Quadruple split

Chapter 1097: Physical pastime

"You...and me? A paradox?"

Mo first looked at Ms. Ye in front of him intently for a while, then raised his hand to rub his forehead, closed his eyes and took a long breath, smiled bitterly and whispered: "Sorry, although I raised the question myself, But...it seems like we really can't keep up with the rhythm here."

Ms. Ye yawned, took off her school uniform and tied it around her waist. She held her cheek in a very slovenly manner and smiled: "It's normal. Although you are 'you' no matter what, the person in front of me at this moment is Even if 'you' want to break your head, it is absolutely impossible to understand many things, but this is not a bad thing."

"The more you know, the more dangerous it is?"

Mo frowned and subconsciously expressed his guess: "Could it be that the reason why 'I' caused me to lose my memory was to protect myself, who is a paradox with you, Ms. Ye?"

Ms. Ye was stunned for a moment, then suddenly covered her mouth and started giggling. She laughed so hard that her branches trembled with laughter. She laughed for a full three minutes before covering her stomach with one hand and wiping her tears with the other and grinning: "Haha, you, are you? Are you afraid of me? Do you think that the reason why 'you' achieve 'amnesia' in some way is to avoid being caught by my so-called 'paradox'?"

Seeing the other party's reaction, Mo, who had already tensed up, secretly breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and nodded: "That's true, so can I understand now that I just made a somewhat outrageous guess? Woolen cloth?"

"Actually, I can't say that completely. After all, I really hate you."

Ms. Ye licked the corner of her mouth, raised her hand and gestured fiercely in front of her neck, gritted her teeth and said: "And it is far beyond the level of thunder and lightning, water and fire are incompatible. I want to think about it every minute." You want to kill yourself."

Mo nodded calmly, not being frightened by the other party, because he knew very well that if Ms. Ye in front of him really wanted to harm him, then this being who didn't take the 'True God' seriously in his words would probably Just raise your hand and you'll be reduced to rubbish.

"Ah~ Your calm look is also very irritating."

Ms. Ye stepped on the chair with one foot like a bad girl and pouted: "But, how should I put it, because there are some things that are very annoying but cannot be completely ignored, and there are also some things that are insignificant but still considered me." Due to my own will, I will not take the initiative to hurt you."

Mo smiled, nodded and said, "Thank you for your mercy. I'm really grateful."

"No need to be grateful, I'm just letting you know a little bit about our stance on each other."

Ms. Ye took a bite of the egg-filled biscuit that appeared in her hand at some point, and said vaguely: "In the final analysis, completely putting aside those things that we have and don't have, you and I can be said to be enemies, and we have nothing to do with each other. A common enemy, one with no room for reconciliation.”

After hearing what the other party said, Mo, who was both a 'participant' and an 'uninformed person', just shrugged helplessly and did not express any opinion.

After all, he could still see that Ms. Ye in front of him actually had no intention of targeting 'my current self', whether it was the 'hate' she had been talking about since just now, or whether it was something she was born with. Even words like "enemy" and "no room for reconciliation" are actually not aimed at a person like me who has a lot of memory gaps.

"Any more questions?"

Ms. Ye finished eating the 20-year-old signature tenderloin pancake at the entrance of Tanhua University. She sucked her fingers and said, "Although I have said it before, even if it is such a stupid waste of time, it is still harmful to me." It makes sense, but I am me and you are you. If you are dragged to a place like this for too long by me, it will be easy for you to have problems with your current body and spirit."

Although it was unclear, he felt strong. Although Mo didn't know what the other party's so-called 'problem' was, he still continued his question calmly: "I want to know why I just saw those... so-called blocked people." The path of death, the possibility of being denied, the choice of being abandoned? Why do you see those people and things?"

"Haha, another good question."

Ms. Ye clapped her hands and did not answer him directly. She just smiled and asked, "I wonder if you have ever heard of such a saying, which is - think about it every day and dream about it at night."

Theoretically, he had no impression of this sentence, so Mo's first reaction was to immediately shake his head and deny it, but just when he was about to do so, he inexplicably gave up the idea, and hesitantly pursed his lips, not very He frowned with certainty and said: "I...I probably haven't heard of it, but...I can guess the meaning of this sentence."

"Well, just think what you said is true. After all, it's only your mind that I can't access, even for you now."

Ms. Ye nodded absently, and picked up another bottle of 'canned ice coke' that was conjured up from nowhere and should never appear in the study room of the Sin Lord's Mansion, or even in the Innocence Realm. He drank several sips, then burped in a very elegant way, and said with a smile: "To put it simply, the things you just saw are all things you have strongly yearned for or fantasized about in your subconscious mind. 'Possibility', and although I cannot read your thoughts or pry into your memories, I can help you complete some unknown information like cheating, and I can also temporarily give you a little bit of ability, a little bit The ability to be fun but innocuous enough to never break the rules.”

Mo's curiosity was suddenly aroused, and he immediately asked: "For example?"

"Like, create?"

Ms. Ye frowned and said thoughtfully: "Well, although it should be something more complicated and harder to understand than simple 'creation', for the sake of explanation, let's call it 'creation'. In short, I gave You have the power to 'create and deduce cause and effect' unconsciously."

“Create and deduce cause and effect?”

Mo looked down at his hands, then narrowed his eyes and recalled the scenes he had seen before, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

"Yes, it is to create and deduce cause and effect. However, although it sounds very high-end, it is actually just a relatively reliable super brain supplement ability. If it is exhausted, it will just consolidate or materialize this brain supplement. It’s not a big deal.”

