on Tifilo's dusty memory. It made him reminisce about the days when he was beaten a small amount every three days and a fat one every five days by the woman in front of him who had not been deprived of anything by time.


After the invisible barrier resisted Xia Lian's right hand and gently removed the explosive power in the latter's palm, Tifilo smiled bitterly and dispersed the law he had just issued, which was as effective as plastic surgery, revealing his Although he is old, he is still healthy and has the original appearance of the iconic goatee.

"Long time no see, Your Highness Xia Lian, I'm so glad that you are still in such good health."

Reluctantly, he looked back at the other party's handsome, delicate, and sinister face. Tiphilo touched the tip of his nose, smiled bitterly and leaned over to salute Xia Lian: "I am no longer a member of the Dawn Sect. I'm the Pope, so please stop using titles like 'Your Majesty' and just call me Luke or Mr. Tefero."

The smile on the Elf Saint's face became even brighter, but when she saw that she had replaced the cross with her right hand, faint veins that did not affect her appearance appeared on her smooth forehead and the back of her white hands, and she spoke word by word. : "After so many years of not seeing each other, your attitude towards me has really changed a lot, kid."

"Everyone will grow up, Your Highness. Although I may be a late bloomer, I can be considered a little wiser now."

"Are you a late bloomer? You didn't even have a single hair on your head yet you cried and shouted that you wanted to join our Sisters of Battle to 'learn the magic', and then you said you were a late bloomer, a little bastard who didn't do anything serious except peeping on everyone taking showers all day long? "

"Yes, I am ashamed to say that I have reflected on it over the years. A man with a mature mind would not enter a nunnery specifically to train his [Eye of Dawn]."

"Are you...sure you want to keep talking to me like this?"

Xia Lian bit her silver teeth lightly and clutched the cross in her hand tightly. It seemed that she was ready to attack and hurt someone at any time, directly smashing the head of the 'old guy' in front of her who was much younger than herself.

"Of course, after all, I have become sensible now, so to you, Your Highness the Saint..."


"Well, don't you think..."


"Your Highness Xia Lian, please don't force others to make things difficult for me. I am no longer on the same path as before..."


"Is there something wrong with you, a bastard! It's easy to talk and discuss, but you don't listen, and you have to be scolded twice to be happy? Are you cheap!?"

Completely out of the instinct to remain stubborn after hearing the three count a long time ago and being beaten until he couldn't take care of himself, Tifilo, who had already firmly believed in being polite to the end, subconsciously widened his eyes and pointed at Xia Lian's hand with a grin on his face. The tip of the nose shouted: "Hurry up and put away your sinful cross. That thing is not used to lift people's heads! It is not used to spank people! Why can't you, a majestic saint, pay a little attention to your image? It’s okay if you don’t pay attention to your image. Why don’t you pay attention to the image of the person being beaten? Even if you are indeed a hopeless humanoid female tyrannosaurus, you should at least be a virtuous female tyrannosaurus!”

Xia Lian was silent, and after a few seconds, she slowly lowered her gesticulating cross, and looked steadily at the white-bearded old man in front of her who was jumping and cursing, her eyes a little dazed.

Tiphilo, on the other hand, subconsciously revealed his true colors and took a few steps back. The corners of his mouth twitched and he laughed dryly: "Then...that's what, but you asked me to talk like this yourself. I'm telling you...don't come over here." Ah you! Don’t forget that I am no longer what I used to be. I am no longer the kid you beat to pieces! I... I was so wrong!”

When he said the last sentence, the old man who had already entered the half-step into the realm of myth almost cried.

It is true that he does have much stronger strength than Xia Lian now, but because every time he recalls the precious time that he cherishes, he basically gets scolded, beaten, scolded, beaten, "Be beaten" and "Be beaten", so even the ancestral pope with a mind as strong as steel could not restrain his reaction of getting scared whenever he saw someone.

It can almost be said to be an instinct engraved in DNA.

The imaginary violence did not come like a landslide. After being scolded by Ba Po and the female tyrannosaurus Xia Lian, they just pursed their lips after being silent for a long time, and looked away from the old man who was sweating coldly. Asked softly: "Should I say welcome back? Kid."

"Of course not."

Seeing that the other party had no intention of taking action, Tyfilo was relieved at first, and then he no longer looked at the elf saint in front of him, but turned to stare at the monster behind the fence that looked exactly like the 'Black Van'. , said calmly: "Although I don't know what that boy Hei Fan told you, I just came to confirm something."

"Hei Fan?"

Xia Lian blinked in confusion and asked curiously: "What's the matter with Heifan?"

Tifilo was immediately confused: "Didn't Hei Fan tell you? I will return to the City of Light in the near future?"

Xia Lian shook her head vigorously: "No..."

Tifilo's eyes widened: "If it weren't for him, how would you have known that I was coming here!?"

Xia Lian shrugged and pointed to the ceiling: "Because..."

[I sent an oracle to her. 】

In the dark, a holy and peaceful voice sounded in Luke Tefero's ears, and it seemed that it could also be heard by Xia Lian, who was also a favored person of God.

"Uh, what about that, sorry..."

