Quadruple split

Chapter 1118 Small Profits

"Right, gather the docked tail, press left to keep people."

Barty Arthur issued the order almost without thinking after Mo Tan slammed into him, although he did not know at that moment that Diesel's knights could change direction at a right angle before the two sides were about to complete the first confrontation. But because the other party was also acting as a "clear-card commander" like himself, after hearing the words "one strike away", he still strengthened the Diesel Cavalry in his concept and stopped the loss without warning. .

At the same time, Barty also waved his right hand violently, pointing steadily at Mo Tan, who was full of dark purple electric light after turning on the reverse scale, and took a deep breath——

"Get him for me no matter the cost!"

The next moment, the five heavy cavalrymen on Diesel's side suddenly changed direction, leading the entire team to fiercely charge towards the opponent's right wing who had just stretched out three positions. Several students in the second echelon immediately wielded their weapons and launched a surprise attack on Mo Tan with the cooperation of their front row partners.

With two rounds of enchanting arcs, Mo Tan, who had avoided the first round of combined attacks with [Crane Moon], instantly eliminated the three shield-wielding heavy cavalry closest to him. At the same time, Liadrin and the ones behind her The four heavy cavalry partners directly ran over the same number of enemies as their own vanguard in front of them!

Use the most primitive, direct and barbaric method to directly knock the opponent off the horse with the blunt weapon in your hand, lift up the boots and use the spurs to drive away the panicked mounts that have lost their owners, even though Batty immediately pulled them back The order did not directly overwhelm the right wing of the Holy Lance Knight Academy, but the main force of the Diesel family that passed by the enemy formation still easily eliminated the "broken tails", that is, the five heavy cavalry who were the vanguard of the right wing of the Holy Lance. .

The left wing of the Paladin Academy also started to move behind at the same time, desperately trying to complete the 'keep people' command assigned by Barty, but they were too far away from Diesel's vanguard, who was also a heavy rider, and they were also far behind in terms of speed and flexibility. It is far inferior to the lightly equipped Rangers, so no matter how high its execution power is, it will only intercept and eliminate a Diesel Ranger at the end of the team.

The main forces of both sides passed each other, and the Holy Lance Knight Academy, which lost nine people, suffered a big loss on the scene.

But Batty's expression was still not gloomy at all. The reason was very simple. Although he failed to entangle the opponent's large army of Rangers and drag them until Mu Xuejian came back to harvest them, the powerful scheduler in the opponent's formation did. Stuck by my own success!

If you can kill this guy directly here, even if you pay a little more battle damage, it will definitely not be a loss!

Then, the way with the highest success rate should be——

"Double-layer net formation, trap him."

After thinking for a while, Barty carefully distanced himself from the half-dragon who always had his eyes locked on him, and ordered in a deep voice: "Just to contain him, wait for Mu Xuejian to come back!"

Yes, this is the safest way. Although we can't tell how strong Mo Tan is, one thing Barty is sure of is that this guy's individual personality is absolutely superior to everyone in his main formation, and he is definitely No match for Mu Xuejian.

Under this premise, the correct solution is naturally self-evident.

While ensuring as much strength as possible, drag Mu Xuejian to join the main formation, and directly kill the opponent by controlling the field based on the number of people here.

Although it took longer than expected to deal with the Diesel heavy cavalry unit, in Barty's judgment, even Mu Xuejian, who was not good at riding a mount, would not take too long to rush back to the main formation from the sidelines, so As long as we can hold back the half-dragon knight named Mo for a short while, we can completely control the rhythm of this game!


[This kind of deduction is not very difficult, can the other party really not calculate it? 】

[Judging from the rhythm of the few commands just now, although this guy's tactics lacked a bit of tact, and his rhythm control was not particularly precise, his ideas were surprisingly clear. 】

[Although I don’t want to admit it, the person who controlled the rhythm of the game from beginning to end was this Mo. 】

[The plan has already been planned, so it doesn’t matter even if I, as the commander, are redeemed? 】

[Still unable to see through this level of guidance, have you fallen into this superficial trap? 】

[Or maybe he is simply confident and thinks that we can’t keep him in Mu Xuejian’s absence? 】

In an instant, several thoughts and conjectures ran through Barty's mind.

