Quadruple split

Chapter 1088 Love to hear and see (II)

[This guy...could he have some problem with his sexual orientation? 】

After watching Lamorlock's back disappear at the end of the street, Mo Tan subconsciously raised his hands, hugged his shoulders and shivered, his whole body felt a little bad.

What does it mean to only care about things that interest you?

Also, what does it mean to look forward to seeing you again tomorrow?

It's easy for people to misunderstand you when you talk like this!

Although from an objective point of view, it is not very likely that Lamorlock is 'interested' in him in a rather curious field, but when he recalled the other party's awkward farewell words just now, Mo Tan couldn't help but think about it. I feel a little chilly on my back.

"Forget it, forget about this mess."

After trembling for a while, Mo Tan patted his cheek hard, forcing the figure with a friendly smile, a gentle appearance and at least five figures of life on his hands out of his mind, and murmured in a low voice: "The point now is, What should we do to deal with the Paladin Knight Academy in the team competition..."

Because he could be disconnected at any time, he did not go back to the general auditorium to meet Yu Chen and others after collecting the 'necessary information'. Instead, he planned to find a place to be quiet first and collect his thoughts. That’s why he left the arena immediately after the team battle of Diesel’s representative team.

To put it simply, just like Lamo Locke who also dodged immediately after the heavyweight match, Mo Tan at this moment actually did not pay attention to those teams that would most likely be defeated by Mu Xuejian once they met. , not because he is arrogant, but because he has a lot of combat experience and he knows very well that if the Paladin Knight Academy with Mu Xuejian is to be regarded as an imaginary enemy, then he must respect all opponents equally and treat every team that may encounter them. The idea of ​​treating all arriving teams as potential stumbling blocks is simply seeking death.

It is enough to concentrate on thinking about the team battle with the Paladin Academy. If Liadrin and others lose to a small team before that, then either they are too weak, or this exchange meeting is too stupid, and Neither of these two may be responsible for Mo Tan.

What's more, after watching the "actual" performance of the young people of the Diesel family not long ago, Mo Tan, who was already full of confidence in Liadrin and others because they often trained together during this period, knew very well that except for Mu Xuejian has gone beyond the conventional external-level existence. The training standard of the team is only three levels lower than that of Jadka. The 'Quasi Diesel Cavalry Team' can coordinate perfectly in group battles as long as they don't let themselves go too far. , was basically invincible before encountering the Paladin Knight Academy.

According to the schedule, the two teams that are divided into Division A and Division C respectively after winning will have to meet in the finals, so there is relatively plenty of time.

Especially when Mo Tan has vaguely found some clues...

[The chance of winning is not impossible. 】

Basking in the slightly scorching sunshine due to the solar terms, Mo Tan took out his precious wayfinding disk from his pocket. While trying to return to his and Yu Chen's temporary residence, he recalled the last thing he saw before leaving. In that game, the two sides were the young people from the Diesel family and a local team whose name Mo Tan didn't remember.

In fact, not only Mo Tan, but other viewers also had no impression of the team that unfortunately encountered Diesel in the first round. As for the reason... it was really because they exited too quickly.

I don’t know if they were stimulated by Mu Xuejian’s previous performance. The Diesel team, which had basically retained its strength in previous exchange meetings, seemed to be on drugs this time. The moment the referee announced the start of the game, there was no hesitation. The ground launched a group charge.

It was a very common group charge in which the big guys held up their weapons and rode forward on their mounts.

Because they were not strictly formed, it should be easy to break up the group charge.

In short, it is a group charge that is familiar to every knight.

And just after Diesel started charging, the opposing team with enough reaction time also took action immediately. They did not hesitate to choose the optimal solution of being charged first by the opponent in the open area. It is a circular defense array with more than 20 heavy knights with the highest defense and heaviest weight on the outermost side, and other combat forces gathered in the middle.

