Quadruple split

Chapter 1129 Good fight

Diesel Knight charges...

Abandoning the biggest advantage since the beginning of the game, including Liadrin and Scarlett, two heavy knights who were still seriously injured although they were rescued by their companions at the last moment, the Diesel delegation except All the participants except Mo Tan, a total of thirty-five people, launched a charge against the Paladin Knight Academy who had just slowed down and was about to turn around and rush towards Mu Xuejian.

To be more precise, it should have been a charge against the twenty-two heavy cavalry from the Paladin Knight Academy!

A charge that is infinitely close to 'suicide' in people's senses.

It is true that anyone with a discerning eye can see that the average quality of Diesel's side is much higher than that of the Paladin Academy, and they also have a one-third advantage in quantity.

But in any case, these factors cannot be the reason for a ranger to charge at another heavy cavalry that has not yet collapsed, and it seems that they want to directly defeat the latter.

What they can't do, there's no reason they can do it!

Even the Diesel family cannot easily shake the common sense of conflict between arms in the 'high-level' field.

Under the premise that both sides maintain a certain distance, the rangers with high range and high mobility have the upper hand.

In the case of a confrontation between the two sides, no matter how bad the heavy cavalry is, there is no reason to lose to a ranger, even if the opponent's number is 30% more than theirs.

But Diesel charged anyway!

They put away their war bows, which could clearly pose a threat to the enemy from dozens of meters away, and uniformly drew out their swords, raised their lances, turned their horses' heads, and silently increased their speed, increased their speed, and increased their speed again!

It was as calm and natural as if it had been practiced hundreds of times.

This is suicide!

It was obviously a conclusion that a passerby with a little knowledge of the knight field could draw. However, these Diesel people seemed to have gone crazy at the same time and ignored it. They just blindly increased the speed of their horses and drew closer quickly. distance from the opponent.

[What are they going to do? What do they want to do? ! 】

For a moment, even Barty Arthur fell into a brief confusion and froze in place.

However, he was only stunned for a few seconds. After quickly coming back to his senses, although he still could not guess the motivation of the other party's actions, Barty still made the most correct decision at the first time.

"Defensive stance, shield, circle formation!"

Giving up the idea of ​​going back to liberate Mu Xuejian, Barty immediately gave the order loudly. The next second, despite countless doubts and confusions in his heart, the students around him still quickly formed a team. The airtight circular defense array is ready.

Can't turn around!

If we continue to implement the original plan, the only result is that the ranger rushes into the rear formation before it is in place, directly opening a dangerous gap.

Barty, who knew this well, had no time to explain. Instead, he narrowed his eyes and stared at the approaching Diesel Knight not far away, unwilling to let go of any detail.

[It is impossible for them to break through the circular formation formed by the heavy cavalry...]

[Even if there is no head-to-head collision and bloodshed, but it turns into a strangulation battle, we still have an absolute advantage...]

[So, there will definitely be changes, there will definitely be changes! 】

He took a deep breath, clenched the sword in his hand, and his face turned pale.

After his plans had been broken several times, although Barty Arthur did not fall into shameful self-doubt, his emphasis on Diesel's 'tactics' had been stretched to the limit. To put it simply, he absolutely I don't believe that an opponent who can let me suffer repeated losses would make such a simple mistake easily!

The other party must have been premeditated, so there was no way he could just rush in and die like this.

Since you don’t want to die, you will definitely change!


【coming! 】

The next second, Batty's pupils shrank instantly, and he ordered without hesitation: "Everyone dismount and stand up with shields! Semi-circular formation on both wings! Head left, tail right, thicken it!"

As expected, the Diesel family changed their formation when they approached a dangerous distance for both parties!

They cleverly split into two parts through a large number of subtle details while moving at high speed. Although they still seemed to be a whole, in Barty's eyes, they had been divided into two parts, with the two important ones at the front. The cavalry was the center point and split into two teams!

In addition, the two knights in the middle row also completed an operation almost unknowingly at some point, which was to use a large amount of the same material as the 'rope' in the previous rope arrows, which did not look conspicuous. The rope was tied around the saddle of the neighboring companion.

