Quadruple split

Chapter 1144 Accounting and Greetings

Olathe Wars is not a realm of innocence. Although this masterpiece can definitely be said to be at the forefront of the industry, as a 'game', no matter how fast its main system responds, it still needs to communicate with the main brain server. Interactive, so no matter how fast the Internet speed is and how hard the hardware is in 2049, as a game with a global server and huge data throughput, most of the operations in this game require 'over-judgment' of.

However, the judgment process time for some frequently used operations is almost negligible, such as drinking medicine, killing monsters, and skills.

When you slash a monster with a knife, it doesn't matter if the bloody mouth appears for 0.1 second longer or shorter than 0.1 second, and it will hardly be noticed by anyone.

However, there are some things for which the system judgment process is more cumbersome, such as fishing.

Hanging bait requires one judgment, throwing the rod requires one judgment, biting the hook requires one judgment, lifting the hook requires one judgment, and harvesting requires one judgment.

Of course, just like killing monsters, with the powerful performance of the main brain server, the judgment speed of this series of systems is very fast, almost no different from when we fish in reality.



In "Olathe Wars", if you want to open the illustration of the corresponding fish species, you must complete all the above steps. In other words, only when the player completely catches a certain fish and completes the harvest, the corresponding fishing illustration will be available. It will be unlocked, and only after the harvest is completed, it will be included in the system data and calculated into ranking points.

It is true that, as Yanguang herself said before, she is not interested in the rankings. She just wants to open the illustrated book, but even to open the illustrated book, she still needs to successfully complete the system judgment!

The premise of judgment is harvest, and the definition of harvest is - successfully catching the fish you caught!

In the settings of the system, no matter how ferocious the species is, even if it is a spiny shark that can eat children in the background, the moment they are caught by a fisherman, their combat effectiveness will be forcibly compressed to zero.

The size is also not a problem. The moment they are touched, these things will enter the fisherman's exclusive equipment [fish basket]. That thing is set to be some kind of space equipment. Anyway, it is just for any fish. You can put it in for me.

Well, now that science has been popularized to this extent, most of you have guessed what happened at that moment just now.

[Scarlet Storm] This skill is the strongest first-line rogue skill in "Olathe Wars". However, since this game is not the main story we want to tell, and the skill description is quite serious, we will not do it here. I won’t go into details, all you need to know is that this skill is very strong, fierce, and fierce.

Especially in the hands of a person holding [Apocalypse] and wearing a weird cartoon catfish hood, even a small elite level monster would have a hard time surviving after completely eating this move [Crimson Storm].

Even a max-level elite monster is like this...

What's more, what about a rare fish that has just been pulled out of the water by a fisherman and is flying in the air with zero combat effectiveness. It looks ferocious but is actually harmless?

The scarlet blood shadow whizzed past, and the vicious spiny shark, which even in its heyday would have been impossible to hold back, died with a squeak without saying a word.

There was a bloody hole about half the size of a man's body, and his health, which was only 1/1, returned to zero in an instant, turning into little streams of light and disappearing in mid-air.

Simply put it is.

Dark Light’s last illustration—it’s gone!

Innocence, game time PM21:57

The eastern border of Toril City State, Beaver Town, [Hard Seat] Tavern


I don't know when I raised my hand to hold Aramis's shoulder. The game ID in the Innocence Realm is 'Yu Shang', and in the Olaxi War Chronicles, the name is 'Dark Light'. Zai Hanbing stared at the latter and emphasized every word: "It's gone, my Fierce Spiny Shark is gone!"

Aramis blinked: "What shark?"

"My fierce spiny shark..."

"What's wrong with your breasts?"



With a confused look on his face, Aramis had a conversation with the girl in front of him that was a replica of the first meeting three years ago.

However, this time Yu Shang didn't say "die" directly, and then stabbed Aramis with a knife. He just glared at him with a very cold look, and calmly recounted the story of the Olathe War that happened three years ago. The story was told again.

"Well, it touched upon my blind spot of knowledge."

Mo listened to the story carefully, then took a nap quietly, and added after a brief silence: "But this must be an... accident, right?"