Tifilo took out his ears hard and asked Xia Lian again with a smile: "I seemed to have tinnitus just now, so can you tell me again how you knew I would come here?"

Xia Lian smiled slightly, put on the holy and peaceful 'Saint of Dawn emoticon for external use', and said leisurely: "Because the goddess sent me an oracle, telling me to pay more attention to the Small Inquisition in the past two days."


Tiphilo's mentality collapsed at that time, and he raised his head hoarsely and roared at the dark and damp ceiling on the third underground floor: "Why are you selling me?!"

【Because it’s fun. 】

The voice of darkness sounded again, noble and elegant.

"What a fun hammer!"

Tifilo covered his forehead and turned his attention to Xia Lian again: "So, you have been wandering around here for the past two days, until you just found out that I came here?"

Xia Lian shook her head: "Not entirely, because I overslept today, so the goddess sent an oracle to tell me to get up and rush here."

"Is this how oracles are used?"

Tiphilo knelt down on the ground with his eyes split open, and hammered the floor that was as wet as the ceiling: "That's not how it is used! It must not be! Whose oracle is so worthless!"


The voice of darkness sounded for the third time, a chuckle that filled the heart and lungs.

"Why are you laughing? Is there any more royal method left?"

Tifilo complained crazily.

"There is no royal law, but there is heavenly law."

A female figure with a light golden soft light appeared behind Tifilo, spread her hands and said: "I just think what that kid said makes sense. What you have done in the past few decades cannot solve any problems at all."

"Believe it or not, I apostatized on the spot?"

"Believe it or not, I will strike you with lightning?"


"Okay, my activities in this world have been quite frequent during this period, and I've basically reached my limit."

The goddess of dawn, Pakosi Weiner, chuckled. The figure that had appeared for less than two seconds suddenly began to fade away. She turned her head and glanced at the person who had a complicated expression and was her favorite after Angel. The saint said softly: "If you have anything you want to say or ask, maybe it's better to take this opportunity to say it directly. After all, if someone really wants to hide, even I can't help you catch him." Woolen cloth."

After saying that, the figure of the goddess disintegrated silently, turning into little golden lights and disappearing into the air.

Tiphilo also climbed up from the ground on his hands and knees, gritted his teeth and said: "Really, I just know how to mind my own business..."

"This is not considered 'nothing'."

However, Xia Lian lowered her eyes and smiled, and said briskly: "You are the pope of the goddess, and I am the saint of the goddess. We are both the robes of the Shuguang sect, how can we say it is nothing?"

Tifilo sighed, shook his head and said, "That's true, but...eh? Godfather, why are you here too!? Aren't you already dead?!"

Tifilo, whose expression changed drastically, staggered back half a step and pointed behind Xia Lian dumbfounded. There were three parts of surprise, five parts of surprise and two parts of horror in his eyes.


Xia Lian turned her head subconsciously.

A flash of golden light——

Boom! ! !

Typhiro, who suddenly accelerated toward the exit, was hit in the chest by a slender, heavy, hard, and powerful cross, and flew backwards.

"Faao is here? Faao, where are you?"

Xia Lian, who was holding the cross tightly with both hands and maintaining the batting posture of a baseball player, still turned her head and shouted innocently: "Fao, come out, little Tifilo just said that he saw you!"

Tiphilo, who was pushed back to his original position by a cross, was now lying on the ground in a large shape: "..."

"No one."

Xia Lian shouted several more times, then turned around and said with a smile to Tifilo, who was lying around, "I can't see you."

Tiphilo: "..."

"What a pity. It seems like we are the only two here now."

Xia Lian slowly walked up to Tifilo, dragging her heavy cross like a saber. She looked down at the helpless old man and asked calmly: "So, what is the reason for your coming back this time?" yes?"

Tiphilo sighed deeply and did not stand up. He propped himself up and sat down. He pointed at the 'monster' behind him who ignored the two people and only wanted to hit the fence. He replied weakly: " To investigate this thing.”

"This monster is related to Hei Fan?"

Xia Lian, who had come to visit the prison frequently before, raised her eyebrows, narrowed her eyes and asked, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

Tifilo shook his head: "No, I basically already know what I need to know, but if possible, I hope you can find a way to transfer this thing to the Inquisition of our Dawn Sect and give it a slightly better one." A small environment, locked up at the bottom.”

Xia Lian nodded slightly: "Okay, I understand, is there anything else?"

"And don't look at it, you can't, and neither can Ambro and the others."

Tiphilo took a deep breath and said seriously: "Although it is not harmful in itself, the essence of this thing is not something you can touch."


Without even asking the reason, Xia Lian agreed immediately, and then continued to ask: "Is there anything else?"

"No, that's all."

"Well, I will arrange it as soon as possible."

"So can you let me go..."

"Well, let's go."

"Please, just let it go...eh? What did you just say?"

"I said, let's go."

"Uh, is it true? You won't hit me with that thing again when I'm about to leave, will you?"

"No, I swear in the name of the goddess, I will not stop you."

"Oh, okay, then I'm leaving!"

"Let's go."

"I'm really leaving!"

"Well, let's go."

"No, you didn't even try to stop me?!"


Chapter 1074: End

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