Quadruple split

Chapter 1149 [Coral Lovers]

Game time AM01:37

Academy City Central District, No. 11 Remus Avenue, [Weird and Weird] Academy City Branch

"Excuse me~"

Frank Hughes opened the door and walked in with a modest and polite smile. Since it was already late from any point of view, Rao Shi had completely opened up the market in this city in the past six months, and most of the time There were queues and the shop, which had lunch breaks almost all day, was still very busy, but it was no longer as crowded as when Mo Tan came here the previous two times.

Feli, who was standing by the counter and instructing a student to use the [Hair Removal Series·Seven Type Piranha Hair Clips], soon spotted Mo Tan standing at the door and immediately raised his hand to greet him enthusiastically. : "Long time no see, Mr. Frank, we completed your previous order two days ago, do you want to inspect the goods now?"

"If it's not too much trouble."

Mo Tan smiled, nodded slightly and said, "I want to take it away today."

"no problem."

The other of the twin bosses, Joe Rice, who was as tall and lanky as Ferry and had short flaming red hair, squeezed out from between two rows of large shelves crowded with goods, winking and handing two boxes to a student. A suspicious-looking package, he patted Mo Tan on the shoulder hard: "The things you want are downstairs, Mr. Frank, we can leave now."

"Well, please, Joe."

Mo Tan nodded vigorously, then followed Qiao down the spiral staircase in the corner of the first floor, and then went down through the trap door in the center of a room that was very close to a run-down warehouse in terms of layout and furnishings. On the first floor, we came directly to this [weird] B2F.

"Tan, you kid can really cause trouble for others."

After passing through the trap door, although Joe's face was still filled with a smile, it was very different from the business-like sunny smile before. To put it simply, the ratio of kindness inside was much greater, and not only was it not as enthusiastic as before. , and if you look closely, there is even an obvious sense of laziness.

Combined with his unobtrusive change of words, it is obvious that [Strange] the twins know the true identity of Frank Hughes, at least for the "Frank = Tan Mo = Little Brother Mo Tan" thing, the Rice brothers should It's already clear.

This is not something that should be surprising. Although there is only one person named Yi Dong in the world who knows all the details about Mo Tan except for some extreme information, this does not mean that everyone else is on guard. In fact, if you look at the subject separately, no matter which role he plays in the Innocence, there are more or less people around him who "understand" him.

It is difficult for most people to live without any secrets, and correspondingly, very few people can wear a mask all the time.

Even Mo Tan, who was mentally ill, was no exception.

No matter when and where, there is a person who will maintain the greatest understanding of the existence of 'Mo Tan'. No matter what he says, does or thinks, it doesn't matter what Mo Tan is at that time. Whether neutral, lawful good or chaotic neutral, the person named Idong will stand on the side of 'Motan' without any hesitation, without any conditions.

It's just that in the recent period, or to be more precise, in the six months since I entered the world of innocence, the number of people who have been able to access Mo Tan's 'secrets' to a certain extent has almost exploded. Although these so-called 'secrets' It's very one-sided and naive when taken alone, but this is still incredible for Mo Tan, who has always tightly controlled the scope of his social circle.

Ferry Rice and Joe Rice are twin brothers who also know the person "Mo Tan" in real life, and they seem to have great energy both inside and outside the game. In a sense, they can be regarded as the same person. A 'secret keeper' whose level is slightly lower than that of Idong.

For some difficult reasons, Mo Tan did not give the two brothers the mainstream intelligence of "Hei Fan = Mo Tan", but directly equated the character of "Tan Mo" with himself in reality, and Based on this premise, we continued to contact the two brothers.

He did this for three reasons:

First of all, although Ferry and Qiao are familiar with the person 'Mo Tan', they have almost no contact with the character 'Black Van' in the game. According to Mo Tan's understanding, these two brothers will almost never leave their side. store, so as long as he was a little more careful (for example, he had disguised himself when he came to deliver the insects), Mo Tan thought it would be difficult to spot the clues.