Yu Shang pursed his lips: "Yes, there is only one world where no one is hurt."

"So what happened to the little fisherman brother who was killed? Did he come to you later? Is he still chasing you? Are you with him?"

Wu Nian immediately digressed from the topic and started gossiping directly.

Yu Shang tugged at the corner of his mouth helplessly, shook his head and said, "You are thinking too much. Although that person came to me later, he seemed to have a bounty placed on him at that time, so..."

Wu Nian tilted his head: "So what's the matter?"

"Ahem, I happened to be interested in two sets of pretty good-looking equipment at that time, and he was really annoying."

Yu Shang coughed slightly and muttered with wandering eyes: "So I couldn't hold it back for a moment, so... well, I digressed. In short, that's what happened. Is there anything else you want to explain, Typing Warrior? ?”

At the end of the sentence, those cold eyes stared at Aramis' blank face again.


Aramis, who had just revealed his identity and was found by his creditor, was confused, and his eyes were full of questions: "What does it have to do with me?"

‘Are you still struggling? It’s obvious that you did what happened to your grandson! And the time was right. Didn’t we all go to play Olathe War Chronicles as a group at that time for leisure? ’

Porthos calmly sent a friend message to Aramis.

‘I don’t know, I don’t remember this happening at all! ! ! ’

Aramis replied instantly.

‘You’re not talking nonsense, think about it, when have you ever remembered the dirty things you did? You only hold grudges! And do you dare to say that the person Yu Shang is talking about is not you? ’

‘Haha, I can guarantee you that although I have no impression at all, the person Yu Shang is talking about is definitely me! ’

‘Fuck you, why are you still struggling? Kneel down and give me a slap and try to get leniency! ’

‘That’s impossible, this matter cannot be admitted to death. ’

‘What’s going on? Do you still think you can escape? ’

‘Why not? Didn't you hear what Yu Shang said? The person who killed her fish was wearing a disguise on his head. I thought about it carefully. According to my style, in order to prevent people from seeking revenge, they must have done a good job of disguise. She just took action, so she couldn't really hit me! ’

'so what? ’

‘Pretend to be stupid and get away with it! ’

'Good luck. ’

‘Don’t betray me. ’

‘I don’t care about you. ’

All in all, after a brief exchange with Porthos, Aramis also sorted out his thoughts and was ready to insist on his ignorance and hide the bad thing that was most likely his own fault.

But he didn’t remember what Yu Shang just said was true. It’s not that Aramis has a bad memory. In fact, as Porthos said, he rarely remembers what he has done. thing.

Give a very simple example↓

Do you remember how much bread you have eaten in your life?

If you don't remember, then Aramis won't remember how many bad things he did.

"I don't know, I really don't know."

Aramis emphasized the truth very sincerely, looked at the half-dragon girl in front of him seriously, and said sternly: "I think that person really shouldn't be me. Really, I am a very kind person. Even mosquitoes are reluctant to kill, let alone humans.”

Yu Shang raised his eyebrows slightly: "Oh, really?"

"Yeah yeah!"

Aramis nodded.

"That day, the murderer who killed the Spiny Shark said his weapon was called [Apocalypse]."

Yu Shang moved the hand holding Aramis' shoulder to the latter's neck and said leisurely: "Do you know what that is?"

Aramis's heart immediately thumped, and he forced a smile and said: "Ah...ah haha...I remember that it seemed to be a famous weapon in the Olathe War? I also bought it at the end of the version. Collect them all, haha, hahahaha."

"Really? How do I remember that the owner of the first [Apocalypse] after that version update happened to be called 'Typing Warrior'?"

Yu Shang rarely showed a heart-warming, gentle and kind smile, and patted Aramis's cheek gently: "By the way, when I went to catch the Spiny Shark CD, there was no second team to push it. The gatekeeper of that copy has a chance of dropping [Apocalypse] King Kilak Sultan."

Aramis: "..."

The smile on Yu Shang's face grew stronger: "You don't think I haven't conducted any investigation at all, do you? Mr. Typing Warrior, the president of Yuhuo Guild?"

