Quadruple split

Chapter 1131 Xiao

Mu Xuejian actually didn't want to admit defeat.

It's not that she cares much about the 'deal' between herself and Hopkins. In fact, this girl is just like most people, she simply doesn't like to 'lose'.

Why lie down if you can win the fight?

Who wants to kneel if they can stand?

If you can struggle, why not give it a try?

So at the beginning, when faced with Scarlett Diesel's "persuasion" to surrender, Mu Xuejian was completely unfazed, and even wanted to laugh a little.

Despite going through a very tiring 'fierce battle', if you look at the character panel alone, Mu Xuejian's combat effectiveness has not actually been reduced too much.

Except for being hit by Mo Tan at the beginning, Mu Xuejian, who was almost unscathed throughout the whole process, now still has 89% of her health. In terms of physical strength, although she is using skills almost non-stop, she still has several talents. With the blessing of passive skills, those skills that would only consume 70% of the cost due to the profession of [Sword Maniac] were almost shattered, and the final consumption was not even half of the skill description.

Not only that, because Mu Xuejian maintained a skill called [Xianfengyun Physical Technique] through special breathing methods throughout the whole process, her physical strength recovered very quickly during the battle. Although it was not visible to the naked eye, it was Still far more than most normal players.

To put it directly, the character Mu Xuejian still has 48% remaining physical energy.

All in all, although this white-haired girl who has already developed a strong hand is definitely weaker than herself in her full state, in the eyes of others, Mu Xuejian is holding [Wu Shuang] in her left hand and surrounded by layers of sword intent. Still very dangerous! Very very very dangerous!

To give an example that is not very appropriate, Zhang San was walking on the street. No matter whether he was killed by a passing ogre weighing more than 600 pounds, or he was suddenly hit directly by the "Absolute Safety Express" falling from the sky. Death actually doesn't make much difference to Zhang San, it's the same death anyway.

In the same way, when facing Mu Xuejian, the Diesel family members were just Zhang San passing by. If Mu Xuejian in his heyday was the "Absolute Safety Express", then he would be killed by Mo Tan. Now she is a strong ogre (?) weighing more than 600 pounds. The picture effect may not be as shocking as the former's intercontinental missile-like style, but it is not a big problem to kill Zhang San.

In theory, this is true.

If the Diesel family chooses to go head-to-head with Mu Xuejian, even if they are both the best knights of the same level and have a tacit understanding of cooperation, the odds of winning are probably only 40 to 60. There are four of them and Mu Xuejian is the thief.

But the question is, will the Diesel family, which has implemented its established tactics to the last stage, use its own shortcomings to attack the enemy's strengths, and line up for Mu Xuejian to kill them?

Of course it's impossible, and Mu Xuejian himself knows it's impossible.

But even if you don't allow yourself to hit 64, you can still try 46.

The [Yuan Qu] that was newly created a few days ago and is specifically designed to be used in large-scale melees can be put to use here.

The corners of her mouth formed a graceful arc, and the girl raised her right hand to gently touch the sword body, ready for battle.

Scarlett also laughed at the same time, raised her shield and threw it directly at the opponent.

[Fernand Shield Technique Coil Fang Cyclone Shield]


[Yuan Qu·Under the Shadow of a Little Feihong]

Feihong flashed, and Scarlett's shield dance, which was invincible in the same level competition, was instantly knocked into the air. The dark energy hidden inside was washed away by a refined sword intent, and even the most basic retracement of the original path was If it couldn't do that, it just disintegrated in mid-air.

at the same time……

The three roping ropes silently strangled the war horse that Hopkins personally selected for Mu Xuejian, and dragged the latter away not far from the two of them.

Soon enough, at the moment when the poor war horse was taken away, Scarlett Diesel turned around and ran away without saying a word. As she ran, she shouted: "Oh my god! This white-haired woman is so strong." Ridiculous!”

Then he quickly reached the 'safe distance' where even Mu Xuejian's sword move with the longest range would lose most of its power once it reaches it. He took off the bow from behind with his backhand and raised his hand to shoot out an arrow.

Mu Xuejian frowned and casually flicked away the not-so-destructive arrow.

The next moment, a rain of arrows rained down with exactly the same style, but twenty times the number.

[Yuan Qu·Urgent Punishment: The lamp goes out at night]

In an instant, Mu Xuejian flew into the air to control Wu Shuang, stirring up 'ripples' made up of intertwined sword shadows in mid-air, scattering all the arrows that were not sharp but extremely sharp. Washed away to pieces.