Their movements were very fast, and the companions around them quietly provided a lot of cover, but they were still not missed by Barty, who had released the synchronization and was staring at him with all his attention.

The answer is already very clear!

[Fishing Net Tactics]!

Like the previous horse roping tactic, the fishing net tactic is also a very uncommon tactic. To briefly analyze it, it uses ropes or chains connected between the knights to filter through the enemy formation between the two groups of knights like a fishing net, causing chaos. and killing.

In the duel between knights and knights, this tactic is directed at the enemy's horses in most cases.

No matter how strong the rope is, it will be difficult to shake a heavy knight sitting on horseback, armed like an iron can. But if the goal is to maintain mobility, the armor cannot be increased at will, and it must be at the joints. With a blank war horse, the effect this move can have is terrifying!

If everything goes well, after a round of 'fishing nets' sifts through the horse's legs, the opponent's formation will definitely be in chaos, and the heavy cavalry, which was originally known for its high defense, will immediately turn into a slow-moving iron pile, and it will be a disaster. The enemies ravaged them wantonly.

If you play it more cleverly, the 'fishing net' can even be reversed and screened for another round, using its high mobility to directly trap the opponent's infantry in place.

Batty has no doubt that the Diesel man in front of him has this skill. In fact, if the opponent really implements this tactic successfully, he will first confuse himself with the illusion of a suicide charge, and then suddenly break into pieces the moment he approaches his main formation. Both of them, if they pull the net directly, there is indeed a very high probability of directly killing the game.

However, now that I have seen through it, there is nothing to be afraid of.

With just a few simple arrangements, a well-prepared heavy cavalry can easily tear apart the fishing net tactics that have lost the advantage of 'surprise', and instead plunge the opponent into a quagmire.

The first step is to dismount everyone.

In the second step, the left and right wings raised shields close to the ground, covering the war horse behind themselves.

The third step is to reinforce the vanguard and palace troops to the left and right sides of the array, because if the opponent uses fishing net tactics, theoretically the central area, which is the most dangerous when the knights are hedging, will not be too threatened.

The fourth step is to use the weight of the heavy knight and the battle formation when the opponent pulls the net, turning the enemy into the main force and forcibly "braking" the enemies who have ropes tied to each other.

Finally, mount and strangle to end the battle.

"What a pity~"

After completing the arrangement, Barty let out a long sigh of relief and said with a smile: "If you had done it more secretly, or if I had been a little more impatient, this wonderful move might have wiped out our main force. .”

Barry is only half of 90……

I admit that I was led by the nose most of the time, but in competitions, the final result still depends on it.

Although I don't know who you are, I admit that I am a total failure in this area of ​​planning.

At this moment, Barty, who had realized that 'Mo' was probably just the executor of Dieselfan's plan, not the one who formulated it, smacked his lips and laughed happily.

It's a pity that plans are just plans after all. As long as you don't go to the battlefield in person, there will always be omissions!

[You have already taught me several lessons. Now, let me teach you another lesson! 】

[A qualified commander cannot let the battle situation escape his control! 】

Barty Arthur waved his right hand vigorously: "Everyone, prepare for impact. After passing the first round of sieves, mount your horse and entangle them immediately, and strangle them to the end!"


The friends around him were exaggerated by Barty's confidence and agreed with great enthusiasm.

"Okay, now our cards on both sides have been played."

Narrowing his eyes slightly, Barty licked the corners of his dry mouth, stared at the Diesel Ranger not far away who had probably completed all the rope links, and murmured: "Let's dismantle it..."



Charge again——

As if completely unaware that there was a heavy cavalry in front of them, Diesel's Liadrin, Scarlett and thirty-three other rangers frantically mobilized their horses and charged forward!

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer, and the distance of tens of meters disappears in an instant!

Almost in the blink of an eye, Liadrin had already rushed to the double semicircular formation of the Paladin Knight Academy that almost reinforced the two sides to make it airtight!