Aramis looked ashen.

Three whole years! He really didn't expect that the other party would hold such a grudge against a fish!

"Is there anything else you want to explain?"

The fisherman girl has a smile as bright as a flower.


Aramis, who hit the south wall and saw the coffin, shivered, shrank his neck and shook his head: "How about I kneel down for you, and let's do this..."

"Let's write down this account first."

As a result, Yu Shang suddenly turned around as if nothing had happened, reopened the fish illustrated book in his hand, read it, and said without raising his head: "I'll talk about it when I think of how to get you to return it."

Aramis, who didn't expect that he would be let go so easily, opened his eyes wide: "Eh!?"

"I'm talking about accounting, not letting you go."

Yu Shang snorted angrily and said lightly, "Don't you and Portos have something to say? Let's continue."

Aramis blinked twice, turned to Porthos and asked, "What were we trying to say just now?"

"Invite them into the group."

Porthos announced the theme succinctly, then added: "Formal."

"Oh yes!"

Aramis clapped his hands vigorously and said suddenly: "That's it. To put it simply, our Yuhuo Guild also plans to stay here permanently in the name of the 'Brigade'. And then, through this period of getting along, Portos and I both think we can play together, so we just want to say that if possible, we hope that Wu Nian, Yu Shang and Mo will join us."

Yu Shang shrugged noncommittally and said nothing.

"What do I want to do by joining you?"

The elf girl sitting on Portos's shoulder crossed her arms, tilted her head and asked: "Let's not talk about Mo for now, Shang Shang and I don't have much fighting ability. We will definitely not be able to help in the matter of fighting. Besides, I don’t plan to stay in one place for a long time. I have stayed in Beaver Town for a long time this time. If I hadn’t joined the adventurer team, I would have wandered off to another place long ago.”

Yu Shang nodded slightly and said calmly: "Me too, I have basically caught all the fish in Beli Town during this period, so like Wu Nian, I don't want to stay here for a long time. After all, casual players like us I don’t like staying in one place all the time, or clocking in and doing tasks like clocking in at work.”

"I didn't think too much about it."

Mo smiled warmly and said softly: "Although I plan to wait for Aramis and you to explain something to me before making a decision, if nothing unexpected happens, I will still be happy to act with you, although I am a little afraid that I will be held back. .”

"It's okay. As long as you have someone who knows the way to follow you, you won't be held back."

Porthos smiled narrowly at Mo.

Aramis added with a troubled expression: "Or just get you drunk..."


"Ahem, it's nothing."

Aramis coughed dryly, then turned to Wu Nian and Yu Shang and smiled: "Of course I know your thoughts and concerns, but the nature of our Yuhuo Guild is relatively loose, and everyone has different preferences, let alone There are no hard and fast rules. If we have to say it, we only have one threshold, and that is to be able to stand up and help our partners to the best of our ability when they encounter difficulties or are in need. Apart from that, it can be said to be very free."

"And our travel group will not always be in the same place. If nothing else happens, when everyone is assembled, they will start traveling around the mainland."

Porthos also laughed, winked at the two girls and said, "Don't think too much, we are not a studio with the goal of making profits, nor are we a club that will do anything for the sake of fame, we are just a group of like-minded people."



Wu Nian and Yu Shang fell into deep thought at the same time. After a while, they exchanged glances and said in unison: "We can wait and see first."

"Okay, then let's settle this matter for now. We will explain our affairs to Mo later."

Aramis laughed, then waved his hand: "Dismiss, go to bed~"

two hours later

Game time AM00:17

[Hard Seat] Mo’s room on the second floor of the tavern

A soft sound of the piano sounded from not far away.

Mo, who had already fallen into a deep sleep, immediately opened his eyes and suddenly turned his head to look out the window——


"A layman."

"Can you come out and talk?"

"As you wish, Mr. Mo."

A smiling, unshaven man in white robe quietly appeared on the window sill, holding a lute in his arms...

"Third Pillar, Beo Lucanus greets you."

Chapter 1,137: End

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