Quadruple split

Chapter 1124 Mighty and Majestic


Liadrin Bloodmaple L. Diesel had just used a lance she had snatched to knock the original owner off his horse, when she was hit in the back by two one-handed warhammers that came from behind her at the same time. On the ground, the whole person was smashed from the war horse to the ground like a cannonball. His eyes suddenly went dark, and he almost lost consciousness.

At this moment, a hand suddenly reached out from above, directly pulling up Liadrin's body that had gradually lost the protection of her fighting spirit, throwing her on the horse's back that wasn't too bumpy, and wrapping her arms around her. Her slender waist.

"Don't be discouraged, Sister Leah."

A voice full of fatigue and the sound of fighting sounded from behind at the same time. Liadrin shook her head vigorously, and it took nearly two seconds to realize what had just happened.

In order to completely limit the speed of this heavy cavalry team, so that even if they wiped out all five of them, they would not be able to escape the range of their companions, he directly broke into the center of the enemy's formation without any care.

Although that guy had said long ago that if the game really develops the way it does today, as long as the five heavy riders can withstand the first round of charges, they can find an opportunity to retreat and join the main formation.

But this is wrong. No matter how much everyone is impressed by Mo's plan, even if I think that the guy with a particularly reassuring smile is super powerful and extremely accomplished in tactics and strategy, this does not mean It hinders me, who has experienced a lot of actual combat, from noticing problems.

Too gentle.

It seems that all conditions have been utilized to the extreme, but if you study and analyze carefully, you will find that under the seemingly airtight and seamless instructions, there are hidden things that absolutely cannot be compared with the word 'strategy'. 'Tenderness' discussed together.

This is not a bad thing, because if this plan can be executed perfectly, the strategic purpose can indeed be achieved while minimizing casualties. In short, it will win the game.

But on the other hand, precisely because we need to keep 'casualties' to a minimum, even if we prepare a large number of filings and incorporate almost every possibility into our plans, from a macro perspective, the error tolerance rate is still too low. .

The pressure was not evenly distributed. It was mainly placed on the plan itself and Mo, who shouldered the heavy responsibility no matter what the possibility.

In fact, a more rational solution exists.

Although you will pay a higher price if you can also win, you can avoid the possibility of 'failure' to the greatest extent.

For example, since you have been defined as an ‘abandoned child’, then you must implement your positioning to the end!

【I want to win. 】

[I need your strength, Leah. 】

[I am not comforting you, nor am I simply not wanting to see you hurt. 】

[But I want to see a Liadrin in perfect condition in tomorrow's team competition, hoping that she can become a part of the victory puzzle...a vital part. 】

That's what the guy said at the time.

It's really ironic that he didn't deny himself, but he took it upon himself to deny his plan.

You should be forgiven, right?

after all……

"I really want to be a vital part of the victory puzzle you gave me."

Liadrin, who was still not quite conscious enough, murmured in a low voice and laughed to herself while lying on the horse.

Therefore, even if he acted arbitrarily and instigated his companions to continue fighting for a whole minute with an opponent who completely overwhelmed his own numbers after the first round of charge, it shouldn't matter, right?

Three versus ten, the purpose is not to defeat the enemy as much as possible, but to hold them in place. Everyone has done a very good job.


"Sister Leah!"

After that brutal one-minute fierce battle, he ordered the last comrade beside him to retreat, and then smashed himself into it.

"Sister Leah, are you okay, sister Leah!"

My memories from the future are a little unclear...

"Ah! Sister Liya! Brother Mo hugged that Mu Xuejian and kissed him!"

【! ? ! ? 】

Liadrin suddenly trembled, and then straightened her body suddenly: "What?"

"Pfft hahaha, I lied to you, I lied to you~"

The human female knight, who was much smaller than Liadrin, held the former's waist with one hand, and held up the tower shield that should be exaggeratedly large when half of it was complete with the other hand, while desperately controlling the black dragon colt under her crotch to dash left and right. While waving his shield to block the falling weapons of the holy spear knights, he panted violently and said, "With so many people separated, how could I possibly see the situation over there."