However, before Mu Xuejian could find the starting point of the arrow rain just now, more than twenty arrows of the same style flew towards her from all directions.

[Yuanqu·Zonghuang Tomb and Cross-cut Stele]

Mu Xuejian raised his hands to make Wushuang turn upside down in the air. Suddenly, several eerie sword intentions shot up into the sky, intercepting the arrows like tombstones rising from the ground. He was five meters away from himself, not even half a step into the thunder pool.

[Yuanqu·Juanxiangfeng Shili Bead Curtain]

Using his will to control the sword, Mu Xuejian jumped up lightly, and placed his toes firmly on the center of the [Wushuang] sword that was parked in mid-air. His elegant and slender figure was like a strong wind, moving towards the closest to him. The three Diesel Knights rushed away.

The three people who were targeted also turned around and galloped away without saying a word.

Three seconds later, the duration of Mu Xuejian's skill ended, and the distance between him and his opponent, which had been shortened to less than ten meters, was immediately pulled away again.

"Okay, I admit defeat."

Mu Xuejian, who had thoroughly understood the opponent's tactics, did not let the Diesel Knights scattered around the field fire a third round of arrows. Instead, he simply raised his little hand and shook it, and then looked at the audience in stunned silence. He jumped off the playing field, quickly pulled out a snow-white linen bandage from his bag, and wrapped [Wushuang].

The game ended abruptly.

Of course, the so-called 'obtrusiveness' is actually in the eyes of laymen who only watch the fun. After all, for these melon-eaters, since the half-dragon knight who can fight Mu Xuejian back and forth, Now that they are out of the way, the former will naturally have the opportunity to have a good fight with the opponent's remnant army.

And those who understand, after Diesel decisively broke it into pieces and fired the second round of arrows, they realized that this game would basically end here if nothing unexpected happened...

They were in the spectator seats with a wide viewing angle, so naturally they could see the situation clearly faster than Mu Xuejian, who was involved.

Mu Xuejian, who has lost his mount, no matter how strong his personal strength is, it is almost impossible to catch up with the Diesel Rangers who spontaneously split into "a ball of loose sand" while the two sides are far apart. The Rangers' load-bearing capacity is relatively heavy, but they can't hold it against the high quality of Diesel's Black Dragon Colt.

Leaving aside the most basic load-bearing, endurance, and explosive power of a war horse, even if we only focus on combat effectiveness, the redback beast that almost wiped out Cole and Xiao Ai's student team may not be able to defeat a black dragon colt in a duel.

As a swordsman (no one really regards Mu Xuejian as a knight anymore), Mu Xuejian uses cold weapons, even if he uses sword energy and other things to his advantage, the range is far inferior to that of the Diesel family. [Lion's Roar Bow].

Therefore, when he is unable to run, cannot be hit, and can only be suppressed by unilateral firepower, unless Mu Xuejian suddenly feels blessed and breaks through to the epic level on the spot, he currently only has high-level peak hard power. There is absolutely no way she can win, not even a half-step epic!

After that exploratory pursuit failed, Mu Xuejian, who also realized this truth, naturally no longer persisted needlessly, but simply chose to admit defeat.

She had used all her strength, even using her left hand. No matter how she thought about it, she could perfectly reach the 'deal' she had negotiated with Hopkins a few months ago.

Unless [Wushuang] is completely liberated, allowing your weapon to reach the epic realm first, and then develop into a situation where you optimistically estimate that you will not be able to use [Wushuang] for several months after enjoying it, otherwise you will definitely win. Can't win.

So after weighing it a little, Mu Xuejian chose to admit defeat without hesitation.

And the moment she had just finished wrapping her [Wushuang], a sonorous sound suddenly came from behind Mu Xuejian.

The girl looked back in astonishment, and saw that the knights of the Diesel family, headed by Liadrin, had unexpectedly lined up neatly in two teams at the edge of the stand behind her, and raised their hands in unison. weapon, and gave Mu Xuejian a knightly salute that she was very familiar with during this period, and could not be more upright.

It's a silent tribute.

It’s not that they feel that they are invincible. After all, there is no such thing as ‘fairness’ in a real battlefield. Victory is victory, and defeat is defeat. Of course, the knights of the Diesel family will understand this.

They were simply paying tribute to a respectable opponent, nothing more.