Secondly, compared to the Dawn Sect's priest 'Hei Fan', the role of 'Tan Mo' is more suitable (and prefers) to do some shameful things. In Mo Tan's subjective opinion, even if Ferry and Qiao are But in reality, people who are inseparable from certain "mysterious things" are mostly shady, and the compatibility between the two parties is excellent.

In the end, even if the matter is exposed, with Mo Tan's understanding of the two brothers Ferry and Qiao, it is impossible for them to report themselves directly. Not only that, since these twins and that one are probably full of all kinds of 'supernatural beings' They have a lot of connections in the world, and are even very likely to be one of them. For the sake of friendship between the two parties, they may even help out after knowing the truth, such as finding a white-bearded old man who hides his secrets. The uncle performed a great dance in front of Mo Tan and cured his mental illness in one click.

All in all, after repeated deliberation, Mo Tan decided to take the risk and appeared in front of the two brothers as an acquaintance when using the role of 'Tan Mo', directly revealing his identity.

Of course, he also kept his hands open while exposing himself~

First of all, although he had found out the locations of all the [Weird] branches, he had never indicated that he wanted to be friends with Ferry and Qiao, who were definitely players like him. He was just covering up his superficial player information. Living.

Secondly, when he met the two brothers for the second time, he showed off his "various expressions", directly letting Ferry and Qiao know the secret of his ability to disguise himself, even in a large-scale event outside the game. On the trading platform, they signed a contract with the twins with a deposit of 30,000 yuan and a price of 500 yuan/day. They rented the various styles to the twins for a week to study, and easily made more than 3,000 yuan.

So if it really doesn't work, even if he is recognized as Hei Fan, he can still use [Hundred Conditions] to prevaricate. Although there will be huge loopholes, given that the two parties involved are 'himself', Mo Tan is still somewhat confident that he can justify his explanation.

The difference between half-elves and humans is not that big, and details such as hairstyle, hair color, appearance, ears, etc. are all within the range that [Hundred Conditions] can handle. In terms of height, even if Hei Fan, who is a human, is a little shorter, It's hard to tell at a glance if you don't look carefully.

All in all, after doing some preparation work, Mo Tan... to be precise, the character of 'Tan Mo' has never stopped intersecting with Weirdness.

"Everything I mentioned before should be ready, right?"

Taking off Frank Hughes's iconic glasses, Mo Tan's whole temperament also changed. Both his pace and body shape became visibly lazier, and the gentle and generous smile at the corner of his mouth gradually revealed. A trace of elusive evil.

"Who do you think you're talking to?"

Joe Rice smiled proudly and grinned with his very traditional handsome Western face: "Qiqiwei never delays orders or skips orders. Whether it is new product launches or personalized customization, we will never keep customers waiting. Even for a minute."

"very good."

Mo Tan pushed the door open and walked into a small VIP room with an area of ​​less than ten square meters, but it was very comfortable. Then he leaned over and picked up a square mat from the soft carpet, and put it away casually. It was the only one left in the room. Although there was no clue on the surface, it was actually covered with Hengshui toad fish oil... To put it simply, it was similar to things like 502 and Good Brothers. Something, then he sat down on it and stretched out his right hand to Qiao: "Bring it here."

"Hey, look how anxious you are~"

Qiao grinned narrowly, then snapped his fingers: "Take it, Fei Li and I spent a lot of effort to get this done for you."

Mo Tan was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and found a necklace lying quietly on his lap.

Yes, a necklace.

"No, that's completely wrong."

Mo Tanqian laughed and picked up the strip on his knee, which was composed of twelve lavender shells with exactly the same shape, size, color and even texture. Under the light of the magic crystal lamp, purple, green and blue colors flowed. , pink and four-color gleaming jewelry, the corner of his mouth twitched and he raised his head and asked Qiao: "Is this the thing that you and Ferry spent a lot of time to come up with?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the figure of Ferry Rice suddenly appeared in front of Mo Tan, and said cheerfully: "Didn't you say that you wanted us to help get a gift for a girl? We thought about it for a long time, and we decided I have customized this thing for you. Its name is [Coral Lover]. The raw material is a piece of high-purity deep-sea crystal. The secondary purification and demoulding alone took half a month, and the making process is even more complicated. Qiao and I made it purely by hand. Every piece of [Love Bean] is exactly the same in terms of specifications, and..."