"Uh, you girl..."

Liadrin looked slightly red and was about to say something, but then she suddenly came back to her senses: "Wait! Didn't I ask you to retreat first?!"

"Brother Mo even asked us to rush back and join the others after a quick charge. I didn't see Sister Lia, you are obedient. Oh, it's so dangerous!"

Because she didn't lift her visor, the female knight who looked a little dull when she spoke laughed, and then suddenly let go of Liadrin's left hand, and pressed hard against the half tower shield that held the two lances at the same time. Pushing, finally he didn't let others throw him off the horse.

"Don't change the subject."

Liadrin scolded her with a stern face, while taking out a [Mass-produced Justice Mandala] from her companion's waist that had its poison box removed in advance to help: "Why are you disobedient?"

"Because I don't want to lose~"

The other party replied lightly and said with a smile: "Besides, I also like Brother Mo, and I want to look cool in front of the people I like."


"Hehe, I'm just kidding. Actually, I like a more frivolous type, preferably the kind of handsome guy who doesn't look serious but is romantic and dedicated at heart!"


While waving her sword and trying to help the girl behind her resist the attack, Liadrin laughed helplessly, but finally said nothing.

There is a saying that the knights of the Diesel family are unique in being able to talk and laugh in such a desperate situation where someone may blow their brains out at any time. If nothing else, at least in terms of psychological quality, these are just The fledgling young man already has a bit of cavalry style.

The girl behind her is named Scarlett Diesel. She is the same generation as Liadrin, but unlike the former who is a collateral line, she is a direct lineage among the direct lineage. She has a very cheerful personality and is considered outstanding among the younger generation in terms of strength. , not much worse than Liadrin.

Unlike most of her partners, Scarlett Diesel's main battle weapon is not the heavy sword, lance or tomahawk that most knights love to use, but is rarely used as a regular equipment except in specific circumstances. shield.

Even Liadrin, who has a certain strength, can hardly break Scarlett's defense within a hundred moves. In larger-scale regiment-level battles, the petite Scarlett is even more powerful. The more people fighting the moving Iron Curtain, the greater its value.

However, it is worth mentioning that this girl did not choose the shield for the reason of "all-out defense because she is too afraid of pain", but she really likes to tire her opponent out and use the big shield in her hand to beat them. If you beat your opponent to a bruised and swollen face, or with the help of your partner, beat your opponent to a bruised and swollen face, the violence factor in your heart is no less than that of others.

The Diesel family, which encourages personality development (as long as you don't learn to be a mage), also gave Scarlett a lot of support. In the early years, they even sent him to the distant Violet Empire in exchange for two hundred horses for free. As a price for the black dragon colt, the girl was allowed to study with Archduke Mercury Fernando, the patriarch of the contemporary Fernan family, for seven months.

After that, Scarlett Diesel's ranking among her peers has never fallen out of the top five, and she is the most popular one in every group training.

It was precisely because of this that she was able to persist with the strongest Liadrin until now. She was even able to break out of the way immediately after the latter fell from her horse and rescued her before the opponent could finish her attack. .


"You let yourself get trapped in order to save me. What on earth do you think, girl?"

Liadrin, who had a close personal relationship with Scarlett, sighed, looked around at the paladin knights with red eyes who wanted to capture both of them, and said with a wry smile: "You can escape alone, but now we The two of you have been trapped together, let alone withdrawing, how long can you hold on?"

"Half...half a minute, half a minute at most!"

Scarlett lifted up her visor, revealing her oval face that was a little red due to exhaustion, and said dripping with sweat: "Actually, I can hardly lift my arms anymore."

"Then why did you..."

"Because half a minute is enough~"

Scarlett held up the shield with her slightly trembling arms and barely blocked the war hammer coming from the side. She suddenly leaned back. If Liadrin hadn't quickly grabbed her with her quick hands, this girl would probably have died. He was slapped on the ground.

"Be careful! Let me block the one in front!"

