Quadruple split

Chapter 1104 Preconditions

Give up?

Mu Xuejian, who was slowly understanding the bandage on the [Wushuang] sword, was slightly startled, and after tilting his head in confusion, he stopped what he was doing and started to be in a daze. In view of the fact that opponents in recent competitions often admit defeat, She had become very adept at waiting politely for judgment.

Give up?

The referee who had just jumped off the stage was shocked. He widened his eyes as big as copper bells and looked at the white elf female knight with a calm and calm expression in disbelief. There was even a smile on the corner of her mouth. The whole person is messy in the wind. Do you want to admit defeat? Those tough knights of the Diesel family? It was difficult for him to connect the two concepts anyway, because he always felt that the logic was contradictory.

Give up?

The audience on the stage fell into a great confusion, and as time went by, except for those with relatively mature minds, many people began to make meaningful or meaningless noises. With the abuse, since it is almost impossible for their targets to find out who is scolding them from the crowd, those viewers who feel that they have been deceived are not very polite, and some emotional ones have even begun to throw random things down. something.

It is true that everyone knows that this is just an incompetent and furious vent, and they know even more clearly that no matter how they express their opinions as spectators, the result will not change, but they still grit their teeth and do these things that they know are actually meaningless.

Although we started to look forward to it on our own, it is still your fault as the client!

The duel between Mu Xuejian and the strongest knight of the Diesel delegation (Mo was forgotten by most people after a few rounds), such a big scene that was so exciting that it made people unable to sleep, was directly strangled in the cradle by one of the parties involved. Here, it really makes everyone feel a little confused.

We can understand this uneasy feeling. After all, if nothing else happens, today everyone will indeed be able to see a fight between dragons and tigers that they think they are.

But some things are difficult to understand. For example, in the parallel world outside the game more than 20 years ago, the 'elites' of a certain country in a certain sport were kicked out by any third-rate team. Sieve, and as an audience member of the country concerned, you got angry. This is your fault, because if nothing else happened, those [DATA EXPUNGED] should have been kicked into sieves by others.

All in all, the overall poor mood of the audience is understandable, after all, their previous expectations and current disappointment are real.

Except for these people who mainly want to watch the fun, the people who are more discerning all think that Liadrin has no problem admitting defeat. Although it is a bit embarrassing, the Diesel family has a good reputation. , but it can't be said to be very shameful, so when the gap is huge, there is really no need to fight this kind of battle.

【Admit defeat~】

In the corner of the judges' table, Lamorlock carelessly stroked the small snake wrapped around his arm while narrowing his eyes and looking at the white elf named Liadrin Blood Maple L. Diesel on the stage. The woman murmured in a low voice: "A wise and wonderful decision, but for what reason did she suddenly want to admit defeat instead of trying to fight with Mu Xuejian to lose one thousand to herself and two hundred to five to the enemy?"

"If you are talking about that elf..."

Tom Lestrange, who was living on his pet snake, spit out the message, and used some very superb means to make his words mixed with hissing sound directly ring out in Lamorlock's heart: "With her At such a level, no matter how much you damage yourself by a thousand, or whether you damage yourself by ten thousand, you can't even hurt that Mu Xuejian even half a cent."

Lamorlock, who had an average eye in this regard, smacked his lips, pushed up his monocle slightly, and asked suspiciously: "Isn't that Ms. Liadrin a knight of the Diesel family? Shouldn't she be very powerful? ?"

"The Lestrange family's bloodline is also very strong."

Tom snorted coldly and said lightly: "But even if we have similar blood and have a similar growing environment, differences will always appear as long as there is one. You know, I was able to defeat me head-on when I was ten years old." 's father, Lucius Lestrange."

Lamorlock gently rubbed his chin and asked thoughtfully: "In other words, even though she has the blood of the Diesel family and has unique conditions, Liadrin is not very strong?"