"Furthermore, it is engraved with a complete set of composite magic patterns, which can store the three highest levels of epic magic. It can also help the wearer collect free elements in the air. Even if it is left alone, it can be filled with the equivalent of three times in three days. An epic..."

"Wait a moment..."

"It's equivalent to the magic power of a complete epic-level mage, and if you look carefully at the back, you'll find that there's elvish writing on it... Well, it's actually Frank Hughes' cursive script engraved in English."

"but I……"

"But you can rest assured. After all, we are old friends. Qiao and I will definitely not blackmail you. As is the old rule, I will give you the things first. You can help us think more about it later when you have time... Well, we can get a dozen If you use creativity, it will be considered a tie.”

"I should just let you do whatever you want..."

"By the way, we have already deducted the material cost from the expenses for making playing cards."

Interrupting Mo Tan for the last time, the twins showed friendly smiles at the same time and said in unison: "The total is 78,652 gold coins. After erasing the fractions, it is 78,650 gold coins. , thank you for your patronage.”


Very rarely, Mo Tan fell silent while his personality was in a state of 'chaotic neutrality'. It took a full five minutes before he burst out laughing and casually picked up the piece of clothing with a material cost of nearly 80,000 gold coins and a quality of The only epic [Coral Lover] packed his bag and raised the corners of his mouth with joy: "Beautiful, you did such a beautiful job, you two bastards!"

"Thanks for the compliment."

Fei Li bowed to Mo Tan gracefully.

"Oh, by the way, this purple inflatable tail is for you."

Qiao suddenly slapped his head and took out a stuffed sausage balloon from his bag, and threw it to Mo Tan casually: "You seemed to have brought it here before."

Mo Tan immediately raised his hand to catch the thing called [Purple Inflatable Tail] and breathed a sigh of relief: "How to use it?"

"There is an air inlet on the pointed side, just blow into it."

Feli said lazily and shrugged: "Then you just dig a hole in your pants and buckle it in. After it is filled with air, it can maintain its shape for thirty-six hours. The temperature will also change in real time according to your body temperature. The feel It's no different from an ordinary half-dragon tail. As long as you don't get too familiar with it, it should be enough to distinguish the fake from the real one."

Mo Tan nodded, put the inflatable tail in his hand into his bag and stood up briskly: "Thank you, can you do me one more favor?"

The twins made exaggerated faces at the same time and said in unison: "Tell me first."

"I'm going to step away for a little while and be in another identity."

Mo Tan took out the [Hundred States] and put it on his face, and immediately turned into an unattractive brown-haired boy. He smiled shyly and said: "So during this period... please pretend that I am still here to 'inspect the goods'. "

half an hour later

Game time AM02:21

Academy City Outer Ring District, No. 19 Champs Elysees


Appearing quietly behind the 'intruder', Cole Shuren gently placed the dagger in his hand beside the former's neck and said coldly: "Why do you want to break into my..."

"This house isn't yours, man."

Even with a face that he had no impression of, the frivolous and joyful smile on Mo Tan's lips still made Cole immediately lower his weapon, stand up straight nervously, and said "Sir" with fear.



A broom that didn't look very lethal at first glance whizzed down and knocked Mo Tan to the ground with a bang.

【? ! 】

Cole was stunned.

"Oh, it turns out to be the master."

Lidette Bloodwing, who had fluffy silver hair, wore a simple black and white maid uniform, looked as delicate as a porcelain doll but had almost no expression, and a very proud bust, pretended to be surprised and read, Then he hid the half of the broom behind his back expressionlessly: "I didn't mean to do it."

"to be honest."

"I did it on purpose."

"What do you think?"

"I'm so happy."

"Tsk, I really like you more and more, Liz."

"Liz likes you too, Master."

"What's the truth?"

"I wish I could just beat you to death, Master."

"Haha, is there anything else?"

"Welcome back, Master, Liz still misses you a little bit."

Chapter 1,142: End

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