Without any communication, a certain college team located on the left side of the competition stage completed the formation silently in less than five seconds. Whether it was the speed of the formation, the sense of layering, pressure and other details, it was like a textbook. level.

In the history outside the game world, this kind of formation with almost zero offensive capabilities and slow movement can usually only restrict infantry, and is very easy to break through when attacked by cavalry, so it is usually on one side. A battle formation that is frequently used in extremely unfavorable situations and is rarely used as a 'starting move'.

However, in [The Realm of Innocence], a world full of swords and magic, although the definition of a circular battle formation is also biased toward defense, its versatility is surprisingly high, and it appears almost infrequently in various battles. It is inferior to conventional basic formations such as 'one-line formation', 'trident assault formation', and 'cone formation'.

So far, the most comprehensive, flexible, changeable, and complex battle formation that Mo Tan has ever seen is the [Violet Eagle Formation] that he saw when he participated in the counter-insurgency operation against the Marshall Territory in the Violet Empire, that is, A combined battle formation that has been passed down from generation to generation since the founding of the Violet Empire.

Among them, the Fire Claw and Fernand families, who respectively serve as the 'shoulders' in the [Violet Eagle Formation], use a circular battle formation. Their pressure resistance and toughness are first-class, and they are incomparable with several other parts. When on the same battlefield, the aggressiveness will also increase geometrically.

By the way, after crushing the Marshall family, the responsibility of analyzing the 'Harpy' was handed over to the 'Queen Bee' by the Regent Hugh Bresne. According to a private letter between His Highness and a certain pen pal. It was revealed in the exchange that he should hand over this responsibility to the patriarch of the Crystal Wolf family in the future, to be precise, his future wife, Grand Duke Emmeline Wolf Christo.

Back to business...

In short, in the realm of innocence, the circular formation is a battle formation with a low lower limit but a very high upper limit. Not only can it defeat infantry formations of the same level head-on when used properly, it can even defeat charging cavalry. pose a huge threat.

Most knowledgeable people can understand that when both sides are knights, although Diesel's charge starts very quickly, if they are unwilling to make a small-scale detour anyway, they have to fight with the opponent. If a large shield wall is formed in a very short period of time, no matter how outstanding the young people of the Diesel family are, they will still pay for this arrogance!


Just when many people thought that the knights of the Diesel family would smash their heads against the shield wall and hand over the initiative to their smart opponents, dozens of 'bangs' suddenly sounded at the same moment. Exploded in people's ears.

In the first battle that Mo Tan commanded as 'Black Brahma', the paladins belonging to the various sects of the United Holy Church once carried out several rounds of devastating charges with the blessing of the [United Purification] skill. Defeating the mutants who poured into the third enemy area laid a perfect foundation for the opening phase of the Requiem Plan.

But the skill that allows everyone to perform beyond their own strength in group operations is not exclusive to the Holy Cult. In fact, as one of the most powerful knight families in the Innocence Continent, the [Coordinated Charge] of the Diesel Family Cavalry Team Apart from the somewhat earthy name, its effect is even better than [Joint Purification].

There are no fancy additional states such as 'increased life limit', 'increased critical hit rate', 'increased damage', etc. The cavalry's exclusive [Coordinated Charge] has only one effect, which is very, very simple, allowing all successfully completed synchronization The base strength of the knight and his mount during the first round of charge is increased by 40%.

After that, these young people from the Diesel family, who were far from the best among their peers even though they had not officially obtained the designation of the Iron Cavalry, just ran over with the black dragon colt under their crotches!

In less than ten seconds, they smashed every shield in their charging path, overturned every knight who tried to resist after being defeated in a moment, and knocked away those who were on the Black Dragon Colt. The trembling war horse directly penetrated the 'enemy' who was planning to drag the rhythm into a protracted battle, then reined in the horse, turned around, raised the weapon again, accepted the opponent's surrender, saluted, and exited.