There was less than five seconds left before Mu Xuejian and others returned to the main force.

At this moment, Mo Tan, who was already trapped in the siege, suddenly took a deep breath, raised his head to avoid the headcut of one of the heavy knights of the holy spear, and then used the intimidating warhammer [Pure Justice] in his hand. ] hung it back behind his back, and then pulled out a very simple-looking whiteboard dagger from his boots.

"Crash it over!"

Watching intently, the latter's muscular figure, which was originally like the god of war descending to earth, suddenly swayed slightly. Barty, who was already a little uneasy, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he drew his sword and pointed it at the figure. Not only did it no longer have any power, it didn't even exist. His feelings were getting thinner... The half-dragon man who looked more like a 'thief' than a 'knight' shouted sternly: "Stop him at all costs!"

At the same time, Mu Xuejian, who had already approached to a certain extent, also heard Barty's order and very obediently threw out a bright sword energy. Although the power and control area were somewhat unsatisfactory due to numerous interferences, , but still sharp enough and tricky enough.



Mo Tan, who was holding the dagger behind his back, had clearly not activated [Crane Moon], but he still avoided several attacks including Mu Xuejian's sword energy at a ghostly speed, and in the next moment, he dragged a clear residual wave. The shadow appeared next to a knight on the outermost edge of the encirclement, stretched out his free left hand and tore him off the horse.

The fine iron dagger held in the palm of his right hand circled between Mo Tan's fingers like a butterfly piercing a flower, and in the process broke the knight's armor, leaving two marks on his legs. Although it could be seen later, He was easily healed, but the blood stains were enough to make him retire from the game.

Then, Mo Tan, who had escaped from the encirclement, bent his body slightly, kicked his legs to the ground, and his whole body shot out like a sharp arrow. He quickly caught up with Wang Ba Dan, who had deliberately fallen behind. The ground climbed onto the latter's thick turtle shell.

At this point, the first confrontation between the two sides came to an end——

Thirty-nine to thirty-seven, the Diesel delegation made a small profit.

The whole place fell silent.

Those who only knew how to watch the excitement were shocked by the dizzying rhythm of the battle on both sides, which was already stretched to the limit as soon as they started. In order to capture every wonderful moment of the two battlefields at the same time, they almost became oxygen-deprived fighting chickens. .

Those who were either powerful, well-informed or knowledgeable marveled at the series of tactical changes on both sides, applauded Mu Xuejian's unpredictable sword moves, and praised Diesel Knight's skill. There were cheers, and finally there was a collective silence because the half-dragon, who was clearly a knight who charged into the battle with a brazen attitude, but in the last few seconds of the confrontation showed textbook thief skills and performed the art of escape to the extreme. .


Dean Marla outside the venue suddenly turned to look at her old friend, widened his bell-like eyes and asked: "Are you damn sure that Mo is a knight?!"


The old mage, who was also a little confused because of his friend's performance just now, coughed lightly, quickly regained his composure, stroking his beard reservedly, and nodded deeply, his leisurely and calm tone mixed with Then he said casually: "Yes, of course he is a knight. Is there any problem?"

"What is the problem!?"

Marla's eyes almost popped out of her head, and she yelled with frothing at the mouth: "Knight! Knight! Which knight have you seen who can do such a slick and random maneuver? Which high-level knight have you seen? Can you use a broken dagger with three silver coins in one handle and two bottles of opaque paint as a gift with almost no force? Even if you are a seventh-year prefect and student council member of Night Walker Academy The chairman is so skilled that Mo Mo is so skilled! Are you really sure that he is not a thief wearing knight armor?"

Jadeka shrugged and said slowly: "You should have seen his talent in knights, right?"

"Yes, I have seen it! But today I also saw his talent as a thief!"

"Who can't have a little hobby?"

"A knight takes the required skills of high-level stalkers and assassins as a hobby?"

"What's wrong? I'm a mage and I carry 200 kilograms of weight every day for my morning run."