Complaining in his heart, with a smile on his lips that he didn't notice, Mu Xuejian awkwardly raised [Wu Shuang], put it against his forehead, and performed a nondescript knightly salute. Then he nodded slightly to the "weak" people in front of him who were by no means weak, and walked briskly towards the rest area.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Batty was silent for a long time after Lenan finished translating the short ending of Mu Xuejian's version. Then he nodded to the two girls, struggled to stand up, and said with a smile: "I'll go to Diesel's place to have a look. Since he We are all so graceful, we can’t seem too sore losers, right?”

"Okay, I'll accompany you."

Lenan didn't hesitate.

"I'll go too, I want to have a little silent chat with that guy."

Mu Xuejian tore open a new pack of snacks and followed them slowly and leisurely.

the other side

Mo Tan, who was almost mummified by Ya Ya's terrible bandaging technique, lowered his head blankly, looking at a long sword lying quietly on his knees, looking very ugly.

In other words, it is something that is currently presented in front of him in the form of a 'long sword'.

【Dawn·Ruthless Sword】

soul binding

Weapon Category: Special Weapon

Current form: sword

Activation conditions: One-handed weapon specialization>1, Strength 5, Constitution 3

Quality: only broken - can grow

Attack power: very low

Attributes: Strength +5, Constitution +1, Dexterity +2, Critical damage +0.5%

Additional skills: Sword Cutting Love Silk (being sealed), Sword Luoshuangtian (being sealed), Silent Moon (being sealed), Wu Mian (being sealed),? ? ? ,? ? ? ,? ? ?


1. [Sword]: Form transformation - Ruthless Sword (current)

2. [Gun]: Form transformation - plain snow gun

3. [Knife]: Form transformation——Red Lotus Sword

4. [Dagger]: Form transformation - Thorn of Everlasting Sorrow

5. [Jerber]: Form transformation - Shura Halberd

6. [Axe]: Form transformation—unparalleled axe

7. [Stand]: Form transformation——Longyuan Stick

8. [Shield]: Form transformation - Seven-star fan

9,【? ]:? ? ?


The moon is sleepless, the ink stains the ruthless sword, the moon is silent and the sky is frosty;

The ruthless sword cuts off three lives.

The tears are slightly salty, the tip of the silver snow is transformed into thousands of shadows;

The plain snow gun breaks the ghost's thoughts.

Don't you see it, the edge of the blade shines on the window eaves, and the screen splashes with red lotus;

If you are waiting for the red lotus sword.

The long song of resentment, the stabbing in the sheath at the third watch, the old dream is difficult to realize;

Everlasting regret pierces floating resentment

Shura smiled, before the halberd broke through the formation, he was lonely and arrogant;

Shura's halberd and howling ghost are hard to describe.

The unparalleled general drinks from the underworld with his ax and recommends Xuanyuan with his blood;

The Wushuang ax creates a whirlwind of fire and wind.

When the dragon emerges from the abyss, thousands of armies are cowardly and lawless;

Long Yuan's stick is horizontal, don't fight for the first place.

The seven stars have fallen, fan dancing across the mountains and rivers, and the clothes are as white as snow;

The seven-star fan dances in the water and hangs upside down. 】

Obviously, this is the mission reward that Mo Tan received after completing the mission [Championship] with a difficulty level of 'difficulty' and a level of 'unique epic' that he received before.

Although the regular rewards only include things like reputation, experience, equipment specialization, etc., given that Mo Tan's final contribution in this mission was 76%, he can also receive an additional significant reward.

Choose one from [randomly obtain a unique epic-level weapon available to your current highest-level profession] or [then receive a growth-enhancing weapon available to your current highest-level profession].

As a promising young man in the new era who eats a lot of pork and has a lot of pigs running around, Mo Tan naturally ruled out the first option at the first opportunity, giving up most of the applicable epic-level weapons that could greatly improve his current combat power. Instead, he chose a completely random weapon except for the two characteristics of 'usable' and 'growable'.

Obviously, although there will be certain risks, from a long-term perspective, the second option is indeed more attractive.

To sum up, Mo Tan, who was tied up like a mummy with bandages, felt that it was idle time, so he directly accepted the reward.

Then, this weapon named [Akatsuki] appeared in his luggage.

The quality is shabby, the appearance is also shabby, and the attributes are even more appalling.

But after taking a glance at the long list of [Characteristics], Mo Tan immediately realized something.

Things are changing, and I, who has always had a bad character...

This is truly a treasure found!

Chapter 1024: End

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