Total time spent——

"Two minutes and five seconds, two seconds faster than the record just set by the Paladin Academy."

Mo Tan rubbed the tip of his nose, then sighed silently, and smiled bitterly in a low voice: "But the problem is that this kind of data is completely meaningless for victory or defeat, and if you insist on it, there is a total of one person and one sword. The battle ended with three skills, and here is... Oh, forget it, although it has no practical significance, at least it can improve morale, and it is easier for me to observe."

"Observe what?"

An ethereal voice suddenly sounded from behind, startling Mo Tan who was immersed in his thoughts.

But it was just a small jump. Even though he was often frightened into cardiac arrest at first, over time, although the number of times could not be said to be many, Mo Tan had already adapted to this situation, so after the brief fright, Then he turned around very naturally and smiled at the girl behind him: "Hey, Luna."

Alchemist Luna Lynch, who was wearing an inconspicuous beige light short robe with a section of her white calves exposed, nodded slightly, calmly looked at Mo Tan up and down, and then frowned and said: "Hei Fan, why are you doing this?" Here? Are you lost?"

"Well, although what you said makes sense, I'm actually here to do something this time."

Mo Tan scratched his hair with some embarrassment and said dryly: "Don't always think of 'I'm lost' as a major premise. By the way, Luna, are you feeling better? The injury probably hasn't healed yet. Why are you here if you don't take a good rest in the association?"


Luna looked away, covertly covering the shimmering silver pendant in her left hand with her cuffs, then shook her head slightly and said, "The minor injury before has long been out of the way."

Mo Tan frowned and asked suspiciously, "But I think your face is a bit..."

"I'm not the one whose face you need to carefully observe all the time."

Luna raised her hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead, glanced at Mo Tan, and said in her soft and ethereal voice: "It's just that I haven't slept well recently. You know, I Don’t like to stop in the middle of an experiment.”

Mo Tan twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling that the pale-faced girl in front of him, with two faint tinges on her cheeks, a coquettish and sickly blush, was definitely not just a sleep deprivation, but because she, as a friend, did not The position was too deep, so I had to ask in a relatively roundabout way: "So, Luna, since you are free to go out for a walk, it means that your 'experiments' that delay sleep have come to an end for the time being?"

"Well, you could say that."

Luna nodded slightly.

"Is what you have to do important?"

Mo Tan continued to ask.

"I can't say it's very important."

Luna shook her head, unconsciously clenched her left hand, and repeated in a low voice: "Well, it's not very important."

Mo Tan immediately showed a bright smile and said with a smile: "Then don't wander around now, how about going back and taking a nap first?"

"don't want."

But the girl categorically denied it and said seriously: "I'm not sleepy. I've been sleeping well recently."

Mo Tan was shocked at that time: "You just said that you haven't slept well recently."

after a brief silence

"Then I'll leave first. Goodbye."

Luna turned around before Mo Tan could say anything and said without looking back: "If you have time, you can go to my place for a drink. I liked the coffee beans last time and bought more after that. Some."


Mo Tan hesitated for a moment, but in the end he didn't continue to persuade, and he didn't try again with words like, "Oh, I'm lost. Why don't you send me back to where I'm staying, and you can go back to the association to get some sleep and come out to do things another day." , just nodded a little helplessly and said: "Okay, see you later~"

Then, after watching Luna walk a few meters, he turned around, held the pathfinder, and groped towards Milhouse Avenue.

And then--

[The wise man’s foresight is triggered, there are still 51 seconds left before being forced to go offline]

An abrupt system prompt sounded in Mo Tan's ears.

"Depend on!"

After a brief silence, Mo Tan first spent about half a second thinking about the possibility of "whether he could successfully find the destination within 51 seconds", and then immediately walked towards a nearby road that seemed to be empty. Run into the alley.

While running, I roared loudly in my heart...

[Nah, you’re cheating! 】

Chapter 1081: End

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