Ms. Ye waved her hand and said calmly: "In short, I gave you a little bit of this power, and tried to induce you to bring out those things that although I can't pry into, are still kept deep in your 'existence' thoughts, and then hid where you couldn’t see and peeked, until you were driven by instinct and broke into ‘my house’ directly.”

"It's a pity that I don't know those people, those people who interact with me in the non-existent future and cause and effect."

Mo didn't get to the bottom of it. He just sighed casually and stopped recalling those very dangerous 'possibilities' that were enough for him to indulge in them. Instead, he stared at the 'Ms. Night' in front of him with burning eyes: "So, although it is not the last, it is the most important question to me. What do you want to see me for?"

"Chat, or just hang out together."

Ms. Ye answered simply and neatly.


Mo Ze, who realized that the other party was not joking, was immediately shocked.

"Is it difficult to understand? It's difficult to understand."

Ms. Ye shrugged, stood up, walked behind Mo, held his chair and said lightly: "It's a pity that this is the truth. The reason why I 'called' you here is really just to talk to you." That’s all, even if we don’t talk, it’s still good to be together for a while, haha, doesn’t it sound quite nymphomaniacal?”

Mo, who was confused, couldn't even respond. He didn't nod or shake his head. It was obvious that he found it difficult to accept the explanation given by Ms. Ye.

"But I hope you don't think I'm really a nympho. After all, although I appear in front of you as a woman now, I can become 'Mr. Night' if I want. In short, the concept of gender does not matter to me. It doesn’t make any sense, so don’t think that people have any good impressions of you.”

At the end of the sentence, Ms. Ye, who lowered her head and met Mo's eyes, laughed playfully. It wasn't until a few seconds later that she realized that the other party didn't want to joke with her at all, then she suppressed her smile and curled her lips and said: " If you don’t understand, I’ll explain it in another way.”


Mo nodded slightly and no longer looked up at Ms. Ye, who was holding her chair and looking down. Instead, he turned his gaze back to the cold cup of coffee in front of him: "I'm all ears."

"I think you should be able to see a little bit. Whether it is from a subjective point of view or an objective sense, whether it is the world you are familiar with or the world you grew up in, I can be regarded as a very special existence, very special. , very, very special.”

Ms. Ye gently placed her hands on both sides of Mo's cheeks, and while rubbing the latter's forehead like a senior technician, she said lightly: "And because of this, because of this specialness, at least so far, I It’s almost impossible to communicate with anything normally, let alone tell you something that may or may not be meaningful like this.”

Mo did not resist the 'massage' from the identity-obsessed or gender-obsessed person behind him, but continued to ask: "If you put it this way, am I also an equally special 'accident'? That's why I am qualified to be a very special person." Are you here to 'communicate'?"

"Of course, haven't I said it before? We can be said to be paradoxical to each other. Under this premise, although the nature and meaning of each of them are completely different, they are at least 'equal' enough, and this' Equality' is the core reason why we can have the normal dialogue we have now."

Ms. Ye smiled, and then added slowly: "Of course, only in your current state."

Mo Duan laughed, shook his head and said: "I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel that you are a little afraid of me who has not lost my memory."

"Be honest and don't move."

Turning Mo's head straight, Ms. Ye snorted angrily, and continued to gently press Mo's scalp with her long fingers to relieve the latter's moderate fatigue.


Mo Qing breathed a sigh of relief and said calmly: "I have no problem."

"there is none left?"

Ms. Ye was stunned for a moment and asked curiously: "Really or not? Are you satisfied with just asking so many questions? Don't underestimate my erudition. If you ask, I can help you answer most questions, such as The world you saw before, such as who is the girl holding hands with you, I can do all of this..."

"Thanks, but no need."

Mo interrupted the other party firmly and said calmly: "Although my curiosity is far from being satisfied, this level of information is enough. If I continue to inquire insatiably, I'm afraid it will be more than just It's so easy to increase your worries, what do you think? Ms. Ye."

Ms. Ye squeezed Mo's shoulders with moderate strength and said slowly: "I don't think it matters. After all, I have never..."

"You didn't want me to 'wake up' with the memories here, right?"

Mo suddenly laughed and finished the second half of the other person's sentence in a brisk tone.

Ms. Ye's hands stopped.

"If I'm not wrong, although my consciousness is stopping here to kill time with you, my body is probably still in Beaver Town. If you think about it carefully, I probably fell asleep accidentally by the river. "

Mo stood up, turned around and met Ms. Ye's eyes, and smiled: "How many times have we met?"


The latter answered bluntly and said calmly: "Although I will let you forget everything about this place the moment you leave here, this is indeed our true 'first meeting'. "

Mo blinked in surprise: "I thought this was the countless time I had to 'relieve my boredom' with you."

"What kind of place do you think I am here? I said I would catch you and I would just catch you here to play with?"

Ms. Ye twitched her lips, then snapped her fingers with a 'pop' sound, and summoned a simple wooden door in the center of the room out of thin air: "Open this door, and you can go back. Of course, what happens here is yours." I won’t remember it at all.”

"Thank you, Ms. Ye, this is really a very novel experience."

Mo walked slowly to the wooden door in the center of the room, held the doorknob with one hand, and said without looking back: "Then, before I forget everything that happened here, let me ask one more question."

"Okay, let's talk about it."

"Apart from spending time with you to relieve your boredom, does our meeting have any other meaning?"

"You're so sharp...you guy..."

"I just suddenly thought of it and asked casually~"

"Okay, of course there are other meanings."


"That is……"

Chapter 1090: End

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