【Tear it down...】

【Tear it down...】

【Tear it down...】

[Why haven’t you dismantled it yet? ? 】

When Batty finally realized something was wrong, a huge shield had already been slapped on his head.

"It's beheading~"

Easily breaking into the empty Paladin Knight Academy formation at the front, Scarlett Diesel chuckled and winked at the handsome half-orc from the Fox tribe who was hidden in the middle by everyone and almost had his eyes popped out. Blinking: "You've been fooled!"


After narrowly avoiding Scarlett's shield, which was less than 30% of her prime, Barty's eyes suddenly widened, and then...

Boom! ! !

Then, Liadrin behind Scarlett struck down the war horse with a sword, slamming it headfirst onto the ground, and simply lost consciousness.

The next moment, although the knights were all lightly dressed, each black dragon colt was covered in heavy armor of more than 80 kilograms. The impact force of the Diesel cavalry was no worse than that of ordinary heavy knights and they directly dug in. !

He dug into the center of the main formation of the Holy Lance Knight Academy, which was still stupidly waiting for his side to divide his troops. The front formation had been reduced by almost 70% in order to strengthen the defense on the two wings!


Leaning on the stone pillar in front of the main entrance of the arena, almost staggered by the huge cheers and exclamations behind him, Lamorlock smiled, gently pushed his monocle, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes. Joking: "Really, that's the guy who just commanded himself and the enemy alone in the north not long ago. How could he only have one more card hidden?"

"Hmph, did you already guess that Serge would win?"

"Who knows, maybe I just wanted to show off in front of Ms. Jiawen, but I didn't really care~"

"Looking at you smiling so disgustingly, I'm afraid that's not what happened."

"No, that's actually what happened, not to mention..."

"Besides what?"

"Besides, I'm actually not interested in which side will win. I just want to confirm my guess through Diesel's victory."


"Come on, dear Tom, it's time for me to prepare for the next stage, but I don't have time to linger here any longer."

"You mean the southwest side?"

"No, no, no, actually, I can't wait that long~"


"You'll find out soon enough."


[Quick Sword·Dragon-Slaying Technique]

Mu Xuejian, whose physical strength had dropped below 60%, put his left hand together and slowly brushed it from [Wushuang]'s sword, slashing out a dark yellow sword light dripping with sweat.


Wang Badan's mammoth figure swirled in front of Mo Tan, who was unable to avoid it. With his thick hard shell, he was able to withstand the sword energy with the [Dragon Killing] attribute, and then the whole turtle With a sudden shock, he finally spat out a mouthful of old blood due to the overwhelming force, fell softly to the ground, and closed his broken mouth.

[Tai Chi Sword · Sky Breaking] + [Defeat Sword · Shield Breaking Style]

Without hesitation, Mu Xuejian thrust [Wushuang] upside down on the ground. The moment Mo Tan's vision was blocked by Wang Badan, Mu Xuejian slapped a backhand and silently hit the man who had lost consciousness but was still in need of a beating. Wang Badan's body!

The surging sword intent passed through the body and struck Mo Tan hard without deducting almost any of Wang Ba Dan's health.


His body swayed. After confirming that Wang Ba Dan was still alive, Mo Tan, who had planned to take the opportunity to distance himself from Mu Xuejian, staggered. Finally, the [Internal Creation] and [Body Erosion Sword Intent] stacked up to ten in the status bar. After five floors, he fell to the ground, with his health and stamina reduced to less than ten percent.

"So this... bastard is actually a dragon?"

Mu Xuejian, who wanted to say a few ugly words, but found that he didn't have enough vocabulary, glanced at Wang Badan's body that was riddled with holes, twitching, and covered with sword marks, and casually pressed [Wushuang] against it. On Mo Tan's neck, he said lightly: "So, although it's a bit surprising, I still win, right?"

"Yeah, you win."

Mo Tan didn't try to get up again and fight Mu Xuejian for a while, but smiled and nodded: "But it's just that 'you' won."

"What do you want to say?"

"Good fight, sorry."

Chapter 1,122: End

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