Liadrin struggled to strike a [Thunder] with her awkward one-handed sword, but failed to break through the opponent's thick armor. She gritted her teeth and said, "And what did you mean by saying that half a minute is enough? "

"I mean……"


A series of sounds that sounded strange to the contestants of the Paladin Academy, but were extremely familiar to Liadrin, interrupted Scarlett's words.

【This is! 】

Liadrin's eyes suddenly widened.

A war horse that was very close to her, wearing heavy armor, suddenly had something that didn't quite match its style on its neck.

As a member of the Diesel family, this is a very familiar thing.


The next second, the war horse in front of Liadrin suddenly paused, and then fell to the ground suddenly. The heavy cavalry on its back also fell to the ground unprepared, and was shielded by Scarlett, who seemed to have planned it. He was slapped on the head and passed out immediately.

And the same scene actually appeared nine times in a blink of an eye.

In less than two seconds, no one or horse in the Holy Lance heavy cavalry unit surrounding the two female knights could stand!

At the same time, the Diesel Rangers, which split into two teams half a minute ago, roared past both sides. They smiled and saluted their two partners who were deeply trapped in the enemy's formation. , and the nine people on the innermost side, the muscle knot under their crotch is like a ferocious beast rather than a war horse, and is neatly tied with a rather ferocious and tight metal metal on the side of the saddle. The lock is connected to the necks of the nine war horses on the ground.

The lasso tactic was a knight tactic that was popular for a short time a long time ago, but was eventually eliminated because of its low practicality.

The reason for being eliminated is simply that in mid-level and above legion-level battles, this method is almost impossible to trouble those enemies who can already unleash their energy and have superior reaction speed. In this battle, When the magic can be generally effective, instead of letting your own knights practice this kind of skill that is difficult for beginners to learn, it is better for them to spend the same time training themselves and advance to the next level as soon as possible.

So this tactic quickly became the tear of the times, and now almost no serious knights will use it.

But few people know that in the Diesel family, anyone who is not the kind of iron-headed boy who wants to become a mage can master this craft and do it wherever he wants.

The reason is very simple, they have many pastures...

How many are there?

To put it simply, it is similar to the table tennis case in my country and the football field in Brazil.

The first lesson for the children of the Diesel family after they reach the age of eight is to go to any damn place to hitch a horse back. As long as it is not a pasture within a thirty-mile radius of their home, they can hitch it from anyone.

To sum up, girls like Liadrin and Scarlett basically experienced a childhood where they were chased and intercepted by ranchers (mostly members of their own family) and worked hard to catch horses for themselves. He received a few fat beatings.

In other words, any member of the Diesel family who can safely live to be over eight years old is basically a good horse, and they are very resistant to fighting.

Of course, most of the horses that children can play with are relatively docile. Not to mention the fierce black dragon colt, even the well-trained war horses of the Paladin Knight Academy are not as good. After all, horses are generally stronger. They are all older than an eight-year-old child, so they can easily be in danger if you are not careful. (PS: Except for Jadeka Diesel, he took the black dragon colt of the third uncle next door to his own home)

But as the children grow up day by day, from brats to knights, and even become eligible to get a black dragon colt of their own, this horse-glove skill will come into use.

To sum up——

The first step is to pick up a lasso weighing 20 kilograms, mixed with black gold ore, and extremely tough.

The second step is to aim at the target (a person's neck or a horse's neck) and throw it out vigorously.

The third step is to tie the other side of the lasso to the integrated saddle of the black dragon colt.

The fourth step is to shout: "Drive——"

"Fuck you man~~You are mighty and majestic~~~"

Sitting next to Diana and an old man with a white beard in the stands, Futaba felt that the scene was very lively even though he couldn't see the doorway. He couldn't help but sing.

Pleasant, pleasant to the ear.

Game time PM15:27

Comprehensive Knight Fighting Competition Finals, second half

The Holy Lance Knight Academy gathered at the core of the attack and reinforcement tactics. A total of fifteen high-level heavy knights were eliminated.

Chapter 1,117: End

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