"Jadeka, what the hell..."

At the same time, Mo Tan, who returned to Wang Ba Dan's back, casually inserted the dagger back into his boot. He leaned on the crystal clusters of Wang Ba Dan's turtle shell and breathed a sigh of relief before pulling out the [nothing] dagger behind him again. [Zuo's Justice], the sharp and bone-chilling aura on his body quickly dissipated.

Of course, he did not treat thieves' skills such as irregular maneuvers and evasions as a hobby as Jadeka claimed. In fact, Mo Tan under his current personality does not even have half a cunning skill, and today... to be more precise It must have been a few minutes ago, and his Double Blade Specialization wasn't even unlocked.

But just after he took out the dagger in his boots and used the whiteboard weapon with a market price of less than two silver coins to use a move [Blast], not only did this skill that originally only had two forms add an additional [Sneaky Wind], ·The derivative branch of "Blast" even allowed his double-blade specialization to climb to level 37 the moment it was unlocked.

This is not a BUG. To give a simple example, if Mr. Tyson, Mr. Bruce Lee and Mr. Weiye Wutong suddenly traveled to 2049 in their prime and created an account in the realm of innocence, then Mr. Tyson’s The combat specialization may start at level 20, Mr. Bruce Lee may be at level 25, which is about the upper limit of a normal person, and Mr. Weiye Wutong is at level 1, because the minimum for specialization is level 1.

So even if these three people all choose professions such as monks after completing the guidance task, their specific combat capabilities are completely different. If there is a passionate battle, it is hard to say whether the first two teachers can succeed, but in the end I'm afraid that not only would his head be whipped off, but it would also be whipped off as soon as the game started.

And this principle also applies to Mo Tan. Although his various specialization skills half a year ago were basically the 1-2 initial level of ordinary young otakus in the contemporary era, today, half a year later, in the name of 'Tan Mo' The character has obtained the high-level profession [Big Thief] and has mastered the double-blade specialization to level 39. When Mo Tan, a character who is not a thief, but whose physical fitness is far beyond that of a normal person outside the game, picks up the dagger. After releasing the skill, it is simply unreasonable to directly unlock the double-edged specialization up to level 37.

As for skills such as [Irregular Maneuvering to Avoid], they are actually just a behavior pattern that thieves like to use, just like boxers always jumping around on the stage. They do not belong to any skill, so now The ink sandalwood can be used naturally.

After all, he had done too many sneaky things when his personality was 'Chaotic Neutral'. Even if he didn't achieve muscle memory, it would be easy to use it. He just lacked some dexterity attributes and equipment blessings.

Even so, Mo Tan, who has activated [Reverse Scale], is not much inferior to himself as a thief in terms of speed and convenience, so it makes people feel... very professional.

But this is just a small episode. At least in Mo Tan's own eyes, whether he breaks out of the encirclement with [Blast], or breaks out of the encirclement with [Strange Wind] obtained inexplicably, it is just today's game. It’s just one of the details, and it’s a small detail that makes almost no difference.

Before the review after the game, whether it is on your own side or on the Paladin Knight Academy side, the focus will always be on - [Next].

"Everyone speed up and swim!"

After issuing brief and clear instructions, Mo Tan and Wang Ba Dan immediately reintegrated into Diesel's main formation, speeding up and trying to distance themselves from the Paladin Knight Academy, which had regained Mu Xuejian.

Although there are five heavy cavalry here that are relatively lagging behind in terms of speed, without the need to continue to maintain a coordinated charge, the speed of the Diesel family is definitely higher than the opponent with all heavy cavalry.


[We must divide our forces! 】

Barty made a judgment without thinking. He is not a fool. He naturally knows what he will face after being successfully distanced by the Diesel family's Ranger-centered team. Therefore, the operation of splitting and outflanking is simply not possible at this stage. The only solution.

It must be broken down, otherwise there will be no need to continue this game, even if Mu Xuejian is on his side.

The question is, how to dismantle it?

Barty Arthur, who had absolutely no time to waste, closed his eyes.

Chapter 1110: End

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