"No, in a sense, that white elf is not weak. Even if he is not the top, he can be said to be outstanding in the two fields of 'high-level' and 'knight', but..."

Tom's vertical pupils were fixed on the white-haired girl on the field, and he said in his hoarse voice after possessing the pet snake: "The woman named Mu Xuejian is just like me, she is from afar. A monster that is far different from ordinary people, and in front of the monster, the elf's excellence is completely meaningless."

Lamorlock nodded and chuckled: "Very good, Tom. Although the explanation was very verbose, you have indeed conveyed to me what you wanted to say truthfully."

"You'd better help me get the 'enemy's blood' as soon as possible."

Tom did not express too much dissatisfaction with the age-old taboo of Lamorlock calling him by his first name, but said coldly: "Once those two people leave Academy City and return to the Northeast Continent, it will probably be difficult for them to have another chance. "

"I'm already making arrangements, but if you want to be able to do it without being noticed, you need more patience."

Leaning lazily on the back of the chair, Lamorlock said something perfunctorily. While listening to the noise that could almost overturn the entire arena, he watched Liadrin and Mu Xuejian gently. The two left the field and asked calmly: "Tom, after looking at the games these days, which side do you think has a better chance of winning tomorrow's team finals?"

Tom was silent for a few seconds and asked coldly: "Are you asking the Diesel delegation and that Lancer Academy?"

"The Holy Lance Knight Academy is where Miss Mu currently lives."

Lamorlock chuckled and corrected, nodded and said: "Yes, I am referring to these two sides."

"Humph, they will indeed meet in the finals."

Although the semi-finals of the team competition will start in a few hours, Tom has been watching the game with Lamorlock these days, and Tom, whose combat IQ is ridiculously high, can guess the result almost without thinking, just like this amazing person next to him The annoying man said that if nothing unexpected happens, tomorrow's final can only happen between [Paladin Knight Academy] and [Diesel Delegation].

Then, if the above presumption is taken as the basic condition——

"That Lancer Knight Academy, over there with Mu Xuejian."

Tom answered without thinking.

Lamorlock raised his eyebrows and asked with interest: "Reason?"


Tom repeated in a slightly exaggerated tone and sneered: "The reason is that Mu Xuejian is very strong."

Lamorlock shook his head slightly and retorted: "According to what you said, the young knights of the Diesel family are also very strong. They are stronger than any of the contestants in the Paladin Knight Academy except Mu Xuejian."

"The joke is like two groups of ants fighting each other. Even if one side is far less powerful than the other, they can still easily win with the help of 'people'."

Tom Lestrange laughed contemptuously, turned his head and glanced at Lamorlock with disdain: "Aren't you a much more powerful commander than Lucius? Don't you even understand this kind of thing?"

"It's precisely because I'm a pretty good chess player that I feel that things may not develop as you believe."

Lamorlock smiled, crossed his legs and said leisurely: "Of course, I admit that the Holy Lance Knight Academy has a high chance of winning, very big, but it is just a big chance of winning, and it does not mean that they can really win 100%. A hundred wins.”

Tom sneered and said narrowly, "Don't tell me that if you were to command the Diesel cavalry, you could easily turn the tables."

"Of course not. My command of the Diesel cavalry is only part of it. If you want to make a comeback, you will definitely have to add some other factors, and even if you get the conditions together, it will definitely not be 'easy'."

Lamorlock looked at his nails carefully and asked casually: "I remember you told me before, Tom, although Mu Xuejian's fighting skills are unbelievably high, and his realm is even comparable to Concentrated Swordsmanship. An epic-level powerhouse, but in the final analysis, her true strength is still only the 'high-level peak', the same high-level peak as Miss Liadrin who just gave up, right?"

Tom didn't speak, which meant that he had acquiesced in Lamorlock's words. After all, he said this himself a few days ago, and there was no need to refute it.

"Very good. If that's the case, please ask Teacher Tom to tell me~"

Lamorlock blinked and asked in a very pleasant tone: "In your eyes, who is a monster like that Mu Xuejian, and was almost killed to the point of being destroyed in form and spirit, and who also reached the epic realm, in the eyes of you, In the battle for the high-level peak, is that Mu Xuejian really completely invincible?"

"...There is no chance of winning, but if it's just a one-on-one fight, it's no different than no chance."

"The team competition is not a one-on-one competition."

"I can see it, but that doesn't mean those people can."

"Not even the legendary Dean Marla of the White Oath Knight Academy?"



"A sage can defeat two epic warriors, but he may not be able to use Whirlwind."

"You mean, because the legendary dean is a knight and Mu Xuejian is a swordsman, it is difficult to tell the former?"


"Then why can you see it? If I remember correctly, the gap between you, a dark wizard, and a swordsman is even greater than the gap between a knight and a swordsman."


"Haha, why are you silent? Is it because you don't dare to say the word 'talent' because you are afraid that I will laugh at you?"

Lamorlock burst into laughter and waved his hands: "Relax, relax, Tom, we are already friends, aren't we?"

Tom gave the other party a cold look and said nothing.


"That's fine~"

Lamorlock suddenly clapped his hands lightly, startling the other party.

【What's the point? Did I say anything? 】

Tom Lestrange was confused.

"If people from the Diesel family can be like you, they can be keenly aware of Mu Xuejian's weaknesses, and on this basis, they can find ways to make targeted preparations~"

Lamorlock laughed happily and said leisurely: "Add a chess player like me, if these two prerequisites are met at the same time, do you think they can win?"

a moment later

"I don't know what level of 'chess player' you are, so I can't 'feel'."

Tom's words with a slight hiss sounded in Lamorlock's ears.

"That's right. Let me give you a simple example."

The latter raised his index finger and pushed the lens in front of his left eye, and said with a smile: "You should have been present during the whole war in Sumir, the Holy Mountain. Let's put it this way, if the then Archpriest Eden or your If my father, Lucius, were replaced by me, then our supreme Lord would have successfully sent down his avatar and infected all of Sumir's land lines; and if I were the person responsible for the incident on Sumir's side, I would be sure to directly destroy the Northeast Diocese. , bury all the believers except you and Priest Eden...and maybe one Lucius in that snowfield."

Tom was not moved at all and just asked indifferently: "Oh, so what?"

"So? So where is such a good thing?"

Lamorlock laughed, shrugged and said, "The Paladin Knight Academy will probably be the champion of both the 'individual competition' and the 'team competition' this time."

"Then why did you talk so much nonsense just now?"

"Because this world is wonderful because it is full of possibilities~"

at the same time

"Thank you for your hard work~"

Seeing Liadrin not far away with a slightly red face, she finished speaking to Gavin Rad, and walked straight towards her. Mo Tan, who had always maintained a happy smile from the moment the former gave in, immediately stood up and walked towards Liad. Lin gave a thumbs up: "It's not easy."

"Are you really complimenting me?"

The white elf female knight with some red eyes burst out laughing and shrugged: "I didn't do anything. I just 'stepped up', 'admitted defeat' and 'stepped down'. Where's the hard work?"

Mo Tan shook his head, and then suddenly turned sideways to catch Ya Ya, who jumped up and crashed into his arms after running for nearly ten meters. He gave Liadrin a perfect time to wipe away her tears, tilting her head and comforting her. My dog ​​girl smiled faintly and said: "It often takes more courage to admit one's weakness than to admit one's strength. I don't think that the brief admission you just made is more powerful than putting aside everything and fighting a bloody battle without any distractions. One came easily.”


"What's the status?"

"not bad."

"Is it okay to take everyone out for the team competition in the afternoon?"


"I'll give you five minutes to end the battle early. Let's go back early today. I have something I want to talk to everyone about."


Chapter